[MERGE] doc reorganisation, import technical doc from openobject-doc by tde

bzr revid: al@openerp.com-20121111024238-flv07s7o7wpd6wak
This commit is contained in:
Antony Lesuisse 2012-11-11 03:42:38 +01:00
commit 6123dc10f1
28 changed files with 4321 additions and 101 deletions

doc/01_getting_started.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
Getting started with OpenERP development
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Installation from sources
.. _getting_started_installation_source-link:
Source code is hosted on Launchpad_. In order to get the sources, you will need Bazaar_ to pull the source from Launchpad. Bazaar is a version control system that helps you track project history over time and collaborate efficiently. You may have to create an account on Launchpad to be able to collaborate on OpenERP development. Please refer to the Launchpad and Bazaar documentation to install and setup your development environment.
The running example of this section is based on an Ubuntu environment. You may have to adapt the steps according to your system. Once your working environment is ready, prepare a working directory that will contain the sources. For a ``source`` base directory, type::
mkdir source;cd source
OpenERP provides a setup script that automatizes the tasks of creating a shared repository and getting the source code. Get the setup script of OpenERP by typing::
bzr cat -d lp:~openerp-dev/openerp-tools/trunk setup.sh | sh
This will create the following two files in your ``source`` directory::
-rw-rw-r-- 1 openerp openerp 5465 2012-04-17 11:05 Makefile
-rw-rw-r-- 1 openerp openerp 2902 2012-04-17 11:05 Makefile_helper.py
If you want some help about the available options, please type::
make help
Next step is to initialize the shared repository and download the sources. Get the current trunk version of OpenERP by typing::
make init-trunk
This will create the following structure inside your ``source`` directory, and fetch the latest source code from ``trunk``::
drwxrwxr-x 3 openerp openerp 4096 2012-04-17 11:10 addons
drwxrwxr-x 3 openerp openerp 4096 2012-04-17 11:10 misc
drwxrwxr-x 3 openerp openerp 4096 2012-04-17 11:10 server
drwxrwxr-x 3 openerp openerp 4096 2012-04-17 11:10 web
Some dependencies are necessary to use OpenERP. Depending on your environment, you might have to install the following packages::
sudo apt-get install graphviz ghostscript postgresql-client
sudo apt-get install python-dateutil python-feedparser python-gdata
python-ldap python-libxslt1 python-lxml python-mako, python-openid
python-psycopg2 python-pybabel python-pychart python-pydot
python-pyparsing python-reportlab python-simplejson python-tz
python-vatnumber python-vobject python-webdav python-werkzeug python-xlwt
python-yaml python-imaging python-matplotlib
Next step is to initialize the database. This will create a new openerp role::
make db-setup
Finally, launch the OpenERP server::
make server
Testing your installation can be done on http://localhost:8069/ . You should see the OpenERP main login page.
.. _Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/
.. _Bazaar: http://bazaar.canonical.com/en/
Command line options
Using the command ::
./openerp-server --help
gives you the available command line options. For OpenERP server at revision 4133, an output example is given in the `Command line options example`_. Here are a few interesting command line options.
General Options
--version show program version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG specify alternate config file
-s, --save save configuration to ~/.terp_serverrc
-v, --verbose enable debugging
--pidfile=PIDFILE file where the server pid will be stored
--logfile=LOGFILE file where the server log will be stored
-n INTERFACE, --interface=INTERFACE specify the TCP IP address
-p PORT, --port=PORT specify the TCP port
--net_interface=NETINTERFACE specify the TCP IP address for netrpc
--net_port=NETPORT specify the TCP port for netrpc
--no-netrpc disable netrpc
--no-xmlrpc disable xmlrpc
-i INIT, --init=INIT init a module (use "all" for all modules)
--without-demo=WITHOUT_DEMO load demo data for a module (use "all" for all modules)
-u UPDATE, --update=UPDATE update a module (use "all" for all modules)
--stop-after-init stop the server after it initializes
--debug enable debug mode
-S, --secure launch server over https instead of http
--smtp=SMTP_SERVER specify the SMTP server for sending mail
Database related options
-d DB_NAME, --database=DB_NAME
specify the database name
-r DB_USER, --db_user=DB_USER
specify the database user name
-w DB_PASSWORD, --db_password=DB_PASSWORD
specify the database password
--pg_path=PG_PATH specify the pg executable path
--db_host=DB_HOST specify the database host
--db_port=DB_PORT specify the database port
Internationalization options
Use these options to translate OpenERP to another language.See i18n section of the user manual. Option '-l' is mandatory.::
-l LANGUAGE, --language=LANGUAGE
specify the language of the translation file. Use it
with --i18n-export and --i18n-import
export all sentences to be translated to a CSV file
and exit
import a CSV file with translations and exit
specify modules to export. Use in combination with
Options from previous versions
Some options were removed in OpenERP version 6. For example, ``price_accuracy`` is now
configured through the :ref:`decimal_accuracy` screen.
.. _getting_started_configuration-link:
Two configuration files are available:
* one for the client: ``~/.openerprc``
* one for the server: ``~/.openerp_serverrc``
If they are not found, the server and the client will start with a default configuration. Those files follow the convention used by python's ConfigParser module. Please note that lines beginning with "#" or ";" are comments. The client configuration file is automatically generated upon the first start. The sezrver configuration file can automatically be created using the command ::
./openerp-server -s or ./openerp-server --save
You can specify alternate configuration files with ::
-c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG specify alternate config file
Start-up script
.. versionadded:: 6.1
To run the OpenERP server, the conventional approach is to use the
`openerp-server` script. It loads the :ref:`openerp library`, sets a few
configuration variables corresponding to command-line arguments, and starts to
listen to incoming connections from clients.
Depending on your deployment needs, you can write such a start-up script very
easily. We also recommend you take a look at an alternative tool called
`openerp-command` that can, among other things, launch the server.
Yet another alternative is to use a WSGI-compatible HTTP server and let it call
into one of the WSGI entry points of the server.
Command line options example
Usage: openerp-server [options]
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
**Common options**::
-c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG
specify alternate config file
-s, --save save configuration to ~/.openerp_serverrc
-i INIT, --init=INIT
install one or more modules (comma-separated list, use
"all" for all modules), requires -d
-u UPDATE, --update=UPDATE
update one or more modules (comma-separated list, use
"all" for all modules). Requires -d.
disable loading demo data for modules to be installed
(comma-separated, use "all" for all modules). Requires
-d and -i. Default is none
Use this for big data importation, if it crashes you
will be able to continue at the current state. Provide
a filename to store intermediate importation states.
--pidfile=PIDFILE file where the server pid will be stored
specify additional addons paths (separated by commas).
Comma-separated list of server-wide modules
**XML-RPC Configuration**::
Specify the TCP IP address for the XML-RPC protocol.
The empty string binds to all interfaces.
specify the TCP port for the XML-RPC protocol
--no-xmlrpc disable the XML-RPC protocol
--proxy-mode Enable correct behavior when behind a reverse proxy
**XML-RPC Secure Configuration**::
Specify the TCP IP address for the XML-RPC Secure
protocol. The empty string binds to all interfaces.
specify the TCP port for the XML-RPC Secure protocol
--no-xmlrpcs disable the XML-RPC Secure protocol
specify the certificate file for the SSL connection
specify the private key file for the SSL connection
**NET-RPC Configuration**::
specify the TCP IP address for the NETRPC protocol
specify the TCP port for the NETRPC protocol
--no-netrpc disable the NETRPC protocol
**Web interface Configuration**::
--db-filter=REGEXP Filter listed database
**Static HTTP service**::
enable static HTTP service for serving plain HTML
specify the directory containing your static HTML
files (e.g '/var/www/')
specify the URL root prefix where you want web
browsers to access your static HTML files (e.g '/')
**Testing Configuration**::
Launch a YML test file.
If set, will save sample of all reports in this
--test-enable Enable YAML and unit tests.
--test-commit Commit database changes performed by YAML or XML
**Logging Configuration**::
--logfile=LOGFILE file where the server log will be stored
--no-logrotate do not rotate the logfile
--syslog Send the log to the syslog server
setup a handler at LEVEL for a given PREFIX. An empty
PREFIX indicates the root logger. This option can be
repeated. Example: "openerp.orm:DEBUG" or
"werkzeug:CRITICAL" (default: ":INFO")
--log-request shortcut for --log-
--log-response shortcut for --log-
--log-web shortcut for --log-
--log-sql shortcut for --log-handler=openerp.sql_db:DEBUG
specify the level of the logging. Accepted values:
['info', 'debug_rpc', 'warn', 'test', 'critical',
'debug_sql', 'error', 'debug', 'debug_rpc_answer',
'notset'] (deprecated option).
**SMTP Configuration**::
specify the SMTP email address for sending email
--smtp=SMTP_SERVER specify the SMTP server for sending email
specify the SMTP port
--smtp-ssl specify the SMTP server support SSL or not
specify the SMTP username for sending email
specify the SMTP password for sending email
**Database related options**::
-d DB_NAME, --database=DB_NAME
specify the database name
-r DB_USER, --db_user=DB_USER
specify the database user name
-w DB_PASSWORD, --db_password=DB_PASSWORD
specify the database password
--pg_path=PG_PATH specify the pg executable path
--db_host=DB_HOST specify the database host
--db_port=DB_PORT specify the database port
specify the the maximum number of physical connections
to posgresql
specify a custom database template to create a new
**Internationalisation options**::
Use these options to translate OpenERP to another language.See i18n
section of the user manual. Option '-d' is mandatory.Option '-l' is
mandatory in case of importation
specifies the languages for the translations you want
to be loaded
-l LANGUAGE, --language=LANGUAGE
specify the language of the translation file. Use it
with --i18n-export or --i18n-import
export all sentences to be translated to a CSV file, a
PO file or a TGZ archive and exit
import a CSV or a PO file with translations and exit.
The '-l' option is required.
--i18n-overwrite overwrites existing translation terms on updating a
module or importing a CSV or a PO file.
specify modules to export. Use in combination with
**Security-related options**::
--no-database-list disable the ability to return the list of databases
**Advanced options**::
set the timeout for the cache system
--debug enable debug mode
--stop-after-init stop the server after its initialization
-t TIMEZONE, --timezone=TIMEZONE
specify reference timezone for the server (e.g.
Force a limit on the maximum number of records kept in
the virtual osv_memory tables. The default is False,
which means no count-based limit.
Force a limit on the maximum age of records kept in
the virtual osv_memory tables. This is a decimal value
expressed in hours, and the default is 1 hour.
Maximum number of threads processing concurrently cron
Maximum allowed virtual memory per Gunicorn process.
When the limit is reached, any memory allocation will
Maximum allowed virtual memory per Gunicorn process.
When the limit is reached, the worker will be reset
after the current request.
Maximum allowed CPU time per Gunicorn process. When
the limit is reached, an exception is raised.
--unaccent Use the unaccent function provided by the database
when available.
Server configuration file
addons_path = /home/openerp/workspace/openerp-dev/addons/trunk,/home/openerp/workspace/openerp-dev/web/trunk/addons
admin_passwd = admin
cache_timeout = 100000
cpu_time_limit = 60
csv_internal_sep = ,
db_host = False
db_maxconn = 64
db_name = False
db_password = False
db_port = False
db_template = template0
db_user = openerp
dbfilter = .*
debug_mode = False
demo = {}
email_from = False
import_partial =
list_db = True
log_handler = [':INFO']
log_level = info
logfile = False
login_message = False
logrotate = True
max_cron_threads = 4
netrpc = True
netrpc_interface =
netrpc_port = 8070
osv_memory_age_limit = 1.0
osv_memory_count_limit = False
pg_path = None
pidfile = False
proxy_mode = False
reportgz = False
secure_cert_file = server.cert
secure_pkey_file = server.pkey
server_wide_modules = None
smtp_password = False
smtp_port = 25
smtp_server = localhost
smtp_ssl = False
smtp_user = False
static_http_document_root = None
static_http_enable = False
static_http_url_prefix = None
syslog = False
test_commit = False
test_enable = False
test_file = False
test_report_directory = False
timezone = False
translate_modules = ['all']
unaccent = False
virtual_memory_limit = 805306368
virtual_memory_reset = 671088640
without_demo = False
xmlrpc = True
xmlrpc_interface =
xmlrpc_port = 8069
xmlrpcs = True
xmlrpcs_interface =
xmlrpcs_port = 8071

doc/02_architecture.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
OpenERP as a multitenant three-tiers architecture
This section presents the OpenERP architecture along with technology details
of the application. The tiers composing OpenERP are presented. Communication
means and protocols between the application components are also presented.
Some details about used development languages and technology stack are then summarized.
OpenERP is a `multitenant <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multitenancy>`_, `three-tiers architecture
database tier for data storage, application tier for processing and functionalities
and presentation tier providing user interface. Those are separate layers
inside OpenERP. The application tier itself is written as a core; multiple
additional modules can be installed in order to create a particular instance
of OpenERP adapted to specific needs and requirements. Moreover, OpenERP
follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern.
A typical deployment of OpenERP is shown on `Figure 1`_. This deployment is
called Web embedded deployment. As shown, an OpenERP system consists of
three main components:
- a PostgreSQL database server which contains all OpenERP databases.
Databases contain all application data, and also most of the OpenERP
system configuration elements. Note that this server can possibly be
deployed using clustered databases.
- the OpenERP Server, which contains all the enterprise logic and ensures
that OpenERP runs optimally. One layer of the server is dedicated to
communicate and interface with the PostgreSQL database, the ORM engine.
Another layer allows communications between the server and a web browser,
the Web layer. Having more than one server is possible, for example in
conjunction with a load balancing mechanism.
- the client, which allow users to access OpenERP. Two clients exist, a
desktop GTK client and a browser-based client
- the GTK client access directly to the OpenERP Server
- users can also use standard web browsers to access OpenERP. In that
case, an OpenERP application is loaded. It handles communications between
the browser and the Web layer of the server.
The database server and the OpenERP server can be installed on the same computer,
or distributed onto separate computer servers, for example for performance considerations.
.. _`Figure 1`:
.. figure:: _static/02_openerp_architecture.png
:width: 50%
:alt: OpenERP 6.1 architecture for embedded web deployment
:align: center
OpenERP 6.1 architecture for embedded web deployment
The next subsections give details about the different tiers of the OpenERP
PostgreSQL database
The data tier of OpenERP is provided by a PostgreSQL relational database.
While direct SQL queries can be executed from OpenERP modules, most accesses
to the relational database are done through the server Object Relational
Mapping layer.
Databases contain all application data, and also most of the OpenERP system
configuration elements. Note that this server can possibly be deployed using
clustered databases.
OpenERP server
OpenERP provides an application server on which specific business applications
can be built. It is also a complete development framework, offering a range
of features to write those applications. Among those features, the OpenERP
ORM provides functionalities and an interface on top of the PostgreSQL server.
The OpenERP server also features a specific layer designed to communicate
with the web browser-based client. This layer connects users using standard
browsers to the server.
From a developer perspective, the server acts both as a library which brings
the above benefits while hiding the low-level details, and as a simple way
to install, configure and run the written applications. The server also contains
other services, such as extensible data models and view, workflow engine or
reports engine. However, those are OpenERP services not specifically related
to security, and are therefore not discussed in details in this document.
**Server - ORM**
The Object Relational Mapping ORM layer is one of the salient features of
the OpenERP Server. It provides additional and essential functionalities
on top of PostgreSQL server. Data models are described in Python and OpenERP
creates the underlying database tables using this ORM. All the benefits of
RDBMS such as unique constraints, relational integrity or efficient querying
are used and completed by Python flexibility. For instance, arbitrary constraints
written in Python can be added to any model. Different modular extensibility
mechanisms are also afforded by OpenERP.
It is important to understand the ORM responsibility before attempting to
by-pass it and to access directly the underlying database via raw SQL queries.
When using the ORM, OpenERP can make sure the data remains free of any corruption.
For instance, a module can react to data creation in a particular table.
This behavior can occur only if queries go through the ORM.
The services granted by the ORM are among other :
- consistency validation by powerful validity checks,
- providing an interface on objects (methods, references, ...) allowing
to design and implement efficient modules,
- row-level security per user and group; more details about users and user
groups are given in the section Users and User Roles,
- complex actions on a group of resources,
- inheritance service allowing fine modeling of new resources
**Server - Web**
The web layer offers an interface to communicate with standard browsers.
In the 6.1 version of OpenERP, the web-client has been rewritten and integrated
into the OpenERP server tier. This layer relies on CherryPy for the routing
layer of communications, especially for session and cookies management.
By itself, the OpenERP server is a core. For any enterprise, the value of
OpenERP lies in its different modules. The role of the modules is to implement
any business requirement. The server is the only necessary component to
add modules. Any official OpenERP release includes a lot of modules, and
hundreds of modules are available thanks to the community. Examples of
such modules are Account, CRM, HR, Marketing, MRP, Sale, etc.
As the application logic is mainly contained server-side, the client is
conceptually simple. It issues a request to the server, gets data back
and display the result (e.g. a list of customers) in different ways
(as forms, lists, calendars, ...). Upon user actions, it sends queries
to modify data to the server.
Two clients can be used for user access to OpenERP, a GTK client and a
browser-based client. The GTK client communicates directly with the server.
Using the GTK client requires the client to be installed on the workstation
of each user.
The browser-based client holds an OpenERP application that handles communications
between the browser and the Web layer of the server. The static code of the web
application is minimal. It consists of a minimal flow of HTML that is in charge
of loading the application code in Javascript. This client-side OpenERP application
sends user requests to the server, and gets data back. Data management is
done dynamically in this client. Using this client is therefore easy for
users, but also for administrators because it does not require any software
installation on the user machine.
MVC architecture in OpenERP
According to `Wikipedia <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model-view-controller>`_,
"a Model-view-controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern used in software
engineering". In complex computer applications presenting lots of data to
the user, one often wishes to separate data (model) and user interface (view)
concerns. Changes to the user interface does therefore not impact data
management, and data can be reorganized without changing the user interface.
The model-view-controller solves this problem by decoupling data access
and business logic from data presentation and user interaction, by
introducing an intermediate component: the controller.
.. _`Figure 3`:
.. figure:: _static/02_mvc_diagram.png
:width: 35%
:alt: Model-View-Controller diagram
:align: center
Model-View-Controller diagram
For example in the diagram above, the solid lines for the arrows starting
from the controller and going to both the view and the model mean that the
controller has a complete access to both the view and the model. The dashed
line for the arrow going from the view to the controller means that the view
has a limited access to the controller. The reasons of this design are :
- From **View** to **Model** : the model sends notification to the view
when its data has been modified in order the view to redraw its content.
The model doesn't need to know the inner workings of the view to perform
this operation. However, the view needs to access the internal parts of the model.
- From **View** to **Controller** : the reason why the view has limited
access to the controller is because the dependencies from the view to
the controller need to be minimal: the controller can be replaced at
any moment.
OpenERP follows the MVC semantic with
- model : The PostgreSQL tables.
- view : views are defined in XML files in OpenERP.
- controller : The objects of OpenERP.
Network communications
GTK clients communicate with the OpenERP server using XML-RPC protocol by
default. However, using a secured version XML-RPCS is possible when configurating
your OpenERP instance. In previous versions of OpenERP, a custom protocol
called NET-RPC was used. It was a binary version of the XML-RPC protocol,
allowing faster communications. However, this protocol will no longer be
used in OpenERP. The use of JSON-RPC is also planned for the 6.1 version
of OpenERP.
Web-based clients communicate using HTTP protocol. As for XML-RPC, it is
possible to configure OpenERP to use secured HTTPS connections.
Services and WSGI
Everything in OpenERP, and objects methods in particular, are exposed via
the network and a security layer. Access to the data model is in fact a service
and it is possible to expose new services. For instance, a WebDAV service and
a FTP service are available.
While not mandatory, the services can make use of the `WSGI
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Server_Gateway_Interface>`_ stack. WSGI is
a standard solution in the Python ecosystem to write HTTP servers, applications,
and middleware which can be used in a mix-and-match fashion. By using WSGI,
it is possible to run OpenERP in any WSGI compliant server. It is also
possible to use OpenERP to host a WSGI application.
A striking example of this possibility is the OpenERP Web layer that is
the server-side counter part to the web clients. It provides the requested
data to the browser and manages web sessions. It is a WSGI-compliant application.
As such, it can be run as a stand-alone HTTP server or embedded inside OpenERP.

