[IMP] [REF] mail_compose_message: slightly cleaned wizard code to lessen the number of corner cases and

to remove unnecessary code.
post and filter_id fields have been removed as they are not necessary.
Updated tests accordingly to new mass mailing tests: mass mailing create
emails, no message_post anymore using followers.

bzr revid: tde@openerp.com-20140317115315-ws8dvjbiv5rspk43
This commit is contained in:
Thibault Delavallée 2014-03-17 12:53:15 +01:00
parent f2a6904fea
commit 48deceb6c6
4 changed files with 115 additions and 127 deletions

View File

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class test_message_compose(TestMail):
# 1. Comment on pigs
compose_id = mail_compose.create(cr, uid,
{'subject': 'Forget me subject', 'body': '<p>Dummy body</p>', 'post': True},
{'subject': 'Forget me subject', 'body': '<p>Dummy body</p>'},
{'default_composition_mode': 'comment',
'default_model': 'mail.group',
'default_res_id': self.group_pigs_id,
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class test_message_compose(TestMail):
'default_template_id': email_template_id,
'active_ids': [self.group_pigs_id, self.group_bird_id]
compose_id = mail_compose.create(cr, uid, {'subject': 'Forget me subject', 'body': 'Dummy body', 'post': True}, context)
compose_id = mail_compose.create(cr, uid, {'subject': 'Forget me subject', 'body': 'Dummy body'}, context)
compose = mail_compose.browse(cr, uid, compose_id, context)
onchange_res = compose.onchange_template_id(email_template_id, 'comment', 'mail.group', self.group_pigs_id)['value']
onchange_res['partner_ids'] = [(4, partner_id) for partner_id in onchange_res.pop('partner_ids', [])]
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ class test_message_compose(TestMail):
'default_partner_ids': [p_a_id],
'active_ids': [self.group_pigs_id, self.group_bird_id]
compose_id = mail_compose.create(cr, uid, {'subject': 'Forget me subject', 'body': 'Dummy body', 'post': True}, context)
compose_id = mail_compose.create(cr, uid, {'subject': 'Forget me subject', 'body': 'Dummy body'}, context)
compose = mail_compose.browse(cr, uid, compose_id, context)
onchange_res = compose.onchange_template_id(email_template_id, 'mass_mail', 'mail.group', self.group_pigs_id)['value']
onchange_res['partner_ids'] = [(4, partner_id) for partner_id in onchange_res.pop('partner_ids', [])]
@ -172,12 +172,12 @@ class test_message_compose(TestMail):
self.assertIn(_body_html1, message_pigs.body, 'mail.message body on Pigs incorrect')
self.assertIn(_body_html2, message_bird.body, 'mail.message body on Bird incorrect')
# Test: partner_ids: p_a_id (default) + 3 newly created partners
message_pigs_pids = [partner.id for partner in message_pigs.notified_partner_ids]
message_bird_pids = [partner.id for partner in message_bird.notified_partner_ids]
partner_ids = self.res_partner.search(cr, uid, [('email', 'in', ['b@b.b', 'c@c.c', 'd@d.d'])])
self.assertEqual(set(message_pigs_pids), set(partner_ids), 'mail.message on pigs incorrect number of notified_partner_ids')
self.assertEqual(set(message_bird_pids), set(partner_ids), 'mail.message on bird notified_partner_ids incorrect')
# message_pigs_pids = [partner.id for partner in message_pigs.notified_partner_ids]
# message_bird_pids = [partner.id for partner in message_bird.notified_partner_ids]
# partner_ids = self.res_partner.search(cr, uid, [('email', 'in', ['b@b.b', 'c@c.c', 'd@d.d'])])
# partner_ids.append(p_a_id)
# self.assertEqual(set(message_pigs_pids), set(partner_ids), 'mail.message on pigs incorrect number of notified_partner_ids')
# self.assertEqual(set(message_bird_pids), set(partner_ids), 'mail.message on bird notified_partner_ids incorrect')
# ----------------------------------------
# CASE4: test newly introduced partner_to field

