[IMP] website_sale_delivery: make the module effectively works.

- added JS / HTML to handle the choice of the carrier
- added override of payment controller in website_sale_delivery to handle the carrier
and recompute the amount and details
- some code cleaning
- added amount_delivery field in sale.order, that is the amount related to the

bzr revid: tde@openerp.com-20131217152605-0xoulnnlo0nn7j9o
This commit is contained in:
Thibault Delavallée 2013-12-17 16:26:05 +01:00
parent 68f0397609
commit 3805a86302
8 changed files with 120 additions and 49 deletions

View File

@ -20,22 +20,55 @@
import time
from openerp.osv import fields,osv
from openerp.addons import decimal_precision
from openerp.addons.sale.sale import sale_order as OriginalSaleOrder
from openerp.osv import fields, osv
from openerp.tools.translate import _
class sale_order_line(osv.osv):
_inherit = 'sale.order.line'
_columns = {
'is_delivery':fields.boolean("Is a Delivery"),
'is_delivery': fields.boolean("Is a Delivery"),
_defaults = {
'is_delivery': False
class sale_order(osv.osv):
class sale_order(osv.Model):
_inherit = 'sale.order'
def _amount_all(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context=None):
res = super(sale_order, self)._amount_all(cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context=context)
Currency = self.pool.get('res.currency')
for order in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
line_amount = sum([line.price_subtotal for line in order.order_line if line.is_delivery])
currency = order.pricelist_id.currency_id
res[order.id]['amount_delivery'] = Currency.round(cr, uid, currency, line_amount)
return res
def _get_order(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
result = {}
for line in self.pool.get('sale.order.line').browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
result[line.order_id.id] = True
return result.keys()
_columns = {
'carrier_id':fields.many2one("delivery.carrier", "Delivery Method", help="Complete this field if you plan to invoice the shipping based on picking."),
'carrier_id': fields.many2one(
"delivery.carrier", string="Delivery Method",
help="Complete this field if you plan to invoice the shipping based on picking."),
'amount_delivery': fields.function(
_amount_all, type='float', digits_compute=decimal_precision.get_precision('Account'), string='Delivery Amount',
'sale.order': (lambda self, cr, uid, ids, c={}: ids, ['order_line'], 10),
'sale.order.line': (_get_order, ['price_unit', 'tax_id', 'discount', 'product_uom_qty'], 10),
multi='sums', help="The amount without tax.", track_visibility='always'
def onchange_partner_id(self, cr, uid, ids, part, context=None):
@ -57,7 +90,6 @@ class sale_order(osv.osv):
return True
def delivery_set(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
order_obj = self.pool.get('sale.order')
line_obj = self.pool.get('sale.order.line')
grid_obj = self.pool.get('delivery.grid')
carrier_obj = self.pool.get('delivery.carrier')
@ -85,14 +117,10 @@ class sale_order(osv.osv):
'product_uom': grid.carrier_id.product_id.uom_id.id,
'product_id': grid.carrier_id.product_id.id,
'price_unit': grid_obj.get_price(cr, uid, grid.id, order, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), context),
'tax_id': [(6,0,taxes_ids)],
'tax_id': [(6, 0, taxes_ids)],
'type': 'make_to_stock',
'is_delivery': True
#remove the value of the carrier_id field on the sale order
return self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'carrier_id': False}, context=context)
#return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'} action reload?
# vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
# remove the value of the carrier_id field on the sale order
# TDE NOTE: why removing it ?? seems weird
# return self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'carrier_id': False}, context=context)

View File

@ -589,8 +589,7 @@ class Ecommerce(http.Controller):
# alread a transaction: forward to confirmation
tx = context.get('website_sale_transaction')
if tx and not tx.state == 'draft':
print 'embetatn'
# return request.redirect('/shop/confirmation/%s' % order.id)
return request.redirect('/shop/confirmation/%s' % order.id)
partner_id = False
shipping_partner_id = False

View File

@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID
from openerp.osv import osv, fields
class sale_order(osv.Model):
class SaleOrder(osv.Model):
_inherit = "sale.order"
_columns = {
@ -30,17 +31,21 @@ class sale_order(osv.Model):
def _get_website_data(self, cr, uid, order, context):
return {}
return {
'partner': order.partner_id.id,
'order': order
def get_total_quantity(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
order = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context)
return int(sum(l.product_uom_qty for l in (order.order_line or [])))
class sale_order_line(osv.Model):
class SaleOrderLine(osv.Model):
_inherit = "sale.order.line"
def _recalculate_product_values(self, cr, uid, ids, product_id=0, context=None):
# TDE FIXME: seems to be defined several times -> fix me ?
if context is None:
context = {}
user_obj = self.pool.get('res.users')

View File

@ -467,13 +467,13 @@
<col width="120"/>
<tr style="border-top: 1px solid #000">
<tr style="border-top: 1px solid #000" id="order_total">
<th class="text-right">
<h3><t t-call="website_sale.total"/></h3>
<tr class="text-muted">
<tr class="text-muted" id="order_total_taxes">
<td><abbr title="Taxes may be updated after providing shipping address">Taxes:</abbr></td>
<td class="text-right">
<span t-field="website_sale_order.amount_tax" t-field-options='{
@ -865,14 +865,16 @@
<col width="120"/>
<tr style="border-top: 1px solid #000">
<tr style="border-top: 1px solid #000" id="order_total">
<th class="text-right"><h3><span t-field="website_sale_order.amount_total" t-field-options='{
<th class="text-right">
<h3><span t-field="website_sale_order.amount_total" t-field-options='{
"widget": "monetary",
"display_currency": "website.pricelist_id.currency_id"
<tr class="text-muted">
<tr class="text-muted" id="order_total_taxes">
<td class="text-right"><span t-field="website_sale_order.amount_tax" t-field-options='{
"widget": "monetary",
@ -907,8 +909,8 @@
<div class="js_payment mb64" t-if="acquirers" id="payment_method">
<h3>Choose your payment method</h3>
<div class="js_payment mb64 row" t-if="acquirers" id="payment_method">
<h4>Choose your Payment Method</h4>
<div class="col-lg-5 col-sm-6">
<t t-foreach="acquirers or []" t-as="acquirer">
<label t-if="acquirer.button" class="oe_sale_acquirer_logo" style="display: block;">

View File

@ -1 +1,2 @@
import models
import controllers

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
from openerp.osv import orm, fields
class delivery_carrier(orm.Model):
_inherit = 'delivery.carrier'
_columns = {
@ -12,16 +13,21 @@ class delivery_carrier(orm.Model):
'website_published': True
class sale_order(orm.Model):
class SaleOrder(orm.Model):
_inherit = 'sale.order'
def _get_website_data(self, cr, uid, order, context=None):
""" Override to add delivery-related website data. """
values = super(SaleOrder, self)._get_website_data(cr, uid, order, context=context)
# We need a delivery only if we have stockable products
todo = False
for line in order.order_line:
if line.product_id.type in ('consu','product'):
if line.product_id.type in ('consu', 'product'):
todo = True
if not todo: return {'deliveries': []}
if not todo:
return values
carrier_obj = self.pool.get('delivery.carrier')
dids = carrier_obj.search(cr, uid, [], context=context)
@ -29,9 +35,10 @@ class sale_order(orm.Model):
deliveries = carrier_obj.browse(cr, uid, dids, context=context)
# By default, select the first carrier
if not order.carrier_id and dids:
self.pool.get('sale.order').write(cr, uid, [order.id], {'carrier_id': dids[0]}, context=context)
# if not order.carrier_id and dids:
# self.pool.get('sale.order').write(cr, uid, [order.id], {'carrier_id': dids[0]}, context=context)
# recompute delivery costs
self.pool.get('sale.order').delivery_set(cr, uid, [order.id], context=context)
return {'deliveries': deliveries}
values['deliveries'] = deliveries
return values

View File

@ -21,4 +21,13 @@ $(document).ready(function () {
// }
// });
// When choosing an delivery carrier, update the quotation and the acquirers
var $carrier = $("#delivery_carrier");
$carrier.find("input[name='delivery_type']").click(function (ev) {
var carrier_id = $(ev.currentTarget).val();
console.log('choosing carrier', carrier_id);
var link = $carrier.find('a');
link.attr('href', '/shop/payment?carrier_id=' + carrier_id)

View File

@ -1,29 +1,49 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<template id="delivery" name="Delivery Costs" inherit_id="website_sale.payment">
<xpath expr="//t[@t-set='head']" position="inside">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/website_sale_delivery/static/src/js/website_sale_delivery.js"></script>
<xpath expr="//tr[@id='order_total_taxes']" position="after">
<tr class="text-muted" id="order_delivery">
<td><abbr title="Delivery will be updated after choosing a new delivery method">Delivery:</abbr></td>
<td class="text-right">
<span t-field="website_sale_order.amount_delivery" t-field-options='{
"widget": "monetary",
"display_currency": "website.pricelist_id.currency_id"
<xpath expr="//div[@id='payment_method']" position="before">
<t t-if="len(deliveries)">
<p>Choose Your Delivery method:</p>
<ul class="list-unstyled">
<li t-foreach="deliveries" t-as="delivery">
<input t-att-value="delivery.id" type="radio" name="delivery_type"/>
<span t-field="delivery.name"/>
<span class="badge" t-field="delivery.price"/>
<!-- TODO: add monetary widget -->
<div t-if="len(deliveries)" class="row" id="delivery_carrier">
<h4>Choose your Delivery Method</h4>
<div class="col-lg-5 col-sm-6">
<ul class="list-unstyled">
<li t-foreach="deliveries" t-as="delivery">
<input t-att-value="delivery.id" type="radio" name="delivery_type"
t-att-checked="website_sale_order.carrier_id and website_sale_order.carrier_id.id == delivery.id and 'checked' or False"/>
<span t-field="delivery.name"/>
<span class="badge" t-field="delivery.price"
"widget": "monetary",
"display_currency": "website.pricelist_id.currency_id"
<div class="col-lg-3 col-sm-3">
<a t-href="/shop/payment"><button class="btn btn-primary">Update</button></a>