doc/03_module_dev.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2

doc/03_module_dev_01.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
Module structure
A module can contain the following elements:
- **Business object** : declared as Python classes extending the OpenObject c
lass osv.Model, the persistence of these resource is completly managed
by OpenObject,
- **Data** : XML/CSV files with meta-data (views and workflows declaration),
configuration data (modules parametrization) and demo data (optional but
recommended for testing),
- **Wizards** : stateful interactive forms used to assist users, often available
as contextual actions on resources,
- **Reports** : RML (XML format). MAKO or OpenOffice report templates, to be
merged with any kind of business data, and generate HTML, ODT or PDF reports.
.. figure:: _static/03_module_gen_view.png
:width: 75%
:alt: Module composition
:align: center
Module composition
Each module is contained in its own directory within either the server/bin/addons
directory or another directory of addons, configured in server installation.
To create a new module, the following steps are required:
- create a ``my_module`` subdirectory in the source/addons directory
- create the module description file ``__init__.py``
- create the module declaration file ``__openerp__.py``
- create **Python** files containing **objects**
- create **.xml files** holding module data such as views, menu entries
or demo data
- optionally create **reports**, **wizards** or **workflows**
Description file __init__.py
The ``__init__.py`` file is the Python module descriptor, because an OpenERP
module is also a regular Python module. Like any Python module, it is executed
at program start. It needs to import the Python files that need to be loaded.
It contains the importation instruction applied to all Python files of the
module, without the .py extension. For example, if a module contains a single
python file named ``mymodule.py``, the file should look like:
import module
Declaration file __openerp__.py
In the created module directory, you must add a **__openerp__.py** file.
This file, which must be in Python format, is responsible to
1. determine the *XML files that will be parsed* during the initialization
of the server, and also to
2. determine the *dependencies* of the created module.
This file must contain a Python dictionary with the following values:
name The (Plain English) name of the module.
version The version of the module.
description The module description (text).
author The author of the module.
website The website of the module.
license The license of the module (default:GPL-2).
depends List of modules on which this module depends. The base
module must almost always be in the dependencies because
some necessary data for the views, reports, ... are in
the base module.
init_xml List of .xml files to load when the server is launched
with the "--init=module" argument. Filepaths must be
relative to the directory where the module is. OpenERP
XML file format is detailed in this section.
update_xml List of .xml files to load when the server is launched with
the "--update=module" launched. Filepaths must be relative
to the directory where the module is. Files in **update_xml**
concern: views, reports and wizards.
installable True or False. Determines whether the module is installable
or not.
auto_install True or False (default: False). If set to ``True``, the
module is a link module. It will be installed as soon
as all its dependencies are installed.
For the ``my_module`` module, here is an example of ``__openerp__.py``
declaration file:
.. code-block:: python
'name' : "My Module",
'version' : "1.0",
'author' : "OpenERP",
'category' : "Tools",
'depends' : ['base',],
'init_xml' : [],
'demo_xml' : [
'update_xml' : [
'installable': True,
'auto_install': False,
The files that must be placed in init_xml are the ones that relate to the
workflow definition, data to load at the installation of the software and
the data for the demonstrations.
XML Files
XML files located in the module directory are used to modify the structure of
the database. They are used for many purposes, among which we can cite :
* initialization and demonstration data declaration,
* views declaration,
* reports declaration,
* wizards declaration,
* workflows declaration.
General structure of OpenERP XML files is more detailed in the
:ref:`xml-serialization` section. Look here if you are interested in learning
more about *initialization* and *demonstration data declaration* XML files. The
following section are only related to XML specific to *actions, menu entries,
reports, wizards* and *workflows* declaration.
All OpenERP resources are objects: menus, actions, reports, invoices, partners, ... OpenERP is based on an object relational mapping of a database to control the information. Object names are hierarchical, as in the following examples:
* account.transfer : a money transfer
* account.invoice : an invoice
* account.invoice.line : an invoice line
Generally, the first word is the name of the module: account, stock, sale.
Other advantages of an ORM;
* simpler relations : invoice.partner.address[0].city
* objects have properties and methods: invoice.pay(3400 EUR),
* inheritance, high level constraints, ...
It is easier to manipulate one object (example, a partner) than several tables (partner address, categories, events, ...)
.. figure:: images/pom_3_0_3.png
:scale: 50
:align: center
*The Physical Objects Model of [OpenERP version 3.0.3]*
PostgreSQL and ORM
The ORM of OpenERP is constructed over PostgreSQL. It is thus possible to
query the object used by OpenERP using the object interface or by directly
using SQL statements.
But it is dangerous to write or read directly in the PostgreSQL database, as
you will shortcut important steps like constraints checking or workflow
.. note::
The Physical Database Model of OpenERP
Pre-Installed Data
Data can be inserted or updated into the PostgreSQL tables corresponding to the
OpenERP objects using XML files. The general structure of an OpenERP XML file
is as follows:
.. code-block:: xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<record model="model.name_1" id="id_name_1">
<field name="field1">
"field1 content"
<field name="field2">
"field2 content"
<record model="model.name_2" id="id_name_2">
Fields content are strings that must be encoded as *UTF-8* in XML files.
Let's review an example taken from the OpenERP source (base_demo.xml in the base module):
.. code-block:: xml
<record model="res.company" id="main_company">
<field name="name">Tiny sprl</field>
<field name="partner_id" ref="main_partner"/>
<field name="currency_id" ref="EUR"/>
.. code-block:: xml
<record model="res.users" id="user_admin">
<field name="login">admin</field>
<field name="password">admin</field>
<field name="name">Administrator</field>
<field name="signature">Administrator</field>
<field name="action_id" ref="action_menu_admin"/>
<field name="menu_id" ref="action_menu_admin"/>
<field name="address_id" ref="main_address"/>
<field name="groups_id" eval="[(6,0,[group_admin])]"/>
<field name="company_id" ref="main_company"/>
This last record defines the admin user :
* The fields login, password, etc are straightforward.
* The ref attribute allows to fill relations between the records :
.. code-block:: xml
<field name="company_id" ref="main_company"/>
The field **company_id** is a many-to-one relation from the user object to the company object, and **main_company** is the id of to associate.
* The **eval** attribute allows to put some python code in the xml: here the groups_id field is a many2many. For such a field, "[(6,0,[group_admin])]" means : Remove all the groups associated with the current user and use the list [group_admin] as the new associated groups (and group_admin is the id of another record).
* The **search** attribute allows to find the record to associate when you do not know its xml id. You can thus specify a search criteria to find the wanted record. The criteria is a list of tuples of the same form than for the predefined search method. If there are several results, an arbitrary one will be chosen (the first one):
.. code-block:: xml
<field name="partner_id" search="[]" model="res.partner"/>
This is a classical example of the use of **search** in demo data: here we do not really care about which partner we want to use for the test, so we give an empty list. Notice the **model** attribute is currently mandatory.
Record Tag
The addition of new data is made with the record tag. This one takes a mandatory attribute : model. Model is the object name where the insertion has to be done. The tag record can also take an optional attribute: id. If this attribute is given, a variable of this name can be used later on, in the same file, to make reference to the newly created resource ID.
A record tag may contain field tags. They indicate the record's fields value. If a field is not specified the default value will be used.
.. code-block:: xml
<record model="ir.actions.report.xml" id="l0">
<field name="model">account.invoice</field>
<field name="name">Invoices List</field>
<field name="report_name">account.invoice.list</field>
<field name="report_xsl">account/report/invoice.xsl</field>
<field name="report_xml">account/report/invoice.xml</field>
Field tag
The attributes for the field tag are the following:
name : mandatory
the field name
eval : optional
python expression that indicating the value to add
reference to an id defined in this file
model to be looked up in the search
a query
Function tag
A function tag can contain other function tags.
model : mandatory
The model to be used
name : mandatory
the function given name
should evaluate to the list of parameters of the method to be called, excluding cr and uid
.. code-block:: xml
<function model="ir.ui.menu" name="search" eval="[[('name','=','Operations')]]"/>
Getitem tag
Takes a subset of the evaluation of the last child node of the tag.
type : mandatory
int or list
index : mandatory
int or string (a key of a dictionary)
Evaluates to the first element of the list of ids returned by the function node
.. code-block:: xml
<getitem index="0" type="list">
<function model="ir.ui.menu" name="search" eval="[[('name','=','Operations')]]"/>
Improving Translations
.. describe:: Translating in launchpad
Translations are managed by
the `Launchpad Web interface <https://translations.launchpad.net/openobject>`_. Here, you'll
find the list of translatable projects.
Please read the `FAQ <https://answers.launchpad.net/rosetta/+faqs>`_ before asking questions.
.. describe:: Translating your own module
.. versionchanged:: 5.0
Contrary to the 4.2.x version, the translations are now done by module. So,
instead of an unique ``i18n`` folder for the whole application, each module has
its own ``i18n`` folder. In addition, OpenERP can now deal with ``.po`` [#f_po]_
files as import/export format. The translation files of the installed languages
are automatically loaded when installing or updating a module. OpenERP can also
generate a .tgz archive containing well organised ``.po`` files for each selected
.. [#f_po] http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/manual/gettext/PO-Files.html#PO-Files
Defining the process
Through the interface and module recorder.
Then, put the generated XML in your own module.
Technical Specifications - Architecture - Views
Views are a way to represent the objects on the client side. They indicate to the client how to lay out the data coming from the objects on the screen.
There are two types of views:
* form views
* tree views
Lists are simply a particular case of tree views.
A same object may have several views: the first defined view of a kind (*tree, form*, ...) will be used as the default view for this kind. That way you can have a default tree view (that will act as the view of a one2many) and a specialized view with more or less information that will appear when one double-clicks on a menu item. For example, the products have several views according to the product variants.
Views are described in XML.
If no view has been defined for an object, the object is able to generate a view to represent itself. This can limit the developer's work but results in less ergonomic views.
Usage example
When you open an invoice, here is the chain of operations followed by the client:
* An action asks to open the invoice (it gives the object's data (account.invoice), the view, the domain (e.g. only unpaid invoices) ).
* The client asks (with XML-RPC) to the server what views are defined for the invoice object and what are the data it must show.
* The client displays the form according to the view
.. figure:: images/arch_view_use.png
:scale: 50
:align: center
To develop new objects
The design of new objects is restricted to the minimum: create the objects and optionally create the views to represent them. The PostgreSQL tables do not have to be written by hand because the objects are able to automatically create them (or adapt them in case they already exist).
OpenERP uses a flexible and powerful reporting system. Reports are generated either in PDF or in HTML. Reports are designed on the principle of separation between the data layer and the presentation layer.
Reports are described more in details in the `Reporting <http://openobject.com/wiki/index.php/Developers:Developper%27s_Book/Reports>`_ chapter.
The objects and the views allow you to define new forms very simply, lists/trees and interactions between them. But that is not enough, you must define the dynamics of these objects.
A few examples:
* a confirmed sale order must generate an invoice, according to certain conditions
* a paid invoice must, only under certain conditions, start the shipping order
The workflows describe these interactions with graphs. One or several workflows may be associated to the objects. Workflows are not mandatory; some objects don't have workflows.
Below is an example workflow used for sale orders. It must generate invoices and shipments according to certain conditions.
.. figure:: images/arch_workflow_sale.png
:scale: 85
:align: center
In this graph, the nodes represent the actions to be done:
* create an invoice,
* cancel the sale order,
* generate the shipping order, ...
The arrows are the conditions;
* waiting for the order validation,
* invoice paid,
* click on the cancel button, ...
The squared nodes represent other Workflows;
* the invoice
* the shipping
Configure addons locations
By default, the only directory of addons known by the server is server/bin/addons.
It is possible to add new addons by
- copying them in server/bin/addons, or creating a symbolic link to each
of them in this directory, or
- specifying another directory containing addons to the server. The later
can be accomplished either by running the server with the ``--addons-path=``
option, or by configuring this option in the openerp_serverrc file,
automatically generated under Linux in your home directory by the
server when executed with the ``--save`` option. You can provide several
addons to the ``addons_path`` = option, separating them using commas.