View File

@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ class mail_message(osv.Model):
context = dict(context, default_type=None)
return super(mail_message, self).default_get(cr, uid, fields, context=context)
def _shorten_name(self, name):
if len(name) <= (self._message_record_name_length + 3):
return name
return name[:self._message_record_name_length] + '...'
# def _shorten_name(self, name):
# if len(name) <= (self._message_record_name_length + 3):
# return name
# return name[:self._message_record_name_length] + '...'
def _get_to_read(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context=None):
""" Compute if the message is unread by the current user. """
@ -125,15 +125,15 @@ class mail_message(osv.Model):
inversed because we search unread message on a read column. """
return ['&', ('notification_ids.partner_id.user_ids', 'in', [uid]), ('notification_ids.starred', '=', domain[0][2])]
def name_get(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
# name_get may receive int id instead of an id list
if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
ids = [ids]
res = []
for message in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
name = '%s: %s' % (message.subject or '', strip_tags(message.body or '') or '')
res.append((message.id, self._shorten_name(name.lstrip(' :'))))
return res
# def name_get(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
# # name_get may receive int id instead of an id list
# if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
# ids = [ids]
# res = []
# for message in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
# name = '%s: %s' % (message.subject or '', strip_tags(message.body or '') or '')
# res.append((message.id, self._shorten_name(name.lstrip(' :'))))
# return res
_columns = {
'type': fields.selection([

View File

@ -656,7 +656,6 @@ class test_mail(TestMail):
'attachment_ids': [(0, 0, _attachments[0]), (0, 0, _attachments[1])]
}, context={
'default_composition_mode': 'reply',
'default_model': 'mail.thread',
'default_res_id': self.group_pigs_id,
'default_parent_id': message.id
@ -681,11 +680,10 @@ class test_mail(TestMail):
# --------------------------------------------------
# Do: Compose in mass_mail_mode on pigs and bird
compose_id = mail_compose.create(cr, user_raoul.id,
compose_id = mail_compose.create(
cr, user_raoul.id, {
'subject': _subject,
'body': '${object.description}',
'post': True,
'partner_ids': [(4, p_c_id), (4, p_d_id)],
}, context={
'default_composition_mode': 'mass_mail',
@ -700,6 +698,13 @@ class test_mail(TestMail):
'default_res_id': -1,
'active_ids': [self.group_pigs_id, group_bird_id]
# check mail_mail
mail_mail_ids = self.mail_mail.search(cr, uid, [('subject', '=', _subject)])
for mail_mail in self.mail_mail.browse(cr, uid, mail_mail_ids):
self.assertEqual(set([p.id for p in mail_mail.recipient_ids]), set([p_c_id, p_d_id]),
'compose wizard: mail_mail mass mailing: mail.mail in mass mail incorrect recipients')
# check logged messages
message1 = group_pigs.message_ids[0]
@ -715,14 +720,14 @@ class test_mail(TestMail):
'compose wizard: message_post: mail.message in mass mail subject incorrect')
self.assertEqual(message1.body, '<p>%s</p>' % group_pigs.description,
'compose wizard: message_post: mail.message in mass mail body incorrect')
self.assertEqual(set([p.id for p in message1.notified_partner_ids]), set([p_c_id, p_d_id]),
'compose wizard: message_post: mail.message in mass mail incorrect notified partners')
# self.assertEqual(set([p.id for p in message1.notified_partner_ids]), set([p_c_id, p_d_id]),
# 'compose wizard: message_post: mail.message in mass mail incorrect notified partners')
self.assertEqual(message2.subject, _subject,
'compose wizard: message_post: mail.message in mass mail subject incorrect')
self.assertEqual(message2.body, '<p>%s</p>' % group_bird.description,
'compose wizard: message_post: mail.message in mass mail body incorrect')
self.assertEqual(set([p.id for p in message2.notified_partner_ids]), set([p_c_id, p_d_id]),
'compose wizard: message_post: mail.message in mass mail incorrect notified partners')
# self.assertEqual(set([p.id for p in message2.notified_partner_ids]), set([p_c_id, p_d_id]),
# 'compose wizard: message_post: mail.message in mass mail incorrect notified partners')
# Test: mail.group followers: author not added as follower in mass mail mode
pigs_pids = [p.id for p in group_pigs.message_follower_ids]

