[IMP] Generic method that handle mapping, import, self-dependencies

bzr revid: tfr@openerp.com-20110504133416-90jg4nwaj4yskhjm
This commit is contained in:
tfr@openerp.com 2011-05-04 15:34:16 +02:00
parent 637075eb92
commit 3211a03568
3 changed files with 129 additions and 124 deletions

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@ -18,6 +18,13 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import tools
import pytz
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date
from dateutil import parser
import dateutil
MODULE_NAME = 'sugarcrm_import'
@ -68,6 +75,36 @@ def mapped_id_if_exist(sugar_obj, cr, uid, model, domain, xml_id, context=None):
return mapped_id(obj, cr, uid, model, xml_id, ids[0], context=context)
return False
def import_module(obj, cr, uid, model, mapping, datas, table, context=None):
@param mapping : definition of the mapping
@see: sugarcrm_fields_mapp
@param datas : list of dictionnaries
datas = [data_1, data_2, ..]
data_i is a map external field_name => value
and each data_i have a external id => in data_id['id']
mapping['id'] = 'id_new'
res = []
for data in datas:
self_dependencies = []
for k in data.keys():
if '_new' in k:
data['id_new'] = generate_xml_id(data['id'], table)
fields, values = sugarcrm_fields_mapp(data, mapping, context)
model_obj = obj.pool.get(model)
model_obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, res, mode='update', current_module=MODULE_NAME, noupdate=True, context=context)
for field in self_dependencies:
import_self_dependencies(model_obj, cr, uid, field, datas, context)
def import_object_mapping(sugar_obj, cr, uid, mapping, data, model, table, name, domain_search=False, context=None):
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapp(data, mapping, context)
return import_object(sugar_obj, cr, uid, fields, datas, model, table, name, domain_search, context=context)
def import_object(sugar_obj, cr, uid, fields, data, model, table, name, domain_search=False, context=None):
This method will import an object in the openerp, usefull for field that is only a char in sugar and is an object in openerp
@ -111,6 +148,7 @@ def add_m2o_data(data, fields, column, xml_ids):
return fields, data
#TODO for more then one field that need parent
def import_self_dependencies(obj, cr, uid, parent_field, datas, context):
@param parent_field: the name of the field that generate a self_dependencies, we call the object referenced in this
@ -120,9 +158,9 @@ def import_self_dependencies(obj, cr, uid, parent_field, datas, context):
id_new : the xml_id of the object
field_new : the xml_id of the parent
fields = ['id', parent_field]
fields = ['id', parent_field+'/id']
for data in datas:
if data[parent_field + '_new']:
if data.get(parent_field + '_new'):
values = [data['id_new'], data[parent_field + '_new']]
obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, [values], mode='update', current_module=MODULE_NAME, noupdate=True, context=context)
@ -136,4 +174,47 @@ def generate_xml_id(name, table):
sugar_instance = "sugarcrm" #TODO need to be changed we information is known in the wizard
name = name.replace('.', '_')
return sugar_instance + "_" + table + "_" + name
return sugar_instance + "_" + table + "_" + name
def sugarcrm_fields_mapp(dict_sugar, openerp_dict, context=None):
#TODO write documentation
if not context:
context = {}
if 'tz' in context and context['tz']:
time_zone = context['tz']
time_zone = tools.get_server_timezone()
au_tz = pytz.timezone(time_zone)
data_lst = []
for key,val in openerp_dict.items():
if key not in fields and dict_sugar:
if isinstance(val, list) and val:
#Allow to print a bit more pretty way long list of data in the same field
if len(val) >= 1 and val[0] == "__prettyprint__":
val = val[1:]
data_lst.append('\n\n'.join(map(lambda x : x + ": " + dict_sugar.get(x,''), val)))
elif val[0] == '__datetime__':
val = val[1]
if dict_sugar.get(val) and len(dict_sugar.get(val))<=10:
updated_dt = date.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(dict_sugar.get(val), '%Y-%m-%d'))) or False
elif dict_sugar.get(val):
convert_date = datetime.strptime(dict_sugar.get(val), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
edate = convert_date.replace(tzinfo=au_tz)
au_dt = au_tz.normalize(edate.astimezone(au_tz))
updated_dt = datetime(*au_dt.timetuple()[:6]).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
updated_dt = False
if key == 'duration':
data_lst.append('.'.join(map(lambda x : dict_sugar.get(x,''), val)))
data_lst.append(' '.join(map(lambda x : dict_sugar.get(x,''), val)))
return fields,data_lst

View File

@ -54,15 +54,19 @@ TABLE_USER = "user"
TABLE_EMPLOYEE = "employee"
TABLE_RESSOURCE = "resource"
def get_sugar_data(module_name, context=None):
if not context:
context = {}
PortType,sessionid = sugar.login(context.get('username',''), context.get('password',''), context.get('url',''))
return sugar.search(PortType,sessionid, module_name)
def get_all_states(sugar_obj, cr, uid, sugar_val, country_id, context=None):
def get_all_states(sugar_obj, cr, uid, external_val, country_id, context=None):
"""Get states or create new state unless country_id is False"""
state_code = sugar_val[0:3] #take the tree first char
state_code = external_val[0:3] #take the tree first char
fields = ['country_id/id', 'name', 'code']
data = [country_id, sugar_val, state_code]
data = [country_id, external_val, state_code]
if country_id:
return import_object(sugar_obj, cr, uid, fields, data, 'res.country.state', 'country_state', sugar_val, context=context)
return import_object(sugar_obj, cr, uid, fields, data, 'res.country.state', 'country_state', external_val, context=context)
return False
@ -107,16 +111,15 @@ def import_partner_address(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
state = get_all_states(sugar_obj,cr, uid, val.get('primary_address_state'), country_id, context)
val['country_id/id'] = country_id
val['state_id/id'] = state
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_partner_address)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_partner_address)
print 'address'
address_obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, [datas], mode='update', current_module=MODULE_NAME, noupdate=True, context=context)
return True
def import_users(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
map_user = {
'id' : 'id_new',
'name': ['first_name', 'last_name'],
'login': 'user_name',
'context_lang' : 'context_lang',
@ -136,20 +139,21 @@ def import_users(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
context = {}
user_obj = sugar_obj.pool.get('res.users')
PortType,sessionid = sugar.login(context.get('username',''), context.get('password',''), context.get('url',''))
sugar_data = sugar.search(PortType,sessionid, 'Users')
for val in sugar_data:
datas = get_sugar_data('Users', context)
for val in datas:
user_ids = user_obj.search(cr, uid, [('login', '=', val.get('user_name'))])
if user_ids:
val['.id'] = str(user_ids[0])
val['password'] = ''
val['password'] = 'sugarcrm' #default password for all user
val['.id'] = ''
val['password'] = 'sugarcrm' #default password for all user #TODO needed in documentation
val['id_new'] = generate_xml_id(val['id'], TABLE_USER)
val['context_department_id/id'] = get_users_department(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val.get('department'), context=context)
val['context_lang'] = context.get('lang','en_US')
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_user, context)
user_obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, [datas], mode='update', current_module=MODULE_NAME, noupdate=True, context=context)
import_module(sugar_obj, cr, uid, 'res.users', map_user, datas, TABLE_USER, context)
return True
def get_lead_status(sugar_obj, cr, uid, sugar_val,context=None):
@ -215,7 +219,7 @@ def import_partners(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
val['state_id/id'] = state
val['type'] = type
val['id_new'] = val['id'] + '_address_' + type
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_partner_address)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_partner_address)
return import_object(sugar_obj, cr, uid, fields, datas, 'res.partner.address', TABLE_CONTACT, val['id_new'], DO_NOT_FIND_DOMAIN, context=context)
def get_address(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val, context=None):
@ -247,7 +251,7 @@ def import_partners(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
print 'parent_id', val['parent_id']
val['parent_id_new'] = generate_xml_id(val['parent_id'], TABLE_ACCOUNT)
fields, data = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_partner)
fields, data = sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_partner)
fields, data = add_m2o_data(data, fields, 'address/id', add_id)
partner_obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, [data], mode='update', current_module=MODULE_NAME, noupdate=True, context=context)
@ -432,7 +436,7 @@ def import_documents(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
val['datas'] = base64.encodestring(datas)
val['datas_fname'] = val.get('filename')
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_document, context)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_document, context)
attach_obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, [datas], mode='update', current_module='sugarcrm_import', noupdate=True, context=context)
return True
@ -462,7 +466,7 @@ def import_tasks(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
val['partner_address_id/.id'] = partner_address_id
val['categ_id/id'] = categ_id
val['state'] = get_task_state(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val.get('status'), context)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_task, context)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_task, context)
meeting_obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, [datas], mode='update', current_module='sugarcrm_import', noupdate=True, context=context)
return True
@ -512,7 +516,7 @@ def import_meetings(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
val['partner_address_id/.id'] = partner_address_id
val['state'] = get_meeting_state(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val.get('status'),context)
val['alarm_id/.id'] = get_alarm_id(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val.get('reminder_time'), context)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_meeting, context)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_meeting, context)
meeting_obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, [datas], mode='update', current_module='sugarcrm_import', noupdate=True, context=context)
get_attendee_id(sugar_obj, cr, uid, PortType, sessionid, 'Meetings', val.get('id'), context)
return True
@ -563,7 +567,7 @@ def import_calls(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
val['partner_phone'] = partner_phone
val['partner_mobile'] = partner_mobile
val['state'] = get_calls_state(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val.get('status'), context)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_calls, context)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_calls, context)
phonecall_obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, [datas], mode='update', current_module=MODULE_NAME, noupdate=True, context=context)
return True
@ -670,7 +674,7 @@ def import_claims(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
val['email_from'] = partner_email
val['priority'] = get_claim_priority(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val.get('priority'),context)
val['state'] = get_claim_state(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val.get('status'),context)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_claim, context)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_claim, context)
claim_obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, [datas], mode='update', current_module='sugarcrm_import', noupdate=True, context=context)
return True
@ -699,7 +703,7 @@ def import_bug(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
val['categ_id/id'] = get_category(sugar_obj, cr, uid, 'project.issue', val.get('type'))
val['priority'] = get_bug_priority(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val.get('priority'),context)
val['state'] = get_bug_state(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val.get('status'),context)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_resource, context)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_resource, context)
issue_obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, [datas], mode='update', current_module=MODULE_NAME, noupdate=True, context=context)
return True
@ -764,7 +768,7 @@ def import_history(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
val['res_id'] = model.res_id
val['model'] = model.model
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_attachment, context)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_attachment, context)
mailgate_obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, [datas], mode='update', current_module='sugarcrm_import', noupdate=True, context=context)
get_attachment(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val, 'mailgate.message', File, Filename, val.get('parent_type'), context)
return True
@ -779,21 +783,15 @@ def import_employees(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
'user_id/id': 'user_id/id',
'address_home_id/id': 'address_home_id/id',
'notes': 'description',
#TODO: Creation of Employee create problem.
#'coach_id/id': 'reports_to_id',
'job_id/id': 'job_id/id'
def get_ressource(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val, context=None):
map_resource = {
'name': ['first_name', 'last_name'],
return import_object_mapping(sugar_obj, cr, uid, map_resource, val, 'resource.resource', TABLE_RESSOURCE, val['id'], DO_NOT_FIND_DOMAIN, context)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_resource, context)
return import_object(sugar_obj, cr, uid, fields, datas, 'resource.resource', TABLE_RESSOURCE, val['id'], DO_NOT_FIND_DOMAIN, context)
def get_user_address(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val, context=None):
map_user_address = {
'name': ['first_name', 'last_name'],
@ -810,36 +808,26 @@ def import_employees(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
state_id = get_all_states(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val.get('address_state'), country_id, context)
val['country_id/id'] = country_id
val['state_id/id'] = state_id
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_user_address)
return import_object(sugar_obj, cr, uid, fields, datas, 'res.partner.address', TABLE_CONTACT, val['id'], DO_NOT_FIND_DOMAIN, context=context)
if not context:
context = {}
employee_obj = sugar_obj.pool.get('hr.employee')
PortType, sessionid = sugar.login(context.get('username', ''), context.get('password', ''), context.get('url',''))
sugar_data = sugar.search(PortType, sessionid, 'Employees')
return import_object_mapping(sugar_obj, cr, uid, map_user_address, val, 'res.partner.address', TABLE_CONTACT, val['id'], DO_NOT_FIND_DOMAIN, context=context)
sugar_data = get_sugar_data('Employees', context)
for val in sugar_data:
print "Employees"
xml_id = get_user_address(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val, context)
print "xml_ids", sugar_obj.pool.get('ir.model.data').search(cr, uid, [('module','=', MODULE_NAME), ('name','=', xml_id)])
val['address_home_id/id'] = xml_id
val['address_home_id/id'] = get_user_address(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val, context)
val['job_id/id'] = get_job_id(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val.get('title'), context)
x = xml_id_exist(sugar_obj, cr, uid, TABLE_USER, val['id'])
print 'xml_id of user', x
val['user_id/id'] = x
val['user_id/id'] = xml_id_exist(sugar_obj, cr, uid, TABLE_USER, val['id'])
val['resource_id/id'] = get_ressource(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val, context)
val['id_new'] = generate_xml_id(val['id'], TABLE_EMPLOYEE)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_employee, context)
employee_obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, [datas], mode='update', current_module=MODULE_NAME, noupdate=True, context=context)
#for cycle dependencies
val['parent_id_new'] = val['reports_to_id'] and generate_xml_id(val['reports_to_id'], TABLE_EMPLOYEE) or ''
import_module(sugar_obj, cr, uid, 'hr.employee', map_employee, sugar_data, TABLE_EMPLOYEE, context=context)
return True
def import_emails(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
if not context:
context= {}
map_emails = {'id': 'id',
map_emails = {
'id': 'id',
'date':['__datetime__', 'date_sent'],
'email_from': 'from_addr_name',
@ -865,7 +853,7 @@ def import_emails(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
val['res_id'] = model.res_id
val['model'] = model.model
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_emails, context)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_emails, context)
mailgate_obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, [datas], mode='update', current_module='sugarcrm_import', noupdate=True, context=context)
return True
@ -915,7 +903,7 @@ def import_projects(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
val['partner_id/.id'] = partner_id
val['contact_id/.id'] = partner_invoice_id
val['state'] = get_project_state(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val.get('status'),context)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_project, context)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_project, context)
project_obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, [datas], mode='update', current_module=MODULE_NAME, noupdate=True, context=context)
return True
@ -942,7 +930,7 @@ def import_project_tasks(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
for val in sugar_data:
val['state'] = get_project_task_state(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val.get('status'),context)
val['priority'] = get_project_task_priority(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val.get('priority'),context)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_project_task, context)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_project_task, context)
task_obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, [datas], mode='update', current_module=MODULE_NAME, noupdate=True, context=context)
return True
@ -1004,7 +992,7 @@ def import_leads(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
state = get_all_states(sugar_obj,cr, uid, val.get('primary_address_state'), country_id, context)
val['country_id.id'] = country_id
val['state_id.id'] = state
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_lead, context)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_lead, context)
lead_obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, [datas], mode='update', current_module=MODULE_NAME, noupdate=True, context=context)
return True
@ -1072,7 +1060,7 @@ def import_opportunities(sugar_obj, cr, uid, context=None):
val['categ_id/id'] = get_category(sugar_obj, cr, uid, 'crm.lead', val.get('opportunity_type'))
val['type'] = 'opportunity'
val['stage_id/id'] = get_opportunity_status(sugar_obj, cr, uid, val, context)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapping.sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_opportunity)
fields, datas = sugarcrm_fields_mapp(val, map_opportunity)
lead_obj.import_data(cr, uid, fields, [datas], mode='update', current_module=MODULE_NAME, noupdate=True, context=context)
return True

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@ -1,65 +1 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import tools
import pytz
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date
from dateutil import parser
import dateutil
def sugarcrm_fields_mapp(dict_sugar, openerp_dict, context=None):
if not context:
context = {}
if 'tz' in context and context['tz']:
time_zone = context['tz']
time_zone = tools.get_server_timezone()
au_tz = pytz.timezone(time_zone)
data_lst = []
for key,val in openerp_dict.items():
if key not in fields and dict_sugar:
if isinstance(val, list) and val:
#Allow to print a bit more pretty way long list of data in the same field
if len(val) >= 1 and val[0] == "__prettyprint__":
val = val[1:]
data_lst.append('\n\n'.join(map(lambda x : x + ": " + dict_sugar.get(x,''), val)))
elif val[0] == '__datetime__':
val = val[1]
if dict_sugar.get(val) and len(dict_sugar.get(val))<=10:
updated_dt = date.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(dict_sugar.get(val), '%Y-%m-%d'))) or False
elif dict_sugar.get(val):
convert_date = datetime.strptime(dict_sugar.get(val), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
edate = convert_date.replace(tzinfo=au_tz)
au_dt = au_tz.normalize(edate.astimezone(au_tz))
updated_dt = datetime(*au_dt.timetuple()[:6]).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
updated_dt = False
if key == 'duration':
data_lst.append('.'.join(map(lambda x : dict_sugar.get(x,''), val)))
data_lst.append(' '.join(map(lambda x : dict_sugar.get(x,''), val)))
return fields,data_lst