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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# import base64
# import StringIO
from osv import osv, fields
from osv.orm import except_orm
# import urlparse
import pooler
from tools.safe_eval import safe_eval
import os
import time
# An object that represent an uri
# path: the uri of the object
# content: the Content it belongs to (_print.pdf)
# type: content or collection
# content: objct = res.partner
# collection: object = directory, object2 = res.partner
# file: objct = ir.attachement
# root: if we are at the first directory of a ressource
def get_node_context(cr, uid, context):
return node_context(cr, uid, context)
class node_context(object):
""" This is the root node, representing access to some particular
context """
cached_roots = {}
def __init__(self, cr, uid, context=None):
self.dbname = cr.dbname
self.uid = uid
self.context = context
self._dirobj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('document.directory')
assert self._dirobj
self.rootdir = False #self._dirobj._get_root_directory(cr,uid,context)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not type(other) == node_context:
return False
if self.dbname != other.dbname:
return False
if self.uid != other.uid:
return False
if self.context != other.context:
return False
if self.rootdir != other.rootdir:
return False
return True
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def get_uri(self, cr, uri):
""" Although this fn passes back to doc.dir, it is needed since
it is a potential caching point """
(ndir, duri) = self._dirobj._locate_child(cr, self.uid, self.rootdir, uri, None, self)
while duri:
ndir = ndir.child(cr, duri[0])
if not ndir:
return False
duri = duri[1:]
return ndir
def get_dir_node(self, cr, dbro):
"""Create (or locate) a node for a directory
@param dbro a browse object of document.directory
fullpath = self._dirobj.get_full_path(cr, self.uid, dbro.id, self.context)
if dbro.type == 'directory':
return node_dir(fullpath, None ,self, dbro)
elif dbro.type == 'ressource':
assert dbro.ressource_parent_type_id == False
return node_res_dir(fullparh, None, self, dbro)
raise ValueError("dir node for %s type", dbro.type)
def get_file_node(self, cr, fbro):
""" Create or locate a node for a static file
@param fbro a browse object of an ir.attachment
# TODO: fill the parent
return node_file(None,None,self,fbro)
class node_descriptor(object):
"""A file-like interface to the data contents of a node.
This class is NOT a node, but an /open descriptor/ for some
node. It can hold references to a cursor or a file object,
because the life of a node_descriptor will be the open period
of the data.
It should also take care of locking, with any native mechanism
or using the db.
For the implementation, it would be OK just to wrap around file,
StringIO or similar class. The node_descriptor is only needed to
provide the link to the parent /node/ object.
def __init__(self, parent):
assert isinstance(parent, node_class)
self.name = parent.displayname
self.__parent = parent
def _get_parent(self):
return self.__parent
def open(self, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
def close(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def read(self, size=None):
raise NotImplementedError
def seek(self, offset, whence=None):
raise NotImplementedError
def tell(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def write(self, str):
raise NotImplementedError
class node_class(object):
""" this is a superclass for our inodes
It is an API for all code that wants to access the document files.
Nodes have attributes which contain usual file properties
our_type = 'baseclass'
def __init__(self, path, parent, context):
assert isinstance(context,node_context)
assert (not parent ) or isinstance(parent,node_class)
self.path = path
self.context = context
self.parent = parent
self.mimetype = 'application/octet-stream'
self.create_date = None
self.write_date = None
self.content_length = 0
# dynamic context:
self.dctx = {}
if parent:
self.dctx = parent.dctx.copy()
self.displayname = 'Object'
def __eq__(self, other):
return NotImplemented
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def full_path(self):
""" Return the components of the full path for some
The returned list only contains the names of nodes.
if self.parent:
s = self.parent.full_path()
s = []
if isinstance(self.path,list):
return s #map(lambda x: '/' +x, s)
def children(self, cr, domain=None):
print "node_class.children()"
return [] #stub
def child(self,cr, name, domain=None):
print "node_class.child()"
return None
def path_get(self):
print "node_class.path_get()"
return False
def get_data(self,cr):
raise TypeError('no data for %s'% self.type)
def open_data(self, cr, mode):
""" Open a node_descriptor object for this node.