View File

@ -38,10 +38,7 @@ class mail_compose_message(osv.TransientModel):
at model and view levels to provide specific features.
The behavior of the wizard depends on the composition_mode field:
- 'reply': reply to a previous message. The wizard is pre-populated
via ``get_message_data``.
- 'comment': new post on a record. The wizard is pre-populated via
- 'comment': post on a record. The wizard is pre-populated via ``get_record_data``
- 'mass_mail': wizard in mass mailing mode where the mail details can
contain template placeholders that will be merged with actual data
before being sent to each recipient.
@ -50,6 +47,7 @@ class mail_compose_message(osv.TransientModel):
_inherit = 'mail.message'
_description = 'Email composition wizard'
_log_access = True
_batch_size = 500
def default_get(self, cr, uid, fields, context=None):
""" Handle composition mode. Some details about context keys:
@ -82,10 +80,8 @@ class mail_compose_message(osv.TransientModel):
if 'active_domain' in context: # not context.get() because we want to keep global [] domains
vals['use_active_domain'] = True
vals['active_domain'] = '%s' % context.get('active_domain')
if result.get('parent_id'):
vals.update(self.get_message_data(cr, uid, result.get('parent_id'), context=context))
if result['composition_mode'] == 'comment' and result['model'] and result['res_id']:
vals.update(self.get_record_data(cr, uid, result['model'], result['res_id'], context=context))
if result['composition_mode'] == 'comment':
vals.update(self.get_record_data(cr, uid, result, context=context))
result['recipients_data'] = self.get_recipients_data(cr, uid, result, context=context)
for field in vals:
@ -120,14 +116,14 @@ class mail_compose_message(osv.TransientModel):
help='Helper field used in mass mailing to display a sample of recipients'),
'use_active_domain': fields.boolean('Use active domain'),
'active_domain': fields.char('Active domain', readonly=True),
'attachment_ids': fields.many2many('ir.attachment',
'wizard_id', 'attachment_id', 'Attachments'),
# mass mode options
'notify': fields.boolean('Notify followers',
help='Notify followers of the document (mass post only)'),
'same_thread': fields.boolean('Replies in the document',
help='Replies to the messages will go into the selected document (mass mail only)'),
'attachment_ids': fields.many2many('ir.attachment',
'wizard_id', 'attachment_id', 'Attachments'),
'filter_id': fields.many2one('ir.filters', 'Filters'),
#TODO change same_thread to False in trunk (Require view update)
_defaults = {
@ -135,7 +131,6 @@ class mail_compose_message(osv.TransientModel):
'body': lambda self, cr, uid, ctx={}: '',
'subject': lambda self, cr, uid, ctx={}: False,
'partner_ids': lambda self, cr, uid, ctx={}: [],
'notify': True,
'same_thread': True,
@ -175,58 +170,54 @@ class mail_compose_message(osv.TransientModel):
doc_name = self.pool[model].name_get(cr, uid, [res_id], context=context)
return doc_name and 'Followers of %s' % doc_name[0][1] or False
elif composition_mode == 'mass_post' and model:
active_ids = context.get('active_ids', list())
if not active_ids:
return False
name_gets = [rec_name[1] for rec_name in self.pool[model].name_get(cr, uid, active_ids[:3], context=context)]
return 'Followers of selected documents (' + ', '.join(name_gets) + len(active_ids) > 3 and ', ...' or '' + ')'
if 'active_domain' in context:
active_ids = self.pool[model].search(cr, uid, eval(context['active_domain']), limit=100, context=context)
active_ids = context.get('active_ids', list())
if active_ids:
name_gets = [rec_name[1] for rec_name in self.pool[model].name_get(cr, uid, active_ids[:3], context=context)]
return 'Followers of selected documents (' + ', '.join(name_gets) + len(active_ids) > 3 and ', ...' or '' + ')'
return False
def get_record_data(self, cr, uid, model, res_id, context=None):
def get_record_data(self, cr, uid, values, context=None):
""" Returns a defaults-like dict with initial values for the composition
wizard when sending an email related to the document record
identified by ``model`` and ``res_id``.
:param str model: model name of the document record this mail is
related to.
:param int res_id: id of the document record this mail is related to
doc_name_get = self.pool[model].name_get(cr, uid, [res_id], context=context)
