
1837 lines
88 KiB
Raw Normal View History

openerp.account = function (instance) {
var _t = instance.web._t,
_lt = instance.web._lt;
var QWeb = instance.web.qweb;
instance.web.account = instance.web.account || {};
instance.web.client_actions.add('bank_statement_reconciliation_view', 'instance.web.account.bankStatementReconciliation');
instance.web.account.bankStatementReconciliation = instance.web.Widget.extend({
className: 'oe_bank_statement_reconciliation',
events: {
"click .statement_name span": "statementNameClickHandler",
"keyup .change_statement_name_field": "changeStatementNameFieldHandler",
"click .change_statement_name_button": "changeStatementButtonClickHandler",
"click .show_more": "showMoreButtonClickHandler",
init: function(parent, context) {
// Number of reconciliations loaded initially and by clicking 'show more'
this.num_reconciliations_fetched_in_batch = 10;
if (context.context.statement_id) this.statement_ids = [context.context.statement_id];
if (context.context.statement_ids) this.statement_ids = context.context.statement_ids;
this.single_statement = this.statement_ids !== undefined && this.statement_ids.length === 1;
this.multiple_statements = this.statement_ids !== undefined && this.statement_ids.length > 1;
this.title = context.context.title || _t("Reconciliation");
this.st_lines = [];
this.last_displayed_reconciliation_index = undefined; // Flow control
this.reconciled_lines = 0; // idem
this.already_reconciled_lines = 0; // Number of lines of the statement which were already reconciled
this.model_bank_statement = new instance.web.Model("account.bank.statement");
this.model_bank_statement_line = new instance.web.Model("account.bank.statement.line");
this.reconciliation_menu_id = false; // Used to update the needaction badge
this.formatCurrency; // Method that formats the currency ; loaded from the server
// Only for statistical purposes
this.lines_reconciled_with_ctrl_enter = 0;
this.time_widget_loaded = Date.now();
// Stuff used by the children bankStatementReconciliationLine
this.max_move_lines_displayed = 5;
this.animation_speed = 100; // "Blocking" animations
this.aestetic_animation_speed = 300; // eye candy
this.map_currency_id_rounding = {};
this.presets = {};
// We'll need to get the code of an account selected in a many2one (whose value is the id)
this.map_account_id_code = {};
// The same move line cannot be selected for multiple resolutions
this.excluded_move_lines_ids = {};
// Description of the fields to initialize in the "create new line" form
// NB : for presets to work correctly, a field id must be the same string as a preset field
this.create_form_fields = {
account_id: {
id: "account_id",
index: 0,
corresponding_property: "account_id", // a account.move field name
label: _t("Account"),
required: true,
tabindex: 10,
constructor: instance.web.form.FieldMany2One,
field_properties: {
relation: "account.account",
string: _t("Account"),
type: "many2one",
domain: [['type','not in',['view', 'closed', 'consolidation']]],
label: {
id: "label",
index: 1,
corresponding_property: "label",
label: _t("Label"),
required: true,
tabindex: 11,
constructor: instance.web.form.FieldChar,
field_properties: {
string: _t("Label"),
type: "char",
tax_id: {
id: "tax_id",
index: 2,
corresponding_property: "tax_id",
label: _t("Tax"),
required: false,
tabindex: 12,
constructor: instance.web.form.FieldMany2One,
field_properties: {
relation: "account.tax",
string: _t("Tax"),
type: "many2one",
domain: [['type_tax_use','in',['purchase', 'all']], ['parent_id', '=', false]],
amount: {
id: "amount",
index: 3,
corresponding_property: "amount",
label: _t("Amount"),
required: true,
tabindex: 13,
constructor: instance.web.form.FieldFloat,
field_properties: {
string: _t("Amount"),
type: "float",
analytic_account_id: {
id: "analytic_account_id",
index: 4,
corresponding_property: "analytic_account_id",
label: _t("Analytic Acc."),
required: false,
tabindex: 14,
constructor: instance.web.form.FieldMany2One,
field_properties: {
relation: "account.analytic.account",
string: _t("Analytic Acc."),
type: "many2one",
domain: [['type', '!=', 'view'], ['state', 'not in', ['close','cancelled']]],
start: function() {
var self = this;
// Retreive statement infos and reconciliation data from the model
var lines_filter = [['journal_entry_id', '=', false], ['account_id', '=', false]];
var deferred_promises = [];
// Working on specified statement(s)
if (self.statement_ids && self.statement_ids.length > 0) {
lines_filter.push(['statement_id', 'in', self.statement_ids]);
// If only one statement, display its name as title and allow to modify it
if (self.single_statement) {
.filter([['id', '=', self.statement_ids[0]]])
self.title = title.name;
// Anyway, find out how many statement lines are reconciled (for the progressbar)
.call("number_of_lines_reconciled", [self.statement_ids])
.then(function(num) {
self.already_reconciled_lines = num;
// Get operation templates
deferred_promises.push(new instance.web.Model("account.statement.operation.template")
.all().then(function (data) {
self.presets[preset.id] = preset;
// Get the function to format currencies
deferred_promises.push(new instance.web.Model("res.currency")
.then(function(data) {
self.formatCurrency = new Function("amount, currency_id", data);
// Get statement lines
.order_by('statement_id, id')
.all().then(function (data) {
self.st_lines = _(data).map(function(o){ return o.id });
// When queries are done, render template and reconciliation lines
return $.when.apply($, deferred_promises).then(function(){
// If there is no statement line to reconcile, stop here
if (self.st_lines.length === 0) {
// Create a dict account id -> account code for display facilities
new instance.web.Model("account.account")
.query(['id', 'code'])
.all().then(function(data) {
_.each(data, function(o) { self.map_account_id_code[o.id] = o.code });
// Create a dict currency id -> rounding factor
new instance.web.Model("res.currency")
.query(['id', 'rounding'])
.all().then(function(data) {
_.each(data, function(o) { self.map_currency_id_rounding[o.id] = o.rounding });
new instance.web.Model("ir.model.data")
.call("xmlid_to_res_id", ["account.menu_bank_reconcile_bank_statements"])
.then(function(data) {
self.reconciliation_menu_id = data;
// Bind keyboard events TODO : méthode standard ?
$("body").on("keypress", function (e) {
// Render and display
self.$el.prepend(QWeb.render("bank_statement_reconciliation", {
title: self.title,
single_statement: self.single_statement,
total_lines: self.already_reconciled_lines+self.st_lines.length
var reconciliations_to_show = self.st_lines.slice(0, self.num_reconciliations_fetched_in_batch);
self.last_displayed_reconciliation_index = reconciliations_to_show.length;
self.$(".reconciliation_lines_container").css("opacity", 0);
// Display the reconciliations
return self.model_bank_statement_line
.call("get_data_for_reconciliations", [reconciliations_to_show])
.then(function (data) {
var child_promises = [];
while ((datum = data.shift()) !== undefined)
child_promises.push(self.displayReconciliation(datum.st_line.id, 'inactive', false, true, datum.st_line, datum.reconciliation_proposition));
$.when.apply($, child_promises).then(function(){
self.$(".reconciliation_lines_container").animate({opacity: 1}, self.aestetic_animation_speed);
self.getChildren()[0].set("mode", "match");
statementNameClickHandler: function() {
if (! this.single_statement) return;
this.$(".statement_name span").hide();
this.$(".change_statement_name_field").attr("value", this.title);
changeStatementNameFieldHandler: function(e) {
var name = this.$(".change_statement_name_field").val();
if (name === "") this.$(".change_statement_name_button").attr("disabled", "disabled");
else this.$(".change_statement_name_button").removeAttr("disabled");
if (name !== "" && e.which === 13) // Enter
if (e.which === 27) { // Escape
this.$(".statement_name span").show();
changeStatementButtonClickHandler: function() {
var self = this;
if (! self.single_statement) return;
var name = self.$(".change_statement_name_field").val();
if (name === "") return;
self.$(".change_statement_name_button").attr("disabled", "disabled");
return self.model_bank_statement
.call("write", [[self.statement_ids[0]], {'name': name}])
.done(function () {
self.title = name;
self.$(".statement_name span").text(name).show();
}).always(function() {
keyboardShortcutsHandler: function(e) {
var self = this;
if ((e.which === 13 || e.which === 10) && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) {
self.persistReconciliations(_.filter(self.getChildren(), function(o) { return o.is_valid; }));
persistReconciliations: function(reconciliations) {
if (reconciliations.length === 0) return;
var self = this;
// Prepare data
var data = [];
for (var i=0; i<reconciliations.length; i++) {
var child = reconciliations[i];
data.push([child.st_line_id, child.makeMoveLineDicts()]);
var deferred_animation = self.$(".reconciliation_lines_container, .show_more_container").fadeOut(self.aestetic_animation_speed);
deferred_rpc = self.model_bank_statement_line.call("process_reconciliations", [data]);
return $.when(deferred_animation, deferred_rpc)
.done(function() {
// Remove children
for (var i=0; i<reconciliations.length; i++) {
var child = reconciliations[i];
self.unexcludeMoveLines(child, child.partner_id, child.get("mv_lines_selected"));
$.each(child.$(".bootstrap_popover"), function(){ $(this).popover('destroy') });
// Update interface
self.lines_reconciled_with_ctrl_enter += reconciliations.length;
self.reconciled_lines += reconciliations.length;
// Display new line if there are left
if (self.last_displayed_reconciliation_index < self.st_lines.length) {
return self.displayReconciliations(self.num_reconciliations_fetched_in_batch).then(function() {
// Put the first line in match mode
if (self.reconciled_lines !== self.st_lines.length) {
var first_child = self.getChildren()[0];
if (first_child.get("mode") === "inactive") {
first_child.set("mode", "match");
self.$(".reconciliation_lines_container, .show_more_container").fadeIn(self.aestetic_animation_speed);
} else if (self.reconciled_lines === self.st_lines.length) {
// Congratulate the user if the work is done
} else {
// Some lines weren't persisted because they were't valid
self.$(".reconciliation_lines_container, .show_more_container").fadeIn(self.aestetic_animation_speed);
}).fail(function() {
self.$(".reconciliation_lines_container, .show_more_container").fadeIn(self.aestetic_animation_speed);
// Adds move line ids to the list of move lines not to fetch for a given partner
// This is required because the same move line cannot be selected for multiple reconciliation
// and because for a partial reconciliation only one line can be fetched)
excludeMoveLines: function(source_child, partner_id, lines) {
var self = this;
var line_ids = _.collect(lines, function(o) { return o.id });
var excluded_ids = this.excluded_move_lines_ids[partner_id];
var excluded_move_lines_changed = false;
_.each(line_ids, function(line_id){
if (excluded_ids.indexOf(line_id) === -1) {
excluded_move_lines_changed = true;
if (! excluded_move_lines_changed)
// Function that finds if an array of line objects contains at least a line identified by its id
var contains_lines = function(lines_array, line_ids) {
for (var i = 0; i < lines_array.length; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < line_ids.length; j++)
if (lines_array[i].id === line_ids[j])
return true;
return false;
// Update children if needed
_.each(self.getChildren(), function(child){
if (child === source_child || child.st_line === undefined) return;
if (child.partner_id === partner_id || child.st_line.has_no_partner) {
if (contains_lines(child.get("mv_lines_selected"), line_ids)) {
child.set("mv_lines_selected", _.filter(child.get("mv_lines_selected"), function(o){ return line_ids.indexOf(o.id) === -1 }));
} else if (contains_lines(child.mv_lines_deselected, line_ids)) {
child.mv_lines_deselected = _.filter(child.mv_lines_deselected, function(o){ return line_ids.indexOf(o.id) === -1 });
} else if (contains_lines(child.get("mv_lines"), line_ids)) {
unexcludeMoveLines: function(source_child, partner_id, lines) {
var self = this;
var line_ids = _.collect(lines, function(o) { return o.id });
var initial_excluded_lines_num = this.excluded_move_lines_ids[partner_id].length;
this.excluded_move_lines_ids[partner_id] = _.difference(this.excluded_move_lines_ids[partner_id], line_ids);
if (this.excluded_move_lines_ids[partner_id].length === initial_excluded_lines_num)
// Update children if needed
_.each(self.getChildren(), function(child){
if (child.st_line === undefined) return;
if (child.partner_id === partner_id && child !== source_child && (child.get("mode") === "match" || child.$el.hasClass("no_match")))
if (child.st_line.has_no_partner && child.get("mode") === "match" || child.$el.hasClass("no_match"))
displayReconciliations: function(number) {
var self = this;
var begin = self.last_displayed_reconciliation_index;
var end = Math.min((begin+number), self.st_lines.length);
var reconciliations_to_show = self.st_lines.slice(begin, end);
// Get ids of selected move lines (to exclude them from reconciliation proposition)
var excluded_move_lines_ids = [];
_.each(self.excluded_move_lines_ids, function(o){
excluded_move_lines_ids = excluded_move_lines_ids.concat(o);
return self.model_bank_statement_line
.call("get_data_for_reconciliations", [reconciliations_to_show, excluded_move_lines_ids])
.then(function (data) {
var child_promises = [];
var datum;
while ((datum = data.shift()) !== undefined) {
var context = {
st_line_id: datum.st_line.id,
mode: 'inactive',
animate_entrance: false,
initial_data_provided: true,
st_line: datum.st_line,
reconciliation_proposition: datum.reconciliation_proposition,
var widget = new instance.web.account.bankStatementReconciliationLine(self, context);
self.last_displayed_reconciliation_index += reconciliations_to_show.length;
return $.when.apply($, child_promises).then(function(){
displayReconciliation: function(st_line_id, mode, animate_entrance, initial_data_provided, st_line, reconciliation_proposition) {
var self = this;
