
642 lines
22 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* OpenERP base library
openerp.base$views = function(openerp) {
openerp.base.Action = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
init: function(session, element_id) {
this._super(session, element_id);
this.action = null;
this.dataset = null;
this.searchview_id = false;
this.searchview = null;
this.listview_id = false;
this.listview = null;
this.formview_id = false;
this.formview = null;
start: function() {
this.$element.html(QWeb.render("Action", {"prefix":this.element_id}));
on_mode_list: function() {
on_mode_form: function() {
do_action: function(action) {
// instantiate the right controllers by understanding the action
this.action = action;
// debugger;
if(action.type == "ir.actions.act_window") {
do_action_window: function(action) {
this.formview_id = false;
this.dataset = new openerp.base.DataSet(this.session, "oe_action_dataset", action.res_model);
// Locate first tree view
this.listview_id = false;
for(var i = 0; i < action.views.length; i++) {
if(action.views[i][1] == "tree") {
this.listview_id = action.views[i][0];
this.listview = new openerp.base.ListView(this.session, "oe_action_list", this.dataset, this.listview_id);
// Locate first form view
this.listview_id = false;
for(var j = 0; j < action.views.length; j++) {
if(action.views[j][1] == "form") {
this.formview_id = action.views[j][0];
this.formview = new openerp.base.FormView(this.session, "oe_action_form", this.dataset, this.formview_id);
// Take the only possible search view. Is that consistent ?
this.searchview_id = false;
if(this.listview && action.search_view_id) {
this.searchview_id = action.search_view_id[0];
this.searchview = new openerp.base.SearchView(this.session, "oe_action_search", this.dataset, this.searchview_id);
openerp.base.View = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
// to replace Action
openerp.base.DataSet = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
init: function(session, element_id, model) {
this._super(session, element_id);
this.model = model;
this.model_fields = null;
this.fields = [];
this.domain = [];
this.context = {};
this.order = "";
this.count = null;
this.ids = [];
this.values = {};
rows record
fields of row1 field fieldname
{ type: value: text: text_format: text_completions type_*: a
start: function() {
this.rpc("/base/dataset/fields", {"model":this.model}, this.on_fields);
on_fields: function(result) {
this.model_fields = result.fields;
do_load: function(offset, limit) {
this.rpc("/base/dataset/load", {model: this.model, fields: this.fields }, this.on_loaded);
on_loaded: function(data) {
this.ids = data.ids;
this.values = data.values;
on_reloaded: function(ids) {
openerp.base.DataRecord = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
init: function(session, model, fields) {
this._super(session, null);
this.model = model;
this.id = id;
this.fields = fields;
this.values = {};
load: function(id) {
this.rpc("/base/datarecord/load", {"model": this.model, "id": this.id, "fields": "todo"}, this.on_loaded);
on_loaded: function(result) {
this.values = result.values;
on_change: function() {
on_reload: function() {
openerp.base.SearchView = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
init: function(session, element_id, dataset, view_id) {
this._super(session, element_id);
this.dataset = dataset;
this.model = dataset.model;
this.view_id = view_id;
this.input_index = 0;
this.input_ids = {};
this.domain = [];
start: function() {
//this.log('Starting SearchView '+this.model+this.view_id)
this.rpc("/base/searchview/load", {"model": this.model, "view_id":this.view_id}, this.on_loaded);
on_loaded: function(data) {
this.fields_view = data.fields_view;
this.input_ids = {};
this.$element.html(QWeb.render("SearchView", {"fields_view": this.fields_view}));
// TODO bind click event on all button
// TODO we don't do many2one yet, but in the future bind a many2one controller on them
register_input: function(node) {
// self should be passed in the qweb dict to do:
// <input t-add-id="self.register_input(node)"/>
// generate id
var id = this.element_id + "_" + this.input_index++;
// TODO construct a nice object
// save it in our registry
this.input_ids[id] = {
node: node,
type: "filter",
domain: "",
context: "",
disabled: false
return id;
on_click: function() {
// event catched on a button
// flip the disabled flag
// adjust the css class
on_search: function() {
// collect all non disabled domains definitions, AND them
// evaluate as python expression
// save the result in this.domain
on_clear: function() {
openerp.base.SearchViewInput = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
// TODO not sure should we create a controller for every input ?