return {
'record_name': doc_name_get and doc_name_get[0][1] or False,
'subject': doc_name_get and 'Re: %s' % doc_name_get[0][1] or False,
def get_message_data(self, cr, uid, message_id, context=None):
""" Returns a defaults-like dict with initial values for the composition
wizard when replying to the given message (e.g. including the quote
of the initial message, and the correct recipients).
:param int message_id: id of the mail.message to which the user
is replying.
if not message_id:
return {}
:param values: dictionary of default and already computed values for the mail_compose_message_res_partner_re
:type values: dict"""
if context is None:
context = {}
message_data = self.pool.get('mail.message').browse(cr, uid, message_id, context=context)
model, res_id, parent_id = values.get('model'), values.get('res_id'), values.get('parent_id')
record_name, subject, partner_ids = values.get('record_name'), values.get('subject'), values.get('partner_ids', list())
if parent_id:
message_data = self.pool.get('mail.message').browse(cr, uid, parent_id, context=context)
record_name = message_data.record_name,
subject = tools.ustr(message_data.subject or message_data.record_name or '')
if not model:
model = message_data.model
if not res_id:
res_id = message_data.res_id
# get partner_ids from original message
partner_ids += [partner.id for partner in message_data.partner_ids]
if context.get('is_private') and message_data.author_id: # check message is private then add author also in partner list.
partner_ids += [message_data.author_id.id]
elif model and res_id:
doc_name_get = self.pool[model].name_get(cr, uid, [res_id], context=context)
record_name = doc_name_get and doc_name_get[0][1] or ''
subject = tools.ustr(record_name)
# create subject
re_prefix = _('Re:')
reply_subject = tools.ustr(message_data.subject or message_data.record_name or '')
if not (reply_subject.startswith('Re:') or reply_subject.startswith(re_prefix)):
reply_subject = "%s %s" % (re_prefix, reply_subject)
if not (subject.startswith('Re:') or subject.startswith(re_prefix)):
subject = "%s %s" % (re_prefix, subject)
# get partner_ids from original message
partner_ids = [partner.id for partner in message_data.partner_ids] if message_data.partner_ids else []
partner_ids += context.get('default_partner_ids', [])
if context.get('is_private') and message_data.author_id: # check message is private then add author also in partner list.
partner_ids += [message_data.author_id.id]
# update the result
return {
'record_name': message_data.record_name,
'subject': reply_subject,
'partner_ids': partner_ids,
'record_name': record_name,
'subject': subject,
'partner_ids': list(set(partner_ids)),
'model': model,
'res_id': res_id,
@ -238,8 +229,8 @@ class mail_compose_message(osv.TransientModel):
email(s), rendering any template patterns on the fly if needed. """
if context is None:
context = {}
import datetime
print '--> beginning sending email', datetime.datetime.now()
# import datetime
# print '--> beginning sending email', datetime.datetime.now()
# clean the context (hint: mass mailing sets some default values that
# could be wrongly interpreted by mail_mail)
context.pop('default_email_to', None)
@ -260,24 +251,26 @@ class mail_compose_message(osv.TransientModel):
res_ids = [wizard.res_id]
print '----> before computing values', datetime.datetime.now()
all_mail_values = self.get_mail_values(cr, uid, wizard, res_ids, context=context)
print '----> after computing values', datetime.datetime.now()
# print '----> before computing values', datetime.datetime.now()
# print '----> after computing values', datetime.datetime.now()
for res_id, mail_values in all_mail_values.iteritems():
if wizard.composition_mode == 'mass_mail':
self.pool['mail.mail'].create(cr, uid, mail_values, context=context)
subtype = 'mail.mt_comment'
if context.get('mail_compose_log') or (wizard.composition_mode == 'mass_post' and not wizard.notify): # log a note: subtype is False
subtype = False
if wizard.composition_mode == 'mass_post':
context = dict(context,
mail_notify_force_send=False, # do not send emails directly but use the queue instead
mail_create_nosubscribe=True) # add context key to avoid subscribing the author
active_model_pool.message_post(cr, uid, [res_id], type='comment', subtype=subtype, context=context, **mail_values)
sliced_res_ids = [res_ids[i:i + self._batch_size] for i in range(0, len(res_ids), self._batch_size)]
for res_ids in sliced_res_ids:
all_mail_values = self.get_mail_values(cr, uid, wizard, res_ids, context=context)
for res_id, mail_values in all_mail_values.iteritems():
if wizard.composition_mode == 'mass_mail':
self.pool['mail.mail'].create(cr, uid, mail_values, context=context)
subtype = 'mail.mt_comment'
if context.get('mail_compose_log') or (wizard.composition_mode == 'mass_post' and not wizard.notify): # log a note: subtype is False
subtype = False
if wizard.composition_mode == 'mass_post':
context = dict(context,
mail_notify_force_send=False, # do not send emails directly but use the queue instead
mail_create_nosubscribe=True) # add context key to avoid subscribing the author
active_model_pool.message_post(cr, uid, [res_id], type='comment', subtype=subtype, context=context, **mail_values)
print '--> finished sending email', datetime.datetime.now()
# print '--> finished sending email', datetime.datetime.now()
return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
def get_mail_values(self, cr, uid, wizard, res_ids, context=None):
@ -300,46 +293,36 @@ class mail_compose_message(osv.TransientModel):
'attachment_ids': [attach.id for attach in wizard.attachment_ids],
'author_id': wizard.author_id.id,
'email_from': wizard.email_from,
'record_name': wizard.record_name,
# mass mailing: rendering override wizard static values
if mass_mail_mode and wizard.model:
# always keep a copy, reset record name (avoid browsing records)
mail_values.update(notification=True, model=wizard.model, res_id=res_id, record_name=False)
# auto deletion of mail_mail
if 'mail_auto_delete' in context:
mail_values['auto_delete'] = context.get('mail_auto_delete')
# rendered values using template
email_dict = rendered_values[res_id]
mail_values['partner_ids'] += email_dict.pop('partner_ids', [])
# process attachments: should not be encoded before being processed by message_post / mail_mail create
attachments = []
if email_dict.get('attachments'):
for name, enc_cont in email_dict.pop('attachments'):
attachments.append((name, base64.b64decode(enc_cont)))
mail_values['attachments'] = attachments
attachment_ids = []
for attach_id in mail_values.pop('attachment_ids'):
new_attach_id = self.pool.get('ir.attachment').copy(cr, uid, attach_id, {'res_model': self._name, 'res_id': wizard.id}, context=context)
mail_values['attachment_ids'] = attachment_ids
# replies redirection: mass mailing only
if wizard.same_thread:
email_dict.pop('reply_to', None)
mail_values['reply_to'] = email_dict.pop('reply_to', None)
# if not mail_values.get('reply_to'):
# mail_values['reply_to'] = mail_values['email_from']
# value tweaking in mass mailing
mail_values['record_name'] = False # avoid browsing the record for an email
if wizard.same_thread: # same thread: keep a copy of the message in the chatter to enable the reply redirection
mail_values.update(notification=True, model=wizard.model, res_id=res_id)
m2m_attachment_ids = self.pool['mail.thread']._message_preprocess_attachments(
# process attachments: should not be encoded before being processed by message_post / mail_mail create
mail_values['attachments'] = [(name, base64.b64decode(enc_cont)) for name, enc_cont in email_dict.pop('attachments', list())]
attachment_ids = []
for attach_id in mail_values.pop('attachment_ids'):
new_attach_id = self.pool.get('ir.attachment').copy(cr, uid, attach_id, {'res_model': self._name, 'res_id': wizard.id}, context=context)
mail_values['attachment_ids'] = self.pool['mail.thread']._message_preprocess_attachments(
cr, uid, mail_values.pop('attachments', []),
mail_values.pop('attachment_ids', []),
'mail.message', 0,
mail_values['attachment_ids'] = m2m_attachment_ids
if not mail_values.get('reply_to'):
mail_values['reply_to'] = mail_values['email_from']
# mail_mail values
if 'mail_auto_delete' in context:
mail_values['auto_delete'] = context.get('mail_auto_delete')
attachment_ids, 'mail.message', 0, context=context)
# mail_mail values: body -> body_html, partner_ids -> recipient_ids
mail_values['body_html'] = mail_values.get('body', '')
mail_values['recipient_ids'] = [(4, id) for id in mail_values.pop('partner_ids', [])]