[REF] moved graph code from modules.__init__ to modules.graph

- made upgrade_graph a method of Graph called add_modules
- removed unnecessary create_graph function.

bzr revid: vmt@openerp.com-20110511152810-etqru9pct1zwyqno
This commit is contained in:
Vo Minh Thu 2011-05-11 17:28:10 +02:00
parent 5ca0f64b4e
commit 52d1291506
2 changed files with 219 additions and 162 deletions

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@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ from cStringIO import StringIO
import logging
import openerp.modules.db
import openerp.modules.graph
logger = netsvc.Logger()
@ -85,110 +86,6 @@ def open_openerp_namespace():
if k.startswith('openerp.') and sys.modules.get(k[8:]) is None:
sys.modules[k[8:]] = v
class Graph(dict):
""" Modules dependency graph.
The graph is a mapping from module name to Nodes.
def addNode(self, name, deps):
max_depth, father = 0, None
for n in [Node(x, self) for x in deps]:
if n.depth >= max_depth:
father = n
max_depth = n.depth
if father:
Node(name, self)
def update_from_db(self, cr):
if not len(self):
# update the graph with values from the database (if exist)
## First, we set the default values for each package in graph
additional_data = dict.fromkeys(self.keys(), {'id': 0, 'state': 'uninstalled', 'dbdemo': False, 'installed_version': None})
## Then we get the values from the database
cr.execute('SELECT name, id, state, demo AS dbdemo, latest_version AS installed_version'
' FROM ir_module_module'
' WHERE name IN %s',(tuple(additional_data),)
## and we update the default values with values from the database
additional_data.update(dict([(x.pop('name'), x) for x in cr.dictfetchall()]))
for package in self.values():
for k, v in additional_data[package.name].items():
setattr(package, k, v)
def __iter__(self):
level = 0
done = set(self.keys())
while done:
level_modules = [(name, module) for name, module in self.items() if module.depth==level]
for name, module in level_modules:
yield module
level += 1
class Singleton(object):
def __new__(cls, name, graph):
if name in graph:
inst = graph[name]
inst = object.__new__(cls)
inst.name = name
graph[name] = inst
return inst
class Node(Singleton):
""" One module in the modules dependency graph.
Node acts as a per-module singleton.
def __init__(self, name, graph):
self.graph = graph
if not hasattr(self, 'children'):
self.children = []
if not hasattr(self, 'depth'):
self.depth = 0
def addChild(self, name):
node = Node(name, self.graph)
node.depth = self.depth + 1
if node not in self.children:
for attr in ('init', 'update', 'demo'):
if hasattr(self, attr):
setattr(node, attr, True)
self.children.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.name, y.name))
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
super(Singleton, self).__setattr__(name, value)
if name in ('init', 'update', 'demo'):
tools.config[name][self.name] = 1
for child in self.children:
setattr(child, name, value)
if name == 'depth':
for child in self.children:
setattr(child, name, value + 1)
def __iter__(self):
return itertools.chain(iter(self.children), *map(iter, self.children))
def __str__(self):
return self._pprint()
def _pprint(self, depth=0):
s = '%s\n' % self.name
for c in self.children:
s += '%s`-> %s' % (' ' * depth, c._pprint(depth+1))
return s
def get_module_path(module, downloaded=False):
"""Return the path of the given module.
@ -407,62 +304,6 @@ def get_modules_with_version():
return res
def create_graph(cr, module_list, force=None):
graph = Graph()
upgrade_graph(graph, cr, module_list, force)
return graph
def upgrade_graph(graph, cr, module_list, force=None):
if force is None:
force = []
packages = []
len_graph = len(graph)
for module in module_list:
# This will raise an exception if no/unreadable descriptor file.
# NOTE The call to load_information_from_description_file is already
# done by db.initialize, so it is possible to not do it again here.
info = load_information_from_description_file(module)
if info['installable']:
packages.append((module, info)) # TODO directly a dict, like in get_modules_with_version
logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, 'module %s: not installable, skipped' % (module))
dependencies = dict([(p, info['depends']) for p, info in packages])
current, later = set([p for p, info in packages]), set()
while packages and current > later:
package, info = packages[0]
deps = info['depends']
# if all dependencies of 'package' are already in the graph, add 'package' in the graph
if reduce(lambda x, y: x and y in graph, deps, True):
if not package in current:
graph.addNode(package, deps)
node = Node(package, graph)
node.data = info
for kind in ('init', 'demo', 'update'):
if package in tools.config[kind] or 'all' in tools.config[kind] or kind in force:
setattr(node, kind, True)
packages.append((package, info))
for package in later:
unmet_deps = filter(lambda p: p not in graph, dependencies[package])
logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_ERROR, 'module %s: Unmet dependencies: %s' % (package, ', '.join(unmet_deps)))
result = len(graph) - len_graph
if result != len(module_list):
logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, 'Not all modules have loaded.')
return result
def init_module_models(cr, module_name, obj_list):
""" Initialize a list of models.
@ -898,7 +739,8 @@ def load_modules(db, force_demo=False, status=None, update_module=False):
cr.execute("update ir_module_module set state=%s where name=%s and state=%s", ('to upgrade', 'base', 'installed'))
# STEP 1: LOAD BASE (must be done before module dependencies can be computed for later steps)
graph = create_graph(cr, ['base'], force)
graph = openerp.modules.graph.Graph()
graph.add_module(cr, 'base', force)
if not graph:
logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_CRITICAL, 'module base cannot be loaded! (hint: verify addons-path)')
raise osv.osv.except_osv(_('Could not load base module'), _('module base cannot be loaded! (hint: verify addons-path)'))
@ -946,7 +788,7 @@ def load_modules(db, force_demo=False, status=None, update_module=False):
if not module_list:
new_modules_in_graph = upgrade_graph(graph, cr, module_list, force)
new_modules_in_graph = graph.add_modules(cr, module_list, force)
if new_modules_in_graph == 0:
# nothing to load