@param the mode of open, eg 'r', 'w', 'a', like file.open()
This operation may lock the data for this node (and accross
other node hierarchies), until the descriptor is close()d. If
the node is locked, subsequent opens (depending on mode) may
immediately fail with an exception (which?).
For this class, there is no data, so no implementation. Each
child class that has data should override this.
raise TypeError('no data for %s' % self.type)
def _get_storage(self,cr):
raise RuntimeError("no storage for base class")
def get_etag(self,cr):
""" Get a tag, unique per object + modification.
see. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-13.3.3 """
return self._get_ttag(cr) + ':' + self._get_wtag(cr)
def _get_wtag(self,cr):
""" Return the modification time as a unique, compact string """
if self.write_date:
wtime = time.mktime(time.strptime(self.write_date,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
else: wtime = time.time()
return str(wtime)
def _get_ttag(self,cr):
""" Get a unique tag for this type/id of object.
Must be overriden, so that each node is uniquely identified.
print "node_class.get_ttag()",self
raise RuntimeError("get_etag stub()")
def get_dav_props(self, cr):
""" If this class has special behaviour for GroupDAV etc, export
its capabilities """
return {}
def match_dav_eprop(self, cr, match, ns, prop):
res = self.get_dav_eprop(cr, ns, prop)
if res == match:
return True
return False
def get_dav_eprop(self, cr, ns, prop):
return None
def move_to(self, cr, ndir_node, new_name=False, fil_obj=None, ndir_obj=None, in_write=False):
""" Move this node to a new parent directory.
@param ndir_node the collection that this node should be moved under
@param new_name a name to rename this node to. If omitted, the old
name is preserved
@param fil_obj, can be None, is the browse object for the file,
if already available.
@param ndir_obj must be the browse object to the new doc.directory
location, where this node should be moved to.
in_write: When called by write(), we shouldn't attempt to write the
object, but instead return the dict of vals (avoid re-entrance).
If false, we should write all data to the object, here, as if the
caller won't do anything after calling move_to()
Return value:
True: the node is moved, the caller can update other values, too.
False: the node is either removed or fully updated, the caller
must discard the fil_obj, not attempt to write any more to it.
dict: values to write back to the object. *May* contain a new id!
Depending on src and target storage, implementations of this function
could do various things.
Should also consider node<->content, dir<->dir moves etc.
Move operations, as instructed from APIs (eg. request from DAV) could
use this function.
raise NotImplementedError
def rm(self, cr):
raise RuntimeError("Not Implemented")
def rmcol(self, cr):
raise RuntimeError("Not Implemented")
def get_domain(self, cr, filters):
return []
class node_database(node_class):
""" A node representing the database directory
our_type = 'database'
def __init__(self, path=[], parent=False, context=None):
super(node_database,self).__init__(path, parent, context)
def children(self, cr, domain=None):
res = self._child_get(cr, domain=domain) + self._file_get(cr)
return res
def child(self, cr, name, domain=None):
res = self._child_get(cr, name, domain=None)
if res:
return res[0]
res = self._file_get(cr,name)
if res:
return res[0]
return None
def _child_get(self, cr, name=False, parent_id=False, domain=None):
dirobj = self.context._dirobj
uid = self.context.uid
ctx = self.context.context.copy()
where = [('parent_id','=',parent_id)]
if name:
if not domain:
domain = []
where2 = where + domain + [('type', '=', 'directory')]
ids = dirobj.search(cr, uid, where2, context=ctx)
res = []
for dirr in dirobj.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=ctx):
res.append(node_dir(dirr.name, self, self.context,dirr))
where2 = where + domain + [('type', '=', 'ressource'), ('ressource_parent_type_id','=',False)]
ids = dirobj.search(cr, uid, where2, context=ctx)
for dirr in dirobj.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=ctx):
res.append(node_res_dir(dirr.name, self, self.context, dirr))
fil_obj = dirobj.pool.get('ir.attachment')
ids = fil_obj.search(cr, uid, where, context=ctx)
if ids:
for fil in fil_obj.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=ctx):
res.append(node_file(fil.name, self, self.context, fil))
return res
def _file_get(self,cr, nodename=False):
res = []
return res
def _get_ttag(self,cr):
return 'db-%s' % cr.dbname
class node_dir(node_database):
our_type = 'collection'
def __init__(self, path, parent, context, dirr, dctx=None):
super(node_dir,self).__init__(path, parent,context)
self.dir_id = dirr and dirr.id or False
#todo: more info from dirr
self.mimetype = 'application/x-directory'
# 'httpd/unix-directory'
self.create_date = dirr and dirr.create_date or False
self.domain = dirr and dirr.domain or []
self.res_model = dirr and dirr.ressource_type_id and dirr.ressource_type_id.model or False
# TODO: the write date should be MAX(file.write)..
self.write_date = dirr and (dirr.write_date or dirr.create_date) or False
self.content_length = 0
if dctx:
dc2 = self.context.context
dc2['dir_id'] = self.dir_id
self.displayname = dirr and dirr.name or False
if dirr and dirr.dctx_ids:
for dfld in dirr.dctx_ids:
self.dctx['dctx_' + dfld.field] = safe_eval(dfld.expr,dc2)
except Exception,e:
print "Cannot eval %s" % dfld.expr
print e
def __eq__(self, other):
if type(self) != type(other):
return False
if not self.context == other.context:
return False
# Two directory nodes, for the same document.directory, may have a
# different context! (dynamic folders)
if self.dctx != other.dctx:
return False
return self.dir_id == other.dir_id
def get_data(self, cr):
res = ''
for child in self.children(cr):
res += child.get_data(cr)
return res
def _file_get(self, cr, nodename=False):
res = super(node_dir,self)._file_get(cr, nodename)
cntobj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('document.directory.content')
uid = self.context.uid
ctx = self.context.context.copy()
where = [('directory_id','=',self.dir_id) ]
ids = cntobj.search(cr, uid, where, context=ctx)
for content in cntobj.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=ctx):
res3 = cntobj._file_get(cr, self, nodename, content)
if res3:
return res
def _child_get(self, cr, name=None, domain=None):
return super(node_dir,self)._child_get(cr, name, self.dir_id, domain=domain)
def rmcol(self, cr):
uid = self.context.uid
directory = self.context._dirobj.browse(cr, uid, self.dir_id)
res = False
if not directory:
raise OSError(2, 'Not such file or directory.')
if directory._table_name=='document.directory':
if self.children(cr):
raise OSError(39, 'Directory not empty.')
res = self.context._dirobj.unlink(cr, uid, [directory.id])
raise OSError(1, 'Operation not permited.')
return res
def create_child_collection(self, cr, objname):
object2 = False
dirobj = self.context._dirobj
uid = self.context.uid
ctx = self.context.context.copy()
obj = dirobj.browse(cr, uid, self.dir_id)
if obj and (obj.type == 'ressource') and not object2:
raise OSError(1, 'Operation not permited.')
#objname = uri2[-1]
val = {
'name': objname,
'ressource_parent_type_id': obj and obj.ressource_type_id.id or False,
'ressource_id': object2 and object2.id or False,
'parent_id' : obj and obj.id or False
return dirobj.create(cr, uid, val)
def create_child(self, cr, path, data):
""" API function to create a child file object and node
Return the node_* created
dirobj = self.context._dirobj
uid = self.context.uid
ctx = self.context.context.copy()
val = {
'name': path,
'datas_fname': path,
'parent_id': self.dir_id,
# Datas are not set here
fil_id = fil_obj.create(cr, uid, val, context=ctx)
fil = fil_obj.browse(cr, uid, fil_id, context=ctx)
fnode = node_file(path, self, self.context, fil)
if data is not None:
fnode.set_data(cr, data, fil)
return fnode
def get_etag(self, cr):
""" Get a tag, unique per object + modification.
see. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-13.3.3 """
return self._get_ttag(cr) + ':' + self._get_wtag(cr)
def _get_wtag(self, cr):
""" Return the modification time as a unique, compact string """
if self.write_date:
wtime = time.mktime(time.strptime(self.write_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
else: wtime = time.time()
return str(wtime)
def _get_ttag(self,cr):
return 'dir-%d' % self.dir_id
class node_res_dir(node_class):
""" A special sibling to node_dir, which does only contain dynamically
created folders foreach resource in the foreign model.
