[REM] older searchview doc (deprecated/replaced)

bzr revid: xmo@openerp.com-20120425122056-bdvsfjbtc7bmhsuw
This commit is contained in:
Xavier Morel 2012-04-25 14:20:56 +02:00
parent 6754110eb7
commit 611adc838f
1 changed files with 92 additions and 144 deletions

View File

@ -16,13 +16,12 @@ multiple fields). The goal for this change is twofold:
The internal structure of the faceted search is inspired by
`VisualSearch <http://documentcloud.github.com/visualsearch/>`_ [#]_.
As does VisualSearch, the new search view is based on `Backbone
<http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/>`_ and makes significant
use of Backbone's models and collections (OpenERP Web's widgets make a
good replacement for Backbone's own views). As a result, understanding
the implementation details of the OpenERP Web 7 search view also
requires a basic understanding of Backbone's models, collections and
As does VisualSearch, the new search view is based on `Backbone`_ and
makes significant use of Backbone's models and collections (OpenERP
Web's widgets make a good replacement for Backbone's own views). As a
result, understanding the implementation details of the OpenERP Web 7
search view also requires a basic understanding of Backbone's models,
collections and events.
.. note::
@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ objects is stored in the ``openerp.web.search.fields``
:js:class:`~openerp.web.Registry` where new field types and widgets
can be added.
Search view inputs have three main roles:
Search view inputs have four main roles:
Loading defaults
@ -81,7 +80,9 @@ the user) and should fetch an ``Array`` of possible completions [#]_.
A default implementation is provided which fetches nothing.
A completion item is an object literal with two keys:
A completion item is a javascript object with two keys (technically it
can have any number of keys, but only these two will be used by the
search view):
@ -136,168 +137,105 @@ only once.
dynamically collects, lays out and renders filters? =>
exercises drawer thingies
Interaction between the Search View and VisualSearch
Programmatic interactions: internal model
The core data abstraction in VisualSearch is
:js:class:`VS.model.SearchQuery`, a backbone Collection holding
instances of the :js:class:`VS.model.SearchFacet` backbone Model.
This new searchview is built around an instance of
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.SearchQuery` available as
Backbone models can hold any number of informal properties interacted
with through the :js:func:`~Backbone.Model.get` and
:js:func:`~Backbone.Model.set` methods. VisualSearch reserves three
such properties for its behavior, these properties *must* be correctly
set on all search facets created programmatically:
The query is a `backbone collection`_ of
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Facet` objects, which can be interacted
with directly by external objects or search view controls
(e.g. widgets displayed in the drawer).
a reference to the VisualSearch instance using this facet. In the
search view, this instance is available as the
:js:attr:`~openerp.web.SearchView.vs` attribute to the searchview
.. js:class:: openerp.web.search.SearchQuery
the *name* of the facet, displayed in the first section of a facet
The current search query of the search view, provides convenience
behaviors for manipulating :js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Facet`
on top of the usual `backbone collection`_ methods.
the *displayed value* of the facet, it is directly printed to the
right of the category.
The query ensures all of its facets contain at least one
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.FacetValue` instance. Otherwise,
the facet is automatically removed from the query.
The search view uses additional keys to store state and data it needs
to associate with facet objects:
.. js:function:: openerp.web.search.SearchQuery.add(values, options)
the search field instance which created the facet, used when the
search view needs to serialize the facets.
Overridden from the base ``add`` method so that adding a facet
which is *already* in the collection will merge the value of
the new facet into the old one rather than add a second facet
with different values.
the "logical" value of the facet, can be absent if the logical and
"printable" values of the facet are the same (e.g. for a basic text
:param values: facet, facet attributes or array thereof
:returns: the collection itself
This value may be a complex javascript object such as an array (the
name stands for json-compatible value, it is not a JSON-encoded
.. js:function:: openerp.web.search.SearchQuery.toggle(value, options)
.. note::
Convenience method for toggling facet values in a query:
removes the values (through the facet itself) if they are
present, adds them if they are not. If the facet itself is not
in the collection, adds it automatically.
in order to simplify getting the logical value of a search facet
model, :js:class:`VS.model.SearchFacet` has been extended with a
:js:func:`~VS.model.SearchFacet.value` method
A toggling is atomic: only one change event will be triggered
on the facet regardless of the number of values added to or
removed from the facet (if the facet already exists), and the
facet is only removed from the query if it has no value *at
the end* of the toggling.
Extensions and patches to VisualSearch
:param value: facet or facet attributes
:returns: the collection
.. js:function:: VS.model.SearchFacet.value()
.. js:class:: openerp.web.search.Facet
Bundles the logic of selecting between ``json`` and ``value`` in
order to get the logical value of a facet.
A `backbone model`_ representing a single facet of the current
research. May map to a search field, or to a more complex or
fuzzier input (e.g. a custom filter or an advanced search).
.. js:attribute:: VS.options.callbacks.make_facet
.. js:attribute:: category
Called by :js:class:`VS.ui.SearchBox` when it needs to create a
new search facet *view*. By default this is not supported by
VisualSearch, and requires monkey-patching
The displayed name of the facet, as a ``String``. This is a
backbone model attribute.
This patch should not alter any behavior if
:js:attr:`~VS.options.callbacks.make_facet` is not used.
.. js:attribute:: field
.. js:attribute:: VS.options.callbacks.make_input
The :js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Input` instance which
originally created the facet, used to delegate some operations
(such as serializing the facet's values to domains and
contexts). This is a backbone model attribute.
Similar to :js:attr:`~VS.options.callbacks.make_facet`, but called
when the :js:class:`~VS.ui.SearchBox` needs to create a search
input view. It requires monkey-patching
.. js:attribute:: values
Finally, :js:func:`VS.ui.SearchBox.searchEvent` is monkey-patched to
get rid of its serialize/load round-tripping of facet data: the
additional attributes needed by the search view don't round-trip (at
all) so VisualSearch must not load any data from its (fairly
simplistic) text-serialization format.
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.FacetValues` as a javascript
attribute, stores all the values for the facet and helps
propagate their events to the facet. Is also available as a
backbone attribute (via ``#get`` and ``#set``) in which cases
it serializes to and deserializes from javascript arrays (via
``Collection#toJSON`` and ``Collection#reset``).
.. note::
.. js:class:: openerp.web.search.FacetValues
a second issue is that — as of `commit 3fca87101d`_ — VisualSearch
correctly serializes facet categories containing spaces but is
unable to load them back in. It also does not handle facets with
*empty* categories correctly.
`Backbone collection`_ of
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.FacetValue` instances.
Loading Defaults
.. js:class:: openerp.web.search.FacetValue
After loading the view data, the SearchView will call
:js:func:`openerp.web.search.Input.facet_for_defaults` on each of its
inputs with the ``defaults`` mapping of key:values (where each key
corresponds to an input). This method should look into the
``defaults`` mapping and fetch the field's default value as a
:js:class:`~VS.models.SearchFacet` if applicable.
`Backbone model`_ representing a single value within a facet,
represents a pair of (displayed name, logical value).
The default implementation is to check if there is a default value for
the current input's name (via
:js:attr:`openerp.web.search.Input.attrs.name`) and if there is to
convert this value to a :js:class:`~VS.models.SearchFacet` by calling
.. js:attribute:: label
There is no built-in (default) implementation of
:js:func:`openerp.web.search.Input.facet_for`. This method should
fetch the :js:class:`~VS.models.SearchFacet` corresponding to the
"raw" value passed as argument.
Backbone model attribute storing the "displayable"
representation of the value, visually output to the
user. Must be a string.
Providing auto-completion
.. js:attribute:: value
An important component of the unified search view is the faceted
autocompletion pane. In order to provide good user and developer
experiences, this pane is pluggable (value-wise): each and every
control of the search view can check for (and provide) categorized
auto-completions for a given value being typed by the user.
Backbone model attribute storing the logical/internal value
(of itself), will be used by
:js:class:`~openerp.web.search.Input` to serialize to domains
and contexts.
This is done by implementing
:js:func:`openerp.web.search.Input.complete`: the method is provided
with a value to complete, and should fetch an ``Array`` of completion
values. These completion values will then be provided to the global
autocompletion list, implemented via `jquery-ui autocomplete
Because the search view uses a custom renderer for its completion, it
was possible to fix some incompatibilities between the attributes of
completion items and VisualSearch's facet model:
Actual completion items
These are selectable items, and upon selection are turned into actual
search facet objects. They should have all the properties of a search
facet (as described above) and can have one more optional property:
When rendering an item in the list, the renderer will first try to use
the ``label`` property if it exists (``label`` can contain HTML and
will be inserted as-is, so it can bold or emphasize some of its
elements), if it does not the ``value`` property will be used.
.. note:: the ``app`` key should not be specified on completion item,
it will be set automatically when the search view creates
the facet from the item.
Section titles
A second kind of completion values is the section titles. Section
titles are similar to completion items but only have a ``category``
property. They will be rendered in a different style and can not be
selected in the auto-completion (they will be skipped).
.. note::
Technically, section title items can have any property they want
*as long as they do not have a value property*. A ``value``
property set to ``false``, ``null`` or ``undefined`` is **not**
equivalent to not having a ``value`` property.
If an input *may* fetch more than one completion item, it *should*
prepend a section title (using its own name) to the completion items.
Can be of any type.
Converting from facet objects
@ -327,7 +265,7 @@ Converting to facet objects
.. todo:: merge in changelog instead
.. todo:: merge in changelog instead?
The displaying of the search view was significantly altered from
OpenERP Web 6.1 to OpenERP Web 7.
@ -422,5 +360,15 @@ Many To One
.. [#] search view fields may also bundle context data to add to the
search context
.. _Backbone:
.. _Backbone.Collection:
.. _Backbone collection:
.. _Backbone model:
.. _commit 3fca87101d: