
284 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>). All Rights Reserved
# $Id$
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from osv import osv, fields
from tools.translate import _
import tools
class crm_lead_forward_to_partner(osv.osv_memory):
"""Forwards lead history"""
_name = 'crm.lead.forward.to.partner'
_columns = {
'name': fields.selection([('user', 'User'), ('partner', 'Partner'), \
('email', 'Email Address')], 'Send to', required=True),
'user_id': fields.many2one('res.users', "User"),
'partner_id' : fields.many2one('res.partner', 'Partner'),
'address_id' : fields.many2one('res.partner.address', 'Address'),
'email_from' : fields.char('From', required=True, size=128),
'email_to' : fields.char('To', required=True, size=128),
'subject' : fields.char('Subject', required=True, size=128),
'message' : fields.text('Message', required=True),
'history': fields.selection([('latest', 'Latest email'), ('whole', 'Whole Story'), ('info', 'Case Information')], 'Send history', required=True),
'add_cc': fields.boolean('Add as CC', required=False, help="Selcect if you want this user to add as cc for this case.This user will receive all future conversations"),
def get_whole_history(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
"""This function gets whole communication history and returns as top posting style
@param self: The object pointer
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param ids: List of history IDs
@param context: A standard dictionary for contextual values
whole = []
for hist_id in ids:
whole.append(self.get_latest_history(cr, uid, hist_id, context=context))
whole = '\n\n'.join(whole)
return whole or ''
def get_latest_history(self, cr, uid, hist_id, context=None):
"""This function gets latest communication and returns as top posting style
@param self: The object pointer
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param hist_id: Id of latest history
@param context: A standard dictionary for contextual values
log_pool = self.pool.get('mailgate.message')
hist = log_pool.browse(cr, uid, hist_id, context=context)
header = '-------- Original Message --------'
sender = 'From: %s' %(hist.email_from or '')
to = 'To: %s' % (hist.email_to or '')
sentdate = 'Date: %s' % (hist.date or '')
desc = '\n%s'%(hist.description)
original = [header, sender, to, sentdate, desc]
original = '\n'.join(original)
return original
def on_change_email(self, cr, uid, ids, user):
"""This function fills email information based on user selected
@param self: The object pointer
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param ids: List of Mails IDs
@param user: Changed User id
@param partner: Changed Partner id
if not user:
return {'value': {'email_to': False}}
email = False
addr = self.pool.get('res.users').read(cr, uid, user, ['address_id'])['address_id']
if addr:
email = self.pool.get('res.partner.address').read(cr, uid, addr[0] , ['email'])['email']
return {'value': {'email_to': email}}
def on_change_history(self, cr, uid, ids, history, context=None):
"""Gives message body according to type of history selected
* info: Forward the case information
* whole: Send the whole history
* latest: Send the latest histoy
@param self: The object pointer
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param ids: List of history IDs
@param context: A standard dictionary for contextual values
#TODO: ids and context are not comming
res = False
msg_val = ''
res_id = context.get('active_id')
model = context.get('active_model')
model_pool = self.pool.get(model)
if not res_id or not model:
return res
if history == 'info':
msg_val = self.get_lead_details(cr, uid, res_id, context=context)
if history == 'whole':
log_ids = model_pool.browse(cr, uid, res_id, context=context).message_ids
log_ids = map(lambda x: x.id, log_ids)
if not log_ids:
raise osv.except_osv('Warning!', 'There is no history to send')
msg_val = self.get_whole_history(cr, uid, log_ids, context=context)
if history == 'latest':
log_ids = model_pool.browse(cr, uid, res_id, context=context).message_ids
if not log_ids:
raise osv.except_osv('Warning!', 'There is no history to send')
msg_val = self.get_latest_history(cr, uid, log_ids[0].id, context=context)
if msg_val:
res = {'value': {'message' : '\n\n' + msg_val}}
return res
def on_change_partner(self, cr, uid, ids, partner_id):
"""This function fills address information based on partner/user selected
@param self: The object pointer
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param ids: List of Mails IDs
@param user: Changed User id
@param partner: Changed Partner id
if not partner_id:
return {'value' : {'email_to' : False, 'address_id': False}}
addr = self.pool.get('res.partner').address_get(cr, uid, [partner_id], ['contact'])
data = {'address_id': addr['contact']}
data.update(self.on_change_address(cr, uid, ids, addr['contact'])['value'])
return {
'value' : data,
'domain' : {'address_id' : partner_id and "[('partner_id', '=', partner_id)]" or "[]"}
def on_change_address(self, cr, uid, ids, address_id):
email = ''
if address_id:
email = self.pool.get('res.partner.address').browse(cr, uid, address_id).email
return {'value': {'email_to' : email}}
def action_cancel(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
return {'type' : 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
def action_forward(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
Forward the lead to a partner
if context is None:
context = {}
res_id = context.get('active_id', False)
model = context.get('active_model', False)
if not res_id or not model:
return {}
this = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context)
smtp_pool = self.pool.get('email.smtpclient')
case_pool = self.pool.get(model)
case = case_pool.browse(cr, uid, res_id, context=context)
emails = [this.email_to]
body = case_pool.format_body(this.message)
email_from = this.email_from or False
flag = False
flag = tools.email_send(
if flag:
case_pool._history(cr, uid, [case], _('Forward'), history=True, email=this.email_to, subject=this.subject, details=body, email_from=email_from)
if not flag:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Error!'), _('Unable to send mail. Please check SMTP is configured properly.'))
if this.add_cc:
case_pool.write(cr, uid, case.id, {'email_cc' : case.email_cc and case.email_cc + ', ' + this.email_to or this.email_to})
return {}
def get_lead_details(self, cr, uid, lead_id, context=None):
message = []
lead_proxy = self.pool.get('crm.lead')
lead = lead_proxy.browse(cr, uid, lead_id, context=context)
if not lead.type or lead.type == 'lead':
field_names = [
'partner_name', 'title', 'function', 'street', 'street2',
'zip', 'city', 'country_id', 'state_id', 'email_from',
'phone', 'fax', 'mobile'
for field_name in field_names:
field_definition = lead_proxy._columns[field_name]
value = None
if field_definition._type == 'selection':
if hasattr(field_definition.selection, '__call__'):
key = field_definition.selection(lead_proxy, cr, uid, context=context)
key = field.definition.selection
value = dict(key).get(lead[field_name], lead[field_name])
elif field_definition._type == 'many2one':
if lead[field_name]:
value = lead[field_name].name_get()[0][1]
value = lead[field_name]
message.append("%s: %s" % (field_definition.string, value or ''))
elif lead.type == 'opportunity':
pa = lead.partner_address_id
message = [
"Partner: %s" % (lead.partner_id.name_get()[0][1]),
"Contact: %s" % (pa.name or ''),
"Title: %s" % (pa.title or ''),
"Function: %s" % (pa.function and pa.function.name_get()[0][1] or ''),
"Street: %s" % (pa.street or ''),
"Street2: %s" % (pa.street2 or ''),
"Zip: %s" % (pa.zip or ''),
"City: %s" % (pa.city or ''),
"Country: %s" % (pa.country_id and pa.country_id.name_get()[0][1] or ''),
"State: %s" % (pa.state_id and pa.state_id.name_get()[0][1] or ''),
"Email: %s" % (pa.email or ''),
"Phone: %s" % (pa.phone or ''),
"Fax: %s" % (pa.fax or ''),
"Mobile: %s" % (pa.mobile or ''),
return "\n".join(message + ['---'])
def default_get(self, cr, uid, fields, context=None):
This function gets default values
if context is None:
context = {}
active_ids = context.get('active_ids')
if not active_ids:
return {}
lead_proxy = self.pool.get('crm.lead')
lead = lead_proxy.browse(cr, uid, active_ids[0], context=context)
message = False
user = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context)
email_from = ''
if user.address_id and user.address_id.email:
email_from = "%s <%s>" % (user.name, user.address_id.email)
message = self.get_lead_details(cr, uid, lead.id, context=context)
res = {
'email_from' : email_from,
'subject' : '%s: ' % (_('Fwd'), lead.name),
'message' : message,
if 'history' in fields:
res.update({'history': 'latest'})
return res
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