[IMP] translations: wip, remove unnecessary code, support loading PO comments and storing them, split ir.translation view data in separate XML file

bzr revid: odo@openerp.com-20120913142920-ggpeqth4s2wwqwd2
This commit is contained in:
Olivier Dony 2012-09-13 16:29:20 +02:00
parent 09ba29883c
commit 550751b358
9 changed files with 98 additions and 207 deletions

View File

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ The kernel of OpenERP, needed for all installation.

View File

@ -1147,75 +1147,6 @@
<menuitem action="action_model_relation" id="ir_model_relation_menu" parent="base.next_id_9"
<!-- Translations -->
<record id="view_translation_search" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">Translations</field>
<field name="model">ir.translation</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<search string="Translations">
<filter icon="terp-gdu-smart-failing"
domain="['|',('value', '=', False),('value','=','')]"/>
<field name="name" operator="="/>
<field name="lang"/>
<field name="src"/>
<field name="value"/>
<record id="view_translation_form" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">Translations</field>
<field name="model">ir.translation</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Translations" version="7.0">
<field name="state" widget="statusbar" nolabel="1"/>
<field name="name"/>
<field name="lang"/>
<field name="type"/>
<field name="res_id"/>
<group string="Source Term">
<field name="src" nolabel="1" height="400"/>
<group string="Translation">
<field name="value" nolabel="1" height="400"/>
<record id="view_translation_tree" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">Translations</field>
<field name="model">ir.translation</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<tree string="Translations" editable="bottom">
<field name="src" readonly="True"/>
<field name="value"/>
<field name="name" readonly="True"/>
<field name="lang" readonly="True"/>
<field name="type" readonly="True"/>
<record id="action_translation" model="ir.actions.act_window">
<field name="name">Translated Terms</field>
<field name="res_model">ir.translation</field>
<field name="view_type">form</field>
<field name="view_id" ref="view_translation_tree"/>
<menuitem action="action_translation" id="menu_action_translation" parent="base.menu_translation_app" />
Menu Edition

