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* handles editability case for lists, because it depends on form and forms already depends on lists it had to be split out
* @namespace
openerp.web.list_editable = function (instance) {
var _t = instance.web._t;
// editability status of list rows
instance.web.ListView.prototype.defaults.editable = null;
// TODO: not sure second @lends on existing item is correct, to check
instance.web.ListView.include(/** @lends instance.web.ListView# */{
init: function () {
var self = this;
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this.saving_mutex = new $.Mutex();
this._force_editability = null;
this._context_editable = false;
this.editor = this.make_editor();
// Stores records of {field, cell}, allows for re-rendering fields
// depending on cell state during and after resize events
this.fields_for_resize = [];
instance.web.bus.on('resize', this, this.resize_fields);
'edit': function (e, id, dataset) {
self.do_edit(dataset.index, id, dataset);
'saved': function () {
if (self.groups.get_selection().length) {
this.records.bind('remove', function () {
if (self.editor.is_editing()) {
this.on('edit:before', this, function (event) {
if (!self.editable() || self.editor.is_editing()) {
event.cancel = true;
this.on('edit:after', this, function () {
this.on('save:after cancel:after', this, function () {
destroy: function () {
instance.web.bus.off('resize', this, this.resize_fields);
do_hide: function () {
if (this.editor.is_editing()) {
sort_by_column: function (e) {
if (!this.editor.is_editing()) {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* Handles the activation of a record in editable mode (making a record
* editable), called *after* the record has become editable.
* The default behavior is to setup the listview's dataset to match
* whatever dataset was provided by the editing List
* @param {Number} index index of the record in the dataset
* @param {Object} id identifier of the record being edited
* @param {instance.web.DataSet} dataset dataset in which the record is available
do_edit: function (index, id, dataset) {
_.extend(this.dataset, dataset);
do_delete: function (ids) {
var nonfalse = _.compact(ids);
var _super = this._super.bind(this);
var next = this.editor.is_editing()
? this.cancel_edition(true)
: $.when();
return next.then(function () {
return _super(nonfalse);
editable: function () {
return !this.grouped
&& !this.options.disable_editable_mode
&& (this.fields_view.arch.attrs.editable
|| this._context_editable
|| this.options.editable);
* Replace do_search to handle editability process
do_search: function(domain, context, group_by) {
var self=this, _super = self._super, args=arguments;
var ready = this.editor.is_editing()
? this.cancel_edition(true)
: $.when();
return ready.then(function () {
self._context_editable = !!context.set_editable;
return _super.apply(self, args);
* Replace do_add_record to handle editability (and adding new record
* as an editable row at the top or bottom of the list)
do_add_record: function () {
var self = this;
if (this.editable()) {
} else {
load_list: function (data, grouped) {
var self = this;
// tree/@editable takes priority on everything else if present.
var result = this._super(data, grouped);
// In case current editor was started previously, also has to run
// when toggling from editable to non-editable in case form widgets
// have setup global behaviors expecting themselves to exist
// somehow.
// Editor is not restartable due to formview not being restartable
this.editor = this.make_editor();
if (this.editable()) {
// FIXME: any hook available to ensure this is only done once?
.off('click', '.oe_list_save')
.on('click', '.oe_list_save', this.proxy('save_edition'))
.off('click', '.oe_list_discard')
.on('click', '.oe_list_discard', function (e) {
var editor_ready = this.editor.prependTo(this.$el)
return $.when(result, editor_ready);
} else {
return result;
* Builds a new editor object
* @return {instance.web.list.Editor}
make_editor: function () {
return new instance.web.list.Editor(this);
do_button_action: function (name, id, callback) {
var self = this, args = arguments;
this.ensure_saved().done(function (done) {
if (!id && done.created) {
id = done.record.get('id');
self.handle_button(name, id, callback);
* Ensures the editable list is saved (saves any pending edition if
* needed, or tries to)
* Returns a deferred to the end of the saving.
* @returns {$.Deferred}
ensure_saved: function () {
return this.save_edition();
* Builds a record with the provided id (``false`` for a creation),
* setting all columns with ``false`` value so code which relies on
* having an actual value behaves correctly
* @param {*} id
* @return {instance.web.list.Record}
make_empty_record: function (id) {
var attrs = {id: id};
.filter(function (x) { return x.tag === 'field'})
.each(function (field) { attrs[field] = false; });
return new instance.web.list.Record(attrs);
* Set up the edition of a record of the list view "inline"
* @param {instance.web.list.Record} [record] record to edit, leave empty to create a new record
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {String} [options.focus_field] field to focus at start of edition
* @return {jQuery.Deferred}
start_edition: function (record, options) {
var self = this;
var item = false;
if (record) {
item = record.attributes;
} else {
record = this.make_empty_record(false);
this.records.add(record, {
at: this.prepends_on_create() ? 0 : null});
return this.ensure_saved().then(function () {
var $recordRow = self.groups.get_row_for(record);
var cells = self.get_cells_for($recordRow);
var fields = {};
self.fields_for_resize.splice(0, self.fields_for_resize.length);
return self.with_event('edit', {
record: record.attributes,
cancel: false
}, function () {
return self.editor.edit(item, function (field_name, field) {
var cell = cells[field_name];
if (!cell) {
// FIXME: need better way to get the field back from bubbling (delegated) DOM events somehow
field.$el.attr('data-fieldname', field_name);
fields[field_name] = field;
self.fields_for_resize.push({field: field, cell: cell});
}, options).then(function () {
var focus_field = options && options.focus_field ? options.focus_field : undefined;
if (!focus_field){
focus_field = _.find(self.editor.form.fields_order, function(field){ return fields[field] && fields[field].$el.is(':visible:has(input)'); });
if (focus_field) fields[focus_field].$el.find('input').select();
return record.attributes;
}).fail(function () {
// if the start_edition event is cancelled and it was a
// creation, remove the newly-created empty record
if (!record.get('id')) {
get_cells_for: function ($row) {
var cells = {};
$row.children('td').each(function (index, el) {
cells[el.getAttribute('data-field')] = el
return cells;
* If currently editing a row, resizes all registered form fields based
* on the corresponding row cell
resize_fields: function () {
if (!this.editor.is_editing()) { return; }
for(var i=0, len=this.fields_for_resize.length; i<len; ++i) {
var item = this.fields_for_resize[i];
this.resize_field(item.field, item.cell);
* Resizes a field's root element based on the corresponding cell of
* a listview row
* @param {instance.web.form.AbstractField} field
* @param {jQuery} cell
resize_field: function (field, cell) {
var $cell = $(cell);
field.set_dimensions($cell.outerHeight(), $cell.outerWidth());
my: 'left top',
at: 'left top',
of: $cell
if (field.get('effective_readonly')) {
if(field.widget == "handle")
* @return {jQuery.Deferred}
save_edition: function () {
var self = this;
return self.saving_mutex.exec(function() {
if (!self.editor.is_editing()) {
return $.when();
return self.with_event('save', {
editor: self.editor,
form: self.editor.form,
cancel: false
}, function () {
return self.editor.save().then(function (attrs) {
var created = false;
var record = self.records.get(attrs.id);
if (!record) {
// new record
created = true;
record = self.records.find(function (r) {
return !r.get('id');
}).set('id', attrs.id);
// onwrite callback could be altering & reloading the
// record which has *just* been saved, so first perform all
// onwrites then do a final reload of the record
return self.handle_onwrite(record)
.then(function () {
return self.reload_record(record); })
.then(function () {
return { created: created, record: record }; });
* @param {Boolean} [force=false] discards the data even if the form has been edited
* @return {jQuery.Deferred}
cancel_edition: function (force) {
var self = this;
return this.with_event('cancel', {
editor: this.editor,
form: this.editor.form,
cancel: false
}, function () {
return this.editor.cancel(force).then(function (attrs) {
if (attrs.id) {
var record = self.records.get(attrs.id);
if (!record) {
// Record removed by third party during edition
return self.reload_record(record);
var to_delete = self.records.find(function (r) {
return !r.get('id');
if (to_delete) {
* Executes an action on the view's editor bracketed by a cancellable
* event of the name provided.
* The event name provided will be post-fixed with ``:before`` and
* ``:after``, the ``event`` parameter will be passed alongside the
* ``:before`` variant and if the parameter's ``cancel`` key is set to
* ``true`` the action *will not be called* and the method will return
* a rejection
* @param {String} event_name name of the event
* @param {Object} event event object, provided to ``:before`` sub-event
* @param {Function} action callable, called with the view's editor as its context
* @param {Array} [args] supplementary arguments provided to the action
* @param {Array} [trigger_params] supplementary arguments provided to the ``:after`` sub-event, before anything fetched by the ``action`` function
* @return {jQuery.Deferred}
with_event: function (event_name, event, action) {
var self = this;
event = event || {};
this.trigger(event_name + ':before', event);
if (event.cancel) {
return $.Deferred().reject({
message: _.str.sprintf("Event %s:before cancelled",
return $.when(action.call(this)).done(function () {
self.trigger.apply(self, [event_name + ':after']
edition_view: function (editor) {
var view = $.extend(true, {}, this.fields_view);
view.arch.tag = 'form';
_.extend(view.arch.attrs, {
'class': 'oe_form_container',
version: '7.0'
.zip(_(this.columns).filter(function (c) {
return !(c instanceof instance.web.list.MetaColumn);}))
.each(function (ar) {
var widget = ar[0], column = ar[1];
var modifiers = _.extend({}, column.modifiers);
widget.attrs.nolabel = true;
if (modifiers['tree_invisible'] || widget.tag === 'button') {
modifiers.invisible = true;
widget.attrs.modifiers = JSON.stringify(modifiers);
return view;
handle_onwrite: function (source_record) {
var self = this;
var on_write_callback = self.fields_view.arch.attrs.on_write;
if (!on_write_callback) { return $.when(); }
return this.dataset.call(on_write_callback, [source_record.get('id')])
.then(function (ids) {
return $.when.apply(
null, _(ids).map(
_.bind(self.handle_onwrite_record, self, source_record)));
handle_onwrite_record: function (source_record, id) {
var record = this.records.get(id);
if (!record) {
// insert after the source record
var index = this.records.indexOf(source_record) + 1;
record = this.make_empty_record(id);
this.records.add(record, {at: index});
return this.reload_record(record);
prepends_on_create: function () {
return this.editable() === 'top';
setup_events: function () {
var self = this;
_.each(this.editor.form.fields, function(field, field_name) {
field.on("change:effective_readonly", self, function(){
var item = _(self.fields_for_resize).find(function (item) {
return item.field === field;
if (item) {
setTimeout(function() {
self.resize_field(item.field, item.cell);
}, 0);
[FIX] bad interaction of editable list with IME IME are ways to input language which can't trivially map to a keyboard (e.g. CJK language) with a standard-ish keyboard. For japanese IME this is done by entering text phonetically: text is entered in romaji and automatically converted to hiragana (or katakana) when it matches the transcription a japanese syllable (~phoneme?) e.g. to (と). The text is then split and reprocessed with sequences of hiragana being converted to kanji (or not), and the possibility to pick the right kanji when multiple kanji match e.g. for "Tokyo" toukyou -> とうきょう -> 東京. But to do the edition, keyboard keys are used. For the japanese IMEs (tested on Windows, OSX and Linux) [Space] will do the initial conversion from kana to kanji (and allow selecting an other conversion or a different kana split) and [Return] will validate the current conversion (removing the underline marking "unvalidated" kana or kanji groups). And that's where the problem hit: IME + browser combinations may or may not suppress part of all of the event. Firefox will trigger a keydown of the key which "starts" IME input (e.g. "t") and will trigger a keyup for the validation key (return), except on Linux where the initial keydown is suppressed. Inbetween these, it will fire no keydown, keyup or keypress event but will fire input events (at least on an input element) every time the displayed text changes. Meanwhile webkit browsers will, for each press on the keyboard during IME, * trigger a keydown with the keyCode 229 * trigger a keyup event with the keycode of the key which was actually hit * trigger input events every time the displayed text changes This include meta-operation uses of [Space] and [Return]. MSIE has the same behavior (including triggering the input event), but the keydown event is augmented with ``key`` and ``char`` attributes providing the character matching the key hit to trigger the change. Although the triggering of the input even is useless for the purpose of the editable list (especially here, the purpose of validating a list row with [Return] one fact stands out: keypress is never triggered during IME operations, hitting the [Return] key outside of IME will trigger keydow, keypress, keyup but doing so during IME will only trigger the first and last. Thus by changing the binding from keyup (return) to keypress (return) for a line validation, spurious validation during IME text entry should be avoided. This seems to work correctly on MSIE (Windows), Firefox (Windows, OSX, Linux), Chrome (Windows, OSX, Linux) and Safari (OSX), after testing in IE9, IE10, Chrome 31, Firefox 25 and Safari 7, and a quick test on a task's o2m did not reveal any regression. note: not all differences between various browser/os combinations were inspected in details, there may well be further differences which were not noticed or not relevant to this precise issue. bzr revid: xmo@openerp.com-20131206124431-q4a9l1gn9wjtmlvz
2013-12-06 12:44:31 +00:00
this.editor.$el.on('keyup keypress keydown', function (e) {
if (!self.editor.is_editing()) { return true; }
var key = _($.ui.keyCode).chain()
.map(function (v, k) { return {name: k, code: v}; })
.find(function (o) { return o.code === e.which; })
if (!key) { return true; }
var method = e.type + '_' + key.name;
if (!(method in self)) { return true; }
return self[method](e);
* Saves the current record, and goes to the next one (creation or
* edition)
* @private
* @param {String} [next_record='succ'] method to call on the records collection to get the next record to edit
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {String} [options.focus_field]
* @return {*}
_next: function (next_record, options) {
next_record = next_record || 'succ';
var self = this;
return this.save_edition().then(function (saveInfo) {
[FIX] issue when tabbing too much at end of editable list row Tabbing is intercepted by keydown_TAB, which — if the current cell is the last active field of the row — will then call _next:476. _next then calls save_edition:300 which "takes a lock" (more precisely serializes access to its body) and within its body checks if an edition is active (:303) and returns immediately if not (:304). The problem here is when a second tab event arrives during the potentially extremely long save_edition body (since for toplevel lists it needs to perform a complete RPC call): the overall state of the list has not changed so the second event *also* goes into _next, then into save_edition. There it's serialized with the ongoing call and thus inactive until said ongoing call's termination, and reaches the body after the current edition has been wound down. As a result, the body of _next (:408) gets the resolution of ``$.when()``, which is ``null`` and the first condition blows up. There are 3 possible ways to fix this: * adding a check in keydown_TAB's handler to see whether a _next call is ongoing. This requires adding a state flag to the object and does not protect (or cooperate with) _next calls from outside this specific handler, unless they are modified in turn. * alter save_edition to *fail* in case there's no ongoing edition: this part was originally in ensure_saved which does not care whether a save was necessary or not and does not propagate save information, so ``$.when()`` made sense. In save_edition, there are really 3 different outcomes: the save succeeded, the save failed (or potentially part of save's postprocessing failed, for the current implementation) and the save was unnecessary. But deferred only provide 1 bit of state (success or failure), so the last state has to be merged into either success or failure. Both make sense, to an extent. Changing from one to the other (as necessary here) could break existing code and have more extensive effects than expected. * the simplest and least far-raging change is to just alter the save_edition().then handler to ignore cases where save_edition() results in no saveinfo, this can be assumed to be a bailed-out/unnecessary save call. For simplicity, the 3rd solution was picked here although with more extensive tests &al I'd have preferred trying out 2nd. lp bug: https://launchpad.net/bugs/1253899 fixed bzr revid: xmo@openerp.com-20131210093055-207fevqc1npy7fwr
2013-12-10 09:30:55 +00:00
if (!saveInfo) { return null; }
if (saveInfo.created) {
return self.start_edition();
var record = self.records[next_record](
saveInfo.record, {wraparound: true});
return self.start_edition(record, options);
[FIX] bad interaction of editable list with IME IME are ways to input language which can't trivially map to a keyboard (e.g. CJK language) with a standard-ish keyboard. For japanese IME this is done by entering text phonetically: text is entered in romaji and automatically converted to hiragana (or katakana) when it matches the transcription a japanese syllable (~phoneme?) e.g. to (と). The text is then split and reprocessed with sequences of hiragana being converted to kanji (or not), and the possibility to pick the right kanji when multiple kanji match e.g. for "Tokyo" toukyou -> とうきょう -> 東京. But to do the edition, keyboard keys are used. For the japanese IMEs (tested on Windows, OSX and Linux) [Space] will do the initial conversion from kana to kanji (and allow selecting an other conversion or a different kana split) and [Return] will validate the current conversion (removing the underline marking "unvalidated" kana or kanji groups). And that's where the problem hit: IME + browser combinations may or may not suppress part of all of the event. Firefox will trigger a keydown of the key which "starts" IME input (e.g. "t") and will trigger a keyup for the validation key (return), except on Linux where the initial keydown is suppressed. Inbetween these, it will fire no keydown, keyup or keypress event but will fire input events (at least on an input element) every time the displayed text changes. Meanwhile webkit browsers will, for each press on the keyboard during IME, * trigger a keydown with the keyCode 229 * trigger a keyup event with the keycode of the key which was actually hit * trigger input events every time the displayed text changes This include meta-operation uses of [Space] and [Return]. MSIE has the same behavior (including triggering the input event), but the keydown event is augmented with ``key`` and ``char`` attributes providing the character matching the key hit to trigger the change. Although the triggering of the input even is useless for the purpose of the editable list (especially here, the purpose of validating a list row with [Return] one fact stands out: keypress is never triggered during IME operations, hitting the [Return] key outside of IME will trigger keydow, keypress, keyup but doing so during IME will only trigger the first and last. Thus by changing the binding from keyup (return) to keypress (return) for a line validation, spurious validation during IME text entry should be avoided. This seems to work correctly on MSIE (Windows), Firefox (Windows, OSX, Linux), Chrome (Windows, OSX, Linux) and Safari (OSX), after testing in IE9, IE10, Chrome 31, Firefox 25 and Safari 7, and a quick test on a task's o2m did not reveal any regression. note: not all differences between various browser/os combinations were inspected in details, there may well be further differences which were not noticed or not relevant to this precise issue. bzr revid: xmo@openerp.com-20131206124431-q4a9l1gn9wjtmlvz
2013-12-06 12:44:31 +00:00
keypress_ENTER: function () {
return this._next();
keydown_ESCAPE: function (e) {
return false;
keyup_ESCAPE: function (e) {
return this.cancel_edition();
* Gets the selection range (start, end) for the provided element,
* returns ``null`` if it can't get a range.
* @private
_text_selection_range: function (el) {
var selectionStart;
try {
selectionStart = el.selectionStart;
} catch (e) {
// radio or checkbox throw on selectionStart access
return null;
if (selectionStart !== undefined) {
return {
start: selectionStart,
end: el.selectionEnd
} else if (document.body.createTextRange) {
throw new Error("Implement text range handling for MSIE");
var sel = document.body.createTextRange();
if (sel.parentElement() === el) {
// Element without selection ranges (select, div/@contenteditable)
return null;
_text_cursor: function (el) {
var selection = this._text_selection_range(el);
if (!selection) {
return null;
if (selection.start !== selection.end) {
return {position: null, collapsed: false};
return {position: selection.start, collapsed: true};
* Checks if the cursor is at the start of the provided el
* @param {HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement}
* @returns {Boolean}
* @private
_at_start: function (cursor, el) {
return cursor.collapsed && (cursor.position === 0);
* Checks if the cursor is at the end of the provided el
* @param {HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement}
* @returns {Boolean}
* @private
_at_end: function (cursor, el) {
return cursor.collapsed && (cursor.position === el.value.length);
* @param DOMEvent event
* @param {String} record_direction direction to move into to get the next record (pred | succ)
* @param {Function} is_valid_move whether the edition should be moved to the next record
* @private
_key_move_record: function (event, record_direction, is_valid_move) {
if (!this.editor.is_editing('edit')) { return $.when(); }
var cursor = this._text_cursor(event.target);
// if text-based input (has a cursor)
// and selecting (not collapsed) or not at a field boundary
// don't move to the next record
if (cursor && !is_valid_move(event.target, cursor)) { return $.when(); }
var source_field = $(event.target).closest('[data-fieldname]')
return this._next(record_direction, {focus_field: source_field});
keydown_UP: function (e) {
var self = this;
return this._key_move_record(e, 'pred', function (el, cursor) {
return self._at_start(cursor, el);
keydown_DOWN: function (e) {
var self = this;
return this._key_move_record(e, 'succ', function (el, cursor) {
return self._at_end(cursor, el);
keydown_LEFT: function (e) {
// If the cursor is at the beginning of the field
var source_field = $(e.target).closest('[data-fieldname]')
var cursor = this._text_cursor(e.target);
if (cursor && !this._at_start(cursor, e.target)) { return $.when(); }
var fields_order = this.editor.form.fields_order;
var field_index = _(fields_order).indexOf(source_field);
// Look for the closest visible form field to the left
var fields = this.editor.form.fields;
var field;
do {
if (--field_index < 0) { return $.when(); }
field = fields[fields_order[field_index]];
} while (!field.$el.is(':visible'));
// and focus it
return $.when();
keydown_RIGHT: function (e) {
// same as above, but with cursor at the end of the field and
// looking for new fields at the right
var source_field = $(e.target).closest('[data-fieldname]')
var cursor = this._text_cursor(e.target);
if (cursor && !this._at_end(cursor, e.target)) { return $.when(); }
var fields_order = this.editor.form.fields_order;
var field_index = _(fields_order).indexOf(source_field);
var fields = this.editor.form.fields;
var field;
do {
if (++field_index >= fields_order.length) { return $.when(); }
field = fields[fields_order[field_index]];
} while (!field.$el.is(':visible'));
return $.when();
keydown_TAB: function (e) {
var form = this.editor.form;
var last_field = _(form.fields_order).chain()
.map(function (name) { return form.fields[name]; })
.filter(function (field) { return field.$el.is(':visible'); })
// tabbed from last field in form
if (last_field && last_field.$el.has(e.target).length) {
return this._next();
return $.when();
instance.web.list.Editor = instance.web.Widget.extend({
* @constructs instance.web.list.Editor
* @extends instance.web.Widget
* Adapter between listview and formview for editable-listview purposes
* @param {instance.web.Widget} parent
* @param {Object} options
* @param {instance.web.FormView} [options.formView=instance.web.FormView]
* @param {Object} [options.delegate]
init: function (parent, options) {
this.options = options || {};
_.defaults(this.options, {
formView: instance.web.FormView,
delegate: this.getParent()
this.delegate = this.options.delegate;
this.record = null;
this.form = new (this.options.formView)(
this, this.delegate.dataset, false, {
initial_mode: 'edit',
disable_autofocus: true,
$buttons: $(),
$pager: $()
start: function () {
var self = this;
var _super = this._super();
this.form.embedded_view = this._validate_view(
var form_ready = this.form.appendTo(this.$el).done(
return $.when(_super, form_ready);
_validate_view: function (edition_view) {
if (!edition_view) {
throw new Error("editor delegate's #edition_view must return "
+ "a view descriptor");
var arch = edition_view.arch;
if (!(arch && arch.children instanceof Array)) {
throw new Error("Editor delegate's #edition_view must have a" +
" non-empty arch")
if (!(arch.tag === "form")) {
throw new Error("Editor delegate's #edition_view must have a" +
" 'form' root node");
if (!(arch.attrs && arch.attrs.version === "7.0")) {
throw new Error("Editor delegate's #edition_view must be a" +
" version 7 view");
if (!/\boe_form_container\b/.test(arch.attrs['class'])) {
throw new Error("Editor delegate's #edition_view must have the" +
" class 'oe_form_container' on its root" +
" element");
return edition_view;
* @param {String} [state] either ``new`` or ``edit``
* @return {Boolean}
is_editing: function (state) {
if (!this.record) {
return false;
switch(state) {
case null: case undefined:
return true;
case 'new': return !this.record.id;
case 'edit': return !!this.record.id;
throw new Error("is_editing's state filter must be either `new` or" +
" `edit` if provided");
edit: function (record, configureField, options) {
// TODO: specify sequence of edit calls
var self = this;
var form = self.form;
var loaded = record
? form.trigger('load_record', _.extend({}, record))
: form.load_defaults();
return $.when(loaded).then(function () {
return form.do_show({reload: false});
}).then(function () {
self.record = form.datarecord;
_(form.fields).each(function (field, name) {
configureField(name, field);
return form;
save: function () {
var self = this;
return this.form
.then(function (result) {
var created = result.created && !self.record.id;
if (created) {
self.record.id = result.result;
return self.cancel();
cancel: function (force) {
if (!(force || this.form.can_be_discarded())) {
return $.Deferred().reject({
message: _t("The form's data can not be discarded")}).promise();
var record = this.record;
this.record = null;
return $.when(record);
instance.web.ListView.Groups.include(/** @lends instance.web.ListView.Groups# */{
passthrough_events: instance.web.ListView.Groups.prototype.passthrough_events + " edit saved",
get_row_for: function (record) {
return _(this.children).chain()
.invoke('get_row_for', record)
instance.web.ListView.List.include(/** @lends instance.web.ListView.List# */{
row_clicked: function (event) {
if (!this.view.editable() || ! this.view.is_action_enabled('edit')) {
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
var record_id = $(event.currentTarget).data('id');
return this.view.start_edition(
record_id ? this.records.get(record_id) : null, {
focus_field: $(event.target).data('field')
* If a row mapping to the record (@data-id matching the record's id or
* no @data-id if the record has no id), returns it. Otherwise returns
* ``null``.
* @param {Record} record the record to get a row for
* @return {jQuery|null}
get_row_for: function (record) {
var id;
var $row = this.$current.children('[data-id=' + record.get('id') + ']');
if ($row.length) {
return $row;
return null;