[CLEAN] expression.py: cleaned and added comments, var names (table -> model notably).

bzr revid: tde@openerp.com-20121207123727-md65da41863y827e
This commit is contained in:
Thibault Delavallée 2012-12-07 13:37:27 +01:00
parent e36b44e82f
commit 390ff1540f
1 changed files with 173 additions and 158 deletions

View File

@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ def generate_table_alias(src_table_alias, joined_tables=[]):
- then, each joined table is added in the alias using a 'link field name'
that is used to render unique aliases for a given path
- returns a tuple composed of the alias, and the full table alias to be
added in a from condition
added in a from condition with quoting done
- src_table_alias='res_users', join_tables=[]:
alias = ('res_users','"res_users"')
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ def generate_table_alias(src_table_alias, joined_tables=[]):
:param list join_tables: list of tuples
(dst_model, link_field)
:return tuple: (table alias, alias statement for from clause with quotes added)
:return tuple: (table_alias, alias statement for from clause with quotes added)
alias = src_table_alias
if not joined_tables:
@ -366,11 +366,10 @@ def normalize_leaf(element):
def is_operator(element):
"""Test whether an object is a valid domain operator. """
""" Test whether an object is a valid domain operator. """
return isinstance(element, basestring) and element in DOMAIN_OPERATORS
# TODO change the share wizard to use this function.
def is_leaf(element, internal=False):
""" Test whether an object is a valid domain term:
- is a list or tuple
@ -380,6 +379,8 @@ def is_leaf(element, internal=False):
:param tuple element: a leaf in form (left, operator, right)
:param boolean internal: allow or not the 'inselect' internal operator
in the term. This should be always left to False.
Note: OLD TODO change the share wizard to use this function.
if internal:
@ -421,39 +422,10 @@ def select_distinct_from_where_not_null(cr, select_field, from_table):
# -------------------------------------------------
class ExtendedLeaf(object):
def __init__(self, leaf, table, context_stack=None):
""" Initialize the ExtendedLeaf
:attr [string, tuple] leaf: operator or tuple-formatted domain
:attr object table: table object
:attr list _tables: list of chained table objects, updated when
adding joins
:attr tuple elements: manipulation-friendly leaf
:attr object field: field obj, taken from table, not necessarily
found (inherits, 'id')
:attr list field_path: exploded left of elements
(partner_id.name -> ['partner_id', 'name'])
:attr object relational_table: distant table for relational fields
assert table, 'Invalid leaf creation without table'
self.context_stack = context_stack or []
# validate the leaf
self.leaf = leaf
# normalize the leaf's operator
# set working variables; handle the context stack and previous tables
self.table = table
self._tables = []
for item in self.context_stack:
# check validity
def __str__(self):
return '<osv.ExtendedLeaf: %s on %s (ctx: %s)>' % (str(self.leaf), self.table._table, ','.join(self._get_context_debug()))
""" Class wrapping a domain leaf, and giving some services and management
features on it. In particular it managed join contexts to be able to
construct queries through multiple models.
# --------------------------------------------------
# Join / Context manipulation
@ -500,32 +472,61 @@ class ExtendedLeaf(object):
# i.e.: many2one: 'state_id': current field name
# --------------------------------------------------
def __init__(self, leaf, model, join_context=None):
""" Initialize the ExtendedLeaf
:attr [string, tuple] leaf: operator or tuple-formatted domain
:attr obj model: current working model
:attr list _models: list of chained models, updated when
adding joins
:attr list join_context: list of join contexts. This is a list of
tuples like ``(lhs, table, lhs_col, col, link)``
:param obj lhs: source (left hand) model
:param obj model: destination (right hand) model
:param string lhs_col: source model column for join condition
:param string col: destination model column for join condition
:param link: link column between source and destination model
that is not necessarily (but generally) a real column used
in the condition (i.e. in many2one); this link is used to
compute aliases
assert model, 'Invalid leaf creation without table'
self.join_context = join_context or []
self.leaf = leaf
# normalize the leaf's operator
# set working variables; handle the context stack and previous tables
self.model = model
self._models = []
for item in self.join_context:
# check validity
def __str__(self):
return '<osv.ExtendedLeaf: %s on %s (ctx: %s)>' % (str(self.leaf), self.model._table, ','.join(self._get_context_debug()))
def generate_alias(self):
links = [(context[1]._table, context[4]) for context in self.context_stack]
alias, alias_statement = generate_table_alias(self._tables[0]._table, links)
links = [(context[1]._table, context[4]) for context in self.join_context]
alias, alias_statement = generate_table_alias(self._models[0]._table, links)
return alias
def add_join_context(self, table, lhs_col, table_col, link):
def add_join_context(self, model, lhs_col, table_col, link):
""" See above comments for more details. A join context is a tuple like:
``(lhs, table, lhs_col, col, link)``
- lhs is the source table (self.table)
- table is the destination table
- lsh_col is the source table column name used for the condition
- table_col is the destination table column name used for the condition
- link is the field name source of the join used as context to
generate the destination table alias
``(lhs, model, lhs_col, col, link)``
After adding the join, the table of the current leaf is updated.
After adding the join, the model of the current leaf is updated.
self.context_stack.append((self.table, table, lhs_col, table_col, link))
self.table = table
self.join_context.append((self.model, model, lhs_col, table_col, link))
self.model = model
def get_join_conditions(self):
conditions = []
alias = self._tables[0]._table
for context in self.context_stack:
alias = self._models[0]._table
for context in self.join_context:
previous_alias = alias
alias += '__' + context[4]
conditions.append('"%s"."%s"="%s"."%s"' % (previous_alias, context[2], alias, context[3]))
@ -533,15 +534,15 @@ class ExtendedLeaf(object):
def get_tables(self):
tables = set()
alias = self._tables[0]._table
for context in self.context_stack:
alias += '__' + context[4]
table_full_alias = '"%s" as "%s"' % (context[1]._table, alias)
links = []
for context in self.join_context:
links.append((context[1]._table, context[4]))
alias, alias_statement = generate_table_alias(self._models[0]._table, links)
return tables
def _get_context_debug(self):
names = ['"%s"."%s"="%s"."%s" (%s)' % (item[0]._table, item[2], item[1]._table, item[3], item[4]) for item in self.context_stack]
names = ['"%s"."%s"="%s"."%s" (%s)' % (item[0]._table, item[2], item[1]._table, item[3], item[4]) for item in self.join_context]
return names
# --------------------------------------------------
@ -589,20 +590,19 @@ class expression(object):
right after initialization.
:param exp: expression (using domain ('foo', '=', 'bar' format))
:param table: root table object
:param table: root model
:attr list result: list that will hold the result of the parsing
as a list of ExtendedLeaf
:attr list joins: list of join conditions, such as
(res_country_state."id" = res_partner."state_id")
:attr root_table: base table for the query
:attr root_model: base model for the query
:attr list expression: the domain expression, that will be normalized
and prepared
self.has_unaccent = openerp.modules.registry.RegistryManager.get(cr.dbname).has_unaccent
self.result = []
self.joins = []
self.root_table = table
self.root_model = table
# normalize and prepare the expression for parsing
self.expression = distribute_not(normalize_domain(exp))
@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ class expression(object):
for table in leaf.get_tables():
if table not in tables:
table_name = '"%s"' % self.root_table._table
table_name = _quote(self.root_model._table)
if table_name not in tables:
return tables
@ -633,29 +633,30 @@ class expression(object):
def parse(self, cr, uid, context):
""" Transform the leaves of the expression
The principle is to pop elements from the left of a leaf stack. Each
leaf is processed. The processing is a if/elif list of various cases
that appear in the leafs (many2one, function fields, ...). Two results
can appear at the end of a leaf processing:
- the leaf is modified or new leafs introduced in the domain: they
are added at the left of the stack, to be processed next
The principle is to pop elements from a leaf stack one at a time.
Each leaf is processed. The processing is a if/elif list of various
cases that appear in the leafs (many2one, function fields, ...).
Two things can happen as a processing result:
- the leaf has been modified and/or new leafs have to be introduced
in the expression; they are pushed into the leaf stack, to be
processed right after
- the leaf is added to the result
Some var explanation:
:var obj working_table: table object, table containing the field
Some internal var explanation:
:var obj working_model: model object, model containing the field
(the name provided in the left operand)
:var list field_path: left operand seen as a path (foo.bar -> [foo, bar])
:var obj relational_table: relational table of a field (field._obj)
ex: res_partner.bank_ids -> res_partner_bank
:var obj relational_model: relational model of a field (field._obj)
ex: res_partner.bank_ids -> res.partner.bank
def to_ids(value, relational_table, context=None, limit=None):
def to_ids(value, relational_model, context=None, limit=None):
""" Normalize a single id or name, or a list of those, into a list of ids
:param {int,long,basestring,list,tuple} value:
if int, long -> return [value]
if basestring, convert it into a list of basestrings, then
if list of basestring ->
perform a name_search on relational_table for each name
perform a name_search on relational_model for each name
return the list of related ids
names = []
@ -666,7 +667,7 @@ class expression(object):
elif isinstance(value, (int, long)):
return [value]
if names:
name_get_list = [name_get[0] for name in names for name_get in relational_table.name_search(cr, uid, name, [], 'ilike', context=context, limit=limit)]
name_get_list = [name_get[0] for name in names for name_get in relational_model.name_search(cr, uid, name, [], 'ilike', context=context, limit=limit)]
return list(set(name_get_list))
return list(value)
@ -693,24 +694,31 @@ class expression(object):
return ids + recursive_children(ids2, model, parent_field)
return [(left, 'in', recursive_children(ids, left_model, parent or left_model._parent_name))]
def create_substitution_leaf(leaf, new_elements, new_table=None):
if new_table is None:
new_table = leaf.table
new_context_stack = [tuple(context) for context in leaf.context_stack]
new_leaf = ExtendedLeaf(new_elements, new_table, context_stack=new_context_stack)
def create_substitution_leaf(leaf, new_elements, new_model=None):
""" From a leaf, create a new leaf (based on the new_elements tuple
and new_model), that will have the same join context. Used to
insert equivalent leafs in the processing stack. """
if new_model is None:
new_model = leaf.model
new_join_context = [tuple(context) for context in leaf.join_context]
new_leaf = ExtendedLeaf(new_elements, new_model, join_context=new_join_context)
return new_leaf
def pop():
""" Pop a leaf to process. """
return self.stack.pop()
def push(leaf):
""" Push a leaf to be processed right after. """
def push_result(leaf):
""" Push a leaf to the results. This leaf has been fully processed
and validated. """
self.result = []
self.stack = [ExtendedLeaf(leaf, self.root_table) for leaf in self.expression]
self.stack = [ExtendedLeaf(leaf, self.root_model) for leaf in self.expression]
# process from right to left; expression is from left to right
@ -719,7 +727,7 @@ class expression(object):
leaf = pop()
# Get working variables
working_table = leaf.table
working_model = leaf.model
if leaf.is_operator():
left, operator, right = leaf.leaf, None, None
elif leaf.is_true_leaf() or leaf.is_false_leaf():
@ -728,11 +736,11 @@ class expression(object):
left, operator, right = leaf.leaf
field_path = left.split('.', 1)
field = working_table._columns.get(field_path[0])
field = working_model._columns.get(field_path[0])
if field and field._obj:
relational_table = working_table.pool.get(field._obj)
relational_model = working_model.pool.get(field._obj)
relational_table = None
relational_model = None
# ----------------------------------------
@ -746,7 +754,7 @@ class expression(object):
# ----------------------------------------
# -> from inherits'd fields -> work on the related table, and add
# -> from inherits'd fields -> work on the related model, and add
# a join condition
# -> ('id', 'child_of', '..') -> use a 'to_ids'
# -> but is one on the _log_access special fields, add directly to
@ -755,19 +763,19 @@ class expression(object):
# -> else: crash
# ----------------------------------------
elif not field and field_path[0] in working_table._inherit_fields:
elif not field and field_path[0] in working_model._inherit_fields:
# comments about inherits'd fields
# { 'field_name': ('parent_model', 'm2o_field_to_reach_parent',
# field_column_obj, origina_parent_model), ... }
next_table = working_table.pool.get(working_table._inherit_fields[field_path[0]][0])
leaf.add_join_context(next_table, working_table._inherits[next_table._name], 'id', working_table._inherits[next_table._name])
next_model = working_model.pool.get(working_model._inherit_fields[field_path[0]][0])
leaf.add_join_context(next_model, working_model._inherits[next_model._name], 'id', working_model._inherits[next_model._name])
elif not field and left == 'id' and operator == 'child_of':
ids2 = to_ids(right, working_table, context)
dom = child_of_domain(left, ids2, working_table)
ids2 = to_ids(right, working_model, context)
dom = child_of_domain(left, ids2, working_model)
for dom_leaf in reversed(dom):
new_leaf = create_substitution_leaf(leaf, dom_leaf, working_table)
new_leaf = create_substitution_leaf(leaf, dom_leaf, working_model)
elif not field and field_path[0] in MAGIC_COLUMNS:
@ -791,32 +799,32 @@ class expression(object):
elif len(field_path) > 1 and field._type == 'many2one' and field._auto_join:
# res_partner.state_id = res_partner__state_id.id
leaf.add_join_context(relational_table, field_path[0], 'id', field_path[0])
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, (field_path[1], operator, right), relational_table))
leaf.add_join_context(relational_model, field_path[0], 'id', field_path[0])
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, (field_path[1], operator, right), relational_model))
elif len(field_path) > 1 and field._type == 'one2many' and field._auto_join:
# res_partner.id = res_partner__bank_ids.partner_id
leaf.add_join_context(relational_table, 'id', field._fields_id, field_path[0])
domain = field._domain(working_table) if callable(field._domain) else field._domain
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, (field_path[1], operator, right), relational_table))
leaf.add_join_context(relational_model, 'id', field._fields_id, field_path[0])
domain = field._domain(working_model) if callable(field._domain) else field._domain
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, (field_path[1], operator, right), relational_model))
if domain:
domain = normalize_domain(domain)
for elem in reversed(domain):
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, elem, relational_table))
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, AND_OPERATOR, relational_table))
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, elem, relational_model))
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, AND_OPERATOR, relational_model))
elif len(field_path) > 1 and field._auto_join:
raise NotImplementedError('_auto_join attribute not supported on many2many field %s' % (left))
elif len(field_path) > 1 and field._type == 'many2one':
right_ids = relational_table.search(cr, uid, [(field_path[1], operator, right)], context=context)
right_ids = relational_model.search(cr, uid, [(field_path[1], operator, right)], context=context)
leaf.leaf = (field_path[0], 'in', right_ids)
# Making search easier when there is a left operand as field.o2m or field.m2m
elif len(field_path) > 1 and field._type in ['many2many', 'one2many']:
right_ids = relational_table.search(cr, uid, [(field_path[1], operator, right)], context=context)
table_ids = working_table.search(cr, uid, [(field_path[0], 'in', right_ids)], context=dict(context, active_test=False))
right_ids = relational_model.search(cr, uid, [(field_path[1], operator, right)], context=context)
table_ids = working_model.search(cr, uid, [(field_path[0], 'in', right_ids)], context=dict(context, active_test=False))
leaf.leaf = ('id', 'in', table_ids)
@ -842,7 +850,7 @@ class expression(object):
elif isinstance(field, fields.function) and not field.store:
# this is a function field that is not stored
fct_domain = field.search(cr, uid, working_table, left, [leaf.leaf], context=context)
fct_domain = field.search(cr, uid, working_model, left, [leaf.leaf], context=context)
if not fct_domain:
leaf.leaf = TRUE_LEAF
@ -850,26 +858,30 @@ class expression(object):
# we assume that the expression is valid
# we create a dummy leaf for forcing the parsing of the resulting expression
for domain_element in reversed(fct_domain):
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, domain_element, working_table))
# self.push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, TRUE_LEAF, working_table))
# self.push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, AND_OPERATOR, working_table))
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, domain_element, working_model))
# self.push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, TRUE_LEAF, working_model))
# self.push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, AND_OPERATOR, working_model))
# -------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------
# Applying recursivity on field(one2many)
elif field._type == 'one2many' and operator == 'child_of':
ids2 = to_ids(right, relational_table, context)
if field._obj != working_table._name:
dom = child_of_domain(left, ids2, relational_table, prefix=field._obj)
ids2 = to_ids(right, relational_model, context)
if field._obj != working_model._name:
dom = child_of_domain(left, ids2, relational_model, prefix=field._obj)
dom = child_of_domain('id', ids2, working_table, parent=left)
dom = child_of_domain('id', ids2, working_model, parent=left)
for dom_leaf in reversed(dom):
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, dom_leaf, working_table))
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, dom_leaf, working_model))
elif field._type == 'one2many':
call_null = True
if right is not False:
if isinstance(right, basestring):
ids2 = [x[0] for x in relational_table.name_search(cr, uid, right, [], operator, context=context, limit=None)]
ids2 = [x[0] for x in relational_model.name_search(cr, uid, right, [], operator, context=context, limit=None)]
if ids2:
operator = 'in'
@ -881,36 +893,36 @@ class expression(object):
if operator in ['like', 'ilike', 'in', '=']:
#no result found with given search criteria
call_null = False
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, FALSE_LEAF, working_table))
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, FALSE_LEAF, working_model))
ids2 = select_from_where(cr, field._fields_id, relational_table._table, 'id', ids2, operator)
ids2 = select_from_where(cr, field._fields_id, relational_model._table, 'id', ids2, operator)
if ids2:
call_null = False
o2m_op = 'not in' if operator in NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS else 'in'
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, ('id', o2m_op, ids2), working_table))
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, ('id', o2m_op, ids2), working_model))
if call_null:
o2m_op = 'in' if operator in NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS else 'not in'
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, ('id', o2m_op, select_distinct_from_where_not_null(cr, field._fields_id, relational_table._table)), working_table))
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, ('id', o2m_op, select_distinct_from_where_not_null(cr, field._fields_id, relational_model._table)), working_model))
elif field._type == 'many2many':
rel_table, rel_id1, rel_id2 = field._sql_names(working_table)
rel_table, rel_id1, rel_id2 = field._sql_names(working_model)
if operator == 'child_of':
def _rec_convert(ids):
if relational_table == working_table:
if relational_model == working_model:
return ids
return select_from_where(cr, rel_id1, rel_table, rel_id2, ids, operator)
ids2 = to_ids(right, relational_table, context)
dom = child_of_domain('id', ids2, relational_table)
ids2 = relational_table.search(cr, uid, dom, context=context)
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, ('id', 'in', _rec_convert(ids2)), working_table))
ids2 = to_ids(right, relational_model, context)
dom = child_of_domain('id', ids2, relational_model)
ids2 = relational_model.search(cr, uid, dom, context=context)
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, ('id', 'in', _rec_convert(ids2)), working_model))