View File

@ -19,10 +19,11 @@
from osv import fields, osv
import tools
import logging
import openerp.modules
from openerp.osv import fields, osv
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -58,7 +59,6 @@ class ir_translation_import_cursor(object):
the data.
@param parent an instance of ir.translation ORM model
self._cr = cr
self._uid = uid
self._context = context
@ -77,8 +77,9 @@ class ir_translation_import_cursor(object):
"""Feed a translation, as a dictionary, into the cursor
params = dict(trans_dict, state="translated" if trans_dict['value'] else "to_translate")
self._cr.execute("""INSERT INTO %s (name, lang, res_id, src, type, imd_model, module, imd_name, value, state)
VALUES (%%(name)s, %%(lang)s, %%(res_id)s, %%(src)s, %%(type)s, %%(imd_model)s, %%(module)s, %%(imd_name)s, %%(value)s, %%(state)s)""" % self._table_name,
self._cr.execute("""INSERT INTO %s (name, lang, res_id, src, type, imd_model, module, imd_name, value, state, comments)
VALUES (%%(name)s, %%(lang)s, %%(res_id)s, %%(src)s, %%(type)s, %%(imd_model)s, %%(module)s,
%%(imd_name)s, %%(value)s, %%(state)s, %%(comments)s)""" % self._table_name,
def finish(self):
@ -106,11 +107,10 @@ class ir_translation_import_cursor(object):
for row in cr.fetchall():
_logger.debug("ir.translation.cursor: missing res_id for %s. %s/%s ", *row)
cr.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE res_id IS NULL AND module IS NOT NULL" % \
# Records w/o res_id must _not_ be inserted into our db, because they are
# referencing non-existent data.
cr.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE res_id IS NULL AND module IS NOT NULL" % \
find_expr = "irt.lang = ti.lang AND irt.type = ti.type " \
" AND irt.name = ti.name AND irt.src = ti.src " \
@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ class ir_translation_import_cursor(object):
""" % (self._parent_table, self._table_name, find_expr))
# Step 3: insert new translations
cr.execute("""INSERT INTO %s(name, lang, res_id, src, type, value, module, state)
SELECT name, lang, res_id, src, type, value, module, state
cr.execute("""INSERT INTO %s(name, lang, res_id, src, type, value, module, state, comments)
SELECT name, lang, res_id, src, type, value, module, state, comments
FROM %s AS ti
""" % (self._parent_table, self._table_name, self._parent_table, find_expr))
@ -155,20 +155,28 @@ class ir_translation(osv.osv):
return [(d['code'], d['name']) for d in lang_data]
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('Field Name', size=128, required=True),
'res_id': fields.integer('Resource ID', select=True),
'lang': fields.selection(_get_language, string='Language', size=16),
'type': fields.selection(TRANSLATION_TYPE, string='Type', size=16, select=True),
'name': fields.char('Translated field', required=True),
'res_id': fields.integer('Record ID', select=True),
'lang': fields.selection(_get_language, string='Language'),
'type': fields.selection(TRANSLATION_TYPE, string='Type', select=True),
'src': fields.text('Source'),
'value': fields.text('Translation Value'),
'module': fields.char('Module Name', size=128),
'state': fields.selection([('to_translate','To Translate'),
'module': fields.char('Module', help="Module this term belongs to", select=True),
'state': fields.selection(
[('to_translate','To Translate'),
('inprogress','Translation in Progress'),
help="Automatically set to let administators find new terms that might need to be translated"),
# aka gettext extracted-comments - we use them to flag openerp-web translation
# cfr: http://www.gnu.org/savannah-checkouts/gnu/gettext/manual/html_node/PO-Files.html
'comments': fields.text('Translation comments', select=True),
_defaults = {
'state': 'to_translate',
_sql_constraints = [ ('lang_fkey_res_lang', 'FOREIGN KEY(lang) REFERENCES res_lang(code)',
@ -263,7 +271,7 @@ class ir_translation(osv.osv):
# FIXME: should assert that `source` is unicode and fix all callers to always pass unicode
# so we can remove the string encoding/decoding.
if not lang:
return u''
return tools.ustr(source or '')
if isinstance(types, basestring):
types = (types,)
if source:
@ -304,9 +312,9 @@ class ir_translation(osv.osv):
if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
ids = [ids]
if vals.get('src') or ('value' in vals and not(vals.get('value'))):
result = vals.update({'state':'to_translate'})
if vals.get('value'):
result = vals.update({'state':'translated'})
result = super(ir_translation, self).write(cursor, user, ids, vals, context=context)
for trans_obj in self.read(cursor, user, ids, ['name','type','res_id','src','lang'], context=context):
self._get_source.clear_cache(self, user, trans_obj['name'], trans_obj['type'], trans_obj['lang'], trans_obj['src'])
@ -375,39 +383,34 @@ class ir_translation(osv.osv):
return ir_translation_import_cursor(cr, uid, self, context=context)
def load(self, cr, modules, langs, flag=None, context=None):
translated_data = {}
def load(self, cr, modules, langs, context=None):
context = dict(context or {}) # local copy
for module_name in modules:
translated_data[module_name] = {'messages':[]}
modpath = openerp.modules.get_module_path(module_name)
if not modpath:
# unable to find the module. we skip
for lang in langs:
iso_lang = tools.get_iso_codes(lang)
f = openerp.modules.get_module_resource(module_name, 'i18n', iso_lang + '.po')
context2 = context and context.copy() or {}
if f and '_' in iso_lang:
iso_lang2 = iso_lang.split('_')[0]
f2 = openerp.modules.get_module_resource(module_name, 'i18n', iso_lang2 + '.po')
if f2:
_logger.info('module %s: loading base translation file %s for language %s', module_name, iso_lang2, lang)
translated_data[module_name]['messages'].extend(tools.trans_load(cr, f2, lang, verbose=False, flag=flag, module_name=module_name, context=context))
context2['overwrite'] = True
# Implementation notice: we must first search for the full name of
# the language derivative, like "en_UK", and then the generic,
# like "en".
if (not f) and '_' in iso_lang:
iso_lang = iso_lang.split('_')[0]
f = openerp.modules.get_module_resource(module_name, 'i18n', iso_lang + '.po')
if f:
_logger.info('module %s: loading translation file (%s) for language %s', module_name, iso_lang, lang)
translated_data[module_name]['messages'].extend(tools.trans_load(cr, f, lang, verbose=False, flag=flag, module_name=module_name, context=context2))
elif iso_lang != 'en':
_logger.warning('module %s: no translation for language %s', module_name, iso_lang)
return translated_data
lang_code = tools.get_iso_codes(lang)
base_lang_code = None
if '_' in lang_code:
base_lang_code = lang_code.split('_')[0]
# Step 1: for sub-languages, load base language first (e.g. es_CL.po is loaded over es.po)
if base_lang_code:
base_trans_file = openerp.modules.get_module_resource(module_name, 'i18n', base_lang_code + '.po')
if base_trans_file:
_logger.info('module %s: loading base translation file %s for language %s', module_name, base_lang_code, lang)
tools.trans_load(cr, base_trans_file, lang, verbose=False, module_name=module_name, context=context)
context['overwrite'] = True # make sure the requested translation will override the base terms later
# Step 2: then load the main translation file, possibly overriding the terms coming from the base language
trans_file = openerp.modules.get_module_resource(module_name, 'i18n', lang_code + '.po')
if trans_file:
_logger.info('module %s: loading translation file (%s) for language %s', module_name, lang_code, lang)
tools.trans_load(cr, trans_file, lang, verbose=False, module_name=module_name, context=context)
elif lang_code != 'en':
_logger.warning('module %s: no translation for language %s', module_name, lang_code)
return True
# vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

