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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from osv import osv
import base64
import email
import tools
from tools.translate import _
class thunderbird_partner(osv.osv_memory):
_name = "thunderbird.partner"
_description="Thunderbid Plugin Tools"
def create_contact(self,cr,user,vals):
dictcreate = dict(vals)
# Set False value if 'undefined' for record. Id User does not spicify the values, Thunerbird set 'undefined' by default for new contact.
for key in dictcreate:
if dictcreate[key] == 'undefined':
dictcreate[key] = False
if not eval(dictcreate.get('partner_id')):
dictcreate.update({'partner_id': False})
create_id = self.pool.get('res.partner.address').create(cr, user, dictcreate)
return create_id
def history_message(self, cr, uid, vals):
dictcreate = dict(vals)
ref_ids = str(dictcreate.get('ref_ids')).split(';')
msg = dictcreate.get('message')
mail = msg
mail_message = self.pool.get('mail.message')
msg = mail_message.parse_message(msg)
subject = msg.get('Subject', False)
thread_pool = self.pool.get('mail.thread')
message_id = msg.get('message-id', False)
msg_ids = []
res = {}
res_ids = []
obj_list= ['crm.lead','project.issue','hr.applicant','res.partner']
for ref_id in ref_ids:
ref = ref_id.split(',')
model = ref[0]
res_id = int(ref[1])
if message_id:
msg_ids = mail_message.search(cr, uid, [('message_id','=',message_id),('res_id','=',res_id),('model','=',model)])
if msg_ids and len(msg_ids):
if model not in obj_list:
obj_attch = self.pool.get('ir.attachment')
ls = ['*', '/', '\\', '<', '>', ':', '?', '"', '|', '\t', '\n',':','~']
sub = msg.get('subject','NO-SUBJECT').replace(' ','')
if sub.strip() == '':
sub = 'NO SBUJECT'
fn = sub
for c in ls:
fn = fn.replace(c,'')
if len(fn) > 64:
l = 64 - len(fn)
f = fn.split('-')
fn = '-'.join(f[1:])
if len(fn) > 64:
l = 64 - len(fn)
f = fn.split('.')
fn = f[0][0:l] + '.' + f[-1]
fn = fn[:-4]+'.eml'
res['res_model'] = model
res['name'] = msg.get('subject','NO-SUBJECT')+".eml"
res['datas_fname'] = fn
res['datas'] = base64.b64encode(mail)
res['res_id'] = res_id
obj_attch.create(cr, uid, res)
threads = self.pool.get(model).browse(cr, uid, res_id)
thread_pool.message_append(cr, uid,
subject = msg.get('subject'),
details = msg.get('body_text'),
email_to = msg.get('to'),
email_from = msg.get('from'),
email_cc = msg.get('cc'),
message_id = msg.get('message-id'),
references = msg.get('references', False) or msg.get('in-reply-to', False),
attachments = msg.get('attachments', {}),
email_date = msg.get('date'),
body_html= msg.get('body_html'),
subtype = msg.get('subtype'),
headers = msg.get('headers'),
reply_to = msg.get('reply'))
return len(res_ids)
def process_email(self, cr, uid, vals):
dictcreate = dict(vals)
model = str(dictcreate.get('model'))
message = dictcreate.get('message')
return self.pool.get('mail.thread').message_process(cr, uid, model, message)
def search_message(self, cr, uid, message, context=None):
#@param message: string of mail which is read from EML File
#@return model,res_id
references = []
dictcreate = dict(message)
msg = dictcreate.get('message')
msg = self.pool.get('mail.message').parse_message(msg)
message_id = msg.get('message-id')
refs = msg.get('references',False)
references = False
if refs:
references = refs.split()
mail_message = self.pool.get('mail.message')
model = ''
res_id = 0
if message_id:
msg_ids = mail_message.search(cr, uid, [('message_id','=',message_id)])
if msg_ids and len(msg_ids):
msg = mail_message.browse(cr, uid, msg_ids[0])
model = msg.model
res_id = msg.res_id
if references :
msg_ids = mail_message.search(cr, uid, [('message_id','in',references)])
if msg_ids and len(msg_ids):
msg = mail_message.browse(cr, uid, msg_ids[0])
model = msg.model
res_id = msg.res_id
return (model,res_id)
def search_contact(self, cr, user, email):
address_pool = self.pool.get('res.partner.address')
