Fix max_stack_depth for sql query with 'id in ()' in the orm

bzr revid: ced-e6c36932bc98a10352672caef2ad650393b608e8
This commit is contained in:
ced 2007-12-13 13:39:34 +00:00
parent 2f0f29f510
commit 49d7cae04d
1 changed files with 104 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ import ir
import tools
prof = 0
ID_MAX = 1000
def intersect(la, lb):
return filter(lambda x: x in lb, la)
@ -811,18 +812,27 @@ class orm(object):
# all inherited fields + all non inherited fields for which the attribute whose name is in load is True
fields_pre = filter(lambda x: x in self._columns and getattr(self._columns[x],'_classic_write'), fields) + self._inherits.values()
res = []
if len(fields_pre) :
fields_pre2 = map(lambda x: (x in ('create_date', 'write_date')) and ('date_trunc(\'second\', '+x+') as '+x) or '"'+x+'"', fields_pre)
if d1:
cr.execute('select %s from \"%s\" where id in (%s) and %s order by %s' % (','.join(fields_pre2 + ['id']), self._table, ','.join([str(x) for x in ids]), d1, self._order),d2)
if not cr.rowcount == len({}.fromkeys(ids)):
raise except_orm('AccessError', 'You try to bypass an access rule (Document type: %s).' % self._description)
cr.execute('select %s from \"%s\" where id in (%s) order by %s' % (','.join(fields_pre2 + ['id']), self._table, ','.join([str(x) for x in ids]), self._order))
res = cr.dictfetchall()
for i in range((len(ids) / ID_MAX) + ((len(ids) % ID_MAX) and 1 or 0)):
sub_ids = ids[ID_MAX * i:ID_MAX * (i + 1)]
if d1:
cr.execute('select %s from \"%s\" where id in (%s) and %s order by %s' % \
(','.join(fields_pre2 + ['id']), self._table,
','.join([str(x) for x in sub_ids]), d1,
if not cr.rowcount == len({}.fromkeys(sub_ids)):
raise except_orm('AccessError',
'You try to bypass an access rule (Document type: %s).' % self._description)
cr.execute('select %s from \"%s\" where id in (%s) order by %s' % \
(','.join(fields_pre2 + ['id']), self._table,
','.join([str(x) for x in sub_ids]),
res = map(lambda x: {'id':x}, ids)
res = map(lambda x: {'id': x}, ids)
for f in fields_pre:
if self._columns[f].translate:
@ -981,17 +991,21 @@ class orm(object):
ids = [ids]
delta= context.get('read_delta',False)
if delta and self._log_access:
cr.execute("select (now() - min(write_date)) <= '%s'::interval from \"%s\" where id in (%s)"% (delta,self._table,",".join(map(str, ids))) )
for i in range((len(ids) / ID_MAX) + ((len(ids) % ID_MAX) and 1 or 0)):
sub_ids = ids[ID_MAX * i:ID_MAX * (i + 1)]
cr.execute("select (now() - min(write_date)) <= '%s'::interval " \
"from \"%s\" where id in (%s)" %
(delta, self._table, ",".join(map(str, sub_ids))) )
res= cr.fetchone()
if res and res[0]:
raise except_orm('ConcurrencyException', 'This record was modified in the meanwhile')
raise except_orm('ConcurrencyException',
'This record was modified in the meanwhile')
self.pool.get('ir.model.access').check(cr, uid, self._name, 'unlink')
wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow")
for id in ids:
wf_service.trg_delete(uid, self._name, id, cr)
str_d = string.join(('%d',)*len(ids),',')
#cr.execute('select * from '+self._table+' where id in ('+str_d+')', ids)
#res = cr.dictfetchall()
@ -1002,12 +1016,28 @@ class orm(object):
d1, d2 = self.pool.get('ir.rule').domain_get(cr, uid, self._name)
if d1:
d1 = ' AND '+d1
cr.execute('SELECT id FROM "'+self._table+'" WHERE id IN ('+str_d+')'+d1, ids+d2)
if not cr.rowcount == len({}.fromkeys(ids)):
raise except_orm('AccessError', 'You try to bypass an access rule (Document type: %s).'%self._description)
cr.execute('delete from inherit where (obj_type=%s and obj_id in ('+str_d+')) or (inst_type=%s and inst_id in ('+str_d+'))', (self._name,)+tuple(ids)+(self._name,)+tuple(ids))
cr.execute('delete from "'+self._table+'" where id in ('+str_d+')'+d1, ids+d2)
for i in range((len(ids) / ID_MAX) + ((len(ids) % ID_MAX) and 1 or 0)):
sub_ids = ids[ID_MAX * i:ID_MAX * (i + 1)]
str_d = string.join(('%d',)*len(sub_ids),',')
if d1:
cr.execute('SELECT id FROM "'+self._table+'" ' \
'WHERE id IN ('+str_d+')'+d1, sub_ids+d2)
if not cr.rowcount == len({}.fromkeys(ids)):
raise except_orm('AccessError',
'You try to bypass an access rule (Document type: %s).' % \
cr.execute('delete from inherit ' \
'where (obj_type=%s and obj_id in ('+str_d+')) ' \
'or (inst_type=%s and inst_id in ('+str_d+'))',
if d1:
cr.execute('delete from "'+self._table+'" ' \
'where id in ('+str_d+')'+d1, sub_ids+d2)
cr.execute('delete from "'+self._table+'" ' \
'where id in ('+str_d+')', sub_ids)
return True
@ -1022,18 +1052,22 @@ class orm(object):
ids = [ids]
delta= context.get('read_delta',False)
if delta and self._log_access:
cr.execute("select (now() - min(write_date)) <= '%s'::interval from %s where id in (%s)"% (delta,self._table,",".join(map(str, ids))) )
res= cr.fetchone()
if res and res[0]:
for field in vals:
if field in self._columns and self._columns[field]._classic_write:
raise except_orm('ConcurrencyException', 'This record was modified in the meanwhile')
for i in range((len(ids) / ID_MAX) + ((len(ids) % ID_MAX) and 1 or 0)):
sub_ids = ids[ID_MAX * i:ID_MAX * (i + 1)]
cr.execute("select (now() - min(write_date)) <= '%s'::interval " \
"from %s where id in (%s)" %
(delta,self._table, ",".join(map(str, sub_ids))))
res= cr.fetchone()
if res and res[0]:
for field in vals:
if field in self._columns and self._columns[field]._classic_write:
raise except_orm('ConcurrencyException',
'This record was modified in the meanwhile')
self.pool.get('ir.model.access').check(cr, user, self._name, 'write')
#for v in self._inherits.values():
# assert v not in vals, (v, vals)
ids_str = string.join(map(str, ids),',')
@ -1080,14 +1114,29 @@ class orm(object):
d1, d2 = self.pool.get('ir.rule').domain_get(cr, user, self._name)
if d1:
d1 = ' and '+d1
cr.execute('SELECT id FROM "'+self._table+'" WHERE id IN ('+ids_str+')'+d1, d2)
if not cr.rowcount == len({}.fromkeys(ids)):
raise except_orm('AccessError', 'You try to bypass an access rule (Document type: %s).'%self._description)
cr.execute('SELECT id FROM "'+self._table+'" WHERE id IN ('+ids_str+')')
if not cr.rowcount == len({}.fromkeys(ids)):
raise except_orm('AccessError', 'You try to write on an record that doesn\'t exist (Document type: %s).'%self._description)
cr.execute('update "'+self._table+'" set '+string.join(upd0,',')+' where id in ('+ids_str+')'+d1, upd1+ d2)
for i in range((len(ids) / ID_MAX) + ((len(ids) % ID_MAX) and 1 or 0)):
sub_ids = ids[ID_MAX * i:ID_MAX * (i + 1)]
ids_str = string.join(map(str, sub_ids),',')
if d1:
cr.execute('SELECT id FROM "'+self._table+'" ' \
'WHERE id IN ('+ids_str+')'+d1, d2)
if not cr.rowcount == len({}.fromkeys(sub_ids)):
raise except_orm('AccessError',
'You try to bypass an access rule (Document type: %s).'% \
cr.execute('SELECT id FROM "'+self._table+'" WHERE id IN ('+ids_str+')')
if not cr.rowcount == len({}.fromkeys(sub_ids)):
raise except_orm('AccessError',
'You try to write on an record that doesn\'t exist ' \
'(Document type: %s).' % self._description)
if d1:
cr.execute('update "'+self._table+'" set '+string.join(upd0,',')+' ' \
'where id in ('+ids_str+')'+d1, upd1+ d2)
cr.execute('update "'+self._table+'" set '+string.join(upd0,',')+' ' \
'where id in ('+ids_str+')', upd1)
if totranslate:
for f in direct:
@ -1102,8 +1151,13 @@ class orm(object):
for table in self._inherits:
col = self._inherits[table]
cr.execute('select distinct "'+col+'" from "'+self._table+'" where id in ('+ids_str+')', upd1)
nids = [x[0] for x in cr.fetchall()]
nids = []
for i in range((len(ids) / ID_MAX) + ((len(ids) % ID_MAX) and 1 or 0)):
sub_ids = ids[ID_MAX * i:ID_MAX * (i + 1)]
ids_str = string.join(map(str, sub_ids),',')
cr.execute('select distinct "'+col+'" from "'+self._table+'" ' \
'where id in ('+ids_str+')', upd1)
nids.extend([x[0] for x in cr.fetchall()])
v = {}
for val in updend:
@ -1657,8 +1711,13 @@ class orm(object):
if not ids2:
args[i] = ('id','=','0')
cr.execute('select "'+field._fields_id+'" from "'+field_obj._table+'" where id in ('+','.join(map(str,ids2))+')')
ids3 = [x[0] for x in cr.fetchall()]
ids3 = []
for i in range((len(ids2) / ID_MAX) + (len(ids2) % ID_MAX)):
sub_ids2 = ids2[ID_MAX * i:ID_MAX * (i + 1)]
cr.execute('select "'+field._fields_id+'" ' \
'from "'+field_obj._table+'" ' \
'where id in ('+','.join(map(str,sub_ids2))+')')
ids3.extend([x[0] for x in cr.fetchall()])
args[i] = ('id', 'in', ids3)
@ -1803,6 +1862,7 @@ class orm(object):
for xitem in todel[::-1]:
del x[2][xitem]
#TODO fix max_stack_depth
if x[0]=='id':
qu1.append('( in (%s))' % (table._table, ','.join(['%d'] * len(x[2])),))
@ -1975,9 +2035,14 @@ class orm(object):
parent = self._parent_name
ids_parent = ids[:]
while len(ids_parent):
cr.execute('SELECT distinct "'+parent+'"'+
' FROM "'+self._table+'" WHERE id in ('+','.join(map(str, ids_parent))+')')
ids_parent = filter(None, map(lambda x: x[0], cr.fetchall()))
ids_parent2 = []
for i in range((len(ids) / ID_MAX) + ((len(ids) % ID_MAX) and 1 or 0)):
sub_ids_parent = ids_parent[ID_MAX * i:ID_MAX * (i + 1)]
cr.execute('SELECT distinct "'+parent+'"'+
' FROM "'+self._table+'" ' \
'WHERE id in ('+','.join(map(str, sub_ids_parent))+')')
ids_parent2.extend(filter(None, map(lambda x: x[0], cr.fetchall())))
ids_parent = ids_parent2
for i in ids_parent:
if i in ids:
return False