View File

@ -192,15 +192,12 @@ class view(osv.osv):
def write(self, cr, uid, ids, vals, context=None):
if not isinstance(ids, (list, tuple)):
ids = [ids]
result = super(view, self).write(cr, uid, ids, vals, context)
# drop the corresponding view customizations (used for dashboards for example), otherwise
# not all users would see the updated views
custom_view_ids = self.pool.get('ir.ui.view.custom').search(cr, uid, [('ref_id','in',ids)])
if custom_view_ids:
self.pool.get('ir.ui.view.custom').unlink(cr, uid, custom_view_ids)
return result
return super(view, self).write(cr, uid, ids, vals, context)
def graph_get(self, cr, uid, id, model, node_obj, conn_obj, src_node, des_node, label, scale, context=None):

View File

@ -632,20 +632,14 @@ class module(osv.osv):
self.write(cr, uid, [mod_browse.id], {'category_id': p_id})
def update_translations(self, cr, uid, ids, filter_lang=None, context=None):
pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname)
if context is None:
context = {}
if not filter_lang:
lang_obj = pool.get('res.lang')
lang_ids = lang_obj.search(cr, uid, [('translatable', '=', True)])
filter_lang = [lang.code for lang in lang_obj.browse(cr, uid, lang_ids)]
res_lang = self.pool.get('res.lang')
lang_ids = res_lang.search(cr, uid, [('translatable', '=', True)])
filter_lang = [lang.code for lang in res_lang.browse(cr, uid, lang_ids)]
elif not isinstance(filter_lang, (list, tuple)):
filter_lang = [filter_lang]
for mod in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
if mod.state != 'installed':
pool.get('ir.translation').load(cr, [mod.name], filter_lang, context=context)
modules = [m.name for m in self.browse(cr, uid, ids) if m.state == 'installed']
self.pool.get('ir.translation').load(cr, modules, filter_lang, context=context)
def check(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
for mod in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):

View File

@ -777,36 +777,12 @@ class report_spool(netsvc.ExportService):
raise Exception, 'ReportNotFound'
class translation(netsvc.ExportService):
def __init__(self, name="translation"):
netsvc.ExportService.__init__(self, name)
def exp_load(self, db, modules, langs, flag=None, context=None):
cr = pooler.get_db(db).cursor()
translated_data = pooler.get_pool(db).get('ir.translation').load(cr, modules, langs, flag, context=context)
return translated_data
def dispatch(self, method, params):
if method in ['load']:
# No security check for these methods
raise KeyError("Method not found: %s" % method)
fn = getattr(self, 'exp_'+method)
return fn(*params)
def start_web_services():
# vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

View File

@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ class RpcCase(unittest2.TestCase):
self.proxy.common_61 = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url_61 + 'common')
self.proxy.db_61 = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url_61 + 'db')
self.proxy.model_61 = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url_61 + 'model/' + DB)
self.proxy.translation_61 = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url_61 + 'translation')
def generate_database_name(cls):

View File

@ -71,11 +71,6 @@ class test_xmlrpc(common.RpcCase):
assert self.proxy.db_60.drop(ADMIN_PASSWORD, DB) is True
def test_xmlrpc_61_translation_load(self):
""" Try a load translation service like web. """
messages = self.proxy.translation_61.load(DB, ['base', 'web'], ['en_US'], 'web')
assert messages
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ class TinyPoFile(object):
self.lines_count = len(self.lines);
self.first = True
self.tnrs= []
self.extra_lines= []
return self
def _get_lines(self):
@ -278,14 +278,14 @@ class TinyPoFile(object):
return (self.lines_count - len(self.lines))
def next(self):
type = name = res_id = source = trad = None
if self.tnrs:
type, name, res_id, source, trad = self.tnrs.pop(0)
trans_type = name = res_id = source = trad = None
if self.extra_lines:
trans_type, name, res_id, source, trad, comments = self.extra_lines.pop(0)
if not res_id:
res_id = '0'
tmp_tnrs = []
comments = []
targets = []
line = None
fuzzy = False
while (not line):
@ -295,15 +295,20 @@ class TinyPoFile(object):
while line.startswith('#'):
if line.startswith('#~ '):
if line.startswith('#:'):
if line.startswith('#.'):
line = line[2:].strip()
if not line.startswith('module:'):
elif line.startswith('#:'):
for lpart in line[2:].strip().split(' '):
trans_info = lpart.strip().split(':',2)
if trans_info and len(trans_info) == 2:
# looks like the translation type is missing, which is not
# looks like the translation trans_type is missing, which is not
# unexpected because it is not a GetText standard. Default: 'code'
trans_info[:0] = ['code']
if trans_info and len(trans_info) == 3:
# this is a ref line holding the destination info (model, field, record)
elif line.startswith('#,') and (line[2:].strip() == 'fuzzy'):
fuzzy = True
line = self.lines.pop(0).strip()
@ -326,7 +331,7 @@ class TinyPoFile(object):
# if the source is "" and it's the first msgid, it's the special
# msgstr with the informations about the traduction and the
# traductor; we skip it
self.tnrs = []
self.extra_lines = []
while line:
line = self.lines.pop(0).strip()
return self.next()
@ -343,10 +348,10 @@ class TinyPoFile(object):
trad += unquote(line)
line = self.lines.pop(0).strip()
if tmp_tnrs and not fuzzy:
type, name, res_id = tmp_tnrs.pop(0)
for t, n, r in tmp_tnrs:
self.tnrs.append((t, n, r, source, trad))
if targets and not fuzzy:
trans_type, name, res_id = targets.pop(0)
for t, n, r in targets:
self.extra_lines.append((t, n, r, source, trad, comments))
self.first = False
@ -355,7 +360,7 @@ class TinyPoFile(object):
self.warn('Missing "#:" formated comment at line %d for the following source:\n\t%s',
self.cur_line(), source[:30])
return self.next()
return type, name, res_id, source, trad
return trans_type, name, res_id, source, trad, '\n'.join(comments)
def write_infos(self, modules):
import openerp.release as release
@ -843,21 +848,14 @@ def trans_generate(lang, modules, cr):
return out
def trans_load(cr, filename, lang, verbose=True, flag=None, module_name=None, context=None):
def trans_load(cr, filename, lang, verbose=True, module_name=None, context=None):
fileobj = misc.file_open(filename)
traslation_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('ir.translation')
_logger.info("loading %s", filename)
transl = []
if flag == 'web':
cr.execute("select DISTINCT src,value from ir_translation where module='%s' AND lang='%s' AND value != ''"% (module_name,lang))
for src, value in cr.fetchall():
transl.append({'id': src, 'string': value})
fileformat = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1][1:].lower()
trans_load_data(cr, fileobj, fileformat, lang, verbose=verbose, module_name=module_name, context=context)
result = trans_load_data(cr, fileobj, fileformat, lang, verbose=verbose, module_name=module_name, context=context)
return transl
return result
except IOError:
if verbose:
_logger.error("couldn't read translation file %s", filename)
@ -875,8 +873,7 @@ def trans_load_data(cr, fileobj, fileformat, lang, lang_name=None, verbose=True,
trans_obj = pool.get('ir.translation')
iso_lang = misc.get_iso_codes(lang)
uid = 1
ids = lang_obj.search(cr, uid, [('code','=', lang)])
ids = lang_obj.search(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [('code','=', lang)])
if not ids:
# lets create the language with locale information
@ -893,14 +890,14 @@ def trans_load_data(cr, fileobj, fileformat, lang, lang_name=None, verbose=True,
elif fileformat == 'po':
reader = TinyPoFile(fileobj)
f = ['type', 'name', 'res_id', 'src', 'value', 'module']
f = ['type', 'name', 'res_id', 'src', 'value', 'comments']
_logger.error('Bad file format: %s', fileformat)
raise Exception(_('Bad file format'))
# read the rest of the file
line = 1
irt_cursor = trans_obj._get_import_cursor(cr, uid, context=context)
irt_cursor = trans_obj._get_import_cursor(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, context=context)
for row in reader:
line += 1
@ -911,11 +908,9 @@ def trans_load_data(cr, fileobj, fileformat, lang, lang_name=None, verbose=True,
# dictionary which holds values for this line of the csv file
# {'lang': ..., 'type': ..., 'name': ..., 'res_id': ...,
# 'src': ..., 'value': ..., 'module':...}
dic = dict.fromkeys(('name', 'res_id', 'src', 'type', 'imd_model', 'imd_name', 'module', 'value'))
dic = dict.fromkeys(('name', 'res_id', 'src', 'type', 'imd_model', 'imd_name', 'module', 'value', 'comments'))
dic['lang'] = lang
for i, field in enumerate(f):
if field == 'module':
dic[field] = row[i]
# This would skip terms that fail to specify a res_id