doc/03_module_dev_02.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,959 @@
Objects, Fields and Methods
OpenERP Objects
.. This chapter is dedicated to detailed objects definition:
all fields
all objects
All the ERP's pieces of data are accessible through "objects". As an example, there is a res.partner object to access the data concerning the partners, an account.invoice object for the data concerning the invoices, etc...
Please note that there is an object for every type of resource, and not an
object per resource. We have thus a res.partner object to manage all the
partners and not a *res.partner* object per partner. If we talk in "object
oriented" terms, we could also say that there is an object per level.
The direct consequences is that all the methods of objects have a common parameter: the "ids" parameter. This specifies on which resources (for example, on which partner) the method must be applied. Precisely, this parameter contains a list of resource ids on which the method must be applied.
For example, if we have two partners with the identifiers 1 and 5, and we want to call the res_partner method "send_email", we will write something like::
res_partner.send_email(... , [1, 5], ...)
We will see the exact syntax of object method calls further in this document.
In the following section, we will see how to define a new object. Then, we will check out the different methods of doing this.
For developers:
* OpenERP "objects" are usually called classes in object oriented programming.
* A OpenERP "resource" is usually called an object in OO programming, instance of a class.
It's a bit confusing when you try to program inside OpenERP, because the language used is Python, and Python is a fully object oriented language, and has objects and instances ...
Luckily, an OpenERP "resource" can be converted magically into a nice Python object using the "browse" class method (OpenERP object method).
The ORM - Object-relational mapping - Models
The ORM, short for Object-Relational Mapping, is a central part of OpenERP.
In OpenERP, the data model is described and manipulated through Python classes
and objects. It is the ORM job to bridge the gap -- as transparently as
possible for the developer -- between Python and the underlying relational
database (PostgreSQL), which will provide the persistence we need for our
OpenERP Object Attributes
Objects Introduction
To define a new object, you must define a new Python class then instantiate it. This class must inherit from the osv class in the osv module.
Object definition
The first line of the object definition will always be of the form::
class name_of_the_object(osv.osv):
_name = 'name.of.the.object'
_columns = { ... }
An object is defined by declaring some fields with predefined names in the
class. Two of them are required (_name and _columns), the rest are optional.
The predefined fields are:
Predefined fields
Determines whether a corresponding PostgreSQL table must be generated
automatically from the object. Setting _auto to False can be useful in case
of OpenERP objects generated from PostgreSQL views. See the "Reporting From
PostgreSQL Views" section for more details.
`_columns (required)`
The object fields. See the :ref:`fields <fields-link>` section for further details.
The constraints on the object. See the constraints section for details.
The SQL Constraint on the object. See the SQL constraints section for further details.
The default values for some of the object's fields. See the default value section for details.
The name of the osv object which the current object inherits from. See the :ref:`object inheritance section<inherit-link>`
(first form) for further details.
The list of osv objects the object inherits from. This list must be given in
a python dictionary of the form: {'name_of_the_parent_object':
'name_of_the_field', ...}. See the :ref:`object inheritance section<inherits-link>`
(second form) for further details. Default value: {}.
Determines whether or not the write access to the resource must be logged.
If true, four fields will be created in the SQL table: create_uid,
create_date, write_uid, write_date. Those fields represent respectively the
id of the user who created the record, the creation date of record, the id
of the user who last modified the record, and the date of that last
modification. This data may be obtained by using the perm_read method.
`_name (required)`
Name of the object. Default value: None.
Name of the fields used to sort the results of the search and read methods.
Default value: 'id'.
_order = "name"
_order = "date_order desc"
Name of the field in which the name of every resource is stored. Default
value: 'name'. Note: by default, the name_get method simply returns the
content of this field.
Name of the SQL sequence that manages the ids for this object. Default value: None.
SQL code executed upon creation of the object (only if _auto is True). It means this code gets executed after the table is created.
Name of the SQL table. Default value: the value of the _name field above
with the dots ( . ) replaced by underscores ( _ ).
.. _inherit-link:
Object Inheritance - _inherit
Objects may be inherited in some custom or specific modules. It is better to
inherit an object to add/modify some fields.
It is done with::
Extension of an object
There are two possible ways to do this kind of inheritance. Both ways result in
a new class of data, which holds parent fields and behaviour as well as
additional fields and behaviour, but they differ in heavy programatical
While Example 1 creates a new subclass "custom_material" that may be "seen" or
"used" by any view or tree which handles "network.material", this will not be
the case for Example 2.
This is due to the table (other.material) the new subclass is operating on,
which will never be recognized by previous "network.material" views or trees.
Example 1::
class custom_material(osv.osv):
_name = 'network.material'
_inherit = 'network.material'
_columns = {
'manuf_warranty': fields.boolean('Manufacturer warranty?'),
_defaults = {
'manuf_warranty': lambda *a: False,
.. tip:: Notice
_name == _inherit
In this example, the 'custom_material' will add a new field 'manuf_warranty' to
the object 'network.material'. New instances of this class will be visible by
views or trees operating on the superclasses table 'network.material'.
This inheritancy is usually called "class inheritance" in Object oriented
design. The child inherits data (fields) and behavior (functions) of his
Example 2::
class other_material(osv.osv):
_name = 'other.material'
_inherit = 'network.material'
_columns = {
'manuf_warranty': fields.boolean('Manufacturer warranty?'),
_defaults = {
'manuf_warranty': lambda *a: False,
.. tip:: Notice
_name != _inherit
In this example, the 'other_material' will hold all fields specified by
'network.material' and it will additionally hold a new field 'manuf_warranty'.
All those fields will be part of the table 'other.material'. New instances of
this class will therefore never been seen by views or trees operating on the
superclasses table 'network.material'.
This type of inheritancy is known as "inheritance by prototyping" (e.g.
Javascript), because the newly created subclass "copies" all fields from the
specified superclass (prototype). The child inherits data (fields) and behavior
(functions) of his parent.
.. _inherits-link:
Inheritance by Delegation - _inherits
**Syntax :**::
class tiny_object(osv.osv)
_name = 'tiny.object'
_table = 'tiny_object'
_inherits = {
'tiny.object_a': 'object_a_id',
'tiny.object_b': 'object_b_id',
... ,
'tiny.object_n': 'object_n_id'
The object 'tiny.object' inherits from all the columns and all the methods from
the n objects 'tiny.object_a', ..., 'tiny.object_n'.
To inherit from multiple tables, the technique consists in adding one column to
the table tiny_object per inherited object. This column will store a foreign
key (an id from another table). The values *'object_a_id' 'object_b_id' ...
'object_n_id'* are of type string and determine the title of the columns in
which the foreign keys from 'tiny.object_a', ..., 'tiny.object_n' are stored.
This inheritance mechanism is usually called " *instance inheritance* " or "
*value inheritance* ". A resource (instance) has the VALUES of its parents.
.. _fields-link:
Fields Introduction
Objects may contain different types of fields. Those types can be divided into
three categories: simple types, relation types and functional fields. The
simple types are integers, floats, booleans, strings, etc ... ; the relation
types are used to represent relations between objects (one2one, one2many,
many2one). Functional fields are special fields because they are not stored in
the database but calculated in real time given other fields of the view.
Here's the header of the initialization method of the class any field defined
in OpenERP inherits (as you can see in server/bin/osv/fields.py)::
def __init__(self, string='unknown', required=False, readonly=False,
domain=None, context="", states=None, priority=0, change_default=False, size=None,
ondelete="set null", translate=False, select=False, **args) :
There are a common set of optional parameters that are available to most field
Whether or not the user can define default values on other fields depending
on the value of this field. Those default values need to be defined in
the ir.values table.
A description of how the field should be used: longer and more descriptive
than `string`. It will appear in a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the
How to handle deletions in a related record. Allowable values are:
'restrict', 'no action', 'cascade', 'set null', and 'set default'.
:priority: Not used?
:readonly: `True` if the user cannot edit this field, otherwise `False`.
`True` if this field must have a value before the object can be saved,
otherwise `False`.
:size: The size of the field in the database: number characters or digits.
Lets you override other parameters for specific states of this object.
Accepts a dictionary with the state names as keys and a list of name/value
tuples as the values. For example: `states={'posted':[('readonly',True)]}`
The field name as it should appear in a label or column header. Strings
containing non-ASCII characters must use python unicode objects.
For example: `'tested': fields.boolean(u'Testé')`
`True` if the *content* of this field should be translated, otherwise
There are also some optional parameters that are specific to some field types:
Define a variable's value visible in the view's context or an on-change
function. Used when searching child table of `one2many` relationship?
Domain restriction on a relational field.
Default value: [].
Example: domain=[('field','=',value)])
:invisible: Hide the field's value in forms. For example, a password.
Default value for the `on_change` attribute in the view. This will launch
a function on the server when the field changes in the client. For example,
Used when a field is an id reference to another table. This is the name of
the table to look in. Most commonly used with related and function field
Default value for the `select` attribute in the view. 1 means basic search,
and 2 means advanced search.
Type of Fields
Basic Types
A boolean (true, false).
fields.boolean('Field Name' [, Optional Parameters]),
An integer.
fields.integer('Field Name' [, Optional Parameters]),
A floating point number.
fields.float('Field Name' [, Optional Parameters]),
.. note::
The optional parameter digits defines the precision and scale of the
number. The scale being the number of digits after the decimal point
whereas the precision is the total number of significant digits in the
number (before and after the decimal point). If the parameter digits is
not present, the number will be a double precision floating point number.
Warning: these floating-point numbers are inexact (not any value can be
converted to its binary representation) and this can lead to rounding
errors. You should always use the digits parameter for monetary amounts.
'rate': fields.float(
'Relative Change rate',
digits=(12,6) [,
Optional Parameters]),
A string of limited length. The required size parameter determines its size.
'Field Name',
size=n [,
Optional Parameters]), # where ''n'' is an integer.
'city' : fields.char('City Name', size=30, required=True),
A text field with no limit in length.
fields.text('Field Name' [, Optional Parameters]),
A date.
fields.date('Field Name' [, Optional Parameters]),
Allows to store a date and the time of day in the same field.
fields.datetime('Field Name' [, Optional Parameters]),
A binary chain
A field which allows the user to make a selection between various predefined values.
fields.selection((('n','Unconfirmed'), ('c','Confirmed')),
'Field Name' [, Optional Parameters]),
.. note::
Format of the selection parameter: tuple of tuples of strings of the form::
(('key_or_value', 'string_to_display'), ... )
.. note::
You can specify a function that will return the tuple. Example ::
def _get_selection(self, cursor, user_id, context=None):
return (
('choice1', 'This is the choice 1'),
('choice2', 'This is the choice 2'))
_columns = {
'sel' : fields.selection(
'What do you want ?')
Using relation fields **many2one** with **selection**. In fields definitions add::
'my_field': fields.many2one(
And then define the _sel_func like this (but before the fields definitions)::
def _sel_func(self, cr, uid, context=None):
obj = self.pool.get('mymodule.relation.model')
ids = obj.search(cr, uid, [])
res = obj.read(cr, uid, ids, ['name', 'id'], context)
res = [(r['id'], r['name']) for r in res]
return res
Relational Types
A one2one field expresses a one:to:one relation between two objects. It is
deprecated. Use many2one instead.
fields.one2one('other.object.name', 'Field Name')
