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I compute the production order.
!python {model: mrp.production}: |
order = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("mrp_production_shelf100cm"), context=context)
I check production lines after compute.
!python {model: mrp.production}: |
order = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("mrp_production_shelf100cm"), context=context)
assert len(order.product_lines) == 5, "Production lines are not generated proper."
factor = 12.0*5.0
sidepanel = False
woodlintelm = False
woodmm0 = False
woodmm10 = False
metalcleats = False
for line in order.product_lines:
if line.product_id.id == ref('product.product_product_sidepanel0'): #SIDEPAN 2 Unit
assert not sidepanel, "Production line is already generated for SIDEPAN."
assert line.product_qty == (2.0*factor), "Qty is not correspond."
assert line.product_uom.id == ref('product.product_uom_unit'), "UOM is not correspond"
sidepanel = True
elif line.product_id.id == ref('product.product_product_woodlintelm0'): #LIN40 4*0.25 Meter
assert not woodlintelm, "Production line is already generated for LIN40."
assert line.product_qty == (4*0.25*factor), "Qty is not correspond."
assert line.product_uom.id == ref('product.product_uom_meter'), "UOM is not correspond"
woodlintelm = True
elif line.product_id.id == ref('product.product_product_woodmm0'): #WOOD002 0.25 m
assert not woodmm0, "Production line is already generated for WOOD002."
assert line.product_qty == (0.25*factor), "Qty is not correspond."
assert line.product_uom.id == ref('product.product_uom_meter'), "UOM is not correspond"
woodmm0 = True
elif line.product_id.id == ref('product.product_product_metalcleats0'): #METC000 4*3 Unit
assert not metalcleats, "Production line is already generated for METC000."
assert line.product_qty == (4*3*factor), "Qty is not correspond."
assert line.product_uom.id == ref('product.product_uom_unit'), "UOM is not correspond"
metalcleats = True
elif line.product_id.id == ref('product.product_product_woodmm10'): #WOOD010 0.083*3 m
assert not woodmm10, "Production line is already generated for WOOD010."
assert line.product_qty == (0.083*3*factor), "Qty is not correspond."
assert line.product_uom.id == ref('product.product_uom_meter'), "UOM is not correspond"
woodmm10 = True
raise AssertionError('unknown order line: %s' % line)
assert sidepanel, "Production line is not generated for SIDEPAN."
assert woodlintelm, "Production line is not generated for LIN40."
assert woodmm0, "Production line is not generated for WOOD002."
assert metalcleats, "Production line is not generated for METC000."
assert woodmm10, "Production line is not generated for WOOD010."
Now I check workcenter lines.
!python {model: mrp.production}: |
from tools import float_compare
def assert_equals(value1, value2, msg, float_compare=float_compare):
assert float_compare(value1, value2, precision_digits=2) == 0, msg
order = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("mrp_production_shelf100cm"), context=context)
assert len(order.workcenter_lines), "Workcenter lines are not generated proper."
for line in order.workcenter_lines:
wc = line.workcenter_id
hours = ((wc.time_start or 0.0)+(wc.time_stop or 0.0)+line.cycle*(wc.time_cycle or 0.0)) * (wc.time_efficiency or 1.0)
factor = 5*12
d, m = divmod(factor, wc.capacity_per_cycle)
cycle = (d + (m and 1.0 or 0.0))
if line.name == "Short time assembly - Assembly Section":
assert_equals(line.cycle, (4*cycle), "Computed cycles mismatch: %s" % (line.name))
assert_equals(line.hour, (2*cycle*4 + hours), "Computed hours mismatch: %s"% (line.name))
elif line.name == "Short time assembly - Rear Panel SHE100":
assert_equals(line.cycle, (1*cycle), "Computed cycles mismatch: %s" % (line.name))
assert_equals(line.hour, (2*cycle + hours), "Computed hours mismatch: %s"% (line.name))
elif line.name == "long time assembly - Shelf of 100cm":
assert_equals(line.cycle, (2*cycle), "Computed cycles mismatch: %s" % (line.name))
assert_equals(line.hour, (5*cycle + hours), "Computed hours mismatch: %s"% (line.name))
elif line.name == "Testing - Shelf of 100cm":
assert_equals(line.cycle, (1*cycle), "Computed cycles mismatch: %s" % (line.name))
assert_equals(line.hour, (1*cycle + hours), "Computed hours mismatch: %s"% (line.name))
elif line.name == "Packing - Shelf of 100cm":
assert_equals(line.cycle, (1*cycle), "Computed cycles mismatch: %s" % (line.name))
assert_equals(line.hour, (0.5*cycle + hours), "Computed hours mismatch: %s"% (line.name))
raise AssertionError('unknown workcenter line: %s' % line)
I confirm the Production Order.
!workflow {model: mrp.production, action: button_confirm, ref: mrp_production_shelf100cm}
I check details of Produce Move of Production Order to trace Final Product.
!python {model: mrp.production}: |
order = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("mrp_production_shelf100cm"))
assert order.state == 'confirmed', "Production order should be confirmed."
assert order.move_created_ids, "Trace Record is not created for Final Product."
move = order.move_created_ids[0]
source_location_id = order.product_id.product_tmpl_id.property_stock_production.id
assert move.date == order.date_planned, "Planned date is not correspond."
assert move.product_id.id == order.product_id.id, "Product is not correspond."
assert move.product_uom.id == order.product_uom.id, "UOM is not correspond."
assert move.product_qty == order.product_qty, "Qty is not correspond."
assert move.product_uos_qty == order.product_uos and order.product_uos_qty or order.product_qty, "UOS qty is not correspond."
if order.product_uos:
assert move.product_uos.id == order.product_uos.id, "UOS is not correspond."
assert move.location_id.id == source_location_id, "Source Location is not correspond."
assert move.location_dest_id.id == order.location_dest_id.id, "Destination Location is not correspond."
routing_loc = None
if order.bom_id.routing_id and order.bom_id.routing_id.location_id:
routing_loc = order.bom_id.routing_id.location_id.id
date_planned = order.date_planned
for move_line in order.move_lines:
for order_line in order.product_lines:
if move_line.product_id.type not in ('product', 'consu'):
if move_line.product_id.id == order_line.product_id.id:
assert move_line.date == date_planned, "Planned date is not correspond in 'To consume line'."
assert move_line.product_qty == order_line.product_qty, "Qty is not correspond in 'To consume line'."
assert move_line.product_uom.id == order_line.product_uom.id, "UOM is not correspond in 'To consume line'."
assert move_line.product_uos_qty == order_line.product_uos and order_line.product_uos_qty or order_line.product_qty, "UOS qty is not correspond in 'To consume line'."
if order_line.product_uos:
assert move_line.product_uos.id == order_line.product_uos.id, "UOS is not correspond in 'To consume line'."
assert move_line.location_id.id == routing_loc or order.location_src_id.id, "Source location is not correspond in 'To consume line'."
assert move_line.location_dest_id.id == source_location_id, "Destination Location is not correspond in 'To consume line'."
I check details of an Internal Shipment after confirmed production order to bring components in Raw Materials Location.
!python {model: mrp.production}: |
procurement = self.pool.get('procurement.order')
order = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("mrp_production_shelf100cm"))
assert order.picking_id, 'Internal Shipment should be created!'
routing_loc = None
pick_type = 'internal'
address_id = False
if order.bom_id.routing_id and order.bom_id.routing_id.location_id:
routing_loc = order.bom_id.routing_id.location_id
if routing_loc.usage <> 'internal':
pick_type = 'out'
address_id = routing_loc.address_id and routing_loc.address_id.id or False
routing_loc = routing_loc.id
assert order.picking_id.type == pick_type, "Shipment should be Internal."
assert order.picking_id.address_id.id == address_id, "Shipment Address is not correspond with Adderss of Routing Location."
date_planned = order.date_planned
for move_line in order.picking_id.move_lines:
for order_line in order.product_lines:
if move_line.product_id.type not in ('product', 'consu'):
if move_line.product_id.id == order_line.product_id.id:
assert move_line.date == date_planned, "Planned date is not correspond."
assert move_line.product_qty == order_line.product_qty, "Qty is not correspond."
assert move_line.product_uom.id == order_line.product_uom.id, "UOM is not correspond."
assert move_line.product_uos_qty == order_line.product_uos and order_line.product_uos_qty or order_line.product_qty, "UOS qty is not correspond."
if order_line.product_uos:
assert move_line.product_uos.id == order_line.product_uos.id, "UOS is not correspond."
assert move_line.location_id.id == order.location_src_id.id, "Source location is not correspond."
assert move_line.location_dest_id.id == routing_loc or order.location_src_id.id, "Destination Location is not correspond."
procurement_ids = procurement.search(cr, uid, [('move_id','=',move_line.id)])
assert procurement_ids, "Procurement should be created for shipment line of raw materials."
shipment_procurement = procurement.browse(cr, uid, procurement_ids[0], context=context)
assert shipment_procurement.date_planned == date_planned, "Planned date is not correspond in procurement."
assert shipment_procurement.product_id.id == order_line.product_id.id, "Product is not correspond in procurement."
assert shipment_procurement.product_qty == order_line.product_qty, "Qty is not correspond in procurement."
assert shipment_procurement.product_uom.id == order_line.product_uom.id, "UOM is not correspond in procurement."
assert shipment_procurement.product_uos_qty == order_line.product_uos and order_line.product_uos_qty or order_line.product_qty, "UOS qty is not correspond in procurement."
if order_line.product_uos:
assert shipment_procurement.product_uos.id == order_line.product_uos.id, "UOS is not correspond in procurement."
assert shipment_procurement.location_id.id == order.location_src_id.id, "Location is not correspond in procurement."
assert shipment_procurement.procure_method == order_line.product_id.procure_method, "Procure method is not correspond in procurement."
I change production qty with 3 Dozen Shelf 100cm.
!python {model: change.production.qty}: |
context.update({'active_id': ref('mrp_production_shelf100cm')})
!record {model: change.production.qty, id: mrp_production_qty}:
product_qty: 3.0
!python {model: change.production.qty}: |
self.change_prod_qty(cr, uid, [ref("mrp_production_qty")], context=context)
I check qty after changed in production order.
!python {model: mrp.production}: |
order = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("mrp_production_shelf100cm"))
assert order.product_qty == 3, "Qty is not changed in order."
move = order.move_created_ids[0]
assert move.product_qty == order.product_qty, "Qty is not changed in move line."
I run scheduler.
!python {model: procurement.order}: |
self.run_scheduler(cr, uid)
The production order is Waiting Goods, I forcefully done internal shipment.
!python {model: mrp.production}: |
self.force_production(cr, uid, [ref("mrp_production_shelf100cm")])
I check that production order in ready state after forcefully done internal shipment.
!python {model: mrp.production}: |
order = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("mrp_production_shelf100cm"))
assert order.state == 'ready', 'Production order should be in Ready State.'
assert order.picking_id.state == 'done', 'Internal shipment should be done.'
Now I start production.
!workflow {model: mrp.production, action: button_produce, ref: mrp_production_shelf100cm}
I check that production order in production state after start production.
!python {model: mrp.production}: |
order = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("mrp_production_shelf100cm"))
assert order.state == 'in_production', 'Production order should be in production State.'
I consume raw materials and put one material in scrap location due to waste it.
!python {model: mrp.production}: |
scrap_location_ids = self.pool.get('stock.location').search(cr, uid, [('scrap_location','=',True)])
scrap_location_id = scrap_location_ids[0]
order = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("mrp_production_shelf100cm"))
for move in order.move_lines:
if move.product_id.id == ref("product.product_product_metalcleats0"):
move.action_scrap(5.0, scrap_location_id)
I produce product.
!python {model: mrp.product.produce}: |
context.update({'active_id': ref('mrp_production_shelf100cm')})
!record {model: mrp.product.produce, id: mrp_product_produce1}:
mode: 'consume_produce'
!python {model: mrp.product.produce}: |
self.do_produce(cr, uid, [ref('mrp_product_produce1')], context=context)
I check production order after produced.
!python {model: mrp.production}: |
order = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("mrp_production_shelf100cm"))
assert order.state == 'done', "Production order should be closed."
I check Total Costs at End of Production.
!python {model: mrp.production}: |
order = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("mrp_production_shelf100cm"))
account_analytic_line = self.pool.get('account.analytic.line')
def rounding(f, r):
import math
if not r:
return f
return math.ceil(f / r) * r
for wc_line in order.workcenter_lines:
wc = wc_line.workcenter_id
accounts = [wc.costs_hour_account_id, wc.costs_cycle_account_id]
cost_per_cyle = wc_line.cycle * wc.costs_cycle
cost_per_hours = wc_line.hour * wc.costs_hour
if accounts and wc.costs_journal_id and wc.costs_general_account_id and (cost_per_cyle or cost_per_hours):
line_ids = account_analytic_line.search(cr, uid, [('name','ilike',wc_line.name)])
assert line_ids, 'Costs lines are not generated.'
for line in account_analytic_line.browse(cr, uid, line_ids, context=context):
if wc.costs_hour_account_id and line.account_id.id == wc.costs_hour_account_id.id:
assert rounding(line.unit_amount, 3) == rounding(wc_line.hour, 3), "Cost Unit Amount is not correspond."
assert rounding(line.amount, 3) == rounding(cost_per_hours, 3), "Cost amount is not correspond."
elif wc.costs_cycle_account_id and line.account_id.id == wc.costs_cycle_account_id.id:
assert rounding(line.unit_amount, 3) == rounding(wc_line.cycle, 3), "Cost Unit Amount is not correspond."
assert rounding(line.amount, 3) == rounding(cost_per_cyle, 3), "Cost Amount is not correspond."
raise AssertionError('unknown cost line: %s' % line)
assert line.general_account_id.id == wc.costs_general_account_id.id, "General Account is not correspond."
assert line.journal_id.id == wc.costs_journal_id.id, "Account Journal is not correspond."
assert line.product_id.id == wc.product_id.id, "Product is not correspond."
assert line.product_uom_id.id == wc.product_id.uom_id.id, "UOM is not correspond."
I print a "BOM Structure".
!python {model: mrp.production}: |
import netsvc, tools, os
order = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("mrp_production_shelf100cm"))
(data, format) = netsvc.LocalService('report.bom.structure').create(cr, uid, [order.bom_id.id], {}, {})
if tools.config['test_report_directory']:
file(os.path.join(tools.config['test_report_directory'], 'mrp-bom_structure_report.'+format), 'wb+').write(data)
I print "Production Order".
!python {model: mrp.production}: |
import netsvc, tools, os
(data, format) = netsvc.LocalService('report.mrp.production.order').create(cr, uid, [ref("mrp_production_shelf100cm")], {}, {})
if tools.config['test_report_directory']:
file(os.path.join(tools.config['test_report_directory'], 'mrp-production_order_report.'+format), 'wb+').write(data)
I print "Work Center Load Report".
!python {model: mrp.workcenter}: |
ctx = context.copy()
ctx.update({'model': 'mrp.workcenter','active_ids': [ref('mrp_workcenter_0'),ref('mrp_workcenter_1')]})
data_dict = {'time_unit': 'day', 'measure_unit': 'hours'}
from tools import test_reports
test_reports.try_report_action(cr, uid, 'action_mrp_workcenter_load_wizard',wiz_data=data_dict, context=ctx, our_module='mrp')