[FIX] l10n_ro: backport of fix done in res_partner.py from aa76885

PR #720
This commit is contained in:
Fekete Mihai 2014-09-12 16:04:22 +02:00 committed by Denis Ledoux
parent 875d7ed38e
commit 5f9682c353
1 changed files with 4 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -28,26 +28,15 @@ class res_partner(osv.osv):
'nrc' : fields.char('NRC', size=16, help='Registration number at the Registry of Commerce'),
# The SQL constraints are no-ops but present only to display the right error message to the
# user when the partial unique indexes defined below raise errors/
# The real constraints need to be implemented with PARTIAL UNIQUE INDEXES (see auto_init),
# due to the way accounting data is delegated by contacts to their companies in OpenERP 7.0.
_sql_constraints = [
('vat_uniq', 'unique (id)', 'The vat of the partner must be unique !'),
('nrc_uniq', 'unique (id)', 'The code of the partner must be unique !')
def _auto_init(self, cr, context=None):
result = super(res_partner, self)._auto_init(cr, context=context)
# Real implementation of the vat/nrc constraints: only "commercial entities" need to have
# unique numbers, and the condition for being a commercial entity is "is_company or parent_id IS NULL".
# Contacts inside a company automatically have a copy of the company's commercial fields
# (see _commercial_fields()), so they are automatically consistent.
# Remove constrains for vat, nrc on "commercial entities" because is not mandatory by legislation
# Even that VAT numbers are unique, the NRC field is not unique, and there are certain entities that
# doesn't have a NRC number plus the formatting was changed few times, so we cannot have a base rule for
# checking if available and emmited by the Ministry of Finance, only online on their website.
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS res_partner_vat_uniq_for_companies;
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS res_partner_nrc_uniq_for_companies;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX res_partner_vat_uniq_for_companies ON res_partner (vat) WHERE is_company OR parent_id IS NULL;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX res_partner_nrc_uniq_for_companies ON res_partner (nrc) WHERE is_company OR parent_id IS NULL;
return result