[IMP] wsgi:

- added Microsoft specific header for webdav.
- serve WSGI handlers with werkzeug when available.
- effectively use WSGI instead of netsvc HTTP stack.

bzr revid: vmt@openerp.com-20110914104300-n0l3dnmdu3jau7w2
This commit is contained in:
Vo Minh Thu 2011-09-14 12:43:00 +02:00
parent d593e484c4
commit 46ad605226
4 changed files with 59 additions and 46 deletions

View File

@ -145,10 +145,7 @@ def start_services():
# Export (for RPC) services.
# Initialize the HTTP stack.
# Start the NET-RPC server.
# Start the main cron thread.
@ -157,6 +154,9 @@ def start_services():
# Start the top-level servers threads (normally HTTP, HTTPS, and NETRPC).
# Start the WSGI server.
# Variable keeping track of the number of calls to the signal handler defined
# below. This variable is monitored by ``quit_on_signals()``.
quit_signals_received = 0
@ -268,15 +268,10 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
for m in openerp.conf.server_wide_modules:
# Register a WSGI entry point if any.
# Call any post_load hook.
info = openerp.modules.module.load_information_from_description_file(m)
if info['wsgi']:
openerp.wsgi.register_wsgi_handler(getattr(sys.modules[m], info['wsgi']))
if info['post_load']:
getattr(sys.modules[m], info['post_load'])()
logger = logging.getLogger('server')

View File

@ -254,7 +254,8 @@ def load_information_from_description_file(module):
info['license'] = info.get('license') or 'AGPL-3'
info.setdefault('installable', True)
info.setdefault('active', False)
info.setdefault('wsgi', None) # WSGI entry point, given as a string
# If the following is provided, it is called after the module is --loaded.
info.setdefault('post_load', None)
for kind in ['data', 'demo', 'test',
'init_xml', 'update_xml', 'demo_xml']:
info.setdefault(kind, [])

View File

@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import threading
import types
import time # used to eval time.strftime expressions
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import logging
import openerp.pooler as pooler
import openerp.sql_db as sql_db
import misc
from config import config
import yaml_tag
@ -800,4 +802,19 @@ def yaml_import(cr, module, yamlfile, idref=None, mode='init', noupdate=False):
# keeps convention of convert.py
convert_yaml_import = yaml_import
def threaded_yaml_import(db_name, module_name, file_name, delay=0):
def f():
cr = None
fp = None
cr = sql_db.db_connect(db_name).cursor()
fp = misc.file_open(file_name)
convert_yaml_import(cr, module_name, fp, {}, 'update', True)
if cr: cr.close()
if fp: fp.close()
# vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

View File

@ -25,13 +25,12 @@ This module offers a WSGI interface to OpenERP.
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher
import httplib
import urllib
import xmlrpclib
import StringIO
import logging
import os
import signal
import sys
@ -109,11 +108,7 @@ def wsgi_jsonrpc(environ, start_response):
def wsgi_webdav(environ, start_response):
if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'OPTIONS' and environ['PATH_INFO'] == '*':
return return_options(start_response)
# Make sure the addons are loaded in the registry, so they have a chance
# to register themselves in the 'service' layer.
openerp.pooler.get_db_and_pool('xx', update_module=[], pooljobs=False)
return return_options(environ, start_response)
http_dir = websrv_lib.find_http_service(environ['PATH_INFO'])
if http_dir:
@ -124,15 +119,20 @@ def wsgi_webdav(environ, start_response):
environ['PATH_INFO'] = '/' + path
return http_to_wsgi(http_dir)(environ, start_response)
def return_options(start_response):
# TODO Microsoft specifi header, see websrv_lib do_OPTIONS
options = [('DAV', '1 2'), ('Allow', 'GET HEAD PROPFIND OPTIONS REPORT')]
def return_options(environ, start_response):
# Microsoft specific header, see
# http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library/2089.html
if 'Microsoft' in environ.get('User-Agent', ''):
option = [('MS-Author-Via', 'DAV')]
option = []
options += [('DAV', '1 2'), ('Allow', 'GET HEAD PROPFIND OPTIONS REPORT')]
start_response("200 OK", [('Content-Length', str(0))] + options)
return []
def http_to_wsgi(http_dir):
Turn BaseHTTPRequestHandler into a WSGI entry point.
Turn a BaseHTTPRequestHandler into a WSGI entry point.
Actually the argument is not a bare BaseHTTPRequestHandler but is wrapped
(as a class, so it needs to be instanciated) in a HTTPDir.
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ def http_to_wsgi(http_dir):
# needed.
if not hasattr(handler, method_name):
if handler.command == 'OPTIONS':
return return_options(start_response)
return return_options(environ, start_response)
start_response("501 Unsupported method (%r)" % handler.command, [])
return []
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ def parse_http_response(s):
return response
# WSGI handlers provided by modules loaded with the --load command-line option.
# WSGI handlers registered through the register_wsgi_handler() function below.
module_handlers = []
def register_wsgi_handler(handler):
@ -284,17 +284,32 @@ def application(environ, start_response):
return result
# We never returned from the loop. Needs something else than 200 OK.
# We never returned from the loop.
response = 'No handler found.\n'
start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain'), ('Content-Length', str(len(response)))])
start_response('404 Not Found', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain'), ('Content-Length', str(len(response)))])
return [response]
def serve():
""" Serve XMLRPC requests via wsgiref's simple_server.
""" Serve XMLRPC requests via werkzeug development server.
Blocking, should probably be called in its own process.
If werkzeug can not be imported, we fall back to wsgiref's simple_server.
Calling this function is blocking, you might want to call it in its own
httpd = make_server('localhost', config['xmlrpc_port'], application)
# TODO Change the xmlrpc_port option to http_port.
import werkzeug.serving
httpd = werkzeug.serving.make_server('localhost',
config['xmlrpc_port'], application, threaded=True)
except ImportError, e:
import wsgiref.simple_server
logging.getLogger('wsgi').warn('Can not import werkzeug, '
'falling back to wsgiref.')
httpd = wsgiref.simple_server.make_server('localhost',
config['xmlrpc_port'], application)
# Master process id, can be used for signaling.
@ -310,21 +325,6 @@ def on_starting(server):
def test_in_thread():
def f():
import time
print ">>>> test thread"
cr = openerp.sql_db.db_connect('xx').cursor()
module_name = 'document_webdav'
fp = openerp.tools.file_open('/home/openerp/repos/addons/trunk-xmlrpc/document_webdav/test/webdav_test1.yml')
openerp.tools.convert_yaml_import(cr, module_name, fp, {}, 'update', True)
print "<<<< test thread"
import threading
# Install our own signal handler on the master process.
def when_ready(server):