address_ids = address_pool.search(cr, user, [('email','=',email)])
res = {}
if not address_ids:
res = {
'email': '',
address_id = address_ids[0]
address = address_pool.browse(cr, user, address_id)
res = {
'partner_name': address.partner_id and address.partner_id.name or '',
'contactname': address.name,
'street': address.street or '',
'street2': address.street2 or '',
'zip': address.zip or '',
'city': address.city or '',
'country': address.country_id and address.country_id.name or '',
'state': address.state_id and address.state_id.name or '',
'email': address.email or '',
'phone': address.phone or '',
'mobile': address.mobile or '',
'fax': address.fax or '',
'partner_id': address.partner_id and str(address.partner_id.id) or '',
'res_id': str(address.id),
return res.items()
def update_contact(self, cr, user, vals):
dictcreate = dict(vals)
res_id = dictcreate.get('res_id',False)
result = {}
address_pool = self.pool.get('res.partner.address')
if not (dictcreate.get('partner_id')): # TOCHECK: It should be check res_id or not
dictcreate.update({'partner_id': False})
create_id = address_pool.create(cr, user, dictcreate)
return create_id
if res_id:
address_data = address_pool.read(cr, user, int(res_id), [])
result = {
'partner_id': address_data['partner_id'] and address_data['partner_id'][0] or False, #TOFIX: parter_id should take from address_data
'country_id': dictcreate['country_id'] and int(dictcreate['country_id'][0]) or False,
'state_id': dictcreate['state_id'] and int(dictcreate['state_id'][0]) or False,
'name': dictcreate['name'],
'street': dictcreate['street'],
'street2': dictcreate['street2'],
'zip': dictcreate['zip'],
'city': dictcreate['city'],
'phone': dictcreate['phone'],
'fax': dictcreate['fax'],
'mobile': dictcreate['mobile'],
'email': dictcreate['email'],
address_pool.write(cr, user, int(res_id), result )
return True
def create_partner(self,cr,user,vals):
dictcreate = dict(vals)
partner_obj = self.pool.get('res.partner')
search_id = partner_obj.search(cr, user,[('name','=',dictcreate['name'])])
if search_id:
return 0
create_id = partner_obj.create(cr, user, dictcreate)
return create_id
def search_document(self,cr,user,vals):
dictcreate = dict(vals)
search_id = self.pool.get('ir.model').search(cr, user,[('model','=',dictcreate['model'])])
return (search_id and search_id[0]) or 0
def search_checkbox(self,cr,user,vals):
if vals[0]:
value = vals[0][0]
if vals[1]:
obj = vals[1];
for object in obj:
dyn_object = self.pool.get(object)
if object == 'res.partner.address':
search_id1 = dyn_object.search(cr,user,[('name','ilike',value)])
search_id2 = dyn_object.search(cr,user,[('email','=',value)])
if search_id1:
name_get.append(dyn_object.name_get(cr, user, search_id1))
elif search_id2:
name_get.append(dyn_object.name_get(cr, user, search_id2))
search_id1 = dyn_object.search(cr,user,[('name','ilike',value)])
if search_id1:
name_get.append(dyn_object.name_get(cr, user, search_id1))
if len(er_val) > 0:
return name_get
def list_alldocument(self,cr,user,vals):
obj_list= [('crm.lead','CRM Lead'),('project.issue','Project Issue'), ('hr.applicant','HR Applicant')]
model_obj = self.pool.get('ir.model')
for obj in obj_list:
if model_obj.search(cr, user, [('model', '=', obj[0])]):
return object
def list_allcountry(self,cr,user,vals):
country_list = []
cr.execute("SELECT id, name from res_country order by name")
country_list = cr.fetchall()
return country_list
def list_allstate(self,cr,user,vals):
cr.execute("select id, name from res_country_state where country_id = %s order by name",(vals,) )
state_country_list = cr.fetchall()
return state_country_list
def search_document_attachment(self,cr,user,vals):
model_obj = self.pool.get('ir.model')
for obj in vals[0][1].split(','):
if model_obj.search(cr, user, [('model', '=', obj)]):
object += obj + ","
object += "null,"
return object
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