call_null_m2m = True
if right is not False:
if isinstance(right, basestring):
res_ids = [x[0] for x in relational_table.name_search(cr, uid, right, [], operator, context=context)]
res_ids = [x[0] for x in relational_model.name_search(cr, uid, right, [], operator, context=context)]
if res_ids:
operator = 'in'
@ -922,29 +934,29 @@ class expression(object):
if operator in ['like', 'ilike', 'in', '=']:
#no result found with given search criteria
call_null_m2m = False
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, FALSE_LEAF, working_table))
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, FALSE_LEAF, working_model))
operator = 'in' # operator changed because ids are directly related to main object
call_null_m2m = False
m2m_op = 'not in' if operator in NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS else 'in'
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, ('id', m2m_op, select_from_where(cr, rel_id1, rel_table, rel_id2, res_ids, operator) or [0]), working_table))
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, ('id', m2m_op, select_from_where(cr, rel_id1, rel_table, rel_id2, res_ids, operator) or [0]), working_model))
if call_null_m2m:
m2m_op = 'in' if operator in NEGATIVE_TERM_OPERATORS else 'not in'
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, ('id', m2m_op, select_distinct_from_where_not_null(cr, rel_id1, rel_table)), working_table))
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, ('id', m2m_op, select_distinct_from_where_not_null(cr, rel_id1, rel_table)), working_model))
elif field._type == 'many2one':
if operator == 'child_of':
ids2 = to_ids(right, relational_table, context)
if field._obj != working_table._name:
dom = child_of_domain(left, ids2, relational_table, prefix=field._obj)
ids2 = to_ids(right, relational_model, context)
if field._obj != working_model._name:
dom = child_of_domain(left, ids2, relational_model, prefix=field._obj)
dom = child_of_domain('id', ids2, working_table, parent=left)
dom = child_of_domain('id', ids2, working_model, parent=left)
for dom_leaf in reversed(dom):
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, dom_leaf, working_table))
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, dom_leaf, working_model))
def _get_expression(relational_table, cr, uid, left, right, operator, context=None):
def _get_expression(relational_model, cr, uid, left, right, operator, context=None):
if context is None:
context = {}
c = context.copy()
@ -959,29 +971,32 @@ class expression(object):
operator = dict_op[operator]
elif isinstance(right, list) and operator in ['!=', '=']: # for domain (FIELD,'=',['value1','value2'])
operator = dict_op[operator]
res_ids = [x[0] for x in relational_table.name_search(cr, uid, right, [], operator, limit=None, context=c)]
res_ids = [x[0] for x in relational_model.name_search(cr, uid, right, [], operator, limit=None, context=c)]
res_ids.append(False) # TODO this should not be appended if False was in 'right'
return (left, 'in', res_ids)
# resolve string-based m2o criterion into IDs
if isinstance(right, basestring) or \
right and isinstance(right, (tuple, list)) and all(isinstance(item, basestring) for item in right):
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, _get_expression(relational_table, cr, uid, left, right, operator, context=context), working_table))
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, _get_expression(relational_model, cr, uid, left, right, operator, context=context), working_model))
# right == [] or right == False and all other cases are handled by __leaf_to_sql()
# other field type
# add the time part to datetime field when it's not there:
if field._type == 'datetime' and right and len(right) == 10:
# -------------------------------------------------
# -> datetime fields: manage time part of the datetime
# field when it is not there
# -> manage translatable fields
# -------------------------------------------------
if field._type == 'datetime' and right and len(right) == 10:
if operator in ('>', '>='):
right += ' 00:00:00'
elif operator in ('<', '<='):
right += ' 23:59:59'
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, (left, operator, right), working_table))
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, (left, operator, right), working_model))
elif field.translate:
need_wildcard = operator in ('like', 'ilike', 'not like', 'not ilike')
@ -1001,45 +1016,45 @@ class expression(object):
subselect += ' AND value ' + sql_operator + ' ' + " (" + instr + ")" \
') UNION (' \
' SELECT id' \
' FROM "' + working_table._table + '"' \
' FROM "' + working_model._table + '"' \
' WHERE "' + left + '" ' + sql_operator + ' ' + " (" + instr + "))"
subselect += ' AND value ' + sql_operator + instr + \
') UNION (' \
' SELECT id' \
' FROM "' + working_table._table + '"' \
' FROM "' + working_model._table + '"' \
' WHERE "' + left + '" ' + sql_operator + instr + ")"
params = [working_table._name + ',' + left,
params = [working_model._name + ',' + left,
context.get('lang', False) or 'en_US',
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, ('id', 'inselect', (subselect, params)), working_table))
push(create_substitution_leaf(leaf, ('id', 'inselect', (subselect, params)), working_model))
# ----------------------------------------
# -> generate joins
# ----------------------------------------
# Generate joins
joins = set()
for leaf in self.result:
joins |= set(leaf.get_join_conditions())
self.joins = list(joins)
def __leaf_to_sql(self, eleaf):
table = eleaf.table
model = eleaf.model
leaf = eleaf.leaf
left, operator, right = leaf
# final sanity checks - should never fail
assert operator in (TERM_OPERATORS + ('inselect',)), \
"Invalid operator %r in domain term %r" % (operator, leaf)
assert leaf in (TRUE_LEAF, FALSE_LEAF) or left in table._all_columns \
assert leaf in (TRUE_LEAF, FALSE_LEAF) or left in model._all_columns \
or left in MAGIC_COLUMNS, "Invalid field %r in domain term %r" % (left, leaf)
table_alias = '"%s"' % (eleaf.generate_alias())
@ -1079,7 +1094,7 @@ class expression(object):
if left == 'id':
instr = ','.join(['%s'] * len(params))
instr = ','.join([table._columns[left]._symbol_set[0]] * len(params))
instr = ','.join([model._columns[left]._symbol_set[0]] * len(params))
query = '(%s."%s" %s (%s))' % (table_alias, left, operator, instr)
# The case for (left, 'in', []) or (left, 'not in', []).
@ -1094,7 +1109,7 @@ class expression(object):
else: # Must not happen
raise ValueError("Invalid domain term %r" % (leaf,))
elif right == False and (left in table._columns) and table._columns[left]._type == "boolean" and (operator == '='):
elif right == False and (left in model._columns) and model._columns[left]._type == "boolean" and (operator == '='):
query = '(%s."%s" IS NULL or %s."%s" = false )' % (table_alias, left, table_alias, left)
params = []
@ -1102,7 +1117,7 @@ class expression(object):
query = '%s."%s" IS NULL ' % (table_alias, left)
params = []
elif right == False and (left in table._columns) and table._columns[left]._type == "boolean" and (operator == '!='):
elif right == False and (left in model._columns) and model._columns[left]._type == "boolean" and (operator == '!='):
query = '(%s."%s" IS NOT NULL and %s."%s" != false)' % (table_alias, left, table_alias, left)
params = []
@ -1117,7 +1132,7 @@ class expression(object):
params = []
# '=?' behaves like '=' in other cases
query, params = self.__leaf_to_sql((left, '=', right), table)
query, params = self.__leaf_to_sql((left, '=', right), model)
elif left == 'id':
query = '%s.id %s %%s' % (table_alias, operator)
@ -1127,8 +1142,8 @@ class expression(object):
need_wildcard = operator in ('like', 'ilike', 'not like', 'not ilike')
sql_operator = {'=like': 'like', '=ilike': 'ilike'}.get(operator, operator)
if left in table._columns:
format = need_wildcard and '%s' or table._columns[left]._symbol_set[0]
if left in model._columns:
format = need_wildcard and '%s' or model._columns[left]._symbol_set[0]
if self.has_unaccent and sql_operator in ('ilike', 'not ilike'):
query = '(unaccent(%s."%s") %s unaccent(%s))' % (table_alias, left, sql_operator, format)
@ -1149,8 +1164,8 @@ class expression(object):
str_utf8 = str(right)
params = '%%%s%%' % str_utf8
add_null = not str_utf8
elif left in table._columns:
params = table._columns[left]._symbol_set[1](right)
elif left in model._columns:
params = model._columns[left]._symbol_set[1](right)
if add_null:
query = '(%s OR %s."%s" IS NULL)' % (query, table_alias, left)