[IMP] make get_config_warning() a method of res.config.settings, avoiding heavy import of res_config or long path calls like 'openerp.addons.base.res.res_config.get_config_warning()'

just use self.pool.get('res.config.settings').get_config_warning() instead

bzr revid: abo@openerp.com-20130130165642-pq5sbdluesxu7p6d
This commit is contained in:
Antonin Bourguignon 2013-01-30 17:56:42 +01:00
parent 3d0b141406
commit 2459399cac
1 changed files with 33 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -620,44 +620,44 @@ class res_config_settings(osv.osv_memory):
return self.pool.get(model_name).fields_get(cr, uid, allfields=[field_name], context=context)[field_name]['string']
def get_warning_config(cr, msg, context=None):
Helper: return a Warning exception with the given message where the
%(field:)s and/or %(menu:)s are replaced by the human readable field's name
and/or menuitem's full path.
def get_config_warning(self, cr, msg, context=None):
Helper: return a Warning exception with the given message where the
%(field:)s and/or %(menu:)s are replaced by the human readable field's name
and/or menuitem's full path.
Just include in your error message %(field:model_name.field_name)s to
obtain the human readable field's name, and/or
%(menu:module_name.menuitem_xml_id)s to obtain the menuitem's full path.
Just include in your error message %(field:model_name.field_name)s to
obtain the human readable field's name, and/or
%(menu:module_name.menuitem_xml_id)s to obtain the menuitem's full path.
Example of use:
from openerp.addons.base.res.res_config import get_warning_config
raise get_warning_config(cr, _("Error: this action is prohibited. You should check the field %(field:sale.config.settings.fetchmail_lead)s in %(menu:base.menu_sale_config)s."), context=context)
will return an exception containing the following message:
Error: this action is prohibited. You should check the field Create leads from incoming mails in Settings/Configuration/Sales.
Example of use:
from openerp.addons.base.res.res_config import get_warning_config
raise get_warning_config(cr, _("Error: this action is prohibited. You should check the field %(field:sale.config.settings.fetchmail_lead)s in %(menu:base.menu_sale_config)s."), context=context)
will return an exception containing the following message:
Error: this action is prohibited. You should check the field Create leads from incoming mails in Settings/Configuration/Sales.
res_config_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('res.config.settings')
regex_path = r'%\(((?:menu|field):[a-z_\.]*)\)s'
res_config_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('res.config.settings')
regex_path = r'%\(((?:menu|field):[a-z_\.]*)\)s'
# Process the message
# 1/ find the path and/or field references, put them in a list
references = re.findall(regex_path, msg, flags=re.I)
# Process the message
# 1/ find the path and/or field references, put them in a list
references = re.findall(regex_path, msg, flags=re.I)
# 2/ fetch the path and/or field replacement values
# (full path and human readable field's name)
values = {}
for item in references:
ref_type, ref = item.split(':')
if ref_type == 'menu':
values[item] = res_config_obj.get_option_path(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, ref, context)
elif ref_type == 'field':
values[item] = res_config_obj.get_option_name(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, ref, context)
# 2/ fetch the path and/or field replacement values
# (full path and human readable field's name)
values = {}
for item in references:
ref_type, ref = item.split(':')
if ref_type == 'menu':
values[item] = res_config_obj.get_option_path(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, ref, context)
elif ref_type == 'field':
values[item] = res_config_obj.get_option_name(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, ref, context)
# 3/ substitute and return the result
return exceptions.Warning(msg % values)
# 3/ substitute and return the result
return exceptions.Warning(msg % values)
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