All folders should be of type node_res_obj and merely behave like
node_dirs (with limited domain).
our_type = 'collection'
def __init__(self, path, parent, context, dirr, dctx=None ):
super(node_res_dir,self).__init__(path, parent, context)
self.dir_id = dirr.id
#todo: more info from dirr
self.mimetype = 'application/x-directory'
# 'httpd/unix-directory'
self.create_date = dirr.create_date
# TODO: the write date should be MAX(file.write)..
self.write_date = dirr.write_date or dirr.create_date
self.content_length = 0
self.res_model = dirr.ressource_type_id and dirr.ressource_type_id.model or False
self.resm_id = dirr.ressource_id
self.namefield = dirr.resource_field.name or 'name'
self.displayname = dirr.name
# Important: the domain is evaluated using the *parent* dctx!
self.domain = dirr.domain
self.ressource_tree = dirr.ressource_tree
# and then, we add our own vars in the dctx:
if dctx:
# and then, we prepare a dctx dict, for deferred evaluation:
self.dctx_dict = {}
for dfld in dirr.dctx_ids:
self.dctx_dict['dctx_' + dfld.field] = dfld.expr
def __eq__(self, other):
if type(self) != type(other):
return False
if not self.context == other.context:
return False
# Two nodes, for the same document.directory, may have a
# different context! (dynamic folders)
if self.dctx != other.dctx:
return False
return self.dir_id == other.dir_id
def children(self, cr, domain=None):
return self._child_get(cr, domain=domain)
def child(self,cr, name, domain=None):
res = self._child_get(cr, name, domain=domain)
if res:
return res[0]
return None
def _child_get(self, cr, name = None, domain=None):
""" return virtual children of resource, based on the
foreign object.
Note that many objects use NULL for a name, so we should
better call the name_search(),name_get() set of methods
obj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get(self.res_model)
if not obj:
return []
dirobj = self.context._dirobj
uid = self.context.uid
ctx = self.context.context.copy()
where = []
if self.domain:
app = safe_eval(self.domain, self.dctx)
if not app:
elif isinstance(app, list):
elif isinstance(app, tuple):
raise RuntimeError("incorrect domain expr: %s" % self.domain)
if self.resm_id:
if name:
# print "Where clause for %s" % self.res_model, where
if self.ressource_tree:
object2 = False
if self.resm_id:
object2 = dirobj.pool.get(self.res_model).browse(cr, uid, self.resm_id) or False
if obj._parent_name in obj.fields_get(cr, uid):
where.append((obj._parent_name,'=',object2 and object2.id or False))
resids = obj.search(cr, uid, where, context=ctx)
res = []
for bo in obj.browse(cr, uid, resids, context=ctx):
if not bo:
name = getattr(bo, self.namefield)
if not name:
# Yes! we can't do better but skip nameless records.
res.append(node_res_obj(name, self.dir_id, self, self.context, self.res_model, bo))
return res
def _get_ttag(self,cr):
return 'rdir-%d' % self.dir_id
class node_res_obj(node_class):
""" A special sibling to node_dir, which does only contain dynamically
created folders foreach resource in the foreign model.
All folders should be of type node_res_obj and merely behave like
node_dirs (with limited domain).
our_type = 'collection'
def __init__(self, path, dir_id, parent, context, res_model, res_bo, res_id = None):
super(node_res_obj,self).__init__(path, parent,context)
assert parent
#todo: more info from dirr
self.dir_id = dir_id
self.mimetype = 'application/x-directory'
# 'httpd/unix-directory'
self.create_date = parent.create_date
# TODO: the write date should be MAX(file.write)..
self.write_date = parent.write_date
self.content_length = 0
self.res_model = res_model
self.domain = parent.domain
self.displayname = path
self.dctx_dict = parent.dctx_dict
if res_bo:
self.res_id = res_bo.id
dc2 = self.context.context
dc2['res_model'] = res_model
dc2['res_id'] = res_bo.id
dc2['this'] = res_bo
for fld,expr in self.dctx_dict.items():
self.dctx[fld] = safe_eval(expr, dc2)
except Exception,e:
print "Cannot eval %s for %s" % (expr, fld)
print e
self.res_id = res_id
def __eq__(self, other):
if type(self) != type(other):
return False
if not self.context == other.context:
return False
if not self.res_model == other.res_model:
return False
if not self.res_id == other.res_id:
return False
if self.domain != other.domain:
return False
if self.dctx != other.dctx:
return False
return self.dir_id == other.dir_id
def children(self, cr, domain=None):
return self._child_get(cr, domain=domain) + self._file_get(cr)
def child(self, cr, name, domain=None):
res = self._child_get(cr, name, domain=domain)
if res:
return res[0]
res = self._file_get(cr, name)
if res:
return res[0]
return None
def _file_get(self,cr, nodename=False):
res = []
cntobj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('document.directory.content')
uid = self.context.uid
ctx = self.context.context.copy()
where = [('directory_id','=',self.dir_id) ]
#if self.domain:
# where.extend(self.domain)
# print "res_obj file_get clause", where
ids = cntobj.search(cr, uid, where, context=ctx)
for content in cntobj.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=ctx):
res3 = cntobj._file_get(cr, self, nodename, content, context=ctx)
if res3:
return res
def get_dav_props(self, cr):
res = {}
cntobj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('document.directory.content')
uid = self.context.uid
ctx = self.context.context.copy()
where = [('directory_id','=',self.dir_id) ]
ids = cntobj.search(cr, uid, where, context=ctx)
for content in cntobj.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=ctx):
if content.extension == '.ics': # FIXME: call the content class!
res['http://groupdav.org/'] = ('resourcetype',)
return res
def get_dav_eprop(self, cr, ns, prop):
if ns != 'http://groupdav.org/' or prop != 'resourcetype':
print "Who asked for %s:%s?" % (ns, prop)
return None
res = {}
cntobj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('document.directory.content')
uid = self.context.uid
ctx = self.context.context.copy()
where = [('directory_id','=',self.dir_id) ]
ids = cntobj.search(cr,uid,where,context=ctx)
for content in cntobj.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=ctx):
if content.extension == '.ics': # FIXME: call the content class!
return ('vevent-collection','http://groupdav.org/')
return None
def _child_get(self, cr, name=None, domain=None):
dirobj = self.context._dirobj
uid = self.context.uid
ctx = self.context.context.copy()
directory = dirobj.browse(cr, uid, self.dir_id)
obj = dirobj.pool.get(self.res_model)
where = []
res = []
if name:
# Directory Structure display in tree structure
if self.res_id and directory.ressource_tree:
where1 = []
if obj._parent_name in obj.fields_get(cr, uid):
where1 = where + [(obj._parent_name, '=', self.res_id)]
resids = obj.search(cr, uid, where1, context=ctx)
for bo in obj.browse(cr, uid, resids, context=ctx):
namefield = directory.resource_field.name or 'name'
if not bo:
res_name = getattr(bo, namefield)
if not res_name:
res.append(node_res_obj(res_name, self.dir_id, self, self.context, self.res_model, res_bo = bo))
where2 = where + [('parent_id','=',self.dir_id) ]
ids = dirobj.search(cr, uid, where2, context=ctx)
for dirr in dirobj.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=ctx):
if dirr.type == 'directory':
res.append(node_res_obj(dirr.name, dirr.id, self, self.context, self.res_model, res_bo = None, res_id = self.res_id))
elif dirr.type == 'ressource':
# child resources can be controlled by properly set dctx
res.append(node_res_dir(dirr.name,self,self.context, dirr, {'active_id': self.res_id}))
fil_obj = dirobj.pool.get('ir.attachment')
where3 = where2 + [('res_model', '=', self.res_model), ('res_id','=',self.res_id)]
# print "where clause for dir_obj", where2
ids = fil_obj.search(cr, uid, where3, context=ctx)
if ids:
for fil in fil_obj.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=ctx):
res.append(node_file(fil.name, self, self.context, fil))
# Get Child Ressource Directories
if directory.ressource_type_id and directory.ressource_type_id.id:
where4 = where + [('ressource_parent_type_id','=',directory.ressource_type_id.id)]
where5 = where4 + [('ressource_id','=',0)]
dirids = dirobj.search(cr,uid, where5)
where5 = where4 + [('ressource_id','=',self.res_id)]
dirids = dirids + dirobj.search(cr,uid, where5)
for dirr in dirobj.browse(cr, uid, dirids, context=ctx):
if dirr.type == 'directory' and not dirr.parent_id:
res.append(node_res_obj(dirr.name, dirr.id, self, self.context, self.res_model, res_bo = None, res_id = self.res_id))
if dirr.type == 'ressource':
res.append(node_res_dir(dirr.name, self, self.context, dirr, {'active_id': self.res_id}))
return res
def create_child_collection(self, cr, objname):
dirobj = self.context._dirobj
uid = self.context.uid
ctx = self.context.context.copy()
res_obj = dirobj.pool.get(self.context.context['res_model'])
object2 = res_obj.browse(cr, uid, self.context.context['res_id']) or False
obj = dirobj.browse(cr, uid, self.dir_id)
if obj and (obj.type == 'ressource') and not object2:
raise OSError(1, 'Operation not permited.')
val = {
'name': objname,
'ressource_parent_type_id': obj and obj.ressource_type_id.id or False,
'ressource_id': object2 and object2.id or False,
'parent_id' : False
if (obj and (obj.type in ('directory'))) or not object2:
val['parent_id'] = obj and obj.id or False
return dirobj.create(cr, uid, val)
def create_child(self, cr, path, data):
""" API function to create a child file object and node
Return the node_* created
dirobj = self.context._dirobj
uid = self.context.uid
ctx = self.context.context.copy()
val = {
'name': path,
'datas_fname': path,
'parent_id': self.dir_id,
'res_model': self.res_model,
'res_id': self.res_id,
# Datas are not set here
fil_id = fil_obj.create(cr, uid, val, context=ctx)
fil = fil_obj.browse(cr, uid, fil_id, context=ctx)
fnode = node_file(path, self, self.context, fil)
fnode.set_data(cr, data, fil)
return fnode
def _get_ttag(self,cr):
return 'rodir-%d-%d' % (self.dir_id, self.res_id)
class node_file(node_class):
our_type = 'file'
def __init__(self, path, parent, context, fil):
super(node_file,self).__init__(path, parent,context)
self.file_id = fil.id
#todo: more info from ir_attachment
if fil.file_type and '/' in fil.file_type:
self.mimetype = str(fil.file_type)
self.create_date = fil.create_date
self.write_date = fil.write_date or fil.create_date
self.content_length = fil.file_size
self.displayname = fil.name
# This only propagates the problem to get_data. Better
# fix those files to point to the root dir.
self.storage_id = None
par = fil.parent_id
while par:
if par.storage_id and par.storage_id.id:
self.storage_id = par.storage_id.id
par = par.parent_id
def __eq__(self, other):
if type(self) != type(other):
return False
if not self.context == other.context:
return False
if self.dctx != other.dctx:
return False
return self.file_id == other.file_id
def open_data(self, cr, mode):
stor = self.storage_id
assert stor, "No storage for file #%s" % self.file_id
# If storage is not set properly, we are just screwed here, don't
# try to get it from default.
stobj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('document.storage')
return stobj.get_file(cr, self.context.uid, stor, self, mode=mode, context=self.context.context)
def rm(self, cr):
uid = self.context.uid
document_obj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('ir.attachment')
if self.type in ('collection','database'):
return False
document = document_obj.browse(cr, uid, self.file_id, context=self.context.context)
res = False
if document and document._table_name == 'ir.attachment':
res = document_obj.unlink(cr, uid, [document.id])
return res
def fix_ppath(self, cr, fbro):
"""Sometimes we may init this w/o path, parent.
