[IMP] fields: improve _determine_default() and add test for inherited fields

This commit is contained in:
Raphael Collet 2014-11-06 09:59:41 +01:00
parent 2562b1c1ba
commit 5cc863245b
3 changed files with 39 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -69,4 +69,7 @@ class daughter(models.Model):
# simply redeclare the field without adding any option
template_id = fields.Many2one()
# change the default value of an inherited field
name = fields.Char(default='Baz')
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@ -17,19 +17,25 @@ class test_inherits(common.TransactionCase):
def test_field_extension(self):
""" check the extension of a field in an inherited model """
# the field mother.name should inherit required=True, and have "Bar" as
# a default value
mother = self.env['test.inherit.mother']
daughter = self.env['test.inherit.daughter']
# the field mother.name must have required=True and "Bar" as default
field = mother._fields['name']
self.assertEqual(field.default(mother), "Bar")
self.assertEqual(mother.default_get(['name']), {'name': "Bar"})
self.assertEqual(mother._defaults.get('name'), "Bar")
self.assertEqual(mother.default_get(['name']), {'name': "Bar"})
# the field daughter.template_id should inherit
# model_name='test.inherit.mother', string='Template', required=True
daughter = self.env['test.inherit.daughter']
# the field daughter.name must have required=False and "Baz" as default
field = daughter._fields['name']
self.assertEqual(field.default(mother), "Baz")
self.assertEqual(daughter._defaults.get('name'), "Baz")
self.assertEqual(daughter.default_get(['name']), {'name': "Baz"})
# the field daughter.template_id should have
# comodel_name='test.inherit.mother', string='Template', required=True
field = daughter._fields['template_id']
self.assertEqual(field.comodel_name, 'test.inherit.mother')
self.assertEqual(field.string, "Template")

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@ -347,30 +347,36 @@ class Field(object):
# traverse the class hierarchy upwards, and take the first field
# definition with a default or _defaults for self
for klass in cls.__mro__:
field = klass.__dict__.get(name, self)
if not isinstance(field, type(self)):
return # klass contains another value overridden by self
if name in klass.__dict__:
field = klass.__dict__[name]
if not isinstance(field, type(self)):
# klass contains another value overridden by self
if 'default' in field._attrs:
# take the default in field, and adapt it for cls._defaults
value = field._attrs['default']
if callable(value):
self.default = value
cls._defaults[name] = lambda model, cr, uid, context: \
self.convert_to_write(value(model.browse(cr, uid, [], context)))
self.default = lambda recs: value
cls._defaults[name] = value
if 'default' in field._attrs:
# take the default in field, and adapt it for cls._defaults
value = field._attrs['default']
if callable(value):
from openerp import api
self.default = value
cls._defaults[name] = api.model(
lambda recs: self.convert_to_write(value(recs))
self.default = lambda recs: value
cls._defaults[name] = value
defaults = klass.__dict__.get('_defaults') or {}
if name in defaults:
# take the value from _defaults, and adapt it for self.default
value = defaults[name]
value_func = value if callable(value) else lambda *args: value
if callable(value):
func = lambda recs: value(recs._model, recs._cr, recs._uid, recs._context)
func = lambda recs: value
self.default = lambda recs: self.convert_to_cache(
value_func(recs._model, recs._cr, recs._uid, recs._context),
recs, validate=False,
func(recs), recs, validate=False,
cls._defaults[name] = value