openerp/modules/graph.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
# Copyright (C) 2010-2011 OpenERP s.a. (<http://openerp.com>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os, sys, imp
from os.path import join as opj
import itertools
import zipimport
import openerp
import openerp.osv as osv
import openerp.tools as tools
import openerp.tools.osutil as osutil
from openerp.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval as eval
import openerp.pooler as pooler
from openerp.tools.translate import _
import openerp.netsvc as netsvc
import zipfile
import openerp.release as release
import re
import base64
from zipfile import PyZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED
from cStringIO import StringIO
import logging
import openerp.modules.db
logger = netsvc.Logger()
class Graph(dict):
""" Modules dependency graph.
The graph is a mapping from module name to Nodes.
def add_node(self, name, deps):
max_depth, father = 0, None
for n in [Node(x, self) for x in deps]:
if n.depth >= max_depth:
father = n
max_depth = n.depth
if father:
return father.add_child(name)
return Node(name, self)
def update_from_db(self, cr):
if not len(self):
# update the graph with values from the database (if exist)
## First, we set the default values for each package in graph
additional_data = dict.fromkeys(self.keys(), {'id': 0, 'state': 'uninstalled', 'dbdemo': False, 'installed_version': None})
## Then we get the values from the database
cr.execute('SELECT name, id, state, demo AS dbdemo, latest_version AS installed_version'
' FROM ir_module_module'
' WHERE name IN %s',(tuple(additional_data),)
## and we update the default values with values from the database
additional_data.update(dict([(x.pop('name'), x) for x in cr.dictfetchall()]))
for package in self.values():
for k, v in additional_data[package.name].items():
setattr(package, k, v)
def add_module(self, cr, module, force=None):
self.add_modules(cr, [module], force)
def add_modules(self, cr, module_list, force=None):
if force is None:
force = []
packages = []
len_graph = len(self)
for module in module_list:
# This will raise an exception if no/unreadable descriptor file.
# NOTE The call to load_information_from_description_file is already
# done by db.initialize, so it is possible to not do it again here.
info = openerp.modules.load_information_from_description_file(module)
if info['installable']:
packages.append((module, info)) # TODO directly a dict, like in get_modules_with_version
logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, 'module %s: not installable, skipped' % (module))
dependencies = dict([(p, info['depends']) for p, info in packages])
current, later = set([p for p, info in packages]), set()
while packages and current > later:
package, info = packages[0]
deps = info['depends']
# if all dependencies of 'package' are already in the graph, add 'package' in the graph
if reduce(lambda x, y: x and y in self, deps, True):
if not package in current:
node = self.add_node(package, deps)
node.data = info
for kind in ('init', 'demo', 'update'):
if package in tools.config[kind] or 'all' in tools.config[kind] or kind in force:
setattr(node, kind, True)
packages.append((package, info))
for package in later:
unmet_deps = filter(lambda p: p not in self, dependencies[package])
logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_ERROR, 'module %s: Unmet dependencies: %s' % (package, ', '.join(unmet_deps)))
result = len(self) - len_graph
if result != len(module_list):
logger.notifyChannel('init', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, 'Not all modules have loaded.')
return result
def __iter__(self):
level = 0
done = set(self.keys())
while done:
level_modules = [(name, module) for name, module in self.items() if module.depth==level]
for name, module in level_modules:
yield module
level += 1
class Singleton(object):
def __new__(cls, name, graph):
if name in graph:
inst = graph[name]
inst = object.__new__(cls)
inst.name = name
graph[name] = inst
return inst
class Node(Singleton):
""" One module in the modules dependency graph.
Node acts as a per-module singleton.
def __init__(self, name, graph):
self.graph = graph
if not hasattr(self, 'children'):
self.children = []
if not hasattr(self, 'depth'):
self.depth = 0
def add_child(self, name):
node = Node(name, self.graph)
node.depth = self.depth + 1
if node not in self.children:
for attr in ('init', 'update', 'demo'):
if hasattr(self, attr):
setattr(node, attr, True)
self.children.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.name, y.name))
return node
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
super(Singleton, self).__setattr__(name, value)
if name in ('init', 'update', 'demo'):
tools.config[name][self.name] = 1
for child in self.children:
setattr(child, name, value)
if name == 'depth':
for child in self.children:
setattr(child, name, value + 1)
def __iter__(self):
return itertools.chain(iter(self.children), *map(iter, self.children))
def __str__(self):
return self._pprint()
def _pprint(self, depth=0):
s = '%s\n' % self.name
for c in self.children:
s += '%s`-> %s' % (' ' * depth, c._pprint(depth+1))
return s
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