Base security added: Access denied for everyone, admin has access everywhere by design (no need to assign groups to admin user)

bzr revid: jbaubort@wichside-20080714135301-apglvmybfjjqk9fi
This commit is contained in:
Jean-Baptiste Aubort 2008-07-14 15:53:01 +02:00
parent 866234acb1
commit 13cbbe29ea
6 changed files with 2642 additions and 2524 deletions

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
"depends" : [],
"init_xml" : [
"demo_xml" : [
@ -47,6 +48,7 @@
@ -56,13 +58,17 @@
"active": True,
"installable": True,

View File

@ -156,9 +156,6 @@ CREATE TABLE res_users (
alter table res_users add constraint res_users_login_uniq unique (login);
insert into res_users (id,login,password,name,action_id,active) values (1,'root',NULL,'Root',NULL,False);
select setval('res_users_id_seq', 2);
CREATE TABLE res_groups (
id serial NOT NULL,
name varchar(32) NOT NULL,
@ -336,3 +333,10 @@ CREATE TABLE ir_model_data (
res_id integer, primary key(id)
-- Users
insert into res_users (id,login,password,name,action_id,active) values (1,'root',NULL,'Root',NULL,False);
insert into res_users (id,login,password,name,action_id,active) values (2,'admin','admin','Administrator',NULL,True);
insert into ir_model_data (name,module,model,noupdate,res_id) values ('user_admin','base','res.users',True,2);
select setval('res_users_id_seq', 3);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -620,6 +620,7 @@
<page string="Object">
<field name="name" select="1"/>
<field name="model" select="1"/>
<field name="parent_id" select="1"/>
<separator colspan="4" string="Fields"/>
<field colspan="4" context="{'manual':True}" name="field_id" nolabel="1">
<tree string="Fields Description">
@ -672,6 +673,7 @@
<tree string="Model Description">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="model"/>
<field name="parent_id"/>
@ -1021,6 +1023,7 @@
<field name="operand"></field>
<field name="rule_group" ref="property_rule_group"/>
<record id="property_rule_bis" model="ir.rule">
<field model="ir.model.fields" name="field_id" search="[('model', '=', ''), ('name', '=', 'company_id')]"/>
<field name="operator">=</field>
@ -1028,6 +1031,60 @@
<field name="rule_group" ref="property_rule_group2"/>
Object Access
<record id="view_model_form1" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">ir.model.form1</field>
<field name="model">ir.model</field>
<field name="type">form</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Model Description">
<field name="name" select="1"/>
<field name="model" select="1"/>
<field name="parent_id" select="1"/>
<record id="view_model_tree1" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">ir.model.tree1</field>
<field name="model">ir.model</field>
<field name="type">tree</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<tree string="Model Description">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="model"/>
<field name="parent_id"/>
<record model="ir.actions.act_window" id="action_model_sec">
<field name="name">Objects</field>
<field name="res_model">ir.model</field>
<field name="view_type">form</field>
<field name="view_mode">form,tree</field>
<field name="view_id" eval="False"/>
<record model="ir.actions.act_window.view" id="action_model_sec_tree">
<field name="sequence" eval="1"/>
<field name="view_mode">tree</field>
<field name="view_id" ref="view_model_tree1"/>
<field name="act_window_id" ref="action_model_sec" />
<record model="ir.actions.act_window.view" id="action_model_sec_form">
<field name="sequence" eval="2"/>
<field name="view_mode">form</field>
<field name="view_id" ref="view_model_form1"/>
<field name="act_window_id" ref="action_model_sec" />
<menuitem action="action_model_sec" id="ir_model_model_menu1" parent="base.menu_security"/>

View File

@ -37,395 +37,418 @@ import tools
import pooler
def _get_fields_type(self, cr, uid, context=None):
cr.execute('select distinct ttype,ttype from ir_model_fields')
return cr.fetchall()
cr.execute('select distinct ttype,ttype from ir_model_fields')
return cr.fetchall()
class ir_model(osv.osv):
_name = 'ir.model'
_description = "Objects"
_rec_name = 'name'
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('Model Name', size=64, translate=True, required=True),
'model': fields.char('Object Name', size=64, required=True, search=1),
'info': fields.text('Information'),
'field_id': fields.one2many('ir.model.fields', 'model_id', 'Fields', required=True),
'state': fields.selection([('manual','Custom Object'),('base','Base Field')],'Manualy Created',readonly=1),
_defaults = {
'model': lambda *a: 'x_',
'state': lambda self,cr,uid,ctx={}: (ctx and ctx.get('manual',False)) and 'manual' or 'base',
def _check_model_name(self, cr, uid, ids):
for model in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
if model.state=='manual':
if not model.model.startswith('x_'):
return False
if not re.match('^[a-z_A-Z0-9]+$',model.model):
return False
return True
_name = 'ir.model'
_description = "Objects"
_rec_name = 'name'
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('Model Name', size=64, translate=True, required=True),
'model': fields.char('Object Name', size=64, required=True, search=1),
'info': fields.text('Information'),
'field_id': fields.one2many('ir.model.fields', 'model_id', 'Fields', required=True),
'parent_id': fields.many2one('ir.model', 'Parent id'),
'state': fields.selection([('manual','Custom Object'),('base','Base Field')],'Manualy Created',readonly=1),
_defaults = {
'model': lambda *a: 'x_',
'state': lambda self,cr,uid,ctx={}: (ctx and ctx.get('manual',False)) and 'manual' or 'base',
def _check_model_name(self, cr, uid, ids):
for model in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
if model.state=='manual':
if not model.model.startswith('x_'):
return False
if not re.match('^[a-z_A-Z0-9]+$',model.model):
return False
return True
# FIXME: What it was for ?
#_constraints = [
# (_check_model_name, 'The model name must start with x_ and not contain any special character !', ['model']),
def unlink(self, cr, user, ids, context=None):
for model in self.browse(cr, user, ids, context):
if model.state <> 'manual':
raise except_orm(_('Error'), _("You can not remove the model '%s' !") %(,))
res = super(ir_model, self).unlink(cr, user, ids, context)
return res
_constraints = [
(_check_model_name, 'The model name must start with x_ and not contain any special character !', ['model']),
def unlink(self, cr, user, ids, context=None):
for model in self.browse(cr, user, ids, context):
if model.state <> 'manual':
raise except_orm(_('Error'), _("You can not remove the model '%s' !") %(,))
res = super(ir_model, self).unlink(cr, user, ids, context)
return res
def create(self, cr, user, vals, context=None):
if context and context.get('manual',False):
res = super(ir_model,self).create(cr, user, vals, context)
if vals.get('state','base')=='manual':
return res
def create(self, cr, user, vals, context=None):
if context and context.get('manual',False):
res = super(ir_model,self).create(cr, user, vals, context)
if vals.get('state','base')=='manual':
return res
def instanciate(self, cr, user, model, context={}):
class x_custom_model(osv.osv):
x_custom_model._name = model
x_custom_model._module = False
x_custom_model.createInstance(self.pool, '', cr)
if 'x_name' in x_custom_model._columns:
x_custom_model._rec_name = 'x_name'
x_custom_model._rec_name = x_custom_model._columns.keys()[0]
def instanciate(self, cr, user, model, context={}):
class x_custom_model(osv.osv):
x_custom_model._name = model
x_custom_model._module = False
x_custom_model.createInstance(self.pool, '', cr)
if 'x_name' in x_custom_model._columns:
x_custom_model._rec_name = 'x_name'
x_custom_model._rec_name = x_custom_model._columns.keys()[0]
class ir_model_tree(osv.osv):
_name = 'ir.model.tree'
_description = "Objects Tree"
_columns = {
'model_id': fields.many2one('ir.model', 'Model id', required=True),
'parent_id': fields.many2one('ir.model', 'Parent id', required=True),
class ir_model_fields(osv.osv):
_name = 'ir.model.fields'
_description = "Fields"
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('Name', required=True, size=64, select=1),
'model': fields.char('Object Name', size=64, required=True),
'relation': fields.char('Model Relation', size=64),
'model_id': fields.many2one('ir.model', 'Model id', required=True, select=True, ondelete='cascade'),
'field_description': fields.char('Field Label', required=True, size=256),
'relate': fields.boolean('Click and Relate'),
_name = 'ir.model.fields'
_description = "Fields"
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('Name', required=True, size=64, select=1),
'model': fields.char('Object Name', size=64, required=True),
'relation': fields.char('Model Relation', size=64),
'model_id': fields.many2one('ir.model', 'Model id', required=True, select=True, ondelete='cascade'),
'field_description': fields.char('Field Label', required=True, size=256),
'relate': fields.boolean('Click and Relate'),
'ttype': fields.selection(_get_fields_type, 'Field Type',size=64, required=True),
'selection': fields.char('Field Selection',size=128),
'required': fields.boolean('Required'),
'readonly': fields.boolean('Readonly'),
'select_level': fields.selection([('0','Not Searchable'),('1','Always Searchable'),('2','Advanced Search')],'Searchable', required=True),
'translate': fields.boolean('Translate'),
'size': fields.integer('Size'),
'state': fields.selection([('manual','Custom Field'),('base','Base Field')],'Manualy Created'),
'on_delete': fields.selection([('cascade','Cascade'),('set null','Set NULL')], 'On delete', help='On delete property for many2one fields'),
'domain': fields.char('Domain', size=256),
'ttype': fields.selection(_get_fields_type, 'Field Type',size=64, required=True),
'selection': fields.char('Field Selection',size=128),
'required': fields.boolean('Required'),
'readonly': fields.boolean('Readonly'),
'select_level': fields.selection([('0','Not Searchable'),('1','Always Searchable'),('2','Advanced Search')],'Searchable', required=True),
'translate': fields.boolean('Translate'),
'size': fields.integer('Size'),
'state': fields.selection([('manual','Custom Field'),('base','Base Field')],'Manualy Created'),
'on_delete': fields.selection([('cascade','Cascade'),('set null','Set NULL')], 'On delete', help='On delete property for many2one fields'),
'domain': fields.char('Domain', size=256),
'groups': fields.many2many('res.groups', 'ir_model_fields_group_rel', 'field_id', 'group_id', 'Groups'),
'group_name': fields.char('Group Name', size=128),
'view_load': fields.boolean('View Auto-Load'),
_defaults = {
'relate': lambda *a: 0,
'view_load': lambda *a: 0,
'selection': lambda *a: "[]",
'domain': lambda *a: "[]",
'name': lambda *a: 'x_',
'state': lambda self,cr,uid,ctx={}: (ctx and ctx.get('manual',False)) and 'manual' or 'base',
'on_delete': lambda *a: 'set null',
'select_level': lambda *a: '0',
'size': lambda *a: 64,
'field_description': lambda *a: '',
_order = "id"
def unlink(self, cr, user, ids, context=None):
for field in self.browse(cr, user, ids, context):
if field.state <> 'manual':
raise except_orm(_('Error'), _("You can not remove the field '%s' !") %(,))
return super(ir_model_fields, self).unlink(cr, user, ids, context)
'groups': fields.many2many('res.groups', 'ir_model_fields_group_rel', 'field_id', 'group_id', 'Groups'),
'group_name': fields.char('Group Name', size=128),
'view_load': fields.boolean('View Auto-Load'),
_defaults = {
'relate': lambda *a: 0,
'view_load': lambda *a: 0,
'selection': lambda *a: "[]",
'domain': lambda *a: "[]",
'name': lambda *a: 'x_',
'state': lambda self,cr,uid,ctx={}: (ctx and ctx.get('manual',False)) and 'manual' or 'base',
'on_delete': lambda *a: 'set null',
'select_level': lambda *a: '0',
'size': lambda *a: 64,
'field_description': lambda *a: '',
_order = "id"
def unlink(self, cr, user, ids, context=None):
for field in self.browse(cr, user, ids, context):
if field.state <> 'manual':
raise except_orm(_('Error'), _("You can not remove the field '%s' !") %(,))
return super(ir_model_fields, self).unlink(cr, user, ids, context)
def create(self, cr, user, vals, context=None):
if 'model_id' in vals:
if context and context.get('manual',False):
res = super(ir_model_fields,self).create(cr, user, vals, context)
if vals.get('state','base')=='manual':
if not vals['name'].startswith('x_'):
raise except_orm(_('Error'), _("Custom fields must have a name that starts with 'x_' !"))
if self.pool.get(vals['model']):
self.pool.get(vals['model']).__init__(self.pool, cr)
return res
def create(self, cr, user, vals, context=None):
if 'model_id' in vals:
if context and context.get('manual',False):
print vals['name']
res = super(ir_model_fields,self).create(cr, user, vals, context)
if vals.get('state','base')=='manual':
if not vals['name'].startswith('x_'):
raise except_orm(_('Error'), _("Custom fields must have a name that starts with 'x_' !"))
if self.pool.get(vals['model']):
self.pool.get(vals['model']).__init__(self.pool, cr)
return res
class ir_model_access(osv.osv):
_name = 'ir.model.access'
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('Name', size=64, required=True),
'model_id': fields.many2one('ir.model', 'Model', required=True),
'group_id': fields.many2one('res.groups', 'Group'),
'perm_read': fields.boolean('Read Access'),
'perm_write': fields.boolean('Write Access'),
'perm_create': fields.boolean('Create Access'),
'perm_unlink': fields.boolean('Delete Permission'),
def check_groups(self, cr, uid, group):
res = False
grouparr = group.split('.')
if grouparr:
cr.execute("select * from res_groups_users_rel where uid=" + str(uid) + " and gid in(select res_id from ir_model_data where module='%s' and name='%s')" % (grouparr[0], grouparr[1]))
r = cr.fetchall()
if not r:
res = False
res = True
res = False
return res
def check(self, cr, uid, model_name, mode='read',raise_exception=True):
assert mode in ['read','write','create','unlink'], 'Invalid access mode for security'
if uid == 1:
return True # TODO: check security: don't allow xml-rpc request with uid == 1
_name = 'ir.model.access'
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('Name', size=64, required=True),
'model_id': fields.many2one('ir.model', 'Model', required=True),
'group_id': fields.many2one('res.groups', 'Group'),
'perm_read': fields.boolean('Read Access'),
'perm_write': fields.boolean('Write Access'),
'perm_create': fields.boolean('Create Access'),
'perm_unlink': fields.boolean('Delete Permission'),
def check_groups(self, cr, uid, group):
res = False
grouparr = group.split('.')
if grouparr:
cr.execute("select * from res_groups_users_rel where uid=" + str(uid) + " and gid in(select res_id from ir_model_data where module='%s' and name='%s')" % (grouparr[0], grouparr[1]))
r = cr.fetchall()
if not r:
res = False
res = True
res = False
return res
def check_tree(self, cr, uid, model_name, mode):
cr.execute('SELECT MAX(CASE WHEN perm_'+mode+' THEN 1 else 0 END) '
'from ir_model_access a join ir_model m on ( '
'join res_groups_users_rel gu on (gu.gid = a.group_id) '
'where m.model = %s and gu.uid = %s', (model_name, uid,))
res = cr.fetchall()[0][0]
if res==None:
cr.execute('select model from ir_model where id=(select parent_id from ir_model where model=%s)', (model_name,))
parent_name = cr.fetchall()
if len(parent_name)>0:
res = self.check_tree(cr, uid, parent_name[0][0], mode) # Recursiv until there is no parent
print '\tcheck %s = %s' % (parent_name[0][0], str(res))
return res
def check(self, cr, uid, model_name, mode='read',raise_exception=True):
assert mode in ['read','write','create','unlink'], 'Invalid access mode for security'
# We first check if a specific rule exists
cr.execute('SELECT MAX(CASE WHEN perm_'+mode+' THEN 1 else 0 END) '
'FROM ir_model_access a '
'JOIN ir_model m ON ( '
'JOIN res_groups_users_rel gu ON (gu.gid = a.group_id) '
'WHERE m.model = %s AND gu.uid = %s', (model_name, uid,))
r = cr.fetchall()
print '%s in %s = %s by %i'%(mode, model_name, str(r[0][0]), uid) # FIXME: REMOVE PLEASE
# Users root and admin have all access (Todo: exclude xml-rpc requests)
if uid==1 or uid==2:
return True
# Recursivly check parent if present
if r[0][0] == None:
res = self.check_tree(cr, uid, model_name, mode)
res = r[0][0]
if not res:
if raise_exception:
msgs = {
'read': _('You can not read this document! (%s)'),
'write': _('You can not write in this document! (%s)'),
'create': _('You can not create this kind of document! (%s)'),
'unlink': _('You can not delete this document! (%s)'),
raise except_orm(_('AccessError'), msgs[mode] % model_name )
return res
cr.execute('SELECT MAX(CASE WHEN perm_'+mode+' THEN 1 else 0 END) '
'FROM ir_model_access a '
'JOIN ir_model m '
'ON ( '
'JOIN res_groups_users_rel gu '
'ON (gu.gid = a.group_id) '
'WHERE m.model = %s AND gu.uid = %s', (model_name, uid,))
r = cr.fetchall()
if r[0][0] == None:
cr.execute('SELECT MAX(CASE WHEN perm_'+mode+' THEN 1 else 0 END) '
'FROM ir_model_access a '
'JOIN ir_model m '
'ON (a.model_id = '
'WHERE a.group_id IS NULL AND m.model = %s', (model_name,))
r= cr.fetchall()
if r[0][0] == None:
return False # by default, the user had no access
check = tools.cache()(check)
if not r[0][0]:
if raise_exception:
msgs = {
'read': _('You can not read this document! (%s)'),
'write': _('You can not write in this document! (%s)'),
'create': _('You can not create this kind of document! (%s)'),
'unlink': _('You can not delete this document! (%s)'),
# due to the assert at the begin of the function, we will never have a KeyError
raise except_orm(_('AccessError'), msgs[mode] % model_name )
return r[0][0]
check = tools.cache()(check)
# Methods to clean the cache on the Check Method.
def write(self, cr, uid, *args, **argv):
res = super(ir_model_access, self).write(cr, uid, *args, **argv)
return res
def create(self, cr, uid, *args, **argv):
res = super(ir_model_access, self).create(cr, uid, *args, **argv)
return res
def unlink(self, cr, uid, *args, **argv):
res = super(ir_model_access, self).unlink(cr, uid, *args, **argv)
return res
# Check rights on actions
def write(self, cr, uid, *args, **argv):
res = super(ir_model_access, self).write(cr, uid, *args, **argv)
return res
def create(self, cr, uid, *args, **argv):
res = super(ir_model_access, self).create(cr, uid, *args, **argv)
return res
def unlink(self, cr, uid, *args, **argv):
res = super(ir_model_access, self).unlink(cr, uid, *args, **argv)
return res
class ir_model_data(osv.osv):
_name = ''
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('XML Identifier', required=True, size=64),
'model': fields.char('Model', required=True, size=64),
'module': fields.char('Module', required=True, size=64),
'res_id': fields.integer('Resource ID'),
'noupdate': fields.boolean('Non Updatable'),
'date_update': fields.datetime('Update Date'),
'date_init': fields.datetime('Init Date')
_defaults = {
'date_init': lambda *a: time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
'date_update': lambda *a: time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
'noupdate': lambda *a: False
_name = ''
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('XML Identifier', required=True, size=64),
'model': fields.char('Model', required=True, size=64),
'module': fields.char('Module', required=True, size=64),
'res_id': fields.integer('Resource ID'),
'noupdate': fields.boolean('Non Updatable'),
'date_update': fields.datetime('Update Date'),
'date_init': fields.datetime('Init Date')
_defaults = {
'date_init': lambda *a: time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
'date_update': lambda *a: time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
'noupdate': lambda *a: False
def __init__(self, pool, cr):
osv.osv.__init__(self, pool, cr)
self.loads = {}
self.doinit = True
self.unlink_mark = {}
def __init__(self, pool, cr):
osv.osv.__init__(self, pool, cr)
self.loads = {}
self.doinit = True
self.unlink_mark = {}
def _get_id(self,cr, uid, module, xml_id):
ids =, uid, [('module','=',module),('name','=', xml_id)])
assert len(ids)==1, '%d reference(s) to %s. You should have only one !' % (len(ids),xml_id)
return ids[0]
_get_id = tools.cache()(_get_id)
def _get_id(self,cr, uid, module, xml_id):
ids =, uid, [('module','=',module),('name','=', xml_id)])
assert len(ids)==1, '%d reference(s) to %s. You should have only one !' % (len(ids),xml_id)
return ids[0]
_get_id = tools.cache()(_get_id)
def _update_dummy(self,cr, uid, model, module, xml_id=False, store=True):
if not xml_id:
return False
id =, uid, [self._get_id(cr, uid, module, xml_id)], ['res_id'])[0]['res_id']
self.loads[(module,xml_id)] = (model,id)
id = False
return id
def _update_dummy(self,cr, uid, model, module, xml_id=False, store=True):
if not xml_id:
return False
id =, uid, [self._get_id(cr, uid, module, xml_id)], ['res_id'])[0]['res_id']
self.loads[(module,xml_id)] = (model,id)
id = False
return id
def _update(self,cr, uid, model, module, values, xml_id=False, store=True, noupdate=False, mode='init', res_id=False):
warning = True
model_obj = self.pool.get(model)
context = {}
if xml_id and ('.' in xml_id):
assert len(xml_id.split('.'))==2, _('"%s" contains too many dots. XML ids should not contain dots ! These are used to refer to other modules data, as in module.reference_id') % (xml_id)
warning = False
module, xml_id = xml_id.split('.')
if (not xml_id) and (not self.doinit):
return False
action_id = False
if xml_id:
cr.execute('select id,res_id from ir_model_data where module=%s and name=%s', (module,xml_id))
results = cr.fetchall()
for action_id2,res_id2 in results:
cr.execute('select id from '+self.pool.get(model)._table+' where id=%d', (res_id2,))
result3 = cr.fetchone()
if not result3:
cr.execute('delete from ir_model_data where id=%d', (action_id2,))
res_id,action_id = res_id2,action_id2
def _update(self,cr, uid, model, module, values, xml_id=False, store=True, noupdate=False, mode='init', res_id=False):
warning = True
model_obj = self.pool.get(model)
context = {}
if xml_id and ('.' in xml_id):
assert len(xml_id.split('.'))==2, _('"%s" contains too many dots. XML ids should not contain dots ! These are used to refer to other modules data, as in module.reference_id') % (xml_id)
warning = False
module, xml_id = xml_id.split('.')
if (not xml_id) and (not self.doinit):
return False
action_id = False
if xml_id:
cr.execute('select id,res_id from ir_model_data where module=%s and name=%s', (module,xml_id))
results = cr.fetchall()
for action_id2,res_id2 in results:
cr.execute('select id from '+self.pool.get(model)._table+' where id=%d', (res_id2,))
result3 = cr.fetchone()
if not result3:
cr.execute('delete from ir_model_data where id=%d', (action_id2,))
res_id,action_id = res_id2,action_id2
if action_id and res_id:
model_obj.write(cr, uid, [res_id], values)
self.write(cr, uid, [action_id], {
'date_update': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
elif res_id:
model_obj.write(cr, uid, [res_id], values)
if xml_id:
self.create(cr, uid, {
'name': xml_id,
'model': model,
'noupdate': noupdate,
if model_obj._inherits:
for table in model_obj._inherits:
inherit_id = model_obj.browse(cr, uid,
self.create(cr, uid, {
'name': xml_id + '_' + table.replace('.', '_'),
'model': table,
'module': module,
'res_id': inherit_id,
'noupdate': noupdate,
if mode=='init' or (mode=='update' and xml_id):
res_id = model_obj.create(cr, uid, values)
if xml_id:
self.create(cr, uid, {
'name': xml_id,
'model': model,
'module': module,
'res_id': res_id,
'noupdate': noupdate
if model_obj._inherits:
for table in model_obj._inherits:
inherit_id = model_obj.browse(cr, uid,
self.create(cr, uid, {
'name': xml_id + '_' + table.replace('.', '_'),
'model': table,
'module': module,
'res_id': inherit_id,
'noupdate': noupdate,
if xml_id:
if res_id:
self.loads[(module, xml_id)] = (model, res_id)
if model_obj._inherits:
for table in model_obj._inherits:
inherit_field = model_obj._inherits[table]
inherit_id =, uid, res_id,
self.loads[(module, xml_id + '_' + \
table.replace('.', '_'))] = (table, inherit_id)
return res_id
if action_id and res_id:
model_obj.write(cr, uid, [res_id], values)
self.write(cr, uid, [action_id], {
'date_update': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
elif res_id:
model_obj.write(cr, uid, [res_id], values)
if xml_id:
self.create(cr, uid, {
'name': xml_id,
'model': model,
'noupdate': noupdate,
if model_obj._inherits:
for table in model_obj._inherits:
inherit_id = model_obj.browse(cr, uid,
self.create(cr, uid, {
'name': xml_id + '_' + table.replace('.', '_'),
'model': table,
'module': module,
'res_id': inherit_id,
'noupdate': noupdate,
if mode=='init' or (mode=='update' and xml_id):
res_id = model_obj.create(cr, uid, values)
if xml_id:
self.create(cr, uid, {
'name': xml_id,
'model': model,
'module': module,
'res_id': res_id,
'noupdate': noupdate
if model_obj._inherits:
for table in model_obj._inherits:
inherit_id = model_obj.browse(cr, uid,
self.create(cr, uid, {
'name': xml_id + '_' + table.replace('.', '_'),
'model': table,
'module': module,
'res_id': inherit_id,
'noupdate': noupdate,
if xml_id:
if res_id:
self.loads[(module, xml_id)] = (model, res_id)
if model_obj._inherits:
for table in model_obj._inherits:
inherit_field = model_obj._inherits[table]
inherit_id =, uid, res_id,
self.loads[(module, xml_id + '_' + \
table.replace('.', '_'))] = (table, inherit_id)
return res_id
def _unlink(self, cr, uid, model, ids, direct=False):
#self.pool.get(model).unlink(cr, uid, ids)
for id in ids:
self.unlink_mark[(model, id)]=False
cr.execute('delete from ir_model_data where res_id=%d and model=\'%s\'', (id,model))
return True
def _unlink(self, cr, uid, model, ids, direct=False):
#self.pool.get(model).unlink(cr, uid, ids)
for id in ids:
self.unlink_mark[(model, id)]=False
cr.execute('delete from ir_model_data where res_id=%d and model=\'%s\'', (id,model))
return True
def ir_set(self, cr, uid, key, key2, name, models, value, replace=True, isobject=False, meta=None, xml_id=False):
obj = self.pool.get('ir.values')
if type(models[0])==type([]) or type(models[0])==type(()):
model,res_id = models[0]
model = models[0]
def ir_set(self, cr, uid, key, key2, name, models, value, replace=True, isobject=False, meta=None, xml_id=False):
obj = self.pool.get('ir.values')
if type(models[0])==type([]) or type(models[0])==type(()):
model,res_id = models[0]
model = models[0]
if res_id:
where = ' and res_id=%d' % (res_id,)
where = ' and (res_id is null)'
if res_id:
where = ' and res_id=%d' % (res_id,)
where = ' and (res_id is null)'
if key2:
where += ' and key2=\'%s\'' % (key2,)
where += ' and (key2 is null)'
if key2:
where += ' and key2=\'%s\'' % (key2,)
where += ' and (key2 is null)'
cr.execute('select * from ir_values where model=%s and key=%s and name=%s'+where,(model, key, name))
res = cr.fetchone()
if not res:
res = ir.ir_set(cr, uid, key, key2, name, models, value, replace, isobject, meta)
elif xml_id:
cr.execute('UPDATE ir_values set value=%s WHERE model=%s and key=%s and name=%s'+where,(value, model, key, name))
return True
cr.execute('select * from ir_values where model=%s and key=%s and name=%s'+where,(model, key, name))
res = cr.fetchone()
if not res:
res = ir.ir_set(cr, uid, key, key2, name, models, value, replace, isobject, meta)
elif xml_id:
cr.execute('UPDATE ir_values set value=%s WHERE model=%s and key=%s and name=%s'+where,(value, model, key, name))
return True
def _process_end(self, cr, uid, modules):
if not modules:
return True
module_str = ["'%s'" % m for m in modules]
cr.execute('select id,name,model,res_id,module from ir_model_data where module in ('+','.join(module_str)+') and not noupdate')
wkf_todo = []
for (id, name, model, res_id,module) in cr.fetchall():
if (module,name) not in self.loads:
self.unlink_mark[(model,res_id)] = id
if model=='workflow.activity':
cr.execute('select res_type,res_id from wkf_instance where id in (select inst_id from wkf_workitem where act_id=%d)', (res_id,))
cr.execute("update wkf_transition set condition='True', role_id=NULL, signal=NULL,act_to=act_from,act_from=%d where act_to=%d", (res_id,res_id))
cr.execute("delete from wkf_transition where act_to=%d", (res_id,))
def _process_end(self, cr, uid, modules):
if not modules:
return True
module_str = ["'%s'" % m for m in modules]
cr.execute('select id,name,model,res_id,module from ir_model_data where module in ('+','.join(module_str)+') and not noupdate')
wkf_todo = []
for (id, name, model, res_id,module) in cr.fetchall():
if (module,name) not in self.loads:
self.unlink_mark[(model,res_id)] = id
if model=='workflow.activity':
cr.execute('select res_type,res_id from wkf_instance where id in (select inst_id from wkf_workitem where act_id=%d)', (res_id,))
cr.execute("update wkf_transition set condition='True', role_id=NULL, signal=NULL,act_to=act_from,act_from=%d where act_to=%d", (res_id,res_id))
cr.execute("delete from wkf_transition where act_to=%d", (res_id,))
for model,id in wkf_todo:
wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow")
wf_service.trg_write(uid, model, id, cr)
for model,id in wkf_todo:
wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow")
wf_service.trg_write(uid, model, id, cr)
for (model,id) in self.unlink_mark.keys():
if self.pool.get(model):
logger = netsvc.Logger()
logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_INFO, 'Deleting %s@%s' % (id, model))
self.pool.get(model).unlink(cr, uid, [id])
if self.unlink_mark[(model,id)]:
self.unlink(cr, uid, [self.unlink_mark[(model,id)]])
cr.execute('DELETE FROM ir_values WHERE value=%s', (model+','+str(id),))
logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_ERROR, 'Could not delete id: %d of model %s\tThere should be some relation that points to this resource\tYou should manually fix this and restart --update=module' % (id, model))
return True
for (model,id) in self.unlink_mark.keys():
if self.pool.get(model):
logger = netsvc.Logger()
logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_INFO, 'Deleting %s@%s' % (id, model))
self.pool.get(model).unlink(cr, uid, [id])
if self.unlink_mark[(model,id)]:
self.unlink(cr, uid, [self.unlink_mark[(model,id)]])
cr.execute('DELETE FROM ir_values WHERE value=%s', (model+','+str(id),))
logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_ERROR, 'Could not delete id: %d of model %s\tThere should be some relation that points to this resource\tYou should manually fix this and restart --update=module' % (id, model))
return True