
803 lines
36 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2013 OpenERP S.A. (<http://openerp.com>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.core import publish_string
from docutils.transforms import Transform, writer_aux
from docutils.writers.html4css1 import Writer
import imp
import logging
from operator import attrgetter
import os
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
import urllib
import urllib2
import zipfile
import zipimport
import lxml.html
from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from StringIO import StringIO # NOQA
import openerp
from openerp import modules, tools, addons
from openerp.modules.db import create_categories
from openerp.tools.parse_version import parse_version
from openerp.tools.translate import _
from openerp.osv import fields, osv, orm
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
'view_type': 'form',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': 'base.module.upgrade',
'target': 'new',
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'nodestroy': True,
def backup(path, raise_exception=True):
path = os.path.normpath(path)
if not os.path.exists(path):
if not raise_exception:
return None
raise OSError('path does not exists')
cnt = 1
while True:
bck = '%s~%d' % (path, cnt)
if not os.path.exists(bck):
shutil.move(path, bck)
return bck
cnt += 1
class module_category(osv.osv):
_name = "ir.module.category"
_description = "Application"
def _module_nbr(self, cr, uid, ids, prop, unknow_none, context):
cr.execute('SELECT category_id, COUNT(*) \
FROM ir_module_module \
WHERE category_id IN %(ids)s \
OR category_id IN (SELECT id \
FROM ir_module_category \
WHERE parent_id IN %(ids)s) \
GROUP BY category_id', {'ids': tuple(ids)}
result = dict(cr.fetchall())
for id in ids:
cr.execute('select id from ir_module_category where parent_id=%s', (id,))
result[id] = sum([result.get(c, 0) for (c,) in cr.fetchall()],
result.get(id, 0))
return result
_columns = {
'name': fields.char("Name", size=128, required=True, translate=True, select=True),
'parent_id': fields.many2one('ir.module.category', 'Parent Application', select=True),
'child_ids': fields.one2many('ir.module.category', 'parent_id', 'Child Applications'),
'module_nr': fields.function(_module_nbr, string='Number of Modules', type='integer'),
'module_ids': fields.one2many('ir.module.module', 'category_id', 'Modules'),
'description': fields.text("Description", translate=True),
'sequence': fields.integer('Sequence'),
'visible': fields.boolean('Visible'),
'xml_id': fields.function(osv.osv.get_external_id, type='char', size=128, string="External ID"),
_order = 'name'
_defaults = {
'visible': 1,
class MyFilterMessages(Transform):
Custom docutils transform to remove `system message` for a document and
generate warnings.
(The standard filter removes them based on some `report_level` passed in
the `settings_override` dictionary, but if we use it, we can't see them
and generate warnings.)
default_priority = 870
def apply(self):
for node in self.document.traverse(nodes.system_message):
_logger.warning("docutils' system message present: %s", str(node))
class MyWriter(Writer):
Custom docutils html4ccs1 writer that doesn't add the warnings to the
output document.
def get_transforms(self):
return [MyFilterMessages, writer_aux.Admonitions]
class module(osv.osv):
_name = "ir.module.module"
_rec_name = "shortdesc"
_description = "Module"
def get_module_info(cls, name):
info = {}
info = modules.load_information_from_description_file(name)
except Exception:
_logger.debug('Error when trying to fetch informations for '
'module %s', name, exc_info=True)
return info
def _get_desc(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name=None, arg=None, context=None):
res = dict.fromkeys(ids, '')
for module in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
path = addons.get_module_resource(module.name, 'static/description/index.html')
if path:
with tools.file_open(path, 'rb') as desc_file:
doc = desc_file.read()
html = lxml.html.document_fromstring(doc)
for element, attribute, link, pos in html.iterlinks():
if element.get('src') and not '//' in element.get('src') and not 'static/' in element.get('src'):
element.set('src', "/%s/static/description/%s" % (module.name, element.get('src')))
res[module.id] = lxml.html.tostring(html)
overrides = dict(embed_stylesheet=False, doctitle_xform=False, output_encoding='unicode')
output = publish_string(source=module.description, settings_overrides=overrides, writer=MyWriter())
res[module.id] = output
return res
def _get_latest_version(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name=None, arg=None, context=None):
default_version = modules.adapt_version('1.0')
res = dict.fromkeys(ids, default_version)
for m in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
res[m.id] = self.get_module_info(m.name).get('version', default_version)
return res
def _get_views(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name=None, arg=None, context=None):
res = {}
model_data_obj = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')
dmodels = []
if field_name is None or 'views_by_module' in field_name:
if field_name is None or 'reports_by_module' in field_name:
if field_name is None or 'menus_by_module' in field_name:
assert dmodels, "no models for %s" % field_name
for module_rec in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
res_mod_dic = res[module_rec.id] = {
'menus_by_module': [],
'reports_by_module': [],
'views_by_module': []
# Skip uninstalled modules below, no data to find anyway.
if module_rec.state not in ('installed', 'to upgrade', 'to remove'):
# then, search and group ir.model.data records
imd_models = dict([(m, []) for m in dmodels])
imd_ids = model_data_obj.search(cr, uid, [
('module', '=', module_rec.name),
('model', 'in', tuple(dmodels))
for imd_res in model_data_obj.read(cr, uid, imd_ids, ['model', 'res_id'], context=context):
def browse(model):
M = self.pool[model]
# as this method is called before the module update, some xmlid may be invalid at this stage
# explictly filter records before reading them
ids = M.exists(cr, uid, imd_models.get(model, []), context)
return M.browse(cr, uid, ids, context)
def format_view(v):
aa = v.inherit_id and '* INHERIT ' or ''
return '%s%s (%s)' % (aa, v.name, v.type)
res_mod_dic['views_by_module'] = map(format_view, browse('ir.ui.view'))
res_mod_dic['reports_by_module'] = map(attrgetter('name'), browse('ir.actions.report.xml'))
res_mod_dic['menus_by_module'] = map(attrgetter('complete_name'), browse('ir.ui.menu'))
for key in res.iterkeys():
for k, v in res[key].iteritems():
res[key][k] = "\n".join(sorted(v))
return res
def _get_icon_image(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name=None, arg=None, context=None):
res = dict.fromkeys(ids, '')
for module in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
path = addons.get_module_resource(module.name, 'static', 'description', 'icon.png')
if path:
image_file = tools.file_open(path, 'rb')
res[module.id] = image_file.read().encode('base64')
return res
_columns = {
'name': fields.char("Technical Name", size=128, readonly=True, required=True, select=True),
'category_id': fields.many2one('ir.module.category', 'Category', readonly=True, select=True),
'shortdesc': fields.char('Module Name', size=64, readonly=True, translate=True),
'summary': fields.char('Summary', size=64, readonly=True, translate=True),
'description': fields.text("Description", readonly=True, translate=True),
'description_html': fields.function(_get_desc, string='Description HTML', type='html', method=True, readonly=True),
'author': fields.char("Author", size=128, readonly=True),
'maintainer': fields.char('Maintainer', size=128, readonly=True),
'contributors': fields.text('Contributors', readonly=True),
'website': fields.char("Website", size=256, readonly=True),
# attention: Incorrect field names !!
# installed_version refers the latest version (the one on disk)
# latest_version refers the installed version (the one in database)
# published_version refers the version available on the repository
'installed_version': fields.function(_get_latest_version, string='Latest Version', type='char'),
'latest_version': fields.char('Installed Version', size=64, readonly=True),
'published_version': fields.char('Published Version', size=64, readonly=True),
'url': fields.char('URL', size=128, readonly=True),
'sequence': fields.integer('Sequence'),
'dependencies_id': fields.one2many('ir.module.module.dependency', 'module_id', 'Dependencies', readonly=True),
'auto_install': fields.boolean('Automatic Installation',
help='An auto-installable module is automatically installed by the '
'system when all its dependencies are satisfied. '
'If the module has no dependency, it is always installed.'),
'state': fields.selection([
('uninstallable', 'Not Installable'),
('uninstalled', 'Not Installed'),
('installed', 'Installed'),
('to upgrade', 'To be upgraded'),
('to remove', 'To be removed'),
('to install', 'To be installed')
], string='Status', readonly=True, select=True),
'demo': fields.boolean('Demo Data', readonly=True),
'license': fields.selection([
('GPL-2', 'GPL Version 2'),
('GPL-2 or any later version', 'GPL-2 or later version'),
('GPL-3', 'GPL Version 3'),
('GPL-3 or any later version', 'GPL-3 or later version'),
('AGPL-3', 'Affero GPL-3'),
('Other OSI approved licence', 'Other OSI Approved Licence'),
('Other proprietary', 'Other Proprietary')
], string='License', readonly=True),
'menus_by_module': fields.function(_get_views, string='Menus', type='text', multi="meta", store=True),
'reports_by_module': fields.function(_get_views, string='Reports', type='text', multi="meta", store=True),
'views_by_module': fields.function(_get_views, string='Views', type='text', multi="meta", store=True),
'application': fields.boolean('Application', readonly=True),
'icon': fields.char('Icon URL', size=128),
'icon_image': fields.function(_get_icon_image, string='Icon', type="binary"),
_defaults = {
'state': 'uninstalled',
'sequence': 100,
'demo': False,
'license': 'AGPL-3',
_order = 'sequence,name'
def _name_uniq_msg(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
return _('The name of the module must be unique !')
_sql_constraints = [
('name_uniq', 'UNIQUE (name)', _name_uniq_msg),
def unlink(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
if not ids:
return True
if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
ids = [ids]
mod_names = []
for mod in self.read(cr, uid, ids, ['state', 'name'], context):
if mod['state'] in ('installed', 'to upgrade', 'to remove', 'to install'):
raise orm.except_orm(_('Error'), _('You try to remove a module that is installed or will be installed'))
#Removing the entry from ir_model_data
#ids_meta = self.pool.get('ir.model.data').search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'module_meta_information'), ('module', 'in', mod_names)])
#if ids_meta:
# self.pool.get('ir.model.data').unlink(cr, uid, ids_meta, context)
return super(module, self).unlink(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
def _check_external_dependencies(terp):
depends = terp.get('external_dependencies')
if not depends:
for pydep in depends.get('python', []):
parts = pydep.split('.')
path = None
while parts:
part = parts.pop()
_, path, _ = imp.find_module(part, path and [path] or None)
except ImportError:
raise ImportError('No module named %s' % (pydep,))
for binary in depends.get('bin', []):
if tools.find_in_path(binary) is None:
raise Exception('Unable to find %r in path' % (binary,))
def check_external_dependencies(cls, module_name, newstate='to install'):
terp = cls.get_module_info(module_name)
except Exception, e:
if newstate == 'to install':
msg = _('Unable to install module "%s" because an external dependency is not met: %s')
elif newstate == 'to upgrade':
msg = _('Unable to upgrade module "%s" because an external dependency is not met: %s')
msg = _('Unable to process module "%s" because an external dependency is not met: %s')
raise orm.except_orm(_('Error'), msg % (module_name, e.args[0]))
def state_update(self, cr, uid, ids, newstate, states_to_update, context=None, level=100):
if level < 1:
raise orm.except_orm(_('Error'), _('Recursion error in modules dependencies !'))
demo = False
for module in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
mdemo = False
for dep in module.dependencies_id:
if dep.state == 'unknown':
raise orm.except_orm(_('Error'), _("You try to install module '%s' that depends on module '%s'.\nBut the latter module is not available in your system.") % (module.name, dep.name,))
ids2 = self.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', dep.name)])
if dep.state != newstate:
mdemo = self.state_update(cr, uid, ids2, newstate, states_to_update, context, level - 1) or mdemo
od = self.browse(cr, uid, ids2)[0]
mdemo = od.demo or mdemo
self.check_external_dependencies(module.name, newstate)
if not module.dependencies_id:
mdemo = module.demo
if module.state in states_to_update:
self.write(cr, uid, [module.id], {'state': newstate, 'demo': mdemo})
demo = demo or mdemo
return demo
def button_install(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
# Mark the given modules to be installed.
self.state_update(cr, uid, ids, 'to install', ['uninstalled'], context)
# Mark (recursively) the newly satisfied modules to also be installed
# Select all auto-installable (but not yet installed) modules.
domain = [('state', '=', 'uninstalled'), ('auto_install', '=', True)]
uninstalled_ids = self.search(cr, uid, domain, context=context)
uninstalled_modules = self.browse(cr, uid, uninstalled_ids, context=context)
# Keep those with:
# - all dependencies satisfied (installed or to be installed),
# - at least one dependency being 'to install'
satisfied_states = frozenset(('installed', 'to install', 'to upgrade'))
def all_depencies_satisfied(m):
states = set(d.state for d in m.dependencies_id)
return states.issubset(satisfied_states) and ('to install' in states)
to_install_modules = filter(all_depencies_satisfied, uninstalled_modules)
to_install_ids = map(lambda m: m.id, to_install_modules)
# Mark them to be installed.
if to_install_ids:
self.button_install(cr, uid, to_install_ids, context=context)
return dict(ACTION_DICT, name=_('Install'))
def button_immediate_install(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
""" Installs the selected module(s) immediately and fully,
returns the next res.config action to execute
:param ids: identifiers of the modules to install
:returns: next res.config item to execute
:rtype: dict[str, object]
return self._button_immediate_function(cr, uid, ids, self.button_install, context=context)
def button_install_cancel(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'uninstalled', 'demo': False})
return True
def module_uninstall(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
"""Perform the various steps required to uninstall a module completely
including the deletion of all database structures created by the module:
tables, columns, constraints, etc."""
ir_model_data = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')
ir_model_constraint = self.pool.get('ir.model.constraint')
modules_to_remove = [m.name for m in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context)]
modules_to_remove_ids = [m.id for m in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context)]
constraint_ids = ir_model_constraint.search(cr, uid, [('module', 'in', modules_to_remove_ids)])
ir_model_constraint._module_data_uninstall(cr, uid, constraint_ids, context)
ir_model_data._module_data_uninstall(cr, uid, modules_to_remove, context)
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'uninstalled'})
return True
def downstream_dependencies(self, cr, uid, ids, known_dep_ids=None,
exclude_states=['uninstalled', 'uninstallable', 'to remove'],
"""Return the ids of all modules that directly or indirectly depend
on the given module `ids`, and that satisfy the `exclude_states`
if not ids:
return []
known_dep_ids = set(known_dep_ids or [])
cr.execute('''SELECT DISTINCT m.id
ir_module_module_dependency d
ir_module_module m ON (d.module_id=m.id)
d.name IN (SELECT name from ir_module_module where id in %s) AND
m.state NOT IN %s AND
m.id NOT IN %s ''',
(tuple(ids), tuple(exclude_states), tuple(known_dep_ids or ids)))
new_dep_ids = set([m[0] for m in cr.fetchall()])
missing_mod_ids = new_dep_ids - known_dep_ids
known_dep_ids |= new_dep_ids
if missing_mod_ids:
known_dep_ids |= set(self.downstream_dependencies(cr, uid, list(missing_mod_ids),
known_dep_ids, exclude_states, context))
return list(known_dep_ids)
def _button_immediate_function(self, cr, uid, ids, function, context=None):
function(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
registry = openerp.modules.registry.RegistryManager.new(cr.dbname, update_module=True)
config = registry['res.config'].next(cr, uid, [], context=context) or {}
if config.get('type') not in ('ir.actions.act_window_close',):
return config
# reload the client; open the first available root menu
menu_obj = registry['ir.ui.menu']
menu_ids = menu_obj.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', '=', False)], context=context)
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.client',
'tag': 'reload',
'params': {'menu_id': menu_ids and menu_ids[0] or False}
def button_immediate_uninstall(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
Uninstall the selected module(s) immediately and fully,
returns the next res.config action to execute
return self._button_immediate_function(cr, uid, ids, self.button_uninstall, context=context)
def button_uninstall(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
if any(m.name == 'base' for m in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context)):
raise orm.except_orm(_('Error'), _("The `base` module cannot be uninstalled"))
dep_ids = self.downstream_dependencies(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
self.write(cr, uid, ids + dep_ids, {'state': 'to remove'})
return dict(ACTION_DICT, name=_('Uninstall'))
def button_uninstall_cancel(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'installed'})
return True
def button_immediate_upgrade(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
Upgrade the selected module(s) immediately and fully,
return the next res.config action to execute
return self._button_immediate_function(cr, uid, ids, self.button_upgrade, context=context)
def button_upgrade(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
depobj = self.pool.get('ir.module.module.dependency')
todo = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
self.update_list(cr, uid)
i = 0
while i < len(todo):
mod = todo[i]
i += 1
if mod.state not in ('installed', 'to upgrade'):
raise orm.except_orm(_('Error'), _("Can not upgrade module '%s'. It is not installed.") % (mod.name,))
self.check_external_dependencies(mod.name, 'to upgrade')
iids = depobj.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', mod.name)], context=context)
for dep in depobj.browse(cr, uid, iids, context=context):
if dep.module_id.state == 'installed' and dep.module_id not in todo:
ids = map(lambda x: x.id, todo)
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'to upgrade'}, context=context)
to_install = []
for mod in todo:
for dep in mod.dependencies_id:
if dep.state == 'unknown':
raise orm.except_orm(_('Error'), _('You try to upgrade a module that depends on the module: %s.\nBut this module is not available in your system.') % (dep.name,))
if dep.state == 'uninstalled':
ids2 = self.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', dep.name)])
self.button_install(cr, uid, to_install, context=context)
return dict(ACTION_DICT, name=_('Apply Schedule Upgrade'))
def button_upgrade_cancel(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'installed'})
return True
def button_update_translations(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
self.update_translations(cr, uid, ids)
return True
def get_values_from_terp(terp):
return {
'description': terp.get('description', ''),
'shortdesc': terp.get('name', ''),
'author': terp.get('author', 'Unknown'),
'maintainer': terp.get('maintainer', False),
'contributors': ', '.join(terp.get('contributors', [])) or False,
'website': terp.get('website', ''),
'license': terp.get('license', 'AGPL-3'),
'sequence': terp.get('sequence', 100),
'application': terp.get('application', False),
'auto_install': terp.get('auto_install', False),
'icon': terp.get('icon', False),
'summary': terp.get('summary', ''),
# update the list of available packages
def update_list(self, cr, uid, context=None):
res = [0, 0] # [update, add]
default_version = modules.adapt_version('1.0')
known_mods = self.browse(cr, uid, self.search(cr, uid, []))
known_mods_names = dict([(m.name, m) for m in known_mods])
# iterate through detected modules and update/create them in db
for mod_name in modules.get_modules():
mod = known_mods_names.get(mod_name)
terp = self.get_module_info(mod_name)
values = self.get_values_from_terp(terp)
if mod:
updated_values = {}
for key in values:
old = getattr(mod, key)
updated = isinstance(values[key], basestring) and tools.ustr(values[key]) or values[key]
if not old == updated:
updated_values[key] = values[key]
if terp.get('installable', True) and mod.state == 'uninstallable':
updated_values['state'] = 'uninstalled'
if parse_version(terp.get('version', default_version)) > parse_version(mod.latest_version or default_version):
res[0] += 1
if updated_values:
self.write(cr, uid, mod.id, updated_values)
mod_path = modules.get_module_path(mod_name)
if not mod_path:
if not terp or not terp.get('installable', True):
id = self.create(cr, uid, dict(name=mod_name, state='uninstalled', **values))
mod = self.browse(cr, uid, id)
res[1] += 1
self._update_dependencies(cr, uid, mod, terp.get('depends', []))
self._update_category(cr, uid, mod, terp.get('category', 'Uncategorized'))
# Trigger load_addons if new module have been discovered it exists on
# wsgi handlers, so they can react accordingly
if tuple(res) != (0, 0):
for handler in openerp.service.wsgi_server.module_handlers:
if hasattr(handler, 'load_addons'):
return res
def download(self, cr, uid, ids, download=True, context=None):
res = []
default_version = modules.adapt_version('1.0')
for mod in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
if not mod.url:
match = re.search('-([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+)(\.zip)', mod.url, re.I)
version = default_version
if match:
version = match.group(1)
if parse_version(mod.installed_version) >= parse_version(version):
if not download:
zip_content = urllib.urlopen(mod.url).read()
fname = modules.get_module_path(str(mod.name) + '.zip', downloaded=True)
with open(fname, 'wb') as fp:
except Exception:
_logger.exception('Error when trying to create module '
'file %s', fname)
raise orm.except_orm(_('Error'), _('Can not create the module file:\n %s') % (fname,))
terp = self.get_module_info(mod.name)
self.write(cr, uid, mod.id, self.get_values_from_terp(terp))
cr.execute('DELETE FROM ir_module_module_dependency WHERE module_id = %s', (mod.id,))
self._update_dependencies(cr, uid, mod, terp.get('depends', []))
self._update_category(cr, uid, mod, terp.get('category', 'Uncategorized'))
# Import module
zimp = zipimport.zipimporter(fname)
return res
def install_from_urls(self, cr, uid, urls, context=None):
OPENERP = 'openerp'
tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
_logger.debug('Install from url: %r', urls)
# 1. Download & unzip missing modules
for module_name, url in urls.items():
if not url:
continue # nothing to download, local version is already the last one
_logger.info('Downloading module `%s` from OpenERP Apps', module_name)
content = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
except Exception:
_logger.exception('Failed to fetch module %s', module_name)
raise osv.except_osv(_('Module not found'),
_('The `%s` module appears to be unavailable at the moment, please try again later.') % module_name)
assert os.path.isdir(os.path.join(tmp, module_name))
# 2a. Copy/Replace module source in addons path
for module_name, url in urls.items():
if module_name == OPENERP or not url:
continue # OPENERP is special case, handled below, and no URL means local module
module_path = modules.get_module_path(module_name, downloaded=True, display_warning=False)
bck = backup(module_path, False)
_logger.info('Copy downloaded module `%s` to `%s`', module_name, module_path)
shutil.move(os.path.join(tmp, module_name), module_path)
if bck:
# 2b. Copy/Replace server+base module source if downloaded
if urls.get(OPENERP, None):
# special case. it contains the server and the base module.
# extract path is not the same
base_path = os.path.dirname(modules.get_module_path('base'))
# copy all modules in the SERVER/openerp/addons directory to the new "openerp" module (except base itself)
for d in os.listdir(base_path):
if d != 'base' and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base_path, d)):
destdir = os.path.join(tmp, OPENERP, 'addons', d) # XXX 'openerp' subdirectory ?
shutil.copytree(os.path.join(base_path, d), destdir)
# then replace the server by the new "base" module
server_dir = openerp.tools.config['root_path'] # XXX or dirname()
bck = backup(server_dir)
_logger.info('Copy downloaded module `openerp` to `%s`', server_dir)
shutil.move(os.path.join(tmp, OPENERP), server_dir)
#if bck:
# shutil.rmtree(bck)
self.update_list(cr, uid, context=context)
with_urls = [m for m, u in urls.items() if u]
downloaded_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('name', 'in', with_urls)], context=context)
already_installed = self.search(cr, uid, [('id', 'in', downloaded_ids), ('state', '=', 'installed')], context=context)
to_install_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('name', 'in', urls.keys()), ('state', '=', 'uninstalled')], context=context)
post_install_action = self.button_immediate_install(cr, uid, to_install_ids, context=context)
if already_installed:
# in this case, force server restart to reload python code...
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.client',
'tag': 'home',
'params': {'wait': True},
return post_install_action
def install_by_names(self, cr, uid, names, context=None):
raise NotImplementedError('# TODO')
def _update_dependencies(self, cr, uid, mod_browse, depends=None):
if depends is None:
depends = []
existing = set(x.name for x in mod_browse.dependencies_id)
needed = set(depends)
for dep in (needed - existing):
cr.execute('INSERT INTO ir_module_module_dependency (module_id, name) values (%s, %s)', (mod_browse.id, dep))
for dep in (existing - needed):
cr.execute('DELETE FROM ir_module_module_dependency WHERE module_id = %s and name = %s', (mod_browse.id, dep))
def _update_category(self, cr, uid, mod_browse, category='Uncategorized'):
current_category = mod_browse.category_id
current_category_path = []
while current_category:
current_category_path.insert(0, current_category.name)
current_category = current_category.parent_id
categs = category.split('/')
if categs != current_category_path:
cat_id = create_categories(cr, categs)
mod_browse.write({'category_id': cat_id})
def update_translations(self, cr, uid, ids, filter_lang=None, context=None):
if not filter_lang:
res_lang = self.pool.get('res.lang')
lang_ids = res_lang.search(cr, uid, [('translatable', '=', True)])
filter_lang = [lang.code for lang in res_lang.browse(cr, uid, lang_ids)]
elif not isinstance(filter_lang, (list, tuple)):
filter_lang = [filter_lang]
modules = [m.name for m in self.browse(cr, uid, ids) if m.state == 'installed']
self.pool.get('ir.translation').load(cr, modules, filter_lang, context=context)
def check(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
for mod in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
if not mod.description:
_logger.warning('module %s: description is empty !', mod.name)
class module_dependency(osv.osv):
_name = "ir.module.module.dependency"
_description = "Module dependency"
def _state(self, cr, uid, ids, name, args, context=None):
result = {}
mod_obj = self.pool.get('ir.module.module')
for md in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
ids = mod_obj.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', md.name)])
if ids:
result[md.id] = mod_obj.read(cr, uid, [ids[0]], ['state'])[0]['state']
result[md.id] = 'unknown'
return result
_columns = {
# The dependency name
'name': fields.char('Name', size=128, select=True),
# The module that depends on it
'module_id': fields.many2one('ir.module.module', 'Module', select=True, ondelete='cascade'),
'state': fields.function(_state, type='selection', selection=[
('uninstallable', 'Uninstallable'),
('uninstalled', 'Not Installed'),
('installed', 'Installed'),
('to upgrade', 'To be upgraded'),
('to remove', 'To be removed'),
('to install', 'To be installed'),
('unknown', 'Unknown'),
], string='Status', readonly=True, select=True),
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