Associates this object to a parent object via this Field. For example
Department an Employee belongs to would Many to one. i.e Many employees will
belong to a Department
'Field Name',
optional parameters)
Optional parameters:
- ondelete: What should happen when the resource this field points to is deleted.
+ Predefined value: "cascade", "set null", "restrict", "no action", "set default"
+ Default value: "set null"
- required: True
- readonly: True
- select: True - (creates an index on the Foreign Key field)
*Example* ::
'commercial': fields.many2one(
'Field relation id',
optional parameter)
Optional parameters:
- invisible: True/False
- states: ?
- readonly: True/False
*Example* ::
'address': fields.one2many(
'relation object',
'Field Name')
- other.object.name is the other object which belongs to the relation
- relation object is the table that makes the link
- actual.object.id and other.object.id are the fields' names used in the relation table
To make it bidirectional (= create a field in the other object)::
class other_object_name2(osv.osv):
_inherit = 'other.object.name'
_columns = {
'other_fields': fields.many2many(
'relation object',
'Other Field Name'),
class res_partner_category2(osv.osv):
_inherit = 'res.partner.category'
_columns = {
'partner_ids': fields.many2many(
Sometimes you need to refer to the relation of a relation. For example,
supposing you have objects: City -> State -> Country, and you need to refer to
the Country from a City, you can define a field as below in the City object::
'country_id': fields.related(
- The first set of parameters are the chain of reference fields to
follow, with the desired field at the end.
- :guilabel:`type` is the type of that desired field.
- Use :guilabel:`relation` if the desired field is still some kind of
reference. :guilabel:`relation` is the table to look up that
reference in.
Functional Fields
A functional field is a field whose value is calculated by a function (rather
than being stored in the database).
**Parameters:** ::
fnct, arg=None, fnct_inv=None, fnct_inv_arg=None, type="float",
fnct_search=None, obj=None, method=False, store=False, multi=False
* :guilabel:`fnct` is the function or method that will compute the field
value. It must have been declared before declaring the functional field.
* :guilabel:`fnct_inv` is the function or method that will allow writing
values in that field.
* :guilabel:`type` is the field type name returned by the function. It can
be any field type name except function.
* :guilabel:`fnct_search` allows you to define the searching behaviour on
that field.
* :guilabel:`method` whether the field is computed by a method (of an
object) or a global function
* :guilabel:`store` If you want to store field in database or not. Default
is False.
* :guilabel:`multi` is a group name. All fields with the same `multi`
parameter will be calculated in a single function call.
fnct parameter
If *method* is True, the signature of the method must be::
def fnct(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context):
otherwise (if it is a global function), its signature must be::
def fnct(cr, table, ids, field_name, arg, context):
Either way, it must return a dictionary of values of the form
**{id'_1_': value'_1_', id'_2_': value'_2_',...}.**
The values of the returned dictionary must be of the type specified by the type
argument in the field declaration.
If *multi* is set, then *field_name* is replaced by *field_names*: a list
of the field names that should be calculated. Each value in the returned
dictionary is also a dictionary from field name to value. For example, if the
fields `'name'`, and `'age'` are both based on the `vital_statistics` function,
then the return value of `vital_statistics` might look like this when `ids` is
`[1, 2, 5]`::
1: {'name': 'Bob', 'age': 23},
2: {'name': 'Sally', 'age', 19},
5: {'name': 'Ed', 'age': 62}
fnct_inv parameter
If *method* is true, the signature of the method must be::
def fnct(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, field_value, arg, context):
otherwise (if it is a global function), it should be::
def fnct(cr, table, ids, field_name, field_value, arg, context):
fnct_search parameter
If method is true, the signature of the method must be::
def fnct(self, cr, uid, obj, name, args, context):
otherwise (if it is a global function), it should be::
def fnct(cr, uid, obj, name, args, context):
The return value is a list containing 3-part tuples which are used in search function::
return [('id','in',[1,3,5])]
*obj* is the same as *self*, and *name* receives the field name. *args* is a list
of 3-part tuples containing search criteria for this field, although the search
function may be called separately for each tuple.
Suppose we create a contract object which is :
.. code-block:: python
class hr_contract(osv.osv):
_name = 'hr.contract'
_description = 'Contract'
_columns = {
'name' : fields.char('Contract Name', size=30, required=True),
'employee_id' : fields.many2one('hr.employee', 'Employee', required=True),
'function' : fields.many2one('res.partner.function', 'Function'),
If we want to add a field that retrieves the function of an employee by looking its current contract, we use a functional field. The object hr_employee is inherited this way:
.. code-block:: python
class hr_employee(osv.osv):
_name = "hr.employee"
_description = "Employee"
_inherit = "hr.employee"
_columns = {
'contract_ids' : fields.one2many('hr.contract', 'employee_id', 'Contracts'),
'function' : fields.function(
string='Contract Function'),
.. note:: three points
* :guilabel:`type` ='many2one' is because the function field must create
a many2one field; function is declared as a many2one in hr_contract also.
* :guilabel:`obj` ="res.partner.function" is used to specify that the
object to use for the many2one field is res.partner.function.
* We called our method :guilabel:`_get_cur_function_id` because its role
is to return a dictionary whose keys are ids of employees, and whose
corresponding values are ids of the function of those employees. The
code of this method is:
.. code-block:: python
def _get_cur_function_id(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context):
for i in ids:
#get the id of the current function of the employee of identifier "i"
sql_req= """
SELECT f.id AS func_id
FROM hr_contract c
LEFT JOIN res_partner_function f ON (f.id = c.function)
(c.employee_id = %d)
""" % (i,)
sql_res = cr.dictfetchone()
if sql_res: #The employee has one associated contract
res[i] = sql_res['func_id']
#res[i] must be set to False and not to None because of XML:RPC
# "cannot marshal None unless allow_none is enabled"
res[i] = False
return res
The id of the function is retrieved using a SQL query. Note that if the query
returns no result, the value of sql_res['func_id'] will be None. We force the
False value in this case value because XML:RPC (communication between the server
and the client) doesn't allow to transmit this value.
store Parameter
It will calculate the field and store the result in the table. The field will be
recalculated when certain fields are changed on other objects. It uses the
following syntax:
.. code-block:: python
store = {
'object_name': (
['field_name1', 'field_name2'],
It will call function function_name when any changes are written to fields in the
list ['field1','field2'] on object 'object_name'. The function should have the
following signature::
def function_name(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
Where `ids` will be the ids of records in the other object's table that have
changed values in the watched fields. The function should return a list of ids
of records in its own table that should have the field recalculated. That list
will be sent as a parameter for the main function of the field.
Here's an example from the membership module:
.. code-block:: python
string='Current membership state',
'account.invoice': (_get_invoice_partner, ['state'], 10),
'membership.membership_line': (_get_partner_id,['state'], 10),
'res.partner': (
lambda self, cr, uid, ids, c={}: ids,
Property Fields
.. describe:: Declaring a property
A property is a special field: fields.property.
.. code-block:: python
class res_partner(osv.osv):
_name = "res.partner"
_inherit = "res.partner"
_columns = {
string="Sale Pricelist",
group_name="Pricelists Properties"),
Then you have to create the default value in a .XML file for this property:
.. code-block:: xml
<record model="ir.property" id="property_product_pricelist">
<field name="name">property_product_pricelist</field>
<field name="fields_id" search="[('model','=','res.partner'),
<field name="value" eval="'product.pricelist,'+str(list0)"/>
.. tip::
if the default value points to a resource from another module, you can use the ref function like this:
<field name="value" eval="'product.pricelist,'+str(ref('module.data_id'))"/>
**Putting properties in forms**
To add properties in forms, just put the <properties/> tag in your form. This will automatically add all properties fields that are related to this object. The system will add properties depending on your rights. (some people will be able to change a specific property, others won't).
Properties are displayed by section, depending on the group_name attribute. (It is rendered in the client like a separator tag).
**How does this work ?**
The fields.property class inherits from fields.function and overrides the read and write method. The type of this field is many2one, so in the form a property is represented like a many2one function.
But the value of a property is stored in the ir.property class/table as a complete record. The stored value is a field of type reference (not many2one) because each property may point to a different object. If you edit properties values (from the administration menu), these are represented like a field of type reference.
When you read a property, the program gives you the property attached to the instance of object you are reading. If this object has no value, the system will give you the default property.
The definition of a property is stored in the ir.model.fields class like any other fields. In the definition of the property, you can add groups that are allowed to change to property.
**Using properties or normal fields**
When you want to add a new feature, you will have to choose to implement it as a property or as normal field. Use a normal field when you inherit from an object and want to extend this object. Use a property when the new feature is not related to the object but to an external concept.
Here are a few tips to help you choose between a normal field or a property:
Normal fields extend the object, adding more features or data.
A property is a concept that is attached to an object and have special features:
* Different value for the same property depending on the company
* Rights management per field
* It's a link between resources (many2one)
**Example 1: Account Receivable**
The default "Account Receivable" for a specific partner is implemented as a property because:
* This is a concept related to the account chart and not to the partner, so it is an account property that is visible on a partner form. Rights have to be managed on this fields for accountants, these are not the same rights that are applied to partner objects. So you have specific rights just for this field of the partner form: only accountants may change the account receivable of a partner.
* This is a multi-company field: the same partner may have different account receivable values depending on the company the user belongs to. In a multi-company system, there is one account chart per company. The account receivable of a partner depends on the company it placed the sale order.
* The default account receivable is the same for all partners and is configured from the general property menu (in administration).
.. note::
One interesting thing is that properties avoid "spaghetti" code. The account module depends on the partner (base) module. But you can install the partner (base) module without the accounting module. If you add a field that points to an account in the partner object, both objects will depend on each other. It's much more difficult to maintain and code (for instance, try to remove a table when both tables are pointing to each others.)
**Example 2: Product Times**
The product expiry module implements all delays related to products: removal date, product usetime, ... This module is very useful for food industries.
This module inherits from the product.product object and adds new fields to it:
.. code-block:: python
class product_product(osv.osv):
_inherit = 'product.product'
_name = 'product.product'
_columns = {
'life_time': fields.integer('Product lifetime'),
'use_time': fields.integer('Product usetime'),
'removal_time': fields.integer('Product removal time'),
'alert_time': fields.integer('Product alert time'),
This module adds simple fields to the product.product object. We did not use properties because:
* We extend a product, the life_time field is a concept related to a product, not to another object.
* We do not need a right management per field, the different delays are managed by the same people that manage all products.
ORM methods
Keeping the context in ORM methods
In OpenObject, the context holds very important data such as the language in
which a document must be written, whether function field needs updating or not,
When calling an ORM method, you will probably already have a context - for
example the framework will provide you with one as a parameter of almost
every method.
If you do have a context, it is very important that you always pass it through
to every single method you call.
This rule also applies to writing ORM methods. You should expect to receive a
context as parameter, and always pass it through to every other method you call..

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View File

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Menus and Actions
Menus are records in the ``ir.ui.menu`` table. In order to create a new
menu entry, you can directly create a record using the ``record`` tag.
.. code-block:: xml
<record id="menu_xml_id" model="ir.ui.menu">
<field name="name">My Menu</field>
<field name="action" ref="action_xml_id"/>
<field name="sequence" eval="<integer>"/>
<field name="parent_id" ref="parent_menu_xml_id"/>
There is a shortcut by using the ``menuitem`` tag that **you should use
preferentially**. It offers a flexible way to easily define the menu entry
along with icons and other fields.
.. code-block:: xml
<menuitem id="menu_xml_id"
name="My Menu"
- ``id`` specifies the **xml identifier** of the menu item in the menu
items table. This identifier must be unique. Mandatory field.
- ``name`` defines the menu name that will be displayed in the client.
Mandatory field.
- ``action`` specifies the identifier of the attached action defined
in the action table (``ir.actions.act_window``). This field is not
mandatory : you can define menu elements without associating actions
to them. This is useful when defining custom icons for menu elements
that will act as folders. This is how custom icons for "Projects" or
"Human Resources" in OpenERP are defined).
- ``groups`` specifies which group of user can see the menu item.
(example : groups="admin"). See section " Management of Access Rights"
for more information. Multiple groups should be separated by a ','
(example: groups="admin,user")
- ``sequence`` is an integer that is used to sort the menu item in the
menu. The higher the sequence number, the downer the menu item. This
argument is not mandatory: if sequence is not specified, the menu item
gets a default sequence number of 10. Menu items with the same sequence
numbers are sorted by order of creation (``_order = "*sequence,id*"``).
The main current limitation of using ``menuitem`` is that the menu action must be an
``act_window`` action. This kind of actions is the most used action in OpenERP.
However for some menus you will use other actions. For example, the Feeds
page that comes with the mail module is a client action. For this kind of
menu entry, you can combine both declaration, as defined in the mail module :
.. code-block:: xml
<!-- toplevel menu -->
<menuitem id="mail_feeds_main" name="Feeds" sequence="0"
web_icon_hover="static/src/img/feeds-hover.png" />
<record id="mail_feeds_main" model="ir.ui.menu">
<field name="action" ref="action_mail_all_feeds"/>
The actions define the behavior of the system in response to the actions
of the users ; login of a new user, double-click on an invoice, click on the action button, ...
There are different types of simple actions:
* **Window**: Opening of a new window
* **Report**: The printing of a report
o Custom Report: The personalized reports
o RML Report: The XSL:RML reports
* **Execute**: The execution of a method on the server side
* **Group**: Gather some actions in one group
The actions are used for the following events:
* User connection,
* The user clicks on a menu,
* The user clicks on the icon 'print' or 'action'.
Opening of the menu
When the user open the option of the menu "Operations > Partners > Partners Contact", the next steps are done to give the user information on the action to undertake.
1. Search the action in the IR.
2. Execution of the action
1. If the action is the type Opening the Window; it indicates to the user that a new window must be opened for a selected object and it gives you the view (form or list) and the filed to use (only the pro-forma invoice).
2. The user asks the object and receives information necessary to trace a form; the fields description and the XML view.
User connection
When a new user is connected to the server, the client must search the action to use for the first screen of this user. Generally, this action is: open the menu in the 'Operations' section.
The steps are:
1. Reading of a user file to obtain ACTION_ID
2. Reading of the action and execution of this one
The fields
**Action Name**
The action name
**Action Type**
Always 'ir.actions.act_window'
**View Ref**
The view used for showing the object
The model of the object to post
**Type of View**
The type of view (Tree/Form)
**Domain Value**
The domain that decreases the visible data with this view
The view
The view describes how the edition form or the data tree/list appear on screen. The views can be of 'Form' or 'Tree' type, according to whether they represent a form for the edition or a list/tree for global data viewing.
A form can be called by an action opening in 'Tree' mode. The form view is generally opened from the list mode (like if the user pushes on 'switch view').
The domain
This parameter allows you to regulate which resources are visible in a selected view.(restriction)
For example, in the invoice case, you can define an action that opens a view that shows only invoices not paid.
The domains are written in python; list of tuples. The tuples have three elements;
* the field on which the test must be done
* the operator used for the test (<, >, =, like)
* the tested value
For example, if you want to obtain only 'Draft' invoice, use the following domain; [('state','=','draft')]
In the case of a simple view, the domain define the resources which are the roots of the tree. The other resources, even if they are not from a part of the domain will be posted if the user develop the branches of the tree.
Window Action
Actions are explained in more detail in section "Administration Modules - Actions". Here's the template of an action XML record :
<record model="ir.actions.act_window" id="action_id_1">
<field name="name">action.name</field>
<field name="view_id" ref="view_id_1"/>
<field name="domain">["list of 3-tuples (max 250 characters)"]</field>
<field name="context">{"context dictionary (max 250 characters)"}</field>
<field name="res_model">Open.object</field>
<field name="view_type">form|tree</field>
<field name="view_mode">form,tree|tree,form|form|tree</field>
<field name="usage">menu</field>
<field name="target">new</field>
* **id** is the identifier of the action in the table "ir.actions.act_window". It must be unique.
* **name** is the name of the action (mandatory).
* **view_id** is the name of the view to display when the action is activated. If this field is not defined, the view of a kind (list or form) associated to the object res_model with the highest priority field is used (if two views have the same priority, the first defined view of a kind is used).
* **domain** is a list of constraints used to refine the results of a selection, and hence to get less records displayed in the view. Constraints of the list are linked together with an AND clause : a record of the table will be displayed in the view only if all the constraints are satisfied.
* **context** is the context dictionary which will be visible in the view that will be opened when the action is activated. Context dictionaries are declared with the same syntax as Python dictionaries in the XML file. For more information about context dictionaries, see section " The context Dictionary".
* **res_model** is the name of the object on which the action operates.
* **view_type** is set to form when the action must open a new form view, and is set to tree when the action must open a new tree view.
* **view_mode** is only considered if view_type is form, and ignored otherwise. The four possibilities are :
- **form,tree** : the view is first displayed as a form, the list view can be displayed by clicking the "alternate view button" ;
- **tree,form** : the view is first displayed as a list, the form view can be displayed by clicking the "alternate view button" ;
- **form** : the view is displayed as a form and there is no way to switch to list view ;
- **tree** : the view is displayed as a list and there is no way to switch to form view.
(version 5 introduced **graph** and **calendar** views)
* **usage** is used [+ ***TODO*** +]
* **target** the view will open in new window like wizard.
* **context** will be passed to the action itself and added to its global context
.. code-block:: xml
<record model="ir.actions.act_window" id="a">
<field name="name">account.account.tree1</field>
<field name="res_model">account.account</field>
<field name="view_type">tree</field>
<field name="view_mode">form,tree</field>
<field name="view_id" ref="v"/>
<field name="domain">[('code','=','0')]</field>
<field name="context">{'project_id': active_id}</field>
They indicate at the user that he has to open a new window in a new 'tab'.
Administration > Custom > Low Level > Base > Action > Window Actions
.. figure:: images/module_base_action_window.png
:scale: 85
:align: center
Examples of actions
This action is declared in server/bin/addons/project/project_view.xml.
<record model="ir.actions.act_window" id="open_view_my_project">
<field name="name">project.project</field>
<field name="res_model">project.project</field>
<field name="view_type">tree</field>
<field name="domain">[('parent_id','=',False), ('manager', '=', uid)]</field>
<field name="view_id" ref="view_my_project" />
This action is declared in server/bin/addons/stock/stock_view.xml.
<record model="ir.actions.act_window" id="action_picking_form">
<field name="name">stock.picking</field>
<field name="res_model">stock.picking</field>
<field name="type">ir.actions.act_window</field>
<field name="view_type">form</field>
<field name="view_id" ref="view_picking_form"/>
<field name="context">{'contact_display': 'partner'}</field>
Url Action
Report Action
Report declaration
Reports in OpenERP are explained in chapter "Reports Reporting". Here's an example of a XML file that declares a RML report :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<report id="sale_category_print"
string="Sales Orders By Categories"
A report is declared using a **report tag** inside a "data" block. The different arguments of a report tag are :
* **id** : an identifier which must be unique.
* **string** : the text of the menu that calls the report (if any, see below).
* **model** : the OpenERP object on which the report will be rendered.
* **rml** : the .RML report model. Important Note : Path is relative to addons/ directory.
* **menu** : whether the report will be able to be called directly via the client or not. Setting menu to False is useful in case of reports called by wizards.
* **auto** : determines if the .RML file must be parsed using the default parser or not. Using a custom parser allows you to define additional functions to your report.
Action creation
Linking events to action
The available type of events are:
* **client_print_multi** (print from a list or form)
* **client_action_multi** (action from a list or form)
* **tree_but_open** (double click on the item of a tree, like the menu)
* **tree_but_action** (action on the items of a tree)
To map an events to an action:
.. code-block:: xml
<record model="ir.values" id="ir_open_journal_period">
<field name="key2">tree_but_open</field>
<field name="model">account.journal.period</field>
<field name="name">Open Journal</field>
<field name="value" eval="'ir.actions.wizard,%d'%action_move_journal_line_form_select"/>
<field name="object" eval="True"/>
If you double click on a journal/period (object: account.journal.period), this will open the selected wizard. (id="action_move_journal_line_form_select").
You can use a res_id field to allow this action only if the user click on a specific object.
.. code-block:: xml
<record model="ir.values" id="ir_open_journal_period">
<field name="key2">tree_but_open</field>
<field name="model">account.journal.period</field>
<field name="name">Open Journal</field>
<field name="value" eval="'ir.actions.wizard,%d'%action_move_journal_line_form_select"/>
<field name="res_id" eval="3"/>
<field name="object" eval="True"/>
The action will be triggered if the user clicks on the account.journal.period n°3.
When you declare wizard, report or menus, the ir.values creation is automatically made with these tags:
* <menuitem... />
* <report... />
So you usually do not need to add the mapping by yourself.

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Example of module creation
Getting the skeleton directory
Create a ``travel`` directory, that will contain our addon. Create **__init__.py** file and **__openerp__.py** files.
Edit the **__openerp__.py** module manifest file:
.. code-block:: python
"name" : "Travel agency module",
"version" : "1.1",
"author" : "Tiny",
"category" : "Generic Modules/Others",
"website" : "http://www.openerp.com",
"description": "A module to manage hotel bookings and a few other useful features.",
"depends" : ["base"],
"init_xml" : [],
"update_xml" : ["travel_view.xml"],
"active": True,
"installable": True
Changing the main module file
Now you need to update the travel.py script to suit the needs of your module.
We suggest you follow the Flash tutorial for this or download the travel agency
module from the 20 minutes tutorial page. ::
The documentation below is overlapping the two next step in this wiki tutorial,
so just consider them as a help and head towards the next two pages first...
The travel.py file should initially look like this:
.. code-block:: python
from osv import osv, fields
class travel_hostel(osv.osv):
_name = 'travel.hostel'
_inherit = 'res.partner'
_columns = {
'rooms_id': fields.one2many('travel.room', 'hostel_id', 'Rooms'),
'quality': fields.char('Quality', size=16),
_defaults = {
Ideally, you would copy that bunch of code several times to create all the
entities you need (travel_airport, travel_room, travel_flight). This is what
will hold the database structure of your objects, but you don't really need to
worry too much about the database side. Just filling this file will create the
system structure for you when you install the module.
Customizing the view
You can now move on to editing the views. To do this, edit the custom_view.xml file. It should first look like this:
.. code-block:: xml
<record model="res.groups" id="group_compta_user">
<field name="name">grcompta</field>
<record model="res.groups" id="group_compta_admin">
<field name="name">grcomptaadmin</field>
<menuitem name="Administration" groups="admin,grcomptaadmin"
icon="terp-stock" id="menu_admin_compta"/>
This is, as you can see, an example taken from an accounting system (French
people call accounting "comptabilité", which explains the compta bit).
Defining a view is defining the interfaces the user will get when accessing
your module. Just defining a bunch of fields here should already get you
started on a complete interface. However, due to the complexity of doing it
right, we recommend, once again, that download the travel agency module example
from this link http://apps.openerp.com/
Next you should be able to create different views using other files to separate
them from your basic/admin view.

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
.. _module_versioning:
Module versioning
@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ functionalities can be brought together in a better module.
.. _`dependency hell`: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dependency_hell
Whenever a new module is developed or must evolve, the above versioning policy
should be respected.

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Security in OpenERP: users, groups
Users and user roles are critical points concerning internal security in
OpenERP. OpenERP provides several security mechanisms concerning user roles,
all implemented in the OpenERP Server. They are implemented in the lowest
server level, which is the ORM engine. OpenERP distinguishes three different
- user: a person identified by its login and password. Note that all employees
of a company are not necessarily OpenERP users; an user is somebody who
accesses the application.
- group: a group of users that has some access rights. A group gives its
access rights to the users that belong to the group. Ex: Sales Manager,
Accountant, etc.
- security rule: a rule that defines the access rights a given group grants
to its users. Security rules are attached to a given resource, for example
the Invoice model.
Security rules are attached to groups. Users are assigned to several groups.
This gives users the rights that are attached to their groups. Therefore
controlling user roles is done by managing user groups and adding or modifying
security rules attached to those groups.
Users represent physical persons using OpenERP. They are identified with
a login and a password,they use OpenERP, they can edit their own preferences, ...
By default, a user has no access right. The more we assign groups to the user,
the more he or she gets rights to perform some actions. A user may belong
to several groups.
User groups
The groups determine the access rights to the different resources. A user
may belong to several groups. If he belongs to several groups, we always
use the group with the highest rights for a selected resource. A group
can inherit all the rights from another group
Figure 3 shows how group membership is displayed in the web client. The user
belongs to Sales / Manager, Accounting / Manager, Administration / Access Rights,
Administration / Configuration and Human Resources / Employee groups. Those
groups define the user access rights.
Figure 3: Example of group membership for a given user
Security rules are attached to groups. You can assign several security
rules at the group level, each rule being of one of the following types :
- access rights are global rights on an object,
- record rules are records access filters,
- fields access right,
- workflow transition rules are operations rights.
You can also define rules that are global, i.e. they are applied to all
users, indiscriminately of the groups they belong to. For example, the
multi-company rules are global; a user can only see invoices of the companies
he or she belongs to.
Concerning configuration, it is difficult to have default generic configurations
that suit all applications. Therefore, like SAP, OpenERP is by default
pre-configured with best-practices.
Access rights
Access rights are rules that define the access a user can have on a particular
object . Those global rights are defined per document type or model. Rights
follow the CRUD model: create, read (search), update (write), delete. For
example, you can define rules on invoice creation. By default, adding a
right to an object gives the right to all records of that specific object.
Figure 4 shows some of the access rights of the Accounting / Accountant group.
The user has some read access rights on some objects.
Figure 4: Access rights for some objects.
Record rules
When accessing an object, records are filtered based on record rules. Record
rules or access filters are therefore filters that limits records of an
object a group can access. A record rule is a condition that each record
must satisfy to be created, read, updated (written) or deleted. Records
that do not meet the constraints are filtered.
For example, you can create a rule to limit a group in such a way that
users of that group will see business opportunities in which he or she is
flagged as the salesman. The rule can be salesman = connected_user. With
that rule, only records respecting the rule will be displayed.
Field access rights
.. versionadded:: 7.0
OpenERP now supports real access control at the field level, not just on the view side.
Previously it was already possible to set a ``groups`` attribute on a ``<field>`` element
(or in fact most view elements), but with cosmetics effects only: the element was made
invisible on the client side, while still perfectly available for read/write access at
the RPC level.
As of OpenERP 7.0 the existing behavior is preserved on the view level, but a new ``groups``
attribute is available on all model fields, introducing a model-level access control on
each field. The syntax is the same as for the view-level attribute::
_columns = {
'secret_key': fields.char('Secret Key', groups="base.group_erp_manager,base.group_system")
There is a major difference with the view-level ``groups`` attribute: restricting
the access at the model level really means that the field will be completely unavailable
for users who do not belong to the authorized groups:
* Restricted fields will be **completely removed** from all related views, not just
hidden. This is important to keep in mind because it means the field value will not be
available at all on the client side, and thus unavailable e.g. for ``on_change`` calls.
* Restricted fields will not be returned as part of a call to
:meth:`~openerp.osv.orm.fields_get` or :meth:`~openerp.osv.orm.fields_view_get`
This is in order to avoid them appearing in the list of fields available for
advanced search filters, for example. This does not prevent getting the list of
a model's fields by querying ``ir.model.fields`` directly, which is fine.
* Any attempt to read or write directly the value of the restricted fields will result
in an ``AccessError`` exception.
* As a consequence of the previous item, restricted fields will not be available for
use within search filters (domains) or anything that would require read or write access.
* It is quite possible to set ``groups`` attributes for the same field both at the model
and view level, even with different values. Both will carry their effect, with the
model-level restriction taking precedence and removing the field completely in case of
.. note:: The tests related to this feature are in ``openerp/tests/test_acl.py``.
.. warning:: At the time of writing the implementation of this feature is partial
and does not yet restrict read/write RPC access to the field.
The corresponding test is written already but currently disabled.
Workflow transition rules
Workflow transition rules are rules that restrict some operations to certain
groups. Those rules handle rights to go from one step to another one in the
workflow. For example, you can limit the right to validate an invoice, i.e.
going from a draft action to a validated action.
Menu accesses
In OpenERP, granting access to menus can be done using user groups. A menu
that is not granted to any group is accessible to every user. It is possible
in the administration panel to define the groups that can access a given menu.
However, one should note that using groups to hide or give access to menus
is more within the filed of ergonomics or usability than within the field
of security. It is a best practice putting rules on documents instead of
putting groups on menu. For example, hiding invoices can be done by modifying
the record rule on the invoice object, and it is more efficient and safer
than hiding menus related to invoices.
Views customization
Customizing views based on groups is possible in OpenERP. You can put rules
to display some fields based on group rules. However, as with menu accesses
customization, this option should not be considered for security concerns.
This way of customizing views belongs more to usability.
When installing your particular instance of OpenERP, a specific first user
is installed by default. This first user is the Super User or administrator.
The administrator is by default added access rights to every existing groups,
as well as to every groups created during a new module installation. He also
has access to a specific administration interface accessible via the administration
menu, allowing the administration of OpenERP.
The administrator has rights to manage groups; he can add, create, modify
or remove groups. He may also modify links between users and groups, such
as adding or removing users. He also manages access rights. With those
privileges, the administrator can therefore precisely define security
accesses of every users of OpenERP.
There are user groups that are between normal groups and the super user.
Those groups are Administration / Configuration and Administration / Access Rights.
It gives to the users of those groups the necessary rights to configure access rights.

doc/06_misc.rst Normal file
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:maxdepth: 2

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ no other references to the sub-records in the system), they have to be
spliced into the matrix somehow. This is done by adding lines composed
*only* of o2m record fields below the main record:
.. literalinclude:: o2m.txt
.. literalinclude:: 06_misc_import_o2m.txt
the sections in double-lines represent the span of two o2m
fields. During parsing, they are extracted into their own ``data``

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ This class also offers several global services,:
- ``needaction_get_action_count``: as ``needaction_get_record_ids`` but returns only the number of action, not the ids (performs a search with count=True)
- ``needaction_get_user_record_references``: for a given uid, get all the records that ask this user to perform an action. Records are given as references, a list of tuples (model_name, record_id).
.. versionadded:: openobject-server.XXXX
.. versionadded:: openobject-server.4137
This revision of the needaction_mixin mechanism slighty modifies the class behavior. The ``ir_needaction_mixin`` class now adds a function field on models inheriting from the class. This field allows to state whether a given record has a needaction for the current user. This is usefull if you want to customize views according to the needaction feature. For example, you may want to set records in bold in a list view if the current user has an action to perform on the record. This makes the class not a pure abstract class, but allows to easily use the action information. The field definition is::
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ users (those whose attention is required on the record)
Menu modification
.. versionchanged:: openobject-server.XXXX
.. versionchanged:: openobject-server.4137
This revision adds three functional fields to ``ir.ui.menu`` model :
- ``uses_needaction``: boolean field. If the menu entry action is an act_window action, and if this action is related to a model that uses the need_action mechanism, this field is set to true. Otherwise, it is false.

doc/09_deployment.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
.. _using-gunicorn:
Deploying with Gunicorn
Starting with OpenERP 6.1, the server and web addons are WSGI_ compliant. In
particular, support for the Gunicorn_ HTTP server is available. For some
background information and motivation, please read http://www.openerp.com/node/1106.
To install Gunicorn, please refer to Gunicorn's website.
.. _Gunicorn: http://gunicorn.org/
.. _WSGI: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Server_Gateway_Interface
Configuring and starting an OpenERP server with Gunicorn is straightfoward. The
different sections below give more details but the following steps are all it
1. Use a configuration file, passing it to ``gunicorn`` using the ``-c``
2. Within the same configuration file, also configure OpenERP.
3. Run ``gunicorn openerp:wsgi.core.application -c gunicorn.conf.py``.
Sample configuration file
A sample ``gunicorn.conf.py`` configuration file for Gunicorn can be found in
the OpenERP server source tree. It is fairly well commented and easily
customizable for your own usage. While reading the remaining of this page, it
is advised you take a look at the sample ``gunicorn.conf.py`` file as it makes
things easier to follow.
Gunicorn can be configured by a configuration file and/or command-line
arguments. For a list of available options, you can refer to the official
Gunicorn documentation http://gunicorn.org/configure.html.
When the OpenERP server is started on its own, by using the ``openerp-server``
script, it can also be configured by a configuration file or its command-line
arguments. But when it is run via Gunicorn, it is no longer the case. Instead,
as the Gunicorn configuration file is a full-fledged Python file, we can
``import openerp`` in it and configure directly the server.
The principle can be summarized with this three lines (although they are spread
across the whole sample ``gunicorn.conf.py`` file)::
import openerp
conf = openerp.tools.config
conf['addons_path'] = '/home/openerp/addons/trunk,/home/openerp/web/trunk/addons'
The above three lines first import the ``openerp`` library (i.e. the one
containing the OpenERP server implementation). The second one is really to
shorten repeated usage of the same variable. The third one sets a parameter, in
this case the equivalent of the ``--addons-path`` command-line option.
Finally, Gunicorn offers a few hooks so we can call our own code at some points
in its execution. The most important one is the ``on_starting`` hook. It lets
us properly initialize the ``openerp`` library before Gunicorn starts handling
requests. ``pre_request`` and ``post_request`` are called before and after
requests are handled. We provide functions in ``openerp.wsgi.core`` that can be
used to define those hooks: a typical Gunicorn configuration for OpenERP will
thus contains::
on_starting = openerp.wsgi.core.on_starting
pre_request = openerp.wsgi.core.pre_request
post_request = openerp.wsgi.core.post_request
Once a proper configuration file is available, running the OpenERP server with
Gunicorn can be done with the following command::
> gunicorn openerp:wsgi.core.application -c gunicorn.conf.py
``openerp`` must be importable by Python. The simplest way is to run the above
command from the server source directory (i.e. the directory containing the
``openerp`` module). Alternatively, the module can be installed on your machine
as a regular Python library or added to your ``PYTHONPATH``.
Running behind a reverse proxy
If you intend to run Gunicorn behind a reverse proxy (nginx_ is recommended),
an alternative entry point is available in ``openerp.wsgi.proxied``. That entry
point uses werkzeug's ProxyFix_ class to set a few headers. You first have to
explicitely import that sub-module if you want to use it. So add this line in
the configuration file::
import openerp.wsgi.proxied
and then adapt the command-line::
> gunicorn openerp:wsgi.proxied.application -c gunicorn.conf.py
.. _nginx: http://nginx.org/en/
.. _ProxyFix: http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/docs/contrib/fixers/#werkzeug.contrib.fixers.ProxyFix

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@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
.. _openerp library:
Server-side library
.. automodule:: openerp

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@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
Field-level access control
.. versionadded:: 7.0
OpenERP now supports real access control at the field level, not just on the view side.
Previously it was already possible to set a ``groups`` attribute on a ``<field>`` element
(or in fact most view elements), but with cosmetics effects only: the element was made
invisible on the client side, while still perfectly available for read/write access at
the RPC level.
As of OpenERP 7.0 the existing behavior is preserved on the view level, but a new ``groups``
attribute is available on all model fields, introducing a model-level access control on
each field. The syntax is the same as for the view-level attribute::
_columns = {
'secret_key': fields.char('Secret Key', groups="base.group_erp_manager,base.group_system")
There is a major difference with the view-level ``groups`` attribute: restricting
the access at the model level really means that the field will be completely unavailable
for users who do not belong to the authorized groups:
* Restricted fields will be **completely removed** from all related views, not just
hidden. This is important to keep in mind because it means the field value will not be
available at all on the client side, and thus unavailable e.g. for ``on_change`` calls.
* Restricted fields will not be returned as part of a call to
:meth:`~openerp.osv.orm.fields_get` or :meth:`~openerp.osv.orm.fields_view_get`
This is in order to avoid them appearing in the list of fields available for
advanced search filters, for example. This does not prevent getting the list of
a model's fields by querying ``ir.model.fields`` directly, which is fine.
* Any attempt to read or write directly the value of the restricted fields will result
in an ``AccessError`` exception.
* As a consequence of the previous item, restricted fields will not be available for
use within search filters (domains) or anything that would require read or write access.
* It is quite possible to set ``groups`` attributes for the same field both at the model
and view level, even with different values. Both will carry their effect, with the
model-level restriction taking precedence and removing the field completely in case of
.. note:: The tests related to this feature are in ``openerp/tests/test_acl.py``.
.. warning:: At the time of writing the implementation of this feature is partial
and does not yet restrict read/write RPC access to the field.
The corresponding test is written already but currently disabled.

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@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
Start-up script
.. versionadded:: 6.1
To run the OpenERP server, the conventional approach is to use the
`openerp-server` script. It loads the :ref:`openerp library`, sets a few
configuration variables corresponding to command-line arguments, and starts to
listen to incoming connections from clients.
Depending on your deployment needs, you can write such a start-up script very
easily. We also recommend you take a look at an alternative tool called
`openerp-command` that can, among other things, launch the