This function fills the missing path from the file browse object
Note: this may be an expensive operation, do on demand. However,
once caching is in, we might want to do that at init time and keep
this object anyway
if self.path or self.parent:
assert fbro
uid = self.context.uid
dirpath = []
if fbro.parent_id:
dirobj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('document.directory')
dirpath = dirobj.get_full_path(cr, uid, fbro.parent_id.id, context=self.context.context)
if fbro.datas_fname:
if len(dirpath)>1:
self.path = dirpath
self.path = dirpath[0]
def get_data(self, cr, fil_obj = None):
""" Retrieve the data for some file.
fil_obj may optionally be specified, and should be a browse object
for the file. This is useful when the caller has already initiated
the browse object. """
# this is where storage kicks in..
stor = self.storage_id
assert stor, "No storage for file #%s" % self.file_id
# If storage is not set properly, we are just screwed here, don't
# try to get it from default.
stobj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('document.storage')
return stobj.get_data(cr, self.context.uid,stor, self,self.context.context, fil_obj)
def get_data_len(self, cr, fil_obj = None):
# TODO: verify with the storage object!
bin_size = self.context.context.get('bin_size', False)
if bin_size and not self.content_length:
self.content_length = fil_obj.db_datas
return self.content_length
def set_data(self, cr, data, fil_obj = None):
""" Store data at some file.
fil_obj may optionally be specified, and should be a browse object
for the file. This is useful when the caller has already initiated
the browse object. """
# this is where storage kicks in..
stor = self.storage_id
assert stor, "No storage for file #%s" % self.file_id
stobj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('document.storage')
return stobj.set_data(cr, self.context.uid,stor, self, data, self.context.context, fil_obj)
def _get_ttag(self,cr):
return 'file-%d' % self.file_id
def move_to(self, cr, ndir_node, new_name=False, fil_obj=None, ndir_obj=None, in_write=False):
if ndir_node.context != self.context:
raise NotImplementedError("Cannot move files between contexts")
doc_obj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('ir.attachment')
if not fil_obj:
dbro = doc_obj.browse(cr, self.context.uid, self.file_id, context=self.context.context)
dbro = fil_obj
assert dbro.id == self.file_id
if not dbro:
raise IndexError("Cannot locate doc %d", self.file_id)
if (not self.parent):
# there *must* be a parent node for this one
self.parent = self.context.get_dir_node(cr, dbro.parent_id.id)
if self.parent != ndir_node:
logger.debug('Cannot move file %r from %r to %r', self, self.parent, ndir_node)
raise NotImplementedError('Cannot move file to another dir')
ret = {}
if new_name and (new_name != dbro.name):
stobj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('document.storage')
r2 = stobj.simple_rename(cr, self.context.uid, self, new_name, self.context.context)
del dbro
if not in_write:
# We have to update the data ourselves
if ret:
doc_obj.write(cr, self.context.uid, [self.file_id,], ret, self.context.context)
ret = True
return ret
class node_content(node_class):
our_type = 'content'
def __init__(self, path, parent, context, cnt, dctx = None, act_id=None):
super(node_content,self).__init__(path, parent,context)
self.cnt_id = cnt.id
self.create_date = False
self.write_date = False
self.content_length = False
self.extension = cnt.extension
self.report_id = cnt.report_id and cnt.report_id.id
#self.mimetype = cnt.extension.
self.displayname = path
if dctx:
self.act_id = act_id
def open(self, cr, mode=False):
raise DeprecationWarning()
def fill_fields(self, cr, dctx = None):
""" Try to read the object and fill missing fields, like mimetype,
dates etc.
This function must be different from the constructor, because
it uses the db cursor.
cr.execute('SELECT DISTINCT mimetype FROM document_directory_content_type WHERE active AND code = %s;',
res = cr.fetchall()
if res and res[0][0]:
self.mimetype = str(res[0][0])
def get_data(self, cr, fil_obj = None):
cntobj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('document.directory.content')
ctx = self.context.context.copy()
data = cntobj.process_read(cr, self.context.uid, self, ctx)
if data:
self.content_length = len(data)
return data
def get_data_len(self, cr, fil_obj = None):
if not self.content_length:
return self.content_length
def set_data(self, cr, data, fil_obj = None):
cntobj = self.context._dirobj.pool.get('document.directory.content')
ctx = self.context.context.copy()
return cntobj.process_write(cr, self.context.uid, self, data, ctx)
def _get_ttag(self,cr):
return 'cnt-%d%s' % (self.cnt_id,(self.act_id and ('-' + str(self.act_id))) or '')