// of we just keep a simple dict for each input in
// openerp.base.SearchView#input_ids
// and use if when we get an event depending on the type
// i think it's less bloated to avoid useless controllers
// but i think for many2one a controller would be nice
// so simple dict for simple inputs
// an controller for many2one ?
openerp.base.FormView = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
init: function(session, element_id, dataset, view_id) {
this._super(session, element_id);
this.dataset = dataset;
this.dataset_index = 0;
this.model = dataset.model;
this.view_id = view_id;
this.fields_views = {};
this.widgets = {};
this.fields = {};
this.datarecord = {};
start: function() {
//this.log('Starting FormView '+this.model+this.view_id)
this.rpc("/base/formview/load", {"model": this.model, "view_id": this.view_id}, this.on_loaded);
on_loaded: function(data) {
this.fields_view = data.fields_view;
var frame = new openerp.base.WidgetFrame(this.session, null, this, this.fields_view.arch);
this.$element.html(QWeb.render("FormView", { "frame": frame, "view": this }));
for (var i in this.widgets) {
// bind to all wdigets that have onchange ??
// When the dataset is loaded load the first record (like gtk)
// When a datarecord is loaded display the values in the inputs
this.datarecord = new openerp.base.DataRecord(this.session, this.model,{});
do_load_record: function() {
// if dataset is empty display the empty datarecord
if(this.dataset.ids.length == 0) {
on_record_loaded: function() {
//for i in this.fields: f.update_from_datarecord()
openerp.base.ListView = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
init: function(session, element_id, dataset, view_id) {
this._super(session, element_id);
this.dataset = dataset;
this.model = dataset.model;
this.view_id = view_id;
this.name = "";
this.cols = [];
this.$table = null;
this.colnames = [];
this.colmodel = [];
this.event_loading = false; // TODO in the future prevent abusive click by masking
start: function() {
//this.log('Starting ListView '+this.model+this.view_id)
this.rpc("/base/listview/load", {"model": this.model, "view_id":this.view_id}, this.on_loaded);
on_loaded: function(data) {
this.fields_view = data.fields_view;
this.name = "" + this.fields_view.arch.attrs.string;
this.$element.html(QWeb.render("ListView", {"fields_view": this.fields_view}));
this.$table = this.$element.find("table");
this.cols = [];
this.colnames = [];
this.colmodel = [];
// TODO uss a object for each col, fill it with view and fallback to dataset.model_field
var tree = this.fields_view.arch.children;
for(var i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) {
var col = tree[i];
if(col.tag == "field") {
this.colmodel.push({ name: col.attrs.name, index: col.attrs.name });
this.dataset.fields = this.cols;
do_fill_table: function() {
var self = this;
var rows = [];
var ids = this.dataset.ids;
for(var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
// TODO very strange is sometimes non existing ? even as admin ? example ir.ui.menu
var row = this.dataset.values[ids[i]];
// else
// debugger;
data: rows,
datatype: "local",
height: "100%",
rowNum: 100,
//rowList: [10,20,30],
colNames: this.colnames,
colModel: this.colmodel,
//pager: "#plist47",
viewrecords: true,
caption: this.name
$(window).bind('resize', function() { self.$table.setGridWidth(self.$element.width()); }).trigger('resize');
openerp.base.TreeView = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
openerp.base.Widget = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
// TODO Change this to init: function(view, node) { and use view.session and a new element_id for the super
// it means that widgets are special controllers
init: function(session, element_id, view, node) {
var type = view.fields_view.fields[node.attrs.name] || {};
this.type = node.attrs.widget || type.type || node.tag;
this.name = node.attrs.name;
var type = view.fields_view.fields[node.attrs.name] || {};
this.type = node.attrs.widget || type.type || node.tag;
this.element_id = (node.tag == this.type ? node.tag : node.tag + '_' + this.type) + '_';
this.element_id += (this.name ? this.name + (this.is_field_label ? '_label' : '') + '_' : '');
this.element_id += Math.round(Math.random() * (new Date()).getTime());
this._super(session, this.element_id);
this.view = view;
this.view.widgets[this.element_id] = this;
this.node = node;
this.children = node.children;
this.colspan = parseInt(node.attrs.colspan || 1);
if (node.tag == 'field') {
this.view.fields[node.attrs.name] = this;
if (node.attrs.nolabel != '1' && this.colspan > 1) {
this.field = view.fields_view.fields[node.attrs.name];
this.template = "FormView.widget";
this.invisible = (node.attrs.invisible == '1');
this.string = node.attrs.string || (this.field ? this.field.string : undefined);
this.help = node.attrs.help || (this.field ? this.field.help : undefined);
this.nolabel = (node.attrs.nolabel == '1');
register: function() {
this.$element = $('#' + this.element_id);
return this;
render: function() {
var template = this.template;
return QWeb.render(template, { "widget": this });
openerp.base.WidgetFrame = openerp.base.Widget.extend({
init: function(session, element_id, view, node) {
this._super(session, element_id, view, node);
this.template = "FormView.frame";
this.columns = node.attrs.col || 4;
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
this.table = [];
for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
var n = node.children[i];
if (n.tag == "newline") {
} else {
this.set_row_cells_with(this.table[this.table.length - 1]);
add_row: function(){
if (this.table.length) {
this.set_row_cells_with(this.table[this.table.length - 1]);
var row = [];
this.x = 0;
this.y += 1;
return row;
set_row_cells_with: function(row) {
for (var i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {
var w = row[i];
if (w.is_field_label) {
w.width = "1%";
if (row[i + 1]) {
row[i + 1].width = Math.round((100 / this.columns) * (w.colspan + 1) - 1) + '%';
} else if (w.width === undefined) {
w.width = Math.round((100 / this.columns) * w.colspan) + '%';
handle_node: function(n) {
var type = this.view.fields_view.fields[n.attrs.name] || {};
var widget_type = n.attrs.widget || type.type || n.tag;
if (openerp.base.widgets[widget_type]) {
var widget = new openerp.base.widgets[widget_type](this.session, null, this.view, n);
if (n.tag == 'field' && n.attrs.nolabel != '1') {
var label = new openerp.base.widgets['label'](this.session, null, this.view, n);
label["for"] = widget;
} else {
console.log("Unhandled widget type : " + widget_type, n);
add_widget: function(w) {
if (!w.invisible) {
var current_row = this.table[this.table.length - 1];
if (current_row.length && (this.x + w.colspan) > this.columns) {
current_row = this.add_row();
this.x += w.colspan;
return w;
openerp.base.WidgetNotebook = openerp.base.Widget.extend({
init: function(session, element_id, view, node) {
this._super(session, element_id, view, node);
this.template = "FormView.notebook";
this.pages = [];
for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
var n = node.children[i];
if (n.tag == "page") {
var page = new openerp.base.WidgetFrame(this.session, null, this.view, n);
openerp.base.WidgetSeparator = openerp.base.Widget.extend({
init: function(session, element_id, view, node) {
this._super(session, element_id, view, node);
this.template = "FormView.separator";
openerp.base.WidgetLabel = openerp.base.Widget.extend({
init: function(session, element_id, view, node) {
this.is_field_label = true;
this._super(session, element_id, view, node);
this.template = "FormView.label";
this.colspan = 1;
openerp.base.WidgetButton = openerp.base.Widget.extend({
init: function(session, element_id, view, node) {
this._super(session, element_id, view, node);
this.template = "FormView.button";
openerp.base.Field = openerp.base.Widget.extend({
init: function(session, element_id, view, node) {
this._super(session, element_id, view, node);
// this.datarecord = this.view.datarecord ??
openerp.base.FieldChar = openerp.base.Field.extend({
init: function(session, element_id, view, node) {
this._super(session, element_id, view, node);
this.template = "FormView.field.char";
start: function() {
// this.$element.bind('leaving_focus',)
set_value: function() {
// this.$element.val(this.view.datarecord.values[this.name])
on_change: function() {
openerp.base.FieldEmail = openerp.base.Field.extend({
init: function(session, element_id, view, node) {
this._super(session, element_id, view, node);
this.template = "FormView.field.char";
openerp.base.FieldFloat = openerp.base.Field.extend({
init: function(session, element_id, view, node) {
this._super(session, element_id, view, node);
this.template = "FormView.field.char";
openerp.base.FieldBoolean = openerp.base.Field.extend({
init: function(session, element_id, view, node) {
this._super(session, element_id, view, node);
this.template = "FormView.field.boolean";
openerp.base.FieldDate = openerp.base.Field.extend({
init: function(session, element_id, view, node) {
this._super(session, element_id, view, node);
this.template = "FormView.field.date";
openerp.base.FieldDatetime = openerp.base.Field.extend({
init: function(session, element_id, view, node) {
this._super(session, element_id, view, node);
this.template = "FormView.field.datetime";
openerp.base.FieldText = openerp.base.Field.extend({
init: function(session, element_id, view, node) {
this._super(session, element_id, view, node);
this.template = "FormView.field.text";
openerp.base.FieldTextXml = openerp.base.Field.extend({
// to replace view editor
openerp.base.FieldSelection = openerp.base.Field.extend({
init: function(session, element_id, view, node) {
this._super(session, element_id, view, node);
this.template = "FormView.field.selection";
openerp.base.FieldMany2One = openerp.base.Field.extend({
init: function(session, element_id, view, node) {
this._super(session, element_id, view, node);
this.template = "FormView.field.many2one";
openerp.base.FieldOne2Many = openerp.base.Field.extend({
init: function(session, element_id, view, node) {
this._super(session, element_id, view, node);
this.template = "FormView.field.one2many";
openerp.base.FieldMany2Many = openerp.base.Field.extend({
init: function(session, element_id, view, node) {
this._super(session, element_id, view, node);
this.template = "FormView.field.one2many";
openerp.base.FieldReference = openerp.base.Field.extend({
init: function(session, element_id, view, node) {
this._super(session, element_id, view, node);
this.template = "FormView.field.reference";
openerp.base.widgets = {
'group' : openerp.base.WidgetFrame,
'notebook' : openerp.base.WidgetNotebook,
'separator' : openerp.base.WidgetSeparator,
'label' : openerp.base.WidgetLabel,
'char' : openerp.base.FieldChar,
'email' : openerp.base.FieldEmail,
'date' : openerp.base.FieldDate,
'datetime' : openerp.base.FieldDatetime,
'text' : openerp.base.FieldText,
'selection' : openerp.base.FieldSelection,
'many2one' : openerp.base.FieldMany2One,
'one2many' : openerp.base.FieldOne2Many,
'reference' : openerp.base.FieldReference,
'boolean' : openerp.base.FieldBoolean,
'float' : openerp.base.FieldFloat,
'button' : openerp.base.WidgetButton
openerp.base.CalendarView = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
// Dhtmlx scheduler ?
openerp.base.GanttView = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
// Dhtmlx gantt ?
openerp.base.DiagramView = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
openerp.base.GraphView = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
openerp.base.ProcessView = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
openerp.base.HelpView = openerp.base.Controller.extend({
// DEBUG_RPC:rpc.request:('execute', 'addons-dsh-l10n_us', 1, '*', ('ir.filters', 'get_filters', u'res.partner'))
// vim:et fdc=0 fdl=0 foldnestmax=3 fdm=syntax: