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# Copyright (C) 2000-2005 by Yasushi Saito (yasushi.saito@gmail.com)
# Jockey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# Jockey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
import text_box
import fill_style
import line_style
import pychart_util
import chart_object
import arrow
import legend
import font
import pie_plot_doc
import theme
from pychart_types import *
from types import *
class T(chart_object.T):
__doc__ = pie_plot_doc.doc
keys = {
"start_angle" : (NumType, 90,
"""The angle at which the first item is drawn."""),
"center" : (CoordType, None, "The location of the center of the pie."),
"radius" : (UnitType, None, "The radius of the pie."),
"line_style" : (line_style.T, line_style.default, "The style of the outer edge of each pie slice."),
"fill_styles" : (ListType, fill_style.standards.list(),
"""The fill style of each item. The length of the
list should be equal to the length of the data.
"arc_offsets" : (ListType, None,
"""You can draw each pie "slice" shifted off-center.
This attribute, if non-None,
must be a number sequence whose length is equal to
the number of pie slices. The Nth value in arc_offsets
specify the amount of offset
(from the center of the circle)
for the Nth slice.
The value of None will draw all the slices
anchored at the center.
"data" : (AnyType, None, pychart_util.data_desc),
"label_format" : (FormatType, "%s",
"Format string of the label"),
"label_col" : (IntType, 0,
"""The column, within "data", from which the labels of items are retrieved."""),
"data_col": (IntType, 1,
""" The column, within "data", from which the data values are retrieved."""),
"label_offset": (UnitType, None, "The distance from the center of each label."),
"arrow_style": (arrow.T, None,
"""The style of arrow that connects a label
to the corresponding "pie"."""),
"label_line_style": (line_style.T, None, "The style of the frame surrounding each label."),
"label_fill_style": (fill_style.T, fill_style.default, "The fill style of the frame surrounding each label."),
"shadow": (ShadowType, None, pychart_util.shadow_desc)
def _total(self):
v = 0
for val in self.data:
v += val[self.data_col]
return v
def check_integrity(self):
def get_data_range(self, which):
return (0, 1)
def get_legend_entry(self):
legends = []
i = 0
for val in self.data:
fill = self.fill_styles[i]
i = (i + 1) % len(self.fill_styles)
return legends
def draw(self, ar, can):
center = self.center
if not center:
center = (ar.loc[0] + ar.size[0]/2.0,
ar.loc[1] + ar.size[1]/2.0)
radius = self.radius
if not radius:
radius = min(ar.size[0]/2.0, ar.size[1]/2.0) * 0.5
label_offset = radius + (self.label_offset or radius * 0.1)
total = self._total()
i = 0
cur_angle = self.start_angle
for val in self.data:
fill = self.fill_styles[i]
degree = 360 * float(val[self.data_col]) / float(total)
off = (0, 0)
if len(self.arc_offsets) > i:
off = pychart_util.rotate(self.arc_offsets[i], 0, cur_angle - degree/2.0)
x_center = center[0]+ off[0]
y_center = center[1]+ off[1]
can.ellipsis(self.line_style, fill,
x_center, y_center, radius, 1,
cur_angle - degree, cur_angle,
label = pychart_util.apply_format(self.label_format, val,
if label != None:
(x_label, y_label) = pychart_util.rotate(label_offset, 0, cur_angle - degree/2.0)
(x_arrowtip, y_arrowtip) = pychart_util.rotate(radius, 0, cur_angle - degree/2.0)
# Labels on left side of pie need
# their text to avoid obscuring the pie
if x_label < 0:
x_label = x_label - font.text_width(label)
t = text_box.T(loc = (x_label + x_center, y_label + y_center),
text = label,
line_style = self.label_line_style,
fill_style = self.label_fill_style)
if self.arrow_style:
t.add_arrow((x_arrowtip + x_center, y_arrowtip + y_center),
None, self.arrow_style)
cur_angle = (cur_angle - degree) % 360
i = (i + 1) % len(self.fill_styles)
def init():
old_val = T.keys["fill_styles"]
T.keys["fill_styles"] = (old_val[0], fill_style.standards.list(),