animate_entrance = (animate_entrance === undefined ? true : animate_entrance);
initial_data_provided = (initial_data_provided === undefined ? false : initial_data_provided);
var context = {
st_line_id: st_line_id,
mode: mode,
animate_entrance: animate_entrance,
initial_data_provided: initial_data_provided,
st_line: initial_data_provided ? st_line : undefined,
reconciliation_proposition: initial_data_provided ? reconciliation_proposition : undefined,
var widget = new instance.web.account.bankStatementReconciliationLine(self, context);
return widget.appendTo(self.$(".reconciliation_lines_container"));
childValidated: function(child) {
var self = this;
// Display new line if there are left
if (self.last_displayed_reconciliation_index < self.st_lines.length && self.getChildren().length < self.num_reconciliations_fetched_in_batch) {
self.displayReconciliation(self.st_lines[self.last_displayed_reconciliation_index++], 'inactive');
// Congratulate the user if the work is done
if (self.reconciled_lines === self.st_lines.length) {
// Put the first line in match mode
if (self.reconciled_lines !== self.st_lines.length) {
var first_child = self.getChildren()[0];
if (first_child.get("mode") === "inactive") {
first_child.set("mode", "match");
goBackToStatementsTreeView: function() {
var self = this;
new instance.web.Model("ir.model.data")
.call("get_object_reference", ['account', 'action_bank_statement_tree'])
.then(function (result) {
var action_id = result[1];
// Warning : altough I don't see why this widget wouldn't be directly instanciated by the
// action manager, if it wasn't, this code wouldn't work. You'd have to do something like :
// var action_manager = self;
// while (! action_manager instanceof ActionManager)
// action_manager = action_manager.getParent();
var action_manager = self.getParent();
var breadcrumbs = action_manager.breadcrumbs;
var found = false;
for (var i=breadcrumbs.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
if (breadcrumbs[i].action && breadcrumbs[i].action.id === action_id) {
var title = breadcrumbs[i].get_title();
action_manager.select_breadcrumb(i, _.isArray(title) ? i : undefined);
found = true;
if (!found)
displayDoneMessage: function() {
var self = this;
var sec_taken = Math.round((Date.now()-self.time_widget_loaded)/1000);
var sec_per_item = Math.round(sec_taken/self.reconciled_lines);
var achievements = [];
var time_taken;
if (sec_taken/60 >= 1) time_taken = Math.floor(sec_taken/60) +"' "+ sec_taken%60 +"''";
else time_taken = sec_taken%60 +" seconds";
var title;
if (sec_per_item < 5) title = _t("Whew, that was fast !") + " <i class='fa fa-trophy congrats_icon'></i>";
else title = _t("Congrats, you're all done !") + " <i class='fa fa-thumbs-o-up congrats_icon'></i>";
if (self.lines_reconciled_with_ctrl_enter === self.reconciled_lines)
title: _t("Efficiency at its finest"),
desc: _t("Only use the ctrl-enter shortcut to validate reconciliations."),
icon: "fa-keyboard-o"}
if (sec_per_item < 5)
title: _t("Fast reconciler"),
desc: _t("Take on average less than 5 seconds to reconcile a transaction."),
icon: "fa-bolt"}
// Render it
self.$(".oe_form_sheet").append(QWeb.render("bank_statement_reconciliation_done_message", {
title: title,
time_taken: time_taken,
sec_per_item: sec_per_item,
transactions_done: self.reconciled_lines,
done_with_ctrl_enter: self.lines_reconciled_with_ctrl_enter,
achievements: achievements,
single_statement: self.single_statement,
multiple_statements: self.multiple_statements,
// Animate it
var container = $("<div style='overflow: hidden;' />");
self.$(".done_message").wrap(container).css("opacity", 0).css("position", "relative").css("left", "-50%");
self.$(".done_message").animate({opacity: 1, left: 0}, self.aestetic_animation_speed*2, "easeOutCubic");
self.$(".done_message").animate({opacity: 1}, self.aestetic_animation_speed*3, "easeOutCubic");
// Make it interactive
self.$(".achievement").popover({'placement': 'top', 'container': self.el, 'trigger': 'hover'});
if (self.$(".button_back_to_statement").length !== 0) {
self.$(".button_back_to_statement").click(function() {
if (self.$(".button_close_statement").length !== 0) {
.query(["balance_end_real", "balance_end"])
.filter([['id', 'in', self.statement_ids]])
if (_.all(data, function(o) { return o.balance_end_real === o.balance_end })) {
self.$(".button_close_statement").click(function() {
self.$(".button_close_statement").attr("disabled", "disabled");
.call("button_confirm_bank", [self.statement_ids])
.then(function () {
}, function() {
showMoreButtonClickHandler: function() {
updateShowMoreButton: function() {
var items_remaining = this.st_lines.length - this.last_displayed_reconciliation_index;
if (items_remaining > 0)
updateProgressbar: function() {
var self = this;
var done = self.already_reconciled_lines + self.reconciled_lines;
var total = self.already_reconciled_lines + self.st_lines.length;
var prog_bar = self.$(".progress .progress-bar");
prog_bar.attr("aria-valuenow", done);
prog_bar.css("width", (done/total*100)+"%");
self.$(".progress .progress-text .valuenow").text(done);
/* reloads the needaction badge */
doReloadMenuReconciliation: function () {
var menu = instance.webclient.menu;
if (!menu || !this.reconciliation_menu_id) {
return $.when();
return menu.rpc("/web/menu/load_needaction", {'menu_ids': [this.reconciliation_menu_id]}).done(function(r) {
}).then(function () {
instance.web.account.bankStatementReconciliationLine = instance.web.Widget.extend({
className: 'oe_bank_statement_reconciliation_line',
events: {
"click .change_partner": "changePartnerClickHandler",
"click .button_ok": "persistAndDestroy",
"click .mv_line": "moveLineClickHandler",
"click .initial_line": "initialLineClickHandler",
"click .line_open_balance": "lineOpenBalanceClickHandler",
"click .pager_control_left:not(.disabled)": "pagerControlLeftHandler",
"click .pager_control_right:not(.disabled)": "pagerControlRightHandler",
"keyup .filter": "filterHandler",
"click .line_info_button": function(e){e.stopPropagation()}, // small usability hack
"click .add_line": "addLineBeingEdited",
"click .preset": "presetClickHandler",
"click .do_partial_reconcile_button": "doPartialReconcileButtonClickHandler",
"click .undo_partial_reconcile_button": "undoPartialReconcileButtonClickHandler",
init: function(parent, context) {
this.formatCurrency = this.getParent().formatCurrency;
if (context.initial_data_provided) {
// Process data
_.each(context.reconciliation_proposition, function(line) {
this.decorateMoveLine(line, context.st_line.currency_id);
}, this);
this.set("mv_lines_selected", context.reconciliation_proposition);
this.st_line = context.st_line;
this.partner_id = context.st_line.partner_id;
// Exclude selected move lines
if (this.getParent().excluded_move_lines_ids[this.partner_id] === undefined)
this.getParent().excluded_move_lines_ids[this.partner_id] = [];
this.getParent().excludeMoveLines(this, this.partner_id, context.reconciliation_proposition);
} else {
this.set("mv_lines_selected", []);
this.st_line = undefined;
this.partner_id = undefined;
this.context = context;
this.st_line_id = context.st_line_id;
this.max_move_lines_displayed = this.getParent().max_move_lines_displayed;
this.animation_speed = this.getParent().animation_speed;
this.aestetic_animation_speed = this.getParent().aestetic_animation_speed;
this.model_bank_statement_line = new instance.web.Model("account.bank.statement.line");
this.model_res_users = new instance.web.Model("res.users");
this.model_tax = new instance.web.Model("account.tax");
this.map_currency_id_rounding = this.getParent().map_currency_id_rounding;
this.map_account_id_code = this.getParent().map_account_id_code;
this.presets = this.getParent().presets;
this.is_valid = true;
this.is_consistent = true; // Used to prevent bad server requests
this.can_fetch_more_move_lines; // Tell if we can show more move lines
this.filter = "";
// In rare cases like when deleting a statement line's partner we don't want the server to
// look for a reconciliation proposition (in this particular case it might find a move line
// matching the statement line and decide to set the statement line's partner accordingly)
this.do_load_reconciliation_proposition = true;
this.set("mode", undefined);
this.on("change:mode", this, this.modeChanged);
this.set("balance", undefined); // Debit is +, credit is -
this.on("change:balance", this, this.balanceChanged);
this.set("pager_index", 0);
this.on("change:pager_index", this, this.pagerChanged);
// NB : mv_lines represent the counterpart that will be created to reconcile existing move lines, so debit and credit are inverted
this.set("mv_lines", []);
this.on("change:mv_lines", this, this.mvLinesChanged);
this.mv_lines_deselected = []; // deselected lines are displayed on top of the match table
this.on("change:mv_lines_selected", this, this.mvLinesSelectedChanged);
this.set("lines_created", []);
this.set("line_created_being_edited", [{'id': 0}]);
this.on("change:lines_created", this, this.createdLinesChanged);
this.on("change:line_created_being_edited", this, this.createdLinesChanged);
start: function() {
var self = this;
return self._super().then(function() {
// no animation while loading
self.animation_speed = 0;
self.aestetic_animation_speed = 0;
self.is_consistent = false;
if (self.context.animate_entrance) {
return $.when(self.loadData()).then(function(){
return $.when(self.render()).then(function(){
self.is_consistent = true;
// Make an entrance
self.animation_speed = self.getParent().animation_speed;
self.aestetic_animation_speed = self.getParent().aestetic_animation_speed;
if (self.context.animate_entrance) {
return self.$el.stop(true, true).fadeIn({ duration: self.aestetic_animation_speed, queue: false }).css('display', 'none').slideDown(self.aestetic_animation_speed);
loadData: function() {
var self = this;
if (self.context.initial_data_provided)
// Get ids of selected move lines (to exclude them from reconciliation proposition)
var excluded_move_lines_ids = [];
if (self.do_load_reconciliation_proposition) {
_.each(self.getParent().excluded_move_lines_ids, function(o){
excluded_move_lines_ids = excluded_move_lines_ids.concat(o);
// Load statement line
return self.model_bank_statement_line
.call("get_data_for_reconciliations", [[self.st_line_id], excluded_move_lines_ids, self.do_load_reconciliation_proposition])
.then(function (data) {
self.st_line = data[0].st_line;
self.partner_id = data[0].st_line.partner_id;
if (self.getParent().excluded_move_lines_ids[self.partner_id] === undefined)
self.getParent().excluded_move_lines_ids[self.partner_id] = [];
var mv_lines = [];
_.each(data[0].reconciliation_proposition, function(line) {
self.decorateMoveLine(line, self.st_line.currency_id);
}, self);
self.set("mv_lines_selected", self.get("mv_lines_selected").concat(mv_lines));
render: function() {
var self = this;
var presets_array = [];
for (var id in self.presets)
if (self.presets.hasOwnProperty(id))
self.$el.prepend(QWeb.render("bank_statement_reconciliation_line", {
line: self.st_line,
mode: self.context.mode,
presets: presets_array
// Stuff that require the template to be rendered
if (self.st_line.no_match) self.$el.addClass("no_match");
// Special case hack : no identified partner
if (self.st_line.has_no_partner) {
self.$el.css("opacity", "0");
self.set("mode", self.context.mode);
self.animation_speed = self.getParent().animation_speed;
self.aestetic_animation_speed = self.getParent().aestetic_animation_speed;
self.$el.animate({opacity: 1}, self.aestetic_animation_speed);
// TODO : the .on handler's returned deferred is lost
return $.when(self.set("mode", self.context.mode)).then(function(){
// Make sure the display is OK
restart: function(mode) {
var self = this;
mode = (mode === undefined ? 'inactive' : mode);
self.context.animate_entrance = false;
self.$el.css("height", self.$el.outerHeight());
// Destroy everything
_.each(self.getChildren(), function(o){ o.destroy() });
self.is_consistent = false;
return $.when(self.$el.animate({opacity: 0}, self.animation_speed)).then(function() {
self.getParent().unexcludeMoveLines(self, self.partner_id, self.get("mv_lines_selected"));
$.each(self.$(".bootstrap_popover"), function(){ $(this).popover('destroy') });
self.context.mode = mode;
self.context.initial_data_provided = false;
self.is_valid = true;
self.is_consistent = true;
self.filter = "";
self.set("balance", undefined, {silent: true});
self.set("mode", undefined, {silent: true});
self.set("pager_index", 0, {silent: true});
self.set("mv_lines", [], {silent: true});
self.set("mv_lines_selected", [], {silent: true});
self.mv_lines_deselected = [];
self.set("lines_created", [], {silent: true});
self.set("line_created_being_edited", [{'id': 0}], {silent: true});
// Rebirth
return $.when(self.start()).then(function() {
self.$el.css("height", "auto");
self.is_consistent = true;
self.$el.animate({opacity: 1}, self.animation_speed);
/* create form widgets, append them to the dom and bind their events handlers */
createFormWidgets: function() {
var self = this;
var create_form_fields = self.getParent().create_form_fields;
var create_form_fields_arr = [];
for (var key in create_form_fields)
if (create_form_fields.hasOwnProperty(key))
create_form_fields_arr.sort(function(a, b){ return b.index - a.index });
// field_manager
var dataset = new instance.web.DataSet(this, "account.account", self.context);
dataset.ids = [];
dataset.arch = {
attrs: { string: "Stéphanie de Monaco", version: "7.0", class: "oe_form_container" },
children: [],
tag: "form"
var field_manager = new instance.web.FormView (
this, dataset, false, {
initial_mode: 'edit',
disable_autofocus: false,
$buttons: $(),
$pager: $()
// fields default properties
var Default_field = function() {
this.context = {};
this.domain = [];
this.help = "";
this.readonly = false;
this.required = true;
this.selectable = true;
this.states = {};
this.views = {};
var Default_node = function(field_name) {
this.tag = "field";
this.children = [];
this.required = true;
this.attrs = {
invisible: "False",
modifiers: '{"required":true}',
name: field_name,
nolabel: "True",
// Append fields to the field_manager
field_manager.fields_view.fields = {};
for (var i=0; i<create_form_fields_arr.length; i++) {
field_manager.fields_view.fields[create_form_fields_arr[i].id] = _.extend(new Default_field(), create_form_fields_arr[i].field_properties);
field_manager.fields_view.fields["change_partner"] = _.extend(new Default_field(), {
relation: "res.partner",
string: _t("Partner"),
type: "many2one",
domain: [['parent_id','=',false], '|', ['customer','=',true], ['supplier','=',true]],
// Returns a function that serves as a xhr response handler
var hideGroupResponseClosureFactory = function(field_widget, $container, obj_key){
return function(has_group){
if (has_group) $container.show();
else {
delete self[obj_key];
// generate the create "form"
self.create_form = [];
for (var i=0; i<create_form_fields_arr.length; i++) {
var field_data = create_form_fields_arr[i];
// create widgets
var node = new Default_node(field_data.id);
if (! field_data.required) node.attrs.modifiers = "";
var field = new field_data.constructor(field_manager, node);
self[field_data.id+"_field"] = field;
// on update : change the last created line
field.corresponding_property = field_data.corresponding_property;
field.on("change:value", self, self.formCreateInputChanged);
// append to DOM
var $field_container = $(QWeb.render("form_create_field", {id: field_data.id, label: field_data.label}));
// now that widget's dom has been created (appendTo does that), bind events and adds tabindex
if (field_data.field_properties.type != "many2one") {
// Triggers change:value TODO : moche bind ?
field.$el.find("input").keyup(function(e, field){ field.commit_value(); }.bind(null, null, field));
field.$el.find("input").attr("tabindex", field_data.tabindex);
// Hide the field if group not OK
if (field_data.group !== undefined) {
var target = $field_container;
.call("has_group", [field_data.group])
.then(hideGroupResponseClosureFactory(field, target, (field_data.id+"_field")));
// generate the change partner "form"
var change_partner_node = new Default_node("change_partner"); change_partner_node.attrs.modifiers = "";
self.change_partner_field = new instance.web.form.FieldMany2One(field_manager, change_partner_node);
self.change_partner_field.on("change:value", self.change_partner_field, function() {
self.change_partner_field.$el.find("input").attr("placeholder", self.st_line.communication_partner_name || _t("Select Partner"));
/** Utils */
/* TODO : if t-call for attr, all in qweb */
decorateStatementLine: function(line){
line.q_popover = QWeb.render("bank_statement_reconciliation_line_details", {line: line});
// adds fields, prefixed with q_, to the move line for qweb rendering
decorateMoveLine: function(line, currency_id) {
line.partial_reconcile = false;
line.propose_partial_reconcile = false;
line['credit'] = [line['debit'], line['debit'] = line['credit']][0];
line.q_due_date = (line.date_maturity === false ? line.date : line.date_maturity);
line.q_amount = (line.debit !== 0 ? "- "+line.q_debit : "") + (line.credit !== 0 ? line.q_credit : "");
line.q_label = line.name;
line.debit_str = this.formatCurrency(line.debit, currency_id);
line.credit_str = this.formatCurrency(line.credit, currency_id);
line.q_popover = QWeb.render("bank_statement_reconciliation_move_line_details", {line: line});
if (line.has_no_partner)
line.q_label = line.partner_name + ': ' + line.q_label;
if (line.ref && line.ref !== line.name)
line.q_label += " : " + line.ref;
bindPopoverTo: function(el) {
var self = this;
'placement': 'left',
'container': self.el,
'html': true,
'trigger': 'hover',
'animation': false,
'toggle': 'popover'
islineCreatedBeingEditedValid: function() {
var line = this.get("line_created_being_edited")[0];
return line.amount // must be defined and not 0
&& line.account_id // must be defined (and will never be 0)
&& line.label; // must be defined and not empty
/* returns the created lines, plus the ones being edited if valid */
getCreatedLines: function() {
var self = this;
var created_lines = self.get("lines_created").slice();
if (self.islineCreatedBeingEditedValid())
return created_lines.concat(self.get("line_created_being_edited"));
return created_lines;
/** Matching */
moveLineClickHandler: function(e) {
var self = this;
if (e.currentTarget.dataset.selected === "true") self.deselectMoveLine(e.currentTarget);
else self.selectMoveLine(e.currentTarget);
selectMoveLine: function(mv_line) {
var self = this;
var line_id = mv_line.dataset.lineid;
// find the line in mv_lines or mv_lines_deselected
var line = _.find(self.get("mv_lines"), function(o){ return o.id == line_id});
if (! line) {
line = _.find(self.mv_lines_deselected, function(o){ return o.id == line_id });
self.mv_lines_deselected = _.filter(self.mv_lines_deselected, function(o) { return o.id != line_id });
if (! line) return; // If no line found, we've got a syncing problem (let's turn a deaf ear)
// Warn the user if he's selecting lines from both a payable and a receivable account
var last_selected_line = _.last(self.get("mv_lines_selected"));
if (last_selected_line && last_selected_line.account_type != line.account_type) {
new instance.web.Dialog(this, {
title: _t("Warning"),
size: 'medium',
}, $("<div />").text(_.str.sprintf(_t("You are selecting transactions from both a payable and a receivable account.\n\nIn order to proceed, you first need to deselect the %s transactions."), last_selected_line.account_type))).open();
self.set("mv_lines_selected", self.get("mv_lines_selected").concat(line));
deselectMoveLine: function(mv_line) {
var self = this;
var line_id = mv_line.dataset.lineid;
var line = _.find(self.get("mv_lines_selected"), function(o){ return o.id == line_id});
if (! line) return; // If no line found, we've got a syncing problem (let's turn a deaf ear)
// add the line to mv_lines_deselected and remove it from mv_lines_selected
var mv_lines_selected = _.filter(self.get("mv_lines_selected"), function(o) { return o.id != line_id });
// remove partial reconciliation stuff if necessary
if (line.partial_reconcile === true) self.unpartialReconcileLine(line);
if (line.propose_partial_reconcile === true) line.propose_partial_reconcile = false;
self.set("mode", "match");
self.set("mv_lines_selected", mv_lines_selected);
/** Matches pagination */
pagerControlLeftHandler: function() {
var self = this;
if (self.$(".pager_control_left").hasClass("disabled")) { return; /* shouldn't happen, anyway*/ }
if (self.get("pager_index") === 0) { return; }
self.set("pager_index", self.get("pager_index")-1 );
pagerControlRightHandler: function() {
var self = this;
if (self.$(".pager_control_right").hasClass("disabled")) { return; /* shouldn't happen, anyway*/ }
if (! self.can_fetch_more_move_lines) { return; }
self.set("pager_index", self.get("pager_index")+1 );
filterHandler: function() {
var self = this;
self.set("pager_index", 0);
self.filter = self.$(".filter").val();
self.apply_filter_timeout = window.setTimeout(self.proxy('updateMatches'), 200);
/** Creating */
initializeCreateForm: function() {
var self = this;
_.each(self.create_form, function(field) {
field.set("value", false);
self.label_field.set("value", self.st_line.name);
self.amount_field.set("value", -1*self.get("balance"));
addLineBeingEdited: function() {
var self = this;
if (! self.islineCreatedBeingEditedValid()) return;
self.set("lines_created", self.get("lines_created").concat(self.get("line_created_being_edited")));
// Add empty created line
var new_id = self.get("line_created_being_edited")[0].id + 1;
self.set("line_created_being_edited", [{'id': new_id}]);
removeLine: function($line) {
var self = this;
var line_id = $line.data("lineid");
// if deleting the created line that is being edited, validate it before
if (line_id === self.get("line_created_being_edited")[0].id) {
self.set("lines_created", _.filter(self.get("lines_created"), function(o) { return o.id != line_id }));
self.amount_field.set("value", -1*self.get("balance"));
presetClickHandler: function(e) {
var self = this;
var preset = self.presets[e.currentTarget.dataset.presetid];
// Hack : set_value of a field calls a handler that returns a deferred because it could make a RPC call
// to compute the tax before it updates the line being edited. Unfortunately this deferred is lost.
// Hence this ugly hack to avoid concurrency problem that arose when setting amount (in initializeCreateForm), then tax, then another amount
if (preset.tax && self.tax_field) self.tax_field.set_value(false);
if (preset.amount && self.amount_field) self.amount_field.set_value(false);
for (var key in preset) {
if (! preset.hasOwnProperty(key) || key === "amount") continue;
if (preset[key] && self.hasOwnProperty(key+"_field"))
if (preset.amount && self.amount_field) {
if (preset.amount_type === "fixed")
else if (preset.amount_type === "percentage_of_total")
self.amount_field.set_value(self.st_line.amount * preset.amount / 100);
else if (preset.amount_type === "percentage_of_balance") {
self.amount_field.set_value(-1 * self.get("balance") * preset.amount / 100);
/** Display */
initialLineClickHandler: function() {
var self = this;
if (self.get("mode") === "match") {
self.set("mode", "inactive");
} else {
self.set("mode", "match");
lineOpenBalanceClickHandler: function() {
var self = this;
if (self.get("mode") === "create") {
self.set("mode", "match");
} else {
self.set("mode", "create");
changePartnerClickHandler: function() {
var self = this;
self.$(".change_partner_container").find("input").attr("placeholder", self.st_line.partner_name);
/** Views updating */
updateAccountingViewMatchedLines: function() {
var self = this;
$.each(self.$(".tbody_matched_lines .bootstrap_popover"), function(){ $(this).popover('destroy') });
var $line = $(QWeb.render("bank_statement_reconciliation_move_line", {line: line, selected: true}));
if (line.propose_partial_reconcile) self.bindPopoverTo($line.find(".do_partial_reconcile_button"));
if (line.partial_reconcile) self.bindPopoverTo($line.find(".undo_partial_reconcile_button"));
updateAccountingViewCreatedLines: function() {
var self = this;
$.each(self.$(".tbody_created_lines .bootstrap_popover"), function(){ $(this).popover('destroy') });
var $line = $(QWeb.render("bank_statement_reconciliation_created_line", {line: line}));
$line.click(function(){ self.removeLine($(this)) });
if (line.no_remove_action) {
// Then the previous line's remove button deletes this line too
$line.hover(function(){ $(this).prev().addClass("active") },function(){ $(this).prev().removeClass("active") });
updateMatchView: function() {
var self = this;
var table = self.$(".match table");
var nothing_displayed = true;
// Display move lines
$.each(self.$(".match table .bootstrap_popover"), function(){ $(this).popover('destroy') });
var slice_start = self.get("pager_index") * self.max_move_lines_displayed;
var slice_end = (self.get("pager_index")+1) * self.max_move_lines_displayed;
_( _.filter(self.mv_lines_deselected, function(o){
return o.name.indexOf(self.filter) !== -1 || o.ref.indexOf(self.filter) !== -1 })
.slice(slice_start, slice_end)).each(function(line){
var $line = $(QWeb.render("bank_statement_reconciliation_move_line", {line: line, selected: false}));
nothing_displayed = false;
var $line = $(QWeb.render("bank_statement_reconciliation_move_line", {line: line, selected: false}));
nothing_displayed = false;
if (nothing_displayed && this.filter !== "")
table.append(QWeb.render("filter_no_match", {filter_str: self.filter}));
updatePagerControls: function() {
var self = this;
if (self.get("pager_index") === 0)
if (! self.can_fetch_more_move_lines)
/** Properties changed */
// Updates the validation button, the "open balance" line and the partial reconciliation sign
balanceChanged: function() {
var self = this;
// 'reset' the widget to invalid state
self.is_valid = false;
self.$(".button_ok").text("OK").removeClass("oe_highlight").attr("disabled", "disabled");
// Find out if the counterpart is lower than, equal or greater than the transaction being reconciled
var balance_type = undefined;
if (Math.abs(self.get("balance")).toFixed(3) === "0.000") balance_type = "equal";
else if (self.get("balance") * self.st_line.amount > 0) balance_type = "greater";
else if (self.get("balance") * self.st_line.amount < 0) balance_type = "lower";
// Adjust to different cases
if (balance_type === "equal") {
} else if (balance_type === "greater") {
createOpenBalance("Create Write-off");
} else if (balance_type === "lower") {
if (self.st_line.has_no_partner) {
createOpenBalance("Choose counterpart");
} else {
displayValidState(false, "Keep open");
createOpenBalance("Open balance");
// Show or hide partial reconciliation
if (self.get("mv_lines_selected").length > 0) {
var propose_partial = self.getCreatedLines().length === 0 && self.get("mv_lines_selected").length === 1 && balance_type === "greater" && ! self.get("mv_lines_selected")[0].partial_reconcile;
self.get("mv_lines_selected")[0].propose_partial_reconcile = propose_partial;
function displayValidState(higlight_ok_button, ok_button_text) {
self.is_valid = true;
if (higlight_ok_button) self.$(".button_ok").addClass("oe_highlight");
if (ok_button_text !== undefined) self.$(".button_ok").text(ok_button_text)
function createOpenBalance(name) {
var balance = self.get("balance");
var amount = self.formatCurrency(Math.abs(balance), self.st_line.currency_id);
var $line = $(QWeb.render("bank_statement_reconciliation_line_open_balance", {
debit: balance > 0 ? amount : "",
credit: balance < 0 ? amount : "",
account_code: self.map_account_id_code[self.st_line.open_balance_account_id]
if (name !== undefined)
modeChanged: function(o, val) {
var self = this;
if (val.oldValue === "create")
if (self.get("mode") === "inactive") {
self.el.dataset.mode = "inactive";
} else if (self.get("mode") === "match") {
// TODO : remove this old_animation_speed / new_animation_speed hack
// when .on handler's returned deferred's no longer lost
var old_animation_speed = self.animation_speed;
return $.when(self.updateMatches()).then(function() {
var new_animation_speed = self.animation_speed;
self.animation_speed = old_animation_speed;
if (self.$el.hasClass("no_match")) {
self.animation_speed = 0;
self.set("mode", "create");
self.el.dataset.mode = "match";
self.animation_speed = new_animation_speed;
} else if (self.get("mode") === "create") {
self.el.dataset.mode = "create";
pagerChanged: function() {
mvLinesChanged: function() {
var self = this;
// If pager_index is out of range, set it to display the last page
if (self.get("pager_index") !== 0 && self.get("mv_lines").length === 0 && ! self.can_fetch_more_move_lines) {
self.set("pager_index", 0);
// If there is no match to display, disable match view and pass in mode inactive
if (self.get("mv_lines").length + self.mv_lines_deselected.length === 0 && !self.can_fetch_more_move_lines && self.filter === "") {
if (self.get("mode") === "match") {
self.set("mode", "inactive");
} else {
_.each(self.get("mv_lines"), function(line) {
if (line.partial_reconciliation_siblings_ids.length > 0) {
var correct_format = _.collect(line.partial_reconciliation_siblings_ids, function(o) { return {'id': o} });
self.getParent().excludeMoveLines(self, self.partner_id, correct_format);
mvLinesSelectedChanged: function(elt, val) {
var self = this;
var added_lines = _.difference(val.newValue, val.oldValue);
var removed_lines = _.difference(val.oldValue, val.newValue);
self.getParent().excludeMoveLines(self, self.partner_id, added_lines);
self.getParent().unexcludeMoveLines(self, self.partner_id, removed_lines);
// Generic function for updating the line_created_being_edited
formCreateInputChanged: function(elt, val) {
var self = this;
var line_created_being_edited = self.get("line_created_being_edited");
line_created_being_edited[0][elt.corresponding_property] = val.newValue;
line_created_being_edited[0].currency_id = self.st_line.currency_id;
// Specific cases
if (elt === self.account_id_field)
line_created_being_edited[0].account_num = self.map_account_id_code[elt.get("value")];
// Update tax line
var deferred_tax = new $.Deferred();
if (elt === self.tax_id_field || elt === self.amount_field) {
var amount = self.amount_field.get("value");
var tax_id = self.tax_id_field.get("value");
if (amount && tax_id) {
deferred_tax = $.when(self.model_tax
.call("compute_for_bank_reconciliation", [tax_id, amount]))
line_created_being_edited[0].amount_with_tax = line_created_being_edited[0].amount;
line_created_being_edited[0].amount = (data.total.toFixed(3) === amount.toFixed(3) ? amount : data.total);
var current_line_cursor = 1;
$.each(data.taxes, function(index, tax){
if (tax.amount !== 0.0) {
var tax_account_id = (amount > 0 ? tax.account_collected_id : tax.account_paid_id);
tax_account_id = tax_account_id !== false ? tax_account_id: line_created_being_edited[0].account_id;
line_created_being_edited[current_line_cursor] = {
id: line_created_being_edited[0].id,
account_id: tax_account_id,
account_num: self.map_account_id_code[tax_account_id],
label: tax.name,
amount: tax.amount,
no_remove_action: true,
currency_id: self.st_line.currency_id,
is_tax_line: true
current_line_cursor = current_line_cursor + 1;
} else {
line_created_being_edited.length = 1;
} else { deferred_tax.resolve(); }
// Format amounts
var rounding = 1/self.map_currency_id_rounding[self.st_line.currency_id];
$.each(line_created_being_edited, function(index, val) {
if (val.amount) {
line_created_being_edited[index].amount = Math.round(val.amount*rounding)/rounding;
line_created_being_edited[index].amount_str = self.formatCurrency(Math.abs(val.amount), val.currency_id);
if (val.amount_with_tax)
line_created_being_edited[index].amount_with_tax = Math.round(val.amount_with_tax*rounding)/rounding;
self.set("line_created_being_edited", line_created_being_edited);
self.createdLinesChanged(); // TODO For some reason, previous line doesn't trigger change handler
createdLinesChanged: function() {
var self = this;
if (self.islineCreatedBeingEditedValid()) self.$(".add_line").show();
else self.$(".add_line").hide();
/** Model */
doPartialReconcileButtonClickHandler: function(e) {
var self = this;
var line_id = $(e.currentTarget).closest("tr").data("lineid");
var line = _.find(self.get("mv_lines_selected"), function(o) { return o.id == line_id });
partialReconcileLine: function(line) {
var self = this;
var balance = self.get("balance");
line.initial_amount = line.debit !== 0 ? line.debit : -1 * line.credit;
if (balance < 0) {
line.debit += balance;
line.debit_str = self.formatCurrency(line.debit, self.st_line.currency_id);
} else {
line.credit -= balance;
line.credit_str = self.formatCurrency(line.credit, self.st_line.currency_id);
line.propose_partial_reconcile = false;
line.partial_reconcile = true;
undoPartialReconcileButtonClickHandler: function(e) {
var self = this;
var line_id = $(e.currentTarget).closest("tr").data("lineid");
var line = _.find(self.get("mv_lines_selected"), function(o) { return o.id == line_id });
unpartialReconcileLine: function(line) {
var self = this;
if (line.initial_amount > 0) {
line.debit = line.initial_amount;
line.debit_str = self.formatCurrency(line.debit, self.st_line.currency_id);
} else {
line.credit = -1 * line.initial_amount;
line.credit_str = self.formatCurrency(line.credit, self.st_line.currency_id);
line.propose_partial_reconcile = true;
line.partial_reconcile = false;
updateBalance: function() {
var self = this;
var mv_lines_selected = self.get("mv_lines_selected");
var lines_selected_num = mv_lines_selected.length;
// Undo partial reconciliation if necessary
if (lines_selected_num !== 1) {
_.each(mv_lines_selected, function(line) {
if (line.partial_reconcile === true) self.unpartialReconcileLine(line);
if (line.propose_partial_reconcile === true) line.propose_partial_reconcile = false;
// Compute balance
var balance = 0;
balance -= self.st_line.amount;
_.each(mv_lines_selected, function(o) {
balance = balance - o.debit + o.credit;
_.each(self.getCreatedLines(), function(o) {
balance += o.amount;
// Dealing with floating-point
balance = Math.round(balance*1000)/1000;
self.set("balance", balance);
// Loads move lines according to the widget's state
updateMatches: function() {
var self = this;
var deselected_lines_num = self.mv_lines_deselected.length;
var offset = self.get("pager_index") * self.max_move_lines_displayed - deselected_lines_num;
if (offset < 0) offset = 0;
var limit = (self.get("pager_index")+1) * self.max_move_lines_displayed - deselected_lines_num;
if (limit > self.max_move_lines_displayed) limit = self.max_move_lines_displayed;
var excluded_ids = _.collect(self.get("mv_lines_selected").concat(self.mv_lines_deselected), function(o) { return o.id; });
var globally_excluded_ids = [];
if (self.st_line.has_no_partner)
_.each(self.getParent().excluded_move_lines_ids, function(o) { globally_excluded_ids = globally_excluded_ids.concat(o) });
globally_excluded_ids = self.getParent().excluded_move_lines_ids[self.partner_id];
if (globally_excluded_ids !== undefined)
for (var i=0; i<globally_excluded_ids.length; i++)
if (excluded_ids.indexOf(globally_excluded_ids[i]) === -1)
limit += 1; // Let's fetch 1 more item than requested
if (limit > 0) {
return self.model_bank_statement_line
.call("get_move_lines_for_reconciliation_by_statement_line_id", [self.st_line.id, excluded_ids, self.filter, offset, limit])
.then(function (lines) {
_.each(lines, function(line) { self.decorateMoveLine(line, self.st_line.currency_id) }, self);
// If we could fetch 1 more item than what we'll display, that means there are move lines left to be displayed (so we enable the pager)
self.can_fetch_more_move_lines = (lines.length === limit);
self.set("mv_lines", lines.slice(0, limit-1));
} else {
self.set("mv_lines", []);
// Changes the partner_id of the statement_line in the DB and reloads the widget
changePartner: function(partner_id) {
var self = this;
self.is_consistent = false;
return self.model_bank_statement_line
// Update model
.call("write", [[self.st_line_id], {'partner_id': partner_id}])
.then(function () {
self.do_load_reconciliation_proposition = false; // of the server might set the statement line's partner
self.animation_speed = 0;
return $.when(self.restart(self.get("mode"))).then(function(){
self.do_load_reconciliation_proposition = true;
self.is_consistent = true;
self.set("mode", "match");
// Returns an object that can be passed to process_reconciliation()
prepareSelectedMoveLineForPersisting: function(line) {
return {
name: line.name,
debit: line.debit,
credit: line.credit,
counterpart_move_line_id: line.id,
// idem
prepareCreatedMoveLineForPersisting: function(line) {
var dict = {};
if (dict['account_id'] === undefined)
dict['account_id'] = line.account_id;
dict['name'] = line.label;
var amount = line.tax_id ? line.amount_with_tax: line.amount;
if (amount > 0) dict['credit'] = amount;
if (amount < 0) dict['debit'] = -1 * amount;
if (line.tax_id) dict['account_tax_id'] = line.tax_id;
if (line.is_tax_line) dict['is_tax_line'] = line.is_tax_line;
if (line.analytic_account_id) dict['analytic_account_id'] = line.analytic_account_id;
return dict;
// idem
prepareOpenBalanceForPersisting: function() {
var balance = this.get("balance");
var dict = {};
dict['account_id'] = this.st_line.open_balance_account_id;
dict['name'] = this.st_line.name + ' : ' + _t("Open balance");
if (balance > 0) dict['debit'] = balance;
if (balance < 0) dict['credit'] = -1*balance;
return dict;
makeMoveLineDicts: function() {
var self = this;
var mv_line_dicts = [];
_.each(self.get("mv_lines_selected"), function(o) { mv_line_dicts.push(self.prepareSelectedMoveLineForPersisting(o)) });
_.each(self.getCreatedLines(), function(o) { mv_line_dicts.push(self.prepareCreatedMoveLineForPersisting(o)) });
if (Math.abs(self.get("balance")).toFixed(3) !== "0.000") mv_line_dicts.push(self.prepareOpenBalanceForPersisting());
return mv_line_dicts;
// Persist data, notify parent view and terminate widget
persistAndDestroy: function(speed) {
var self = this;
speed = (isNaN(speed) ? self.animation_speed : speed);
if (! self.is_consistent) return;
// Sliding animation
var height = self.$el.outerHeight();
var container = $("<div />");
container.css("height", height)
.css("marginTop", self.$el.css("marginTop"))
.css("marginBottom", self.$el.css("marginBottom"));
var deferred_animation = self.$el.parent().slideUp(speed*height/150);
// RPC
self.$(".button_ok").attr("disabled", "disabled");
return self.model_bank_statement_line
.call("process_reconciliation", [self.st_line_id, self.makeMoveLineDicts()])
.done(function () {
self.getParent().unexcludeMoveLines(self, self.partner_id, self.get("mv_lines_selected"));
$.each(self.$(".bootstrap_popover"), function(){ $(this).popover('destroy') });
return $.when(deferred_animation).then(function(){
var parent = self.getParent();
return $.when(self.destroy()).then(function() {
self.$el.parent().slideDown(speed*height/150, function(){
}).always(function() {
instance.web.views.add('tree_account_reconciliation', 'instance.web.account.ReconciliationListView');
instance.web.account.ReconciliationListView = instance.web.ListView.extend({
init: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
var self = this;
this.current_partner = null;
this.on('record_selected', this, function() {
if (self.get_selected_ids().length === 0) {
self.$(".oe_account_recon_reconcile").attr("disabled", "");
} else {
load_list: function() {
var self = this;
var tmp = this._super.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.partners) {
this.$el.prepend(QWeb.render("AccountReconciliation", {widget: this}));
this.$(".oe_account_recon_previous").click(function() {
self.current_partner = (((self.current_partner - 1) % self.partners.length) + self.partners.length) % self.partners.length;
this.$(".oe_account_recon_next").click(function() {
self.current_partner = (self.current_partner + 1) % self.partners.length;
this.$(".oe_account_recon_reconcile").click(function() {
this.$(".oe_account_recom_mark_as_reconciled").click(function() {
return tmp;
do_search: function(domain, context, group_by) {
var self = this;
this.last_domain = domain;
this.last_context = context;
this.last_group_by = group_by;
this.old_search = _.bind(this._super, this);
var mod = new instance.web.Model("account.move.line", context, domain);
return mod.call("list_partners_to_reconcile", []).then(function(result) {
var current = self.current_partner !== null ? self.partners[self.current_partner][0] : null;
self.partners = result;
var index = _.find(_.range(self.partners.length), function(el) {
if (current === self.partners[el][0])
return true;
if (index !== undefined)
self.current_partner = index;
self.current_partner = self.partners.length == 0 ? null : 0;
search_by_partner: function() {
var self = this;
var fct = function() {
return self.old_search(new instance.web.CompoundDomain(self.last_domain,
[["partner_id", "in", self.current_partner === null ? [] :
[self.partners[self.current_partner][0]] ]]), self.last_context, self.last_group_by);
if (self.current_partner === null) {
self.last_reconciliation_date = _t("Never");
return fct();
} else {
return new instance.web.Model("res.partner").call("read",
[self.partners[self.current_partner][0], ["last_reconciliation_date"]]).then(function(res) {
self.last_reconciliation_date =
instance.web.format_value(res.last_reconciliation_date, {"type": "datetime"}, _t("Never"));
return fct();
reconcile: function() {
var self = this;
var ids = this.get_selected_ids();
if (ids.length === 0) {
new instance.web.Dialog(this, {
title: _t("Warning"),
size: 'medium',
}, $("<div />").text(_t("You must choose at least one record."))).open();
return false;
new instance.web.Model("ir.model.data").call("get_object_reference", ["account", "action_view_account_move_line_reconcile"]).then(function(result) {
var additional_context = _.extend({
active_id: ids[0],
active_ids: ids,
active_model: self.model
return self.rpc("/web/action/load", {
action_id: result[1],
context: additional_context
}).done(function (result) {
result.context = instance.web.pyeval.eval('contexts', [result.context, additional_context]);
result.flags = result.flags || {};
result.flags.new_window = true;
return self.do_action(result, {
on_close: function () {
self.do_search(self.last_domain, self.last_context, self.last_group_by);
mark_as_reconciled: function() {
var self = this;
var id = self.partners[self.current_partner][0];
new instance.web.Model("res.partner").call("mark_as_reconciled", [[id]]).then(function() {
self.do_search(self.last_domain, self.last_context, self.last_group_by);
do_select: function (ids, records) {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);