
2393 lines
87 KiB
Raw Normal View History

(function() {
var instance = openerp;
openerp.web.list = {};
var _t = instance.web._t,
_lt = instance.web._lt;
var QWeb = instance.web.qweb;
instance.web.views.add('list', 'instance.web.ListView');
instance.web.ListView = instance.web.View.extend( /** @lends instance.web.ListView# */ {
_template: 'ListView',
display_name: _lt('List'),
defaults: {
// records can be selected one by one
'selectable': true,
// list rows can be deleted
'deletable': false,
// whether the column headers should be displayed
'header': true,
// display addition button, with that label
'addable': _lt("Create"),
// whether the list view can be sorted, note that once a view has been
// sorted it can not be reordered anymore
'sortable': true,
// whether the view rows can be reordered (via vertical drag & drop)
'reorderable': true,
'action_buttons': true,
//whether the editable property of the view has to be disabled
'disable_editable_mode': false,
view_type: 'tree',
events: {
'click thead th.oe_sortable[data-id]': 'sort_by_column'
* Core class for list-type displays.
* As a view, needs a number of view-related parameters to be correctly
* instantiated, provides options and overridable methods for behavioral
* customization.
* See constructor parameters and method documentations for information on
* the default behaviors and possible options for the list view.
* @constructs instance.web.ListView
* @extends instance.web.View
* @param parent parent object
* @param {instance.web.DataSet} dataset the dataset the view should work with
* @param {String} view_id the listview's identifier, if any
* @param {Object} options A set of options used to configure the view
* @param {Boolean} [options.selectable=true] determines whether view rows are selectable (e.g. via a checkbox)
* @param {Boolean} [options.header=true] should the list's header be displayed
* @param {Boolean} [options.deletable=true] are the list rows deletable
* @param {void|String} [options.addable="New"] should the new-record button be displayed, and what should its label be. Use ``null`` to hide the button.
* @param {Boolean} [options.sortable=true] is it possible to sort the table by clicking on column headers
* @param {Boolean} [options.reorderable=true] is it possible to reorder list rows
init: function(parent, dataset, view_id, options) {
var self = this;
this.set_default_options(_.extend({}, this.defaults, options || {}));
this.dataset = dataset;
this.model = dataset.model;
this.view_id = view_id;
this.previous_colspan = null;
this.colors = null;
this.fonts = null;
this.columns = [];
this.records = new Collection();
this.set_groups(new (this.options.GroupsType)(this));
if (this.dataset instanceof instance.web.DataSetStatic) {
this.groups.datagroup = new StaticDataGroup(this.dataset);
} else {
this.groups.datagroup = new DataGroup(
this, this.model,
this.groups.datagroup.sort = this.dataset._sort;
this.page = 0;
this.records.bind('change', function (event, record, key) {
if (!_(self.aggregate_columns).chain()
.pluck('name').contains(key).value()) {
this.no_leaf = false;
this.grouped = false;
view_loading: function(r) {
return this.load_list(r);
set_default_options: function (options) {
_.defaults(this.options, {
GroupsType: instance.web.ListView.Groups,
ListType: instance.web.ListView.List
* Retrieves the view's number of records per page (|| section)
* options > defaults > parent.action.limit > indefinite
* @returns {Number|null}
limit: function () {
if (this._limit === undefined) {
this._limit = (this.options.limit
|| this.defaults.limit
|| (this.getParent().action || {}).limit
|| 80);
return this._limit;
* Set a custom Group construct as the root of the List View.
* @param {instance.web.ListView.Groups} groups
set_groups: function (groups) {
var self = this;
if (this.groups) {
$(this.groups).unbind("selected deleted action row_link");
delete this.groups;
this.groups = groups;
'selected': function (e, ids, records, deselected) {
self.do_select(ids, records, deselected);
'deleted': function (e, ids) {
'action': function (e, action_name, id, callback) {
self.do_button_action(action_name, id, callback);
'row_link': function (e, id, dataset, view) {
self.do_activate_record(dataset.index, id, dataset, view);
* View startup method, the default behavior is to set the ``oe_list``
* class on its root element and to perform an RPC load call.
* @returns {$.Deferred} loading promise
start: function() {
return this._super();
* Returns the style for the provided record in the current view (from the
* ``@colors`` and ``@fonts`` attributes)
* @param {Record} record record for the current row
* @returns {String} CSS style declaration
style_for: function (record) {
var style= '';
var context = _.extend({}, record.attributes, {
uid: this.session.uid,
current_date: new Date().toString('yyyy-MM-dd')
// TODO: time, datetime, relativedelta
var i;
var pair;
var expression;
if (this.fonts) {
for(i=0, len=this.fonts.length; i<len; ++i) {
pair = this.fonts[i];
var font = pair[0];
expression = pair[1];
if (py.evaluate(expression, context).toJSON()) {
switch(font) {
case 'bold':
style += 'font-weight: bold;';
case 'italic':
style += 'font-style: italic;';
case 'underline':
style += 'text-decoration: underline;';
if (!this.colors) { return style; }
for(i=0, len=this.colors.length; i<len; ++i) {
pair = this.colors[i];
var color = pair[0];
expression = pair[1];
if (py.evaluate(expression, context).toJSON()) {
return style += 'color: ' + color + ';';
// TODO: handle evaluation errors
return style;
* Called after loading the list view's description, sets up such things
* as the view table's columns, renders the table itself and hooks up the
* various table-level and row-level DOM events (action buttons, deletion
* buttons, selection of records, [New] button, selection of a given
* record, ...)
* Sets up the following:
* * Processes arch and fields to generate a complete field descriptor for each field
* * Create the table itself and allocate visible columns
* * Hook in the top-level (header) [New|Add] and [Delete] button
* * Sets up showing/hiding the top-level [Delete] button based on records being selected or not
* * Sets up event handlers for action buttons and per-row deletion button
* * Hooks global callback for clicking on a row
* * Sets up its sidebar, if any
* @param {Object} data wrapped fields_view_get result
* @param {Object} data.fields_view fields_view_get result (processed)
* @param {Object} data.fields_view.fields mapping of fields for the current model
* @param {Object} data.fields_view.arch current list view descriptor
* @param {Boolean} grouped Is the list view grouped
load_list: function(data) {
var self = this;
this.fields_view = data;
this.name = "" + this.fields_view.arch.attrs.string;
if (this.fields_view.arch.attrs.colors) {
this.colors = _(this.fields_view.arch.attrs.colors.split(';')).chain()
.map(function(color_pair) {
var pair = color_pair.split(':'),
color = pair[0],
expr = pair[1];
return [color, py.parse(py.tokenize(expr)), expr];
if (this.fields_view.arch.attrs.fonts) {
this.fonts = _(this.fields_view.arch.attrs.fonts.split(';')).chain().compact()
.map(function(font_pair) {
var pair = font_pair.split(':'),
font = pair[0],
expr = pair[1];
return [font, py.parse(py.tokenize(expr)), expr];
this.setup_columns(this.fields_view.fields, this.grouped);
this.$el.html(QWeb.render(this._template, this));
// Head hook
// Selecting records
self.$el.find('.oe_list_record_selector input').prop('checked',
self.$el.find('.oe_list_record_selector').prop('checked') || false);
var selection = self.groups.get_selection();
'selected', [selection.ids, selection.records]);
// Add button
if (!this.$buttons) {
this.$buttons = $(QWeb.render("ListView.buttons", {'widget':self}));
if (this.options.$buttons) {
} else {
.prop('disabled', this.grouped);
// Pager
if (!this.$pager) {
this.$pager = $(QWeb.render("ListView.pager", {'widget':self}));
if (this.options.$buttons) {
} else {
.on('click', 'a[data-pager-action]', function () {
var $this = $(this);
var max_page = Math.floor(self.dataset.size() / self.limit());
switch ($this.data('pager-action')) {
case 'first':
self.page = 0; break;
case 'last':
self.page = max_page - 1;
case 'next':
self.page += 1; break;
case 'previous':
self.page -= 1; break;
if (self.page < 0) {
self.page = max_page;
} else if (self.page > max_page) {
self.page = 0;
.click(function (e) {
var $this = $(this);
var $select = $('<select>')
.click(function (e) {e.stopPropagation();})
.append('<option value="80">80</option>' +
'<option value="200">200</option>' +
'<option value="500">500</option>' +
'<option value="2000">2000</option>' +
'<option value="NaN">' + _t("Unlimited") + '</option>')
.change(function () {
var val = parseInt($select.val(), 10);
self._limit = (isNaN(val) ? null : val);
self.page = 0;
}).blur(function() {
.val(self._limit || 'NaN');
// Sidebar
if (!this.sidebar && this.options.$sidebar) {
this.sidebar = new instance.web.Sidebar(this);
this.sidebar.add_items('other', _.compact([
{ label: _t("Export"), callback: this.on_sidebar_export },
self.is_action_enabled('delete') && { label: _t('Delete'), callback: this.do_delete_selected }
if(this.dataset._sort[0].indexOf('-') == -1){
this.$el.find('th[data-id=' + this.dataset._sort[0] + ']').addClass("sortdown");
}else {
this.$el.find('th[data-id=' + this.dataset._sort[0].split('-')[1] + ']').addClass("sortup");
this.trigger('list_view_loaded', data, this.grouped);
sort_by_column: function (e) {
var $column = $(e.currentTarget);
var col_name = $column.data('id');
var field = this.fields_view.fields[col_name];
// test if the field is a function field with store=false, since it's impossible
// for the server to sort those fields we desactivate the feature
if (field && field.store === false) {
return false;
if($column.hasClass("sortdown") || $column.hasClass("sortup")) {
$column.toggleClass("sortup sortdown");
} else {
$column.siblings('.oe_sortable').removeClass("sortup sortdown");
* Configures the ListView pager based on the provided dataset's information
* Horrifying side-effect: sets the dataset's data on this.dataset?
* @param {instance.web.DataSet} dataset
configure_pager: function (dataset) {
this.dataset.ids = dataset.ids;
// Not exactly clean
if (dataset._length) {
this.dataset._length = dataset._length;
var total = dataset.size();
var limit = this.limit() || total;
if (total === 0)
this.$pager.css("display", "");
this.$pager.toggleClass('oe_list_pager_single_page', (total <= limit));
var spager = '-';
if (total) {
var range_start = this.page * limit + 1;
var range_stop = range_start - 1 + limit;
if (this.records.length) {
range_stop = range_start - 1 + this.records.length;
if (range_stop > total) {
range_stop = total;
spager = _.str.sprintf(_t("%d-%d of %d"), range_start, range_stop, total);
* Sets up the listview's columns: merges view and fields data, move
* grouped-by columns to the front of the columns list and make them all
* visible.
* @param {Object} fields fields_view_get's fields section
* @param {Boolean} [grouped] Should the grouping columns (group and count) be displayed
setup_columns: function (fields, grouped) {
var registry = instance.web.list.columns;
this.columns.splice(0, this.columns.length);
_(this.fields_view.arch.children).map(function (field) {
var id = field.attrs.name;
return registry.for_(id, fields[id], field);
if (grouped) {
new instance.web.list.MetaColumn('_group', _t("Group")));
this.visible_columns = _.filter(this.columns, function (column) {
return column.invisible !== '1';
this.aggregate_columns = _(this.visible_columns).invoke('to_aggregate');
* Used to handle a click on a table row, if no other handler caught the
* event.
* The default implementation asks the list view's view manager to switch
* to a different view (by calling
* :js:func:`~instance.web.ViewManager.on_mode_switch`), using the
* provided record index (within the current list view's dataset).
* If the index is null, ``switch_to_record`` asks for the creation of a
* new record.
* @param {Number|void} index the record index (in the current dataset) to switch to
* @param {String} [view="page"] the view type to switch to
select_record:function (index, view) {
view = view || index === null || index === undefined ? 'form' : 'form';
this.dataset.index = index;
_.delay(_.bind(function () {
}, this));
do_show: function () {
if (this.$buttons) {
if (this.$pager) {
do_hide: function () {
if (this.sidebar) {
if (this.$buttons) {
if (this.$pager) {
* Reloads the list view based on the current settings (dataset & al)
* @deprecated
* @param {Boolean} [grouped] Should the list be displayed grouped
* @param {Object} [context] context to send the server while loading the view
reload_view: function (grouped, context, initial) {
return this.load_view(context);
* re-renders the content of the list view
* @returns {$.Deferred} promise to content reloading
reload_content: synchronized(function () {
var self = this;
self.$el.find('.oe_list_record_selector').prop('checked', false);
var reloaded = $.Deferred();
this.groups.render(function () {
if (self.dataset.index == null) {
if (self.records.length) {
self.dataset.index = 0;
} else if (self.dataset.index >= self.records.length) {
self.dataset.index = self.records.length ? 0 : null;
page: this.page,
limit: this._limit
return reloaded.promise();
reload: function () {
return this.reload_content();
reload_record: function (record) {
var self = this;
return this.dataset.read_ids(
_.pluck(_(this.columns).filter(function (r) {
return r.tag === 'field';
}), 'name'),
{check_access_rule: true}
).done(function (records) {
var values = records[0];
if (!values) {
_.each(values, function (value, key) {
record.set(key + '__display', false, {silent: true});
record.set(key, value, {silent: true});
record.trigger('change', record);
do_load_state: function(state, warm) {
var reload = false;
if (state.page && this.page !== state.page) {
this.page = state.page;
reload = true;
if (state.limit) {
if (_.isString(state.limit)) {
state.limit = null;
if (state.limit !== this._limit) {
this._limit = state.limit;
reload = true;
if (reload) {
* Handler for the result of eval_domain_and_context, actually perform the
* searching
* @param {Object} results results of evaluating domain and process for a search
do_search: function (domain, context, group_by) {
this.page = 0;
this.groups.datagroup = new DataGroup(
this, this.model, domain, context, group_by);
this.groups.datagroup.sort = this.dataset._sort;
if (_.isEmpty(group_by) && !context['group_by_no_leaf']) {
group_by = null;
this.no_leaf = !!context['group_by_no_leaf'];
this.grouped = !!group_by;
return this.alive(this.load_view(context)).then(
* Handles the signal to delete lines from the records list
* @param {Array} ids the ids of the records to delete
do_delete: function (ids) {
if (!(ids.length && confirm(_t("Do you really want to remove these records?")))) {
var self = this;
return $.when(this.dataset.unlink(ids)).done(function () {
_(ids).each(function (id) {
if (self.records.length === 0 && self.dataset.size() > 0) {
//Trigger previous manually to navigate to previous page,
//If all records are deleted on current page.
self.$pager.find('ul li:first a').trigger('click');
} else if (self.dataset.size() == self.limit()) {
//Reload listview to update current page with next page records
//because pager going to be hidden if dataset.size == limit
} else {
* Handles the signal indicating that a new record has been selected
* @param {Array} ids selected record ids
* @param {Array} records selected record values
do_select: function (ids, records, deselected) {
// uncheck header hook if at least one row has been deselected
if (deselected) {
this.$('.oe_list_record_selector').prop('checked', false);
if (!ids.length) {
this.dataset.index = 0;
if (this.sidebar) {
this.dataset.index = _(this.dataset.ids).indexOf(ids[0]);
if (this.sidebar) {
this.compute_aggregates(_(records).map(function (record) {
return {count: 1, values: record};
* Handles action button signals on a record
* @param {String} name action name
* @param {Object} id id of the record the action should be called on
* @param {Function} callback should be called after the action is executed, if non-null
do_button_action: function (name, id, callback) {
this.handle_button(name, id, callback);
* Base handling of buttons, can be called when overriding do_button_action
* in order to bypass parent overrides.
* The callback will be provided with the ``id`` as its parameter, in case
* handle_button's caller had to alter the ``id`` (or even create one)
* while not being ``callback``'s creator.
* This method should not be overridden.
* @param {String} name action name
* @param {Object} id id of the record the action should be called on
* @param {Function} callback should be called after the action is executed, if non-null
handle_button: function (name, id, callback) {
var action = _.detect(this.columns, function (field) {
return field.name === name;
if (!action) { return; }
if ('confirm' in action && !window.confirm(action.confirm)) {
var c = new instance.web.CompoundContext();
active_id: id,
active_ids: [id],
active_model: this.dataset.model
}, this.records.get(id).toContext()));
if (action.context) {
action.context = c;
action, this.dataset, id, _.bind(callback, null, id));
* Handles the activation of a record (clicking on it)
* @param {Number} index index of the record in the dataset
* @param {Object} id identifier of the activated record
* @param {instance.web.DataSet} dataset dataset in which the record is available (may not be the listview's dataset in case of nested groups)
do_activate_record: function (index, id, dataset, view) {
this.dataset.ids = dataset.ids;
this.select_record(index, view);
* Handles signal for the addition of a new record (can be a creation,
* can be the addition from a remote source, ...)
* The default implementation is to switch to a new record on the form view
do_add_record: function () {
* Handles deletion of all selected lines
do_delete_selected: function () {
var ids = this.groups.get_selection().ids;
if (ids.length) {
} else {
this.do_warn(_t("Warning"), _t("You must select at least one record."));
* Computes the aggregates for the current list view, either on the
* records provided or on the records of the internal
* :js:class:`~instance.web.ListView.Group`, by calling
* :js:func:`~instance.web.ListView.group.get_records`.
* Then displays the aggregates in the table through
* :js:method:`~instance.web.ListView.display_aggregates`.
* @param {Array} [records]
compute_aggregates: function (records) {
var columns = _(this.aggregate_columns).filter(function (column) {
return column['function']; });
if (_.isEmpty(columns)) { return; }
if (_.isEmpty(records)) {
records = this.groups.get_records();
records = _(records).compact();
var count = 0, sums = {};
_(columns).each(function (column) {
switch (column['function']) {
case 'max':
sums[column.id] = -Infinity;
case 'min':
sums[column.id] = Infinity;
sums[column.id] = 0;
_(records).each(function (record) {
count += record.count || 1;
_(columns).each(function (column) {
var field = column.id,
value = record.values[field];
switch (column['function']) {
case 'sum':
sums[field] += value;
case 'avg':
sums[field] += record.count * value;
case 'min':
if (sums[field] > value) {
sums[field] = value;
case 'max':
if (sums[field] < value) {
sums[field] = value;
var aggregates = {};
_(columns).each(function (column) {
var field = column.id;
switch (column['function']) {
case 'avg':
aggregates[field] = {value: sums[field] / count};
aggregates[field] = {value: sums[field]};
display_aggregates: function (aggregation) {
var self = this;
var $footer_cells = this.$el.find('.oe_list_footer');
_(this.aggregate_columns).each(function (column) {
if (!column['function']) {
$footer_cells.filter(_.str.sprintf('[data-field=%s]', column.id))
.html(column.format(aggregation, { process_modifiers: false }));
get_selected_ids: function() {
var ids = this.groups.get_selection().ids;
return ids;
* Calculate the active domain of the list view. This should be done only
* if the header checkbox has been checked. This is done by evaluating the
* search results, and then adding the dataset domain (i.e. action domain).
get_active_domain: function () {
var self = this;
if (this.$('.oe_list_record_selector').prop('checked')) {
var search_view = this.getParent().searchview;
var search_data = search_view.build_search_data();
return instance.web.pyeval.eval_domains_and_contexts({
domains: search_data.domains,
contexts: search_data.contexts,
group_by_seq: search_data.groupbys || []
}).then(function (results) {
var domain = self.dataset.domain.concat(results.domain || []);
return domain
else {
return $.Deferred().resolve();
* Adds padding columns at the start or end of all table rows (including
* field names row)
* @param {Number} count number of columns to add
* @param {Object} options
* @param {"before"|"after"} [options.position="after"] insertion position for the new columns
* @param {Object} [options.except] content row to not pad
pad_columns: function (count, options) {
options = options || {};
// padding for action/pager header
var $first_header = this.$el.find('thead tr:first th');
var colspan = $first_header.attr('colspan');
if (colspan) {
if (!this.previous_colspan) {
this.previous_colspan = colspan;
$first_header.attr('colspan', parseInt(colspan, 10) + count);
// Padding for column titles, footer and data rows
var $rows = this.$el
.find('.oe_list_header_columns, tr:not(thead tr)')
var newcols = new Array(count+1).join('<td class="oe_list_padding"></td>');
if (options.position === 'before') {
} else {
* Removes all padding columns of the table
unpad_columns: function () {
if (this.previous_colspan) {
.find('thead tr:first th')
.attr('colspan', this.previous_colspan);
this.previous_colspan = null;
no_result: function () {
if (this.groups.group_by
|| !this.options.action
|| !this.options.action.help) {
$('<div class="oe_view_nocontent">').html(this.options.action.help)
var create_nocontent = this.$buttons;
this.$el.find('.oe_view_nocontent').click(function() {
instance.web.ListView.List = instance.web.Class.extend( /** @lends instance.web.ListView.List# */{
* List display for the ListView, handles basic DOM events and transforms
* them in the relevant higher-level events, to which the list view (or
* other consumers) can subscribe.
* Events on this object are registered via jQuery.
* Available events:
* `selected`
* Triggered when a row is selected (using check boxes), provides an
* array of ids of all the selected records.
* `deleted`
* Triggered when deletion buttons are hit, provide an array of ids of
* all the records being marked for suppression.
* `action`
* Triggered when an action button is clicked, provides two parameters:
* * The name of the action to execute (as a string)
* * The id of the record to execute the action on
* `row_link`
* Triggered when a row of the table is clicked, provides the index (in
* the rows array) and id of the selected record to the handle function.
* @constructs instance.web.ListView.List
* @extends instance.web.Class
* @param {Object} opts display options, identical to those of :js:class:`instance.web.ListView`
init: function (group, opts) {
var self = this;
this.group = group;
this.view = group.view;
this.session = this.view.session;
this.options = opts.options;
this.columns = opts.columns;
this.dataset = opts.dataset;
this.records = opts.records;
this.record_callbacks = {
'remove': function (event, record) {
var id = record.get('id');
var $row = self.$current.children('[data-id=' + id + ']');
var index = $row.data('index');
'reset': function () { return self.on_records_reset(); },
'change': function (event, record, attribute, value, old_value) {
var $row;
if (attribute === 'id') {
if (old_value) {
throw new Error(_.str.sprintf( _t("Setting 'id' attribute on existing record %s"),
JSON.stringify(record.attributes) ));
self.dataset.add_ids([value], self.records.indexOf(record));
// Set id on new record
$row = self.$current.children('[data-id=false]');
} else {
$row = self.$current.children(
'[data-id=' + record.get('id') + ']');
'add': function (ev, records, record, index) {
var $new_row = $(self.render_record(record));
var id = record.get('id');
if (id) { self.dataset.add_ids([id], index); }
if (index === 0) {
} else {
var previous_record = records.at(index-1),
$previous_sibling = self.$current.children(
'[data-id=' + previous_record.get('id') + ']');
_(this.record_callbacks).each(function (callback, event) {
this.records.bind(event, callback);
}, this);
this.$current = $('<tbody>')
.delegate('input[readonly=readonly]', 'click', function (e) {
Against all logic and sense, as of right now @readonly
apparently does nothing on checkbox and radio inputs, so
the trick of using @readonly to have, well, readonly
checkboxes (which still let clicks go through) does not
work out of the box. We *still* need to preventDefault()
on the event, otherwise the checkbox's state *will* toggle
on click
.delegate('th.oe_list_record_selector', 'click', function (e) {
var selection = self.get_selection();
var checked = $(e.currentTarget).find('input').prop('checked');
'selected', [selection.ids, selection.records, ! checked]);
.delegate('td.oe_list_record_delete button', 'click', function (e) {
var $row = $(e.target).closest('tr');
$(self).trigger('deleted', [[self.row_id($row)]]);
.delegate('td.oe_list_field_cell button', 'click', function (e) {
var $target = $(e.currentTarget),
field = $target.closest('td').data('field'),
$row = $target.closest('tr'),
record_id = self.row_id($row);
if ($target.attr('disabled')) {
$target.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
// note: $.data converts data to number if it's composed only
// of digits, nice when storing actual numbers, not nice when
// storing strings composed only of digits. Force the action
// name to be a string
$(self).trigger('action', [field.toString(), record_id, function (id) {
return self.reload_record(self.records.get(id));
.delegate('a', 'click', function (e) {
.delegate('tr', 'click', function (e) {
var row_id = self.row_id(e.currentTarget);
if (row_id) {
if (!self.dataset.select_id(row_id)) {
throw new Error(_t("Could not find id in dataset"));
row_clicked: function (e, view) {
this.dataset, view]);
render_cell: function (record, column) {
var value;
if(column.type === 'reference') {
value = record.get(column.id);
var ref_match;
// Ensure that value is in a reference "shape", otherwise we're
// going to loop on performing name_get after we've resolved (and
// set) a human-readable version. m2o does not have this issue
// because the non-human-readable is just a number, where the
// human-readable version is a pair
if (value && (ref_match = /^([\w\.]+),(\d+)$/.exec(value))) {
// reference values are in the shape "$model,$id" (as a
// string), we need to split and name_get this pair in order
// to get a correctly displayable value in the field
var model = ref_match[1],
id = parseInt(ref_match[2], 10);
new instance.web.DataSet(this.view, model).name_get([id]).done(function(names) {
if (!names.length) { return; }
record.set(column.id + '__display', names[0][1]);
} else if (column.type === 'many2one') {
value = record.get(column.id);
// m2o values are usually name_get formatted, [Number, String]
// pairs, but in some cases only the id is provided. In these
// cases, we need to perform a name_get call to fetch the actual
// displayable value
if (typeof value === 'number' || value instanceof Number) {
// fetch the name, set it on the record (in the right field)
// and let the various registered events handle refreshing the
// row
new instance.web.DataSet(this.view, column.relation)
.name_get([value]).done(function (names) {
if (!names.length) { return; }
record.set(column.id, names[0]);
} else if (column.type === 'many2many') {
value = record.get(column.id);
// non-resolved (string) m2m values are arrays
[FIX] breakage of m2m (tag) fields in editable (o2m) listviews e.g. quotation form view, "Order Lines" table, add a tax (or more) to a line, save, then try to edit the line. Issue: the listview mostly uses a single-level structure for its display, each record is a trivial map of {name: value}. For the M2O the expected value can be complex-ish (a name_get which holds all the interesting stuff) but not so for the m2m. An m2m value is just a list of ids (Array<Integer>), the list view would overwrite that with the concatenated name_get strings to get something kind-of displayable. Except editable serializes the record it has and passes that as-is to the embedded formview. The corresponding widget (FieldMany2ManyTags) most definitely does not expect a big string to be shoved up its fat ass. So use a different but just as disgusting hack: instead of *replacing* the ids array with the string, add the string to the record after very slightly munging the original name, that way the form is happy because it gets the value it expects, and the Many2Many column can override _format to use the value of the munged/fake column as "stuff it passes to whatever is in charge of formatting fields for display" when the original field is asked for. NOTE: redundant work is done as every line will do its own name_get, potentially on the same ids over and over again. Having a short-lived backend cache may allow not name_get-ing ids we've already fetched during the same table display... bzr revid: xmo@openerp.com-20121108145705-uphw76z4q4krcpnl
2012-11-08 14:57:05 +00:00
if (value instanceof Array && !_.isEmpty(value)
&& !record.get(column.id + '__display')) {
var ids;
// they come in two shapes:
if (value[0] instanceof Array) {
var command = value[0];
// 1. an array of m2m commands (usually (6, false, ids))
if (command[0] !== 6) {
throw new Error(_.str.sprintf( _t("Unknown m2m command %s"), command[0]));
ids = command[2];
} else {
// 2. an array of ids
ids = value;
new instance.web.Model(column.relation)
.call('name_get', [ids, this.dataset.context]).done(function (names) {
[FIX] breakage of m2m (tag) fields in editable (o2m) listviews e.g. quotation form view, "Order Lines" table, add a tax (or more) to a line, save, then try to edit the line. Issue: the listview mostly uses a single-level structure for its display, each record is a trivial map of {name: value}. For the M2O the expected value can be complex-ish (a name_get which holds all the interesting stuff) but not so for the m2m. An m2m value is just a list of ids (Array<Integer>), the list view would overwrite that with the concatenated name_get strings to get something kind-of displayable. Except editable serializes the record it has and passes that as-is to the embedded formview. The corresponding widget (FieldMany2ManyTags) most definitely does not expect a big string to be shoved up its fat ass. So use a different but just as disgusting hack: instead of *replacing* the ids array with the string, add the string to the record after very slightly munging the original name, that way the form is happy because it gets the value it expects, and the Many2Many column can override _format to use the value of the munged/fake column as "stuff it passes to whatever is in charge of formatting fields for display" when the original field is asked for. NOTE: redundant work is done as every line will do its own name_get, potentially on the same ids over and over again. Having a short-lived backend cache may allow not name_get-ing ids we've already fetched during the same table display... bzr revid: xmo@openerp.com-20121108145705-uphw76z4q4krcpnl
2012-11-08 14:57:05 +00:00
// FIXME: nth horrible hack in this poor listview
record.set(column.id + '__display',
_(names).pluck(1).join(', '));
record.set(column.id, ids);
// temp empty value
record.set(column.id, false);
return column.format(record.toForm().data, {
model: this.dataset.model,
id: record.get('id')
render: function () {
QWeb.render('ListView.rows', _.extend({
render_cell: function () {
return self.render_cell.apply(self, arguments); }
}, this)));
pad_table_to: function (count) {
if (this.records.length >= count ||
_(this.columns).any(function(column) { return column.meta; })) {
var cells = [];
if (this.options.selectable) {
cells.push('<th class="oe_list_record_selector"></td>');
_(this.columns).each(function(column) {
if (column.invisible === '1') {
cells.push('<td title="' + column.string + '">&nbsp;</td>');
if (this.options.deletable) {
cells.push('<td class="oe_list_record_delete"><button type="button" style="visibility: hidden"> </button></td>');
var row = cells.join('');
.append(new Array(count - this.records.length + 1).join(row));
* Gets the ids of all currently selected records, if any
* @returns {Object} object with the keys ``ids`` and ``records``, holding respectively the ids of all selected records and the records themselves.
get_selection: function () {
var result = {ids: [], records: []};
if (!this.options.selectable) {
return result;
var records = this.records;
this.$current.find('th.oe_list_record_selector input:checked')
.closest('tr').each(function () {
var record = records.get($(this).data('id'));
return result;
* Returns the identifier of the object displayed in the provided table
* row
* @param {Object} row the selected table row
* @returns {Number|String} the identifier of the row's object
row_id: function (row) {
return $(row).data('id');
* Death signal, cleans up list display
on_records_reset: function () {
_(this.record_callbacks).each(function (callback, event) {
this.records.unbind(event, callback);
}, this);
if (!this.$current) { return; }
get_records: function () {
return this.records.map(function (record) {
return {count: 1, values: record.attributes};
* Reloads the provided record by re-reading its content from the server.
* @param {Record} record
* @returns {$.Deferred} promise to the finalization of the reloading
reload_record: function (record) {
return this.view.reload_record(record);
* Renders a list record to HTML
* @param {Record} record index of the record to render in ``this.rows``
* @returns {String} QWeb rendering of the selected record
render_record: function (record) {
var self = this;
var index = this.records.indexOf(record);
return QWeb.render('ListView.row', {
columns: this.columns,
options: this.options,
record: record,
row_parity: (index % 2 === 0) ? 'even' : 'odd',
view: this.view,
render_cell: function () {
return self.render_cell.apply(self, arguments); }
instance.web.ListView.Groups = instance.web.Class.extend( /** @lends instance.web.ListView.Groups# */{
passthrough_events: 'action deleted row_link',
* Grouped display for the ListView. Handles basic DOM events and interacts
* with the :js:class:`~DataGroup` bound to it.
* Provides events similar to those of
* :js:class:`~instance.web.ListView.List`
* @constructs instance.web.ListView.Groups
* @extends instance.web.Class
* @param {instance.web.ListView} view
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Collection} [options.records]
* @param {Object} [options.options]
* @param {Array} [options.columns]
init: function (view, options) {
options = options || {};
this.view = view;
this.records = options.records || view.records;
this.options = options.options || view.options;
this.columns = options.columns || view.columns;
this.datagroup = null;
this.$row = null;
this.children = {};
this.page = 0;
var self = this;
this.records.bind('reset', function () {
return self.on_records_reset(); });
make_fragment: function () {
return document.createDocumentFragment();
* Returns a DOM node after which a new tbody can be inserted, so that it
* follows the provided row.
* Necessary to insert the result of a new group or list view within an
* existing groups render, without losing track of the groups's own
* elements
* @param {HTMLTableRowElement} row the row after which the caller wants to insert a body
* @returns {HTMLTableSectionElement} element after which a tbody can be inserted
point_insertion: function (row) {
var $row = $(row);
var red_letter_tboday = $row.closest('tbody')[0];
var $next_siblings = $row.nextAll();
if ($next_siblings.length) {
var $root_kanal = $('<tbody>').insertAfter(red_letter_tboday);
_.indexOf(this.elements, red_letter_tboday),
return red_letter_tboday;
make_paginator: function () {
var self = this;
var $prev = $('<button type="button" data-pager-action="previous">&lt;</button>')
.click(function (e) {
self.page -= 1;
var $next = $('<button type="button" data-pager-action="next">&gt;</button>')
.click(function (e) {
self.page += 1;
.append('<span class="oe_list_pager_state"></span>')
open: function (point_insertion) {
var no_subgroups = _(this.datagroup.group_by).isEmpty(),
records_terminated = !this.datagroup.context['group_by_no_leaf'];
if (no_subgroups && records_terminated) {
close: function () {
* Prefixes ``$node`` with floated spaces in order to indent it relative
* to its own left margin/baseline
* @param {jQuery} $node jQuery object to indent
* @param {Number} level current nesting level, >= 1
* @returns {jQuery} the indentation node created
indent: function ($node, level) {
return $('<span>')
.css({'float': 'left', 'white-space': 'pre'})
.text(new Array(level).join(' '))
render_groups: function (datagroups) {
var self = this;
var placeholder = this.make_fragment();
_(datagroups).each(function (group) {
if (self.children[group.value]) {
delete self.children[group.value];
var child = self.children[group.value] = new (self.view.options.GroupsType)(self.view, {
records: self.records.proxy(group.value),
options: self.options,
columns: self.columns
child.datagroup = group;
var $row = child.$row = $('<tr class="oe_group_header">');
if (group.openable && group.length) {
$row.click(function (e) {
if (!$row.data('open')) {
$row.data('open', true)
} else {
// force recompute the selection as closing group reset properties
var selection = self.get_selection();
$(self).trigger('selected', [selection.ids, this.records]);
var $group_column = $('<th class="oe_list_group_name">').appendTo($row);
// Don't fill this if group_by_no_leaf but no group_by
if (group.grouped_on) {
var row_data = {};
row_data[group.grouped_on] = group;
var group_label = _t("Undefined");
var group_column = _(self.columns).detect(function (column) {
return column.id === group.grouped_on; });
if (group_column) {
try {
group_label = group_column.format(row_data, {
value_if_empty: _t("Undefined"),
process_modifiers: false
} catch (e) {
group_label = _.str.escapeHTML(row_data[group_column.id].value);
} else {
group_label = group.value;
if (group_label instanceof Array) {
group_label = group_label[1];
if (group_label === false) {
group_label = _t('Undefined');
group_label = _.str.escapeHTML(group_label);
// group_label is html-clean (through format or explicit
// escaping if format failed), can inject straight into HTML
$group_column.html(_.str.sprintf(_t("%s (%d)"),
group_label, group.length));
if (group.length && group.openable) {
// Make openable if not terminal group & group_by_no_leaf
$group_column.prepend('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-e" style="float: left;">');
} else {
// Kinda-ugly hack: jquery-ui has no "empty" icon, so set
// wonky background position to ensure nothing is displayed
// there but the rest of the behavior is ui-icon's
$group_column.prepend('<span class="ui-icon" style="float: left; background-position: 150px 150px">');
self.indent($group_column, group.level);
if (self.options.selectable) {
.filter(function (column) { return column.invisible !== '1'; })
.each(function (column) {
if (column.meta) {
// do not do anything
} else if (column.id in group.aggregates) {
var r = {};
r[column.id] = {value: group.aggregates[column.id]};
$('<td class="oe_number">')
.html(column.format(r, {process_modifiers: false}))
} else {
if (self.options.deletable) {
$row.append('<td class="oe_list_group_pagination">');
return placeholder;
bind_child_events: function (child) {
var $this = $(this),
self = this;
$(child).bind('selected', function (e, _0, _1, deselected) {
// can have selections spanning multiple links
var selection = self.get_selection();
$this.trigger(e, [selection.ids, selection.records, deselected]);
}).bind(this.passthrough_events, function (e) {
// additional positional parameters are provided to trigger as an
// Array, following the event type or event object, but are
// provided to the .bind event handler as *args.
// Convert our *args back into an Array in order to trigger them
// on the group itself, so it can ultimately be forwarded wherever
// it's supposed to go.
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
$this.trigger.call($this, e, args);
render_dataset: function (dataset) {
var self = this,
list = new (this.view.options.ListType)(this, {
options: this.options,
columns: this.columns,
dataset: dataset,
records: this.records
var view = this.view,
limit = view.limit(),
page = this.datagroup.openable ? this.page : view.page;
var fields = _.pluck(_.select(this.columns, function(x) {return x.tag == "field";}), 'name');
var options = { offset: page * limit, limit: limit, context: {bin_size: true} };
//TODO xmo: investigate why we need to put the setTimeout
return $.async_when().then(function() {
return dataset.read_slice(fields, options).then(function (records) {
// FIXME: ignominious hacks, parents (aka form view) should not send two ListView#reload_content concurrently
if (self.records.length) {
self.records.reset(null, {silent: true});
if (!self.datagroup.openable) {
} else {
if (dataset.size() == records.length) {
// only one page
} else {
var pages = Math.ceil(dataset.size() / limit);
.text(_.str.sprintf(_t("%(page)d/%(page_count)d"), {
page: page + 1,
page_count: pages
page === 0 ? 'hidden' : '')
page === pages - 1 ? 'hidden' : '');
self.records.add(records, {silent: true});
if (_.isEmpty(records)) {
return list;
setup_resequence_rows: function (list, dataset) {
// drag and drop enabled if list is not sorted and there is a
// visible column with @widget=handle or "sequence" column in the view.
if ((dataset.sort && dataset.sort())
|| !_(this.columns).any(function (column) {
return column.widget === 'handle'
|| column.name === 'sequence'; })) {
var sequence_field = _(this.columns).find(function (c) {
return c.widget === 'handle';
var seqname = sequence_field ? sequence_field.name : 'sequence';
// ondrop, move relevant record & fix sequences
axis: 'y',
items: '> tr[data-id]',
helper: 'clone'
if (sequence_field) {
list.$current.sortable('option', 'handle', '.oe_list_field_handle');
list.$current.sortable('option', {
start: function (e, ui) {
stop: function (event, ui) {
var to_move = list.records.get(ui.item.data('id')),
target_id = ui.item.prev().data('id'),
from_index = list.records.indexOf(to_move),
target = list.records.get(target_id);
if (list.records.at(from_index - 1) == target) {
var to = target_id ? list.records.indexOf(target) + 1 : 0;
list.records.add(to_move, { at: to });
// resequencing time!
var record, index = to,
// if drag to 1st row (to = 0), start sequencing from 0
// (exclusive lower bound)
seq = to ? list.records.at(to - 1).get(seqname) : 0;
var fct = function (dataset, id, seq) {
$.async_when().done(function () {
var attrs = {};
attrs[seqname] = seq;
dataset.write(id, attrs);
while (++seq, (record = list.records.at(index++))) {
// write are independent from one another, so we can just
// launch them all at the same time and we don't really
// give a fig about when they're done
// FIXME: breaks on o2ms (e.g. Accounting > Financial
// Accounting > Taxes > Taxes, child tax accounts)
// when synchronous (without setTimeout)
fct(dataset, record.get('id'), seq);
record.set(seqname, seq);
render: function (post_render) {
var self = this;
var $el = $('<tbody>');
this.elements = [$el[0]];
.filter(function (column) { return column.tag === 'field';})
function (groups) {
if (post_render) { post_render(); }
}, function (dataset) {
self.render_dataset(dataset).then(function (list) {
self.children[null] = list;
self.elements =
self.setup_resequence_rows(list, dataset);
}).always(function() {
if (post_render) { post_render(); }
return $el;
* Returns the ids of all selected records for this group, and the records
* themselves
get_selection: function () {
var ids = [], records = [];
.each(function (child) {
var selection = child.get_selection();
ids.push.apply(ids, selection.ids);
records.push.apply(records, selection.records);
return {ids: ids, records: records};
on_records_reset: function () {
this.children = {};
get_records: function () {
if (_(this.children).isEmpty()) {
if (!this.datagroup.length) {
return {
count: this.datagroup.length,
values: this.datagroup.aggregates
return _(this.children).chain()
.map(function (child) {
return child.get_records();
* Serializes concurrent calls to this asynchronous method. The method must
* return a deferred or promise.
* Current-implementation is class-serialized (the mutex is common to all
* instances of the list view). Can be switched to instance-serialized if
* having concurrent list views becomes possible and common.
function synchronized(fn) {
var fn_mutex = new $.Mutex();
return function () {
var obj = this;
var args = _.toArray(arguments);
return fn_mutex.exec(function () {
if (obj.isDestroyed()) { return $.when(); }
return fn.apply(obj, args)
var DataGroup = instance.web.Class.extend({
init: function(parent, model, domain, context, group_by, level) {
this.model = new instance.web.Model(model, context, domain);
this.group_by = group_by;
this.context = context;
this.domain = domain;
this.level = level || 0;
list: function (fields, ifGroups, ifRecords) {
var self = this;
if (!_.isEmpty(this.group_by)) {
// ensure group_by fields are read.
fields = _.unique((fields || []).concat(this.group_by));
var query = this.model.query(fields).order_by(this.sort).group_by(this.group_by);
$.when(query).done(function (querygroups) {
// leaf node
if (!querygroups) {
var ds = new instance.web.DataSetSearch(self, self.model.name, self.model.context(), self.model.domain());
ds._sort = self.sort;
// internal node
var child_datagroups = _(querygroups).map(function (group) {
var child_context = _.extend(
{}, self.model.context(), group.model.context());
var child_dg = new DataGroup(
self, self.model.name, group.model.domain(),
child_context, group.model._context.group_by,
self.level + 1);
child_dg.sort = self.sort;
// copy querygroup properties
child_dg.__context = child_context;
child_dg.__domain = group.model.domain();
child_dg.folded = group.get('folded');
child_dg.grouped_on = group.get('grouped_on');
child_dg.length = group.get('length');
child_dg.value = group.get('value');
child_dg.openable = group.get('has_children');
child_dg.aggregates = group.get('aggregates');
return child_dg;
var StaticDataGroup = DataGroup.extend({
init: function (dataset) {
this.dataset = dataset;
list: function (fields, ifGroups, ifRecords) {
* @mixin Events
var Events = /** @lends Events# */{
* @param {String} event event to listen to on the current object, null for all events
* @param {Function} handler event handler to bind to the relevant event
* @returns this
bind: function (event, handler) {
var calls = this['_callbacks'] || (this._callbacks = {});
if (event in calls) {
} else {
calls[event] = [handler];
return this;
* @param {String} event event to unbind on the current object
* @param {function} [handler] specific event handler to remove (otherwise unbind all handlers for the event)
* @returns this
unbind: function (event, handler) {
var calls = this._callbacks || {};
if (!(event in calls)) { return this; }
if (!handler) {
delete calls[event];
} else {
var handlers = calls[event];
return this;
* @param {String} event
* @returns this
trigger: function (event) {
var calls;
if (!(calls = this._callbacks)) { return this; }
var callbacks = (calls[event] || []).concat(calls[null] || []);
for(var i=0, length=callbacks.length; i<length; ++i) {
callbacks[i].apply(this, arguments);
return this;
var Record = instance.web.Class.extend(/** @lends Record# */{
* @constructs Record
* @extends instance.web.Class
* @mixes Events
* @param {Object} [data]
init: function (data) {
this.attributes = data || {};
* @param {String} key
* @returns {Object}
get: function (key) {
return this.attributes[key];
* @param key
* @param value
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Boolean} [options.silent=false]
* @returns {Record}
set: function (key, value, options) {
options = options || {};
var old_value = this.attributes[key];
if (old_value === value) {
return this;
this.attributes[key] = value;
if (!options.silent) {
this.trigger('change:' + key, this, value, old_value);
this.trigger('change', this, key, value, old_value);
return this;
* Converts the current record to the format expected by form views:
* .. code-block:: javascript
* data: {
* $fieldname: {
* value: $value
* }
* }
* @returns {Object} record displayable in a form view
toForm: function () {
var form_data = {}, attrs = this.attributes;
for(var k in attrs) {
form_data[k] = {value: attrs[k]};
return {data: form_data};
* Converts the current record to a format expected by context evaluations
* (identical to record.attributes, except m2o fields are their integer
* value rather than a pair)
toContext: function () {
var output = {}, attrs = this.attributes;
for(var k in attrs) {
var val = attrs[k];
if (typeof val !== 'object') {
output[k] = val;
} else if (val instanceof Array) {
output[k] = val[0];
} else {
throw new Error(_.str.sprintf(_t("Can't convert value %s to context"), val));
return output;
var Collection = instance.web.Class.extend(/** @lends Collection# */{
* Smarter collections, with events, very strongly inspired by Backbone's.
* Using a "dumb" array of records makes synchronization between the
* various serious
* @constructs Collection
* @extends instance.web.Class
* @mixes Events
* @param {Array} [records] records to initialize the collection with
* @param {Object} [options]
init: function (records, options) {
options = options || {};
_.bindAll(this, '_onRecordEvent');
this.length = 0;
this.records = [];
this._byId = {};
this._proxies = {};
this._key = options.key;
this._parent = options.parent;
if (records) {
* @param {Object|Array} record
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {Number} [options.at]
* @param {Boolean} [options.silent=false]
* @returns this
add: function (record, options) {
options = options || {};
var records = record instanceof Array ? record : [record];
for(var i=0, length=records.length; i<length; ++i) {
var instance_ = (records[i] instanceof Record) ? records[i] : new Record(records[i]);
instance_.bind(null, this._onRecordEvent);
this._byId[instance_.get('id')] = instance_;
if (options.at === undefined || options.at === null) {
if (!options.silent) {
this.trigger('add', this, instance_, this.records.length-1);
} else {
var insertion_index = options.at + i;
this.records.splice(insertion_index, 0, instance_);
if (!options.silent) {
this.trigger('add', this, instance_, insertion_index);
return this;
* Get a record by its index in the collection, can also take a group if
* the collection is not degenerate
* @param {Number} index
* @param {String} [group]
* @returns {Record|undefined}
at: function (index, group) {
if (group) {
var groups = group.split('.');
return this._proxies[groups[0]].at(index, groups.join('.'));
return this.records[index];
* Get a record by its database id
* @param {Number} id
* @returns {Record|undefined}
get: function (id) {
if (!_(this._proxies).isEmpty()) {
var record = null;
_(this._proxies).detect(function (proxy) {
record = proxy.get(id);
return record;
return record;
return this._byId[id];
* Builds a proxy (insert/retrieve) to a subtree of the collection, by
* the subtree's group
* @param {String} section group path section
* @returns {Collection}
proxy: function (section) {
this._proxies[section] = new Collection(null, {
parent: this,
key: section
}).bind(null, this._onRecordEvent);
return this._proxies[section];
* @param {Array} [records]
* @returns this
reset: function (records, options) {
options = options || {};
_(this._proxies).each(function (proxy) {
this._proxies = {};
_(this.records).invoke('unbind', null, this._onRecordEvent);
this.length = 0;
this.records = [];
this._byId = {};
if (records) {
if (!options.silent) {
this.trigger('reset', this);
return this;
* Removes the provided record from the collection
* @param {Record} record
* @returns this
remove: function (record) {
var index = this.indexOf(record);
if (index === -1) {
_(this._proxies).each(function (proxy) {
return this;
record.unbind(null, this._onRecordEvent);
this.records.splice(index, 1);
delete this._byId[record.get('id')];
this.trigger('remove', record, this);
return this;
_onRecordEvent: function (event) {
switch(event) {
// don't propagate reset events
case 'reset': return;
case 'change:id':
var record = arguments[1];
var new_value = arguments[2];
var old_value = arguments[3];
// [change:id, record, new_value, old_value]
if (this._byId[old_value] === record) {
delete this._byId[old_value];
this._byId[new_value] = record;
this.trigger.apply(this, arguments);
// underscore-type methods
find: function (callback) {
var record;
for(var section in this._proxies) {
if (!this._proxies.hasOwnProperty(section)) {
if ((record = this._proxies[section].find(callback))) {
return record;
for(var i=0; i<this.length; ++i) {
record = this.records[i];
if (callback(record)) {
return record;
each: function (callback) {
for(var section in this._proxies) {
if (this._proxies.hasOwnProperty(section)) {
for(var i=0; i<this.length; ++i) {
map: function (callback) {
var results = [];
this.each(function (record) {
return results;
pluck: function (fieldname) {
return this.map(function (record) {
return record.get(fieldname);
indexOf: function (record) {
return _(this.records).indexOf(record);
succ: function (record, options) {
options = options || {wraparound: false};
var result;
for(var section in this._proxies) {
if (!this._proxies.hasOwnProperty(section)) {
if ((result = this._proxies[section].succ(record, options))) {
return result;
var index = this.indexOf(record);
if (index === -1) { return null; }
var next_index = index + 1;
if (options.wraparound && (next_index === this.length)) {
return this.at(0);
return this.at(next_index);
pred: function (record, options) {
options = options || {wraparound: false};
var result;
for (var section in this._proxies) {
if (!this._proxies.hasOwnProperty(section)) {
if ((result = this._proxies[section].pred(record, options))) {
return result;
var index = this.indexOf(record);
if (index === -1) { return null; }
var next_index = index - 1;
if (options.wraparound && (next_index === -1)) {
return this.at(this.length - 1);
return this.at(next_index);
instance.web.list = {
Events: Events,
Record: Record,
Collection: Collection
* Registry for column objects used to format table cells (and some other tasks
* e.g. aggregation computations).
* Maps a field or button to a Column type via its ``$tag.$widget``,
* ``$tag.$type`` or its ``$tag`` (alone).
* This specific registry has a dedicated utility method ``for_`` taking a
* field (from fields_get/fields_view_get.field) and a node (from a view) and
* returning the right object *already instantiated from the data provided*.
* @type {instance.web.Registry}
instance.web.list.columns = new instance.web.Registry({
'field': 'instance.web.list.Column',
'field.boolean': 'instance.web.list.Boolean',
'field.binary': 'instance.web.list.Binary',
'field.char': 'instance.web.list.Char',
'field.progressbar': 'instance.web.list.ProgressBar',
'field.handle': 'instance.web.list.Handle',
'button': 'instance.web.list.Button',
'field.many2onebutton': 'instance.web.list.Many2OneButton',
'field.reference': 'instance.web.list.Reference',
[FIX] breakage of m2m (tag) fields in editable (o2m) listviews e.g. quotation form view, "Order Lines" table, add a tax (or more) to a line, save, then try to edit the line. Issue: the listview mostly uses a single-level structure for its display, each record is a trivial map of {name: value}. For the M2O the expected value can be complex-ish (a name_get which holds all the interesting stuff) but not so for the m2m. An m2m value is just a list of ids (Array<Integer>), the list view would overwrite that with the concatenated name_get strings to get something kind-of displayable. Except editable serializes the record it has and passes that as-is to the embedded formview. The corresponding widget (FieldMany2ManyTags) most definitely does not expect a big string to be shoved up its fat ass. So use a different but just as disgusting hack: instead of *replacing* the ids array with the string, add the string to the record after very slightly munging the original name, that way the form is happy because it gets the value it expects, and the Many2Many column can override _format to use the value of the munged/fake column as "stuff it passes to whatever is in charge of formatting fields for display" when the original field is asked for. NOTE: redundant work is done as every line will do its own name_get, potentially on the same ids over and over again. Having a short-lived backend cache may allow not name_get-ing ids we've already fetched during the same table display... bzr revid: xmo@openerp.com-20121108145705-uphw76z4q4krcpnl
2012-11-08 14:57:05 +00:00
'field.many2many': 'instance.web.list.Many2Many'
instance.web.list.columns.for_ = function (id, field, node) {
var description = _.extend({tag: node.tag}, field, node.attrs);
var tag = description.tag;
var Type = this.get_any([
tag + '.' + description.widget,
tag + '.'+ description.type,
return new Type(id, node.tag, description);
instance.web.list.Column = instance.web.Class.extend({
init: function (id, tag, attrs) {
_.extend(attrs, {
id: id,
tag: tag
this.modifiers = attrs.modifiers ? JSON.parse(attrs.modifiers) : {};
delete attrs.modifiers;
_.extend(this, attrs);
if (this.modifiers['tree_invisible']) {
this.invisible = '1';
} else { delete this.invisible; }
modifiers_for: function (fields) {
var out = {};
var domain_computer = instance.web.form.compute_domain;
for (var attr in this.modifiers) {
if (!this.modifiers.hasOwnProperty(attr)) { continue; }
var modifier = this.modifiers[attr];
out[attr] = _.isBoolean(modifier)
? modifier
: domain_computer(modifier, fields);
return out;
to_aggregate: function () {
if (this.type !== 'integer' && this.type !== 'float') {
return {};
var aggregation_func = this['group_operator'] || 'sum';
if (!(aggregation_func in this)) {
return {};
var C = function (fn, label) {
this['function'] = fn;
this.label = label;
C.prototype = this;
return new C(aggregation_func, this[aggregation_func]);
* @param row_data record whose values should be displayed in the cell
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {String} [options.value_if_empty=''] what to display if the field's value is ``false``
* @param {Boolean} [options.process_modifiers=true] should the modifiers be computed ?
* @param {String} [options.model] current record's model
* @param {Number} [options.id] current record's id
* @return {String}
format: function (row_data, options) {
options = options || {};
var attrs = {};
if (options.process_modifiers !== false) {
attrs = this.modifiers_for(row_data);
if (attrs.invisible) { return ''; }
if (!row_data[this.id]) {
return options.value_if_empty === undefined
? ''
: options.value_if_empty;
return this._format(row_data, options);
* Method to override in order to provide alternative HTML content for the
* cell. Column._format will simply call ``instance.web.format_value`` and
* escape the output.
* The output of ``_format`` will *not* be escaped by ``format``, any
* escaping *must be done* by ``format``.
* @private
_format: function (row_data, options) {
return _.escape(instance.web.format_value(
row_data[this.id].value, this, options.value_if_empty));
instance.web.list.MetaColumn = instance.web.list.Column.extend({
meta: true,
init: function (id, string) {
this._super(id, '', {string: string});
instance.web.list.Button = instance.web.list.Column.extend({
* Return an actual ``<button>`` tag
format: function (row_data, options) {
options = options || {};
var attrs = {};
if (options.process_modifiers !== false) {
attrs = this.modifiers_for(row_data);
if (attrs.invisible) { return ''; }
return QWeb.render('ListView.row.button', {
widget: this,
prefix: instance.session.prefix,
disabled: attrs.readonly
|| isNaN(row_data.id.value)
|| instance.web.BufferedDataSet.virtual_id_regex.test(row_data.id.value)
instance.web.list.Boolean = instance.web.list.Column.extend({
* Return a potentially disabled checkbox input
* @private
_format: function (row_data, options) {
return _.str.sprintf('<input type="checkbox" %s readonly="readonly"/>',
row_data[this.id].value ? 'checked="checked"' : '');
instance.web.list.Binary = instance.web.list.Column.extend({
* Return a link to the binary data as a file
* @private
_format: function (row_data, options) {
var text = _t("Download");
var value = row_data[this.id].value;
var download_url;
if (value && value.substr(0, 10).indexOf(' ') == -1) {
download_url = "data:application/octet-stream;base64," + value;
} else {
download_url = instance.session.url('/web/binary/saveas', {model: options.model, field: this.id, id: options.id});
if (this.filename) {
download_url += '&filename_field=' + this.filename;
if (this.filename && row_data[this.filename]) {
text = _.str.sprintf(_t("Download \"%s\""), instance.web.format_value(
row_data[this.filename].value, {type: 'char'}));
return _.template('<a href="<%-href%>"><%-text%></a> (<%-size%>)', {
text: text,
href: download_url,
size: instance.web.binary_to_binsize(value),
instance.web.list.Char = instance.web.list.Column.extend({
replacement: '*',
* If password field, only display replacement characters (if value is
* non-empty)
_format: function (row_data, options) {
var value = row_data[this.id].value;
if (value && this.password === 'True') {
return value.replace(/[\s\S]/g, _.escape(this.replacement));
return this._super(row_data, options);
instance.web.list.ProgressBar = instance.web.list.Column.extend({
* Return a formatted progress bar display
* @private
_format: function (row_data, options) {
return _.template(
'<progress value="<%-value%>" max="100"><%-value%>%</progress>', {
value: _.str.sprintf("%.0f", row_data[this.id].value || 0)
instance.web.list.Handle = instance.web.list.Column.extend({
init: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// Handle overrides the field to not be form-editable.
this.modifiers.readonly = true;
* Return styling hooks for a drag handle
* @private
_format: function (row_data, options) {
return '<div class="oe_list_handle">';
instance.web.list.Many2OneButton = instance.web.list.Column.extend({
_format: function (row_data, options) {
this.has_value = !!row_data[this.id].value;
this.icon = this.has_value ? 'gtk-yes' : 'gtk-no';
this.string = this.has_value ? _t('View') : _t('Create');
return QWeb.render('Many2OneButton.cell', {
'widget': this,
'prefix': instance.session.prefix,
[FIX] breakage of m2m (tag) fields in editable (o2m) listviews e.g. quotation form view, "Order Lines" table, add a tax (or more) to a line, save, then try to edit the line. Issue: the listview mostly uses a single-level structure for its display, each record is a trivial map of {name: value}. For the M2O the expected value can be complex-ish (a name_get which holds all the interesting stuff) but not so for the m2m. An m2m value is just a list of ids (Array<Integer>), the list view would overwrite that with the concatenated name_get strings to get something kind-of displayable. Except editable serializes the record it has and passes that as-is to the embedded formview. The corresponding widget (FieldMany2ManyTags) most definitely does not expect a big string to be shoved up its fat ass. So use a different but just as disgusting hack: instead of *replacing* the ids array with the string, add the string to the record after very slightly munging the original name, that way the form is happy because it gets the value it expects, and the Many2Many column can override _format to use the value of the munged/fake column as "stuff it passes to whatever is in charge of formatting fields for display" when the original field is asked for. NOTE: redundant work is done as every line will do its own name_get, potentially on the same ids over and over again. Having a short-lived backend cache may allow not name_get-ing ids we've already fetched during the same table display... bzr revid: xmo@openerp.com-20121108145705-uphw76z4q4krcpnl
2012-11-08 14:57:05 +00:00
instance.web.list.Many2Many = instance.web.list.Column.extend({
_format: function (row_data, options) {
if (!_.isEmpty(row_data[this.id].value)) {
[FIX] breakage of m2m (tag) fields in editable (o2m) listviews e.g. quotation form view, "Order Lines" table, add a tax (or more) to a line, save, then try to edit the line. Issue: the listview mostly uses a single-level structure for its display, each record is a trivial map of {name: value}. For the M2O the expected value can be complex-ish (a name_get which holds all the interesting stuff) but not so for the m2m. An m2m value is just a list of ids (Array<Integer>), the list view would overwrite that with the concatenated name_get strings to get something kind-of displayable. Except editable serializes the record it has and passes that as-is to the embedded formview. The corresponding widget (FieldMany2ManyTags) most definitely does not expect a big string to be shoved up its fat ass. So use a different but just as disgusting hack: instead of *replacing* the ids array with the string, add the string to the record after very slightly munging the original name, that way the form is happy because it gets the value it expects, and the Many2Many column can override _format to use the value of the munged/fake column as "stuff it passes to whatever is in charge of formatting fields for display" when the original field is asked for. NOTE: redundant work is done as every line will do its own name_get, potentially on the same ids over and over again. Having a short-lived backend cache may allow not name_get-ing ids we've already fetched during the same table display... bzr revid: xmo@openerp.com-20121108145705-uphw76z4q4krcpnl
2012-11-08 14:57:05 +00:00
// If value, use __display version for printing
row_data[this.id] = row_data[this.id + '__display'];
return this._super(row_data, options);
instance.web.list.Reference = instance.web.list.Column.extend({
_format: function (row_data, options) {
if (!_.isEmpty(row_data[this.id].value)) {
// If value, use __display version for printing
if (!!row_data[this.id + '__display']) {
row_data[this.id] = row_data[this.id + '__display'];
} else {
row_data[this.id] = {'value': ''};
return this._super(row_data, options);
// vim:et fdc=0 fdl=0 foldnestmax=3 fdm=syntax: