[IMP] completes the excel export functionality in graph view (addon web_graph)

bzr revid: ged@openerp.com-20140205095808-8lzwv0yqcsjnvff9
This commit is contained in:
Gery Debongnie 2014-02-05 10:58:08 +01:00
parent 4ba0ef29f0
commit 19d6d98da8
2 changed files with 78 additions and 43 deletions

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
from openerp import http
import simplejson
from openerp.http import request, serialize_exception as _serialize_exception
from cStringIO import StringIO
import xlwt
except ImportError:
xlwt = None
class TableExporter(http.Controller):
@http.route('/web_graph/check_xlwt', type='json', auth='none')
@ -18,40 +18,70 @@ class TableExporter(http.Controller):
@http.route('/web_graph/export_xls', type='http', auth="user")
def export_xls(self, data, token):
jdata = simplejson.loads(data)
model = jdata['headers']
# field = jdata['field']
# data = jdata['data']
# id = jdata.get('id', None)
# filename_field = jdata.get('filename_field', None)
# context = jdata.get('context', {})
print model
print xlwt
nbr_measures = jdata['nbr_measures']
workbook = xlwt.Workbook()
worksheet = workbook.add_sheet('Sheet 1')
bold_style = xlwt.easyxf("font: bold on; pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour gray25;")
non_bold_style = xlwt.easyxf("pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour gray25;")
bold = xlwt.easyxf("font: bold on;")
# Step 1: writing headers
headers = jdata['headers']
x, y, L = 1, 0, []
for i, header_row in enumerate(headers):
worksheet.write(i,0, '', non_bold_style)
for header in header_row:
while (L and L[0]['x'] == x):
cell = L.pop(0)
for i in range(nbr_measures):
worksheet.write(y,x+i, '', non_bold_style)
if cell['height'] > 1:
L.append({'x': x, 'height':cell['height'] - 1})
x = x + nbr_measures
style = non_bold_style if 'expanded' in header else bold_style
for i in range(header['width']):
worksheet.write(y, x + i, header['title'] if i == 0 else '', style)
if header['height'] > 1:
L.append({'x': x, 'height':header['height'] - 1})
x = x + header['width'];
while (L and L[0]['x'] == x):
cell = L.pop(0)
for i in range(nbr_measures):
worksheet.write(y,x+i, '', non_bold_style)
if cell['height'] > 1:
L.append({'x': x, 'height':cell['height'] - 1})
x = x + nbr_measures
x, y = 1, y + 1
# Step 2: measure row
if nbr_measures > 1:
worksheet.write(y,0, '', non_bold_style)
for measure in jdata['measure_row']:
style = bold_style if measure['is_bold'] else non_bold_style
worksheet.write(y,x, measure['text'], style);
x = x + 1
y = y + 1
# Step 3: writing data
x = 0
for row in jdata['rows']:
worksheet.write(y, x, row['indent'] * ' ' + row['title'], non_bold_style)
for cell in row['cells']:
x = x + 1
if cell.get('is_bold', False):
worksheet.write(y,x, cell['value'], bold)
worksheet.write(y,x, cell['value'])
x, y = 0, y + 1
fp = StringIO()
filecontent = fp.read()
return request.make_response(filecontent,
headers=[('Content-Type', 'application/vnd.ms-excel'),
('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=table.xls;')],
cookies={'fileToken': token})
# Model = request.session.model(model)
# fields = [field]
# if filename_field:
# fields.append(filename_field)
# if data:
# res = { field: data }
# elif id:
# res = Model.read([int(id)], fields, context)[0]
# else:
# res = Model.default_get(fields, context)
# filecontent = base64.b64decode(res.get(field, ''))
# if not filecontent:
# raise ValueError(_("No content found for field '%s' on '%s:%s'") %
# (field, model, id))
# else:
# filename = '%s_%s' % (model.replace('.', '_'), id)
# if filename_field:
# filename = res.get(filename_field, '') or filename
# return request.make_response(filecontent,
# headers=[('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream'),
# ('Content-Disposition', content_disposition(filename))],
# cookies={'fileToken': token})

View File

@ -371,6 +371,7 @@ openerp.web_graph.Graph = openerp.web.Widget.extend({
headers: this.build_headers(),
measure_row: this.build_measure_row(),
rows: this.build_rows(),
nbr_measures: this.pivot.measures.length
@ -418,12 +419,15 @@ openerp.web_graph.Graph = openerp.web.Widget.extend({
return result;
add_color: function (cell, row, col, index) {
make_cell: function (row, col, value, index) {
var formatted_value = openerp.web.format_value(value, {type:this.pivot.measures[index].type}),
cell = {value:formatted_value};
if (this.heatmap_mode === 'none') { return cell; }
var total = (this.heatmap_mode === 'both') ? this.pivot.get_total()[index]
: (this.heatmap_mode === 'row') ? this.pivot.get_total(row)[index]
: this.pivot.get_total(col)[index];
var color = Math.floor(90 + 165*(total - Math.abs(cell.value))/total);
var color = Math.floor(90 + 165*(total - Math.abs(value))/total);
if (color < 255) {
cell.color = color;
@ -433,21 +437,22 @@ openerp.web_graph.Graph = openerp.web.Widget.extend({
build_rows: function () {
var self = this,
pivot = this.pivot,
add_total = pivot.get_cols_leaves().length > 1;
m, cell;
return _.map(pivot.rows.headers, function (row) {
var cells = [];
_.each(pivot.get_cols_leaves(), function (col) {
var values = pivot.get_values(row.id, col.id);
var values = pivot.get_values(row.id,col.id);
for (m = 0; m < pivot.measures.length; m++) {
cells.push(self.add_color({value:values[m], type:pivot.measures[m].type}, row,col,m));
cells.push(self.make_cell(row,col,values[m], m));
if (add_total) {
if (pivot.get_cols_leaves().length > 1) {
var totals = pivot.get_total(row);
for (m = 0; m < pivot.measures.length; m++) {
cells.push(self.add_color({value:totals[m], type:pivot.measures[m].type, is_bold:true},row,pivot.main_col(),m));
cell = self.make_cell(row, pivot.main_col(), totals[m], m);
cell.is_bold = 'true';
return {
@ -549,8 +554,7 @@ openerp.web_graph.Graph = openerp.web.Widget.extend({
_.each(rows, function (row) {
var html_row = $('<tr>').append(make_cell(row));
_.each(row.cells, function (cell) {
var value = openerp.web.format_value(cell.value, {type: cell.type}),
html_cell = $('<td>').text(value);
var html_cell = $('<td>').text(cell.value);
if (_.has(cell, 'color')) {
html_cell.css('background-color', $.Color(255, cell.color, cell.color));
@ -719,12 +723,13 @@ openerp.web_graph.Graph = openerp.web.Widget.extend({
// Controller stuff...
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
export_xls: function() {
var c = openerp.webclient.crashmanager;
url: '/web_graph/export_xls',
data: {data: JSON.stringify(this.build_table())},
complete: openerp.web.unblockUI,
error: openerp.webclient.crashmanager.rpc_error.bind(c)
error: c.rpc_error.bind(c)