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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import time
import re
import copy
from report import report_sxw
from common_report_header import common_report_header
class partner_balance(report_sxw.rml_parse, common_report_header):
def __init__(self, cr, uid, name, context=None):
if context is None:
context = {}
super(partner_balance, self).__init__(cr, uid, name, context=context)
self.account_ids = []
self.localcontext.update( {
'time': time,
'lines': self.lines,
'sum_debit': self._sum_debit,
'sum_credit': self._sum_credit,
'sum_litige': self._sum_litige,
'sum_sdebit': self._sum_sdebit,
'sum_scredit': self._sum_scredit,
'solde_debit': self._solde_balance_debit,
'solde_credit': self._solde_balance_credit,
'get_currency': self._get_currency,
'comma_me' : self.comma_me,
'get_fiscalyear': self._get_fiscalyear,
'get_journal': self._get_journal,
'get_filter': self._get_filter,
'get_account': self._get_account,
'get_start_period': self.get_start_period,
'get_end_period': self.get_end_period,
## Compute account list one time
# Date Management
def get_periods(self, form):
result = ''
if form.has_key('periods') and form['periods']:
period_ids = form['periods']
per_ids = self.pool.get('account.period').browse(self.cr, self.uid, form['periods'])
for r in per_ids:
if r == per_ids[len(per_ids)-1]:
result+=r.name+". "
result+=r.name+", "
fy_obj = self.pool.get('account.fiscalyear').browse(self.cr, self.uid, form['fiscalyear'])
res = fy_obj.period_ids
len_res = len(res)
for r in res:
if r == res[len_res-1]:
result += r.name + ". "
result += r.name + ", "
return str(result and result[:-1]) or 'ALL'
def comma_me(self, amount):
if type(amount) is float :
amount = str('%.2f'%amount)
else :
amount = str(amount)
if (amount == '0'):
return ' '
orig = amount
new = re.sub("^(-?\d+)(\d{3})", "\g<1>'\g<2>", amount)
if orig == new:
return new
return self.comma_me(new)
def set_context(self, objects, data, ids, report_type=None):
## Compute Code
if (data['form']['result_selection'] == 'customer' ):
self.ACCOUNT_TYPE = ('receivable',)
elif (data['form']['result_selection'] == 'supplier'):
self.ACCOUNT_TYPE = ('payable',)
self.ACCOUNT_TYPE = ('payable', 'receivable')
self.cr.execute("SELECT a.id " \
"FROM account_account a " \
"LEFT JOIN account_account_type t " \
"ON (a.type = t.code) " \
"WHERE a.type IN %s " \
"AND a.active", (self.ACCOUNT_TYPE,))
self.account_ids = [a for (a,) in self.cr.fetchall()]
self.initial_balance = data['form']['initial_balance'] # for include initial balance
self.query = data['form'].get('query_line', '')
self.init_query = data['form'].get('initial_bal_query', '')
return super(partner_balance, self).set_context(objects, data, ids, report_type)
def lines(self, data):
full_account = []
result_tmp = 0.0
"SELECT p.ref,l.account_id,ac.name AS account_name,ac.code AS code ,p.name, sum(debit) AS debit, sum(credit) AS credit, " \
"CASE WHEN sum(debit) > sum(credit) " \
"THEN sum(debit) - sum(credit) " \
"ELSE 0 " \
"END AS sdebit, " \
"CASE WHEN sum(debit) < sum(credit) " \
"THEN sum(credit) - sum(debit) " \
"ELSE 0 " \
"END AS scredit, " \
"(SELECT sum(debit-credit) " \
"FROM account_move_line l " \
"WHERE partner_id = p.id " \
"AND " + self.query + " " \
"AND blocked = TRUE " \
") AS enlitige " \
"FROM account_move_line l LEFT JOIN res_partner p ON (l.partner_id=p.id) " \
"JOIN account_account ac ON (l.account_id = ac.id)" \
"WHERE ac.type IN %s " \
" AND " + self.query + "" \
"GROUP BY p.id, p.ref, p.name,l.account_id,ac.name,ac.code " \
"ORDER BY l.account_id,p.name",
res = self.cr.dictfetchall()
#For include intial balance..
if self.initial_balance:
"SELECT '1' AS type, '' AS ref, l.account_id AS account_id, '' AS account_name, '' AS code, '' AS name, sum(debit) AS debit, sum(credit) AS credit, " \
"CASE WHEN sum(debit) > sum(credit) " \
"THEN sum(debit) - sum(credit) " \
"ELSE 0 " \
"END AS sdebit, " \
"CASE WHEN sum(debit) < sum(credit) " \
"THEN sum(credit) - sum(debit) " \
"ELSE 0 " \
"END AS scredit, " \
"(SELECT sum(debit-credit) " \
"FROM account_move_line l " \
"WHERE partner_id = p.id " \
" AND " + self.init_query + " " \
"AND blocked = TRUE " \
") AS enlitige " \
"FROM account_move_line l LEFT JOIN res_partner p ON (l.partner_id=p.id) " \
"JOIN account_account ac ON (l.account_id = ac.id) " \
"WHERE ac.type IN %s " \
"AND " + self.init_query + "" \
"GROUP BY p.id, p.ref, p.name,l.account_id,ac.name,ac.code " \
"ORDER BY l.account_id, p.name",
(self.ACCOUNT_TYPE, ))
res1 = self.cr.dictfetchall()
final_init = {}
res_init = {}
debit = credit = 0
for r in res1:
if final_init.get(r['account_id'], False):
res_init = final_init[r['account_id']]
debit += final_init[r['account_id']]['debit']
credit += final_init[r['account_id']]['credit']
res_init['credit'] = credit
res_init['debit'] = debit
res_init['type'] = 3
res_init['ref'] = ''
res_init['code'] = ''
res_init['name'] = 'Initial Balance'
res_init['balance'] = debit - credit
res_init['enlitige'] = 0.0 # fix me
res_init['account_id'] = final_init[r['account_id']]['account_id']
res_init = {}
debit = r['debit']
credit = r['credit']
res_init['credit'] = credit
res_init['debit'] = debit
res_init['type'] = 3
res_init['ref'] = ''
res_init['code'] = ''
res_init['name'] = 'Initial Balance'
res_init['balance'] = debit - credit
res_init['enlitige'] = 0.0 # fix me
res_init['account_id'] = r['account_id']
final_init[r['account_id']] = res_init
for r in res:
## We will now compute Total
subtotal_row = self._add_subtotal(full_account)
if not self.initial_balance:
return subtotal_row
#If include initial balance is selected..
subtotal = copy.deepcopy(subtotal_row)
init_acnt = []
for row in subtotal_row:
if final_init and row.get('account_id', False) and not row['account_id'] in init_acnt and final_init.get(row['account_id'], False):
subtotal.insert(subtotal.index(row), final_init[row['account_id']])
return subtotal
def _add_subtotal(self, cleanarray):
i = 0
completearray = []
tot_debit = 0.0
tot_credit = 0.0
tot_scredit = 0.0
tot_sdebit = 0.0
tot_enlitige = 0.0
for r in cleanarray:
# For the first element we always add the line
# type = 1 is the line is the first of the account
# type = 2 is an other line of the account
if i==0:
# We add the first as the header
new_header = {}
new_header['ref'] = ''
new_header['name'] = r['account_name']
new_header['code'] = r['code']
new_header['debit'] = r['credit'] #tot_credit
new_header['credit'] = r['debit'] #tot_debit
new_header['scredit'] = tot_scredit
new_header['sdebit'] = tot_sdebit
new_header['enlitige'] = tot_enlitige
new_header['balance'] = float(tot_sdebit) - float(tot_scredit)
new_header['type'] = 3
r['type'] = 1
r['balance'] = float(r['sdebit']) - float(r['scredit'])
tot_debit = r['debit']
tot_credit = r['credit']
tot_scredit = r['scredit']
tot_sdebit = r['sdebit']
tot_enlitige = (r['enlitige'] or 0.0)
if cleanarray[i]['account_id'] <> cleanarray[i-1]['account_id']:
new_header['debit'] = tot_debit
new_header['credit'] = tot_credit
new_header['scredit'] = tot_scredit
new_header['sdebit'] = tot_sdebit
new_header['enlitige'] = tot_enlitige
new_header['balance'] = float(tot_sdebit) - float(tot_scredit)
new_header['type'] = 3
# we reset the counter
tot_debit = r['debit']
tot_credit = r['credit']
tot_scredit = r['scredit']
tot_sdebit = r['sdebit']
tot_enlitige = (r['enlitige'] or 0.0)
new_header = {}
new_header['ref'] = ''
new_header['name'] = r['account_name']
new_header['code'] = r['code']
new_header['debit'] = tot_debit
new_header['credit'] = tot_credit
new_header['scredit'] = tot_scredit
new_header['sdebit'] = tot_sdebit
new_header['enlitige'] = tot_enlitige
new_header['balance'] = float(tot_sdebit) - float(tot_scredit)
new_header['type'] = 3
r['type'] = 1
r['balance'] = float(r['sdebit']) - float(r['scredit'])
if cleanarray[i]['account_id'] == cleanarray[i-1]['account_id']:
# we reset the counter
new_header['debit'] = tot_debit
new_header['credit'] = tot_credit
new_header['scredit'] = tot_scredit
new_header['sdebit'] = tot_sdebit
new_header['enlitige'] = tot_enlitige
new_header['balance'] = float(tot_sdebit) - float(tot_scredit)
new_header['type'] = 3
tot_debit = tot_debit + r['debit']
tot_credit = tot_credit + r['credit']
tot_scredit = tot_scredit + r['scredit']
tot_sdebit = tot_sdebit + r['sdebit']
tot_enlitige = tot_enlitige + (r['enlitige'] or 0.0)
new_header['debit'] = tot_debit
new_header['credit'] = tot_credit
new_header['scredit'] = tot_scredit
new_header['sdebit'] = tot_sdebit
new_header['enlitige'] = tot_enlitige
new_header['balance'] = float(tot_sdebit) - float(tot_scredit)
r['type'] = 2
r['balance'] = float(r['sdebit']) - float(r['scredit'])
i = i + 1
return completearray
def _sum_debit(self, data):
if not self.ids:
return 0.0
temp_res = 0.0
"SELECT sum(debit) " \
"FROM account_move_line AS l " \
"WHERE l.account_id IN %s" \
"AND " + self.query + "" ,
(tuple(self.account_ids), ))
temp_res = float(self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0)
if self.initial_balance:
"SELECT sum(debit) " \
"FROM account_move_line AS l " \
"WHERE l.account_id IN %s " \
"AND " + self.init_query + "" ,
(tuple(self.account_ids), ))
temp_res += float(self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0)
return temp_res
def _sum_credit(self, data):
if not self.ids:
return 0.0
temp_res = 0.0
"SELECT sum(credit) " \
"FROM account_move_line AS l " \
"WHERE l.account_id IN %s" \
"AND " + self.query + "" ,
temp_res = float(self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0)
if self.initial_balance:
"SELECT sum(credit) " \
"FROM account_move_line AS l " \
"WHERE l.account_id IN %s " \
"AND " + self.init_query + "" ,
temp_res += float(self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0)
return temp_res
def _sum_litige(self, data):
if not self.ids:
return 0.0
temp_res = 0.0
"SELECT sum(debit-credit) " \
"FROM account_move_line AS l " \
"WHERE l.account_id IN %s" \
"AND " + self.query + " " \
"AND l.blocked=TRUE ",
(tuple(self.account_ids), ))
temp_res = float(self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0)
if self.initial_balance:
"SELECT sum(debit-credit) " \
"FROM account_move_line AS l " \
"WHERE l.account_id IN %s " \
"AND l.blocked=TRUE "\
"AND " + self.init_query + "" ,
(tuple(self.account_ids), ))
temp_res += float(self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0)
return temp_res
def _sum_sdebit(self, data):
if not self.ids:
return 0.0
result_tmp = 0.0
a = 0.0
"SELECT CASE WHEN sum(debit) > sum(credit) " \
"THEN sum(debit) - sum(credit) " \
"ELSE 0 " \
"END " \
"FROM account_move_line AS l " \
"WHERE l.account_id IN %s" \
"AND " + self.query + " " \
"GROUP BY l.partner_id",
a = self.cr.fetchone()[0]
if self.cr.fetchone() != None:
result_tmp = result_tmp + (a or 0.0)
result_tmp = 0.0
return result_tmp
def _sum_scredit(self, data):
if not self.ids:
return 0.0
result_tmp = 0.0
a = 0.0
"SELECT CASE WHEN sum(debit) < sum(credit) " \
"THEN sum(credit) - sum(debit) " \
"ELSE 0 " \
"END " \
"FROM account_move_line AS l " \
"WHERE l.account_id IN %s" \
"AND " + self.query + " " \
"GROUP BY l.partner_id",
(tuple(self.account_ids), ))
a = self.cr.fetchone()[0] or 0.0
if self.cr.fetchone() != None:
result_tmp = result_tmp + (a or 0.0)
result_tmp = 0.0
return result_tmp
def _solde_balance_debit(self, data):
debit, credit = self._sum_debit(data), self._sum_credit(data)
return debit > credit and debit - credit
def _solde_balance_credit(self, data):
debit, credit = self._sum_debit(data), self._sum_credit(data)
return credit > debit and credit - debit
def _get_partners(self, data):
if data['form']['result_selection'] == 'customer':
return 'Receivable Accounts'
elif data['form']['result_selection'] == 'supplier':
return 'Payable Accounts'
elif data['form']['result_selection'] == 'customer_supplier':
return 'Receivable and Payable Accounts'
return ''
report_sxw.report_sxw('report.account.partner.balance', 'res.partner', 'account/report/account_partner_balance.rml',parser=partner_balance, header="internal")
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