[DEL]Remove commented useless fields_view_get

bzr revid: dle@openerp.com-20121122152612-i4k15g2k73pd7b1l
This commit is contained in:
Denis Ledoux dle@openerp.com 2012-11-22 16:26:12 +01:00
parent 44c948caf4
commit 4e9f308bef
1 changed files with 0 additions and 121 deletions

View File

@ -1012,127 +1012,6 @@ class account_move_line(osv.osv):
# def fields_view_get(self, cr, uid, view_id=None, view_type='form', context=None, toolbar=False, submenu=False):
# journal_pool = self.pool.get('account.journal')
# if context is None:
# context = {}
# result = super(account_move_line, self).fields_view_get(cr, uid, view_id, view_type, context=context, toolbar=toolbar, submenu=submenu)
# if (view_type != 'tree') or view_id:
# #Remove the toolbar from the form view
# if view_type == 'form':
# if result.get('toolbar', False):
# result['toolbar']['action'] = []
# #Restrict the list of journal view in search view
# if view_type == 'search' and result['fields'].get('journal_id', False):
# result['fields']['journal_id']['selection'] = journal_pool.name_search(cr, uid, '', [], context=context)
# ctx = context.copy()
# #we add the refunds journal in the selection field of journal
# if context.get('journal_type', False) == 'sale':
# ctx.update({'journal_type': 'sale_refund'})
# result['fields']['journal_id']['selection'] += journal_pool.name_search(cr, uid, '', [], context=ctx)
# elif context.get('journal_type', False) == 'purchase':
# ctx.update({'journal_type': 'purchase_refund'})
# result['fields']['journal_id']['selection'] += journal_pool.name_search(cr, uid, '', [], context=ctx)
# return result
# if context.get('view_mode', False):
# return result
# fld = []
# flds = []
# title = _("Accounting Entries") # self.view_header_get(cr, uid, view_id, view_type, context)
# ids = journal_pool.search(cr, uid, [], context=context)
# journals = journal_pool.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
# for journal in journals:
# for field in journal.view_id.columns_id:
# # sometimes, it's possible that a defined column is not loaded (the module containing
# # this field is not loaded) when we make an update.
# if field.field not in self._columns:
# continue
# if not field.field in flds:
# fld.append((field.field, field.sequence))
# flds.append(field.field)
# default_columns = {
# 'period_id': 3,
# 'journal_id': 10,
# 'state': sys.maxint,
# }
# for d in default_columns:
# if d not in flds:
# fld.append((d, default_columns[d]))
# flds.append(d)
# fld = sorted(fld, key=itemgetter(1))
# widths = {
# 'statement_id': 50,
# 'state': 60,
# 'tax_code_id': 50,
# 'move_id': 40,
# }
# document = etree.Element('tree', string=title, editable="top",
# on_write="on_create_write",
# colors="red:state=='draft';black:state=='valid'")
# fields_get = self.fields_get(cr, uid, flds, context)
# for field, _seq in fld:
# # TODO add string to element
# f = etree.SubElement(document, 'field', name=field)
# if field == 'debit':
# f.set('sum', _("Total debit"))
# elif field == 'credit':
# f.set('sum', _("Total credit"))
# elif field == 'move_id':
# f.set('required', 'False')
# elif field == 'account_tax_id':
# f.set('domain', "[('parent_id', '=' ,False)]")
# f.set('context', "{'journal_id': journal_id}")
# elif field == 'account_id' and journal.id:
# f.set('domain', "[('journal_id', '=', journal_id),('type','!=','view'), ('type','!=','closed')]")
# f.set('on_change', 'onchange_account_id(account_id, partner_id)')
# elif field == 'partner_id':
# f.set('on_change', 'onchange_partner_id(move_id, partner_id, account_id, debit, credit, date, journal_id)')
# elif field == 'journal_id':
# f.set('context', "{'journal_id': journal_id}")
# elif field == 'statement_id':
# f.set('domain', "[('state', '!=', 'confirm'),('journal_id.type', '=', 'bank')]")
# f.set('invisible', 'True')
# elif field == 'date':
# f.set('on_change', 'onchange_date(date)')
# elif field == 'analytic_account_id':
# # Currently it is not working due to being executed by superclass's fields_view_get
# # f.set('groups', 'analytic.group_analytic_accounting')
# pass
# if field in ('amount_currency', 'currency_id'):
# f.set('on_change', 'onchange_currency(account_id, amount_currency, currency_id, date, journal_id)')
# f.set('attrs', "{'readonly': [('state', '=', 'valid')]}")
# if field in widths:
# f.set('width', str(widths[field]))
# if field in ('journal_id',):
# f.set("invisible", "context.get('journal_id', False)")
# elif field in ('period_id',):
# f.set("invisible", "context.get('period_id', False)")
# orm.setup_modifiers(f, fields_get[field], context=context,
# in_tree_view=True)
# result['arch'] = etree.tostring(document, pretty_print=True)
# result['fields'] = fields_get
# return result
def _check_moves(self, cr, uid, context=None):
# use the first move ever created for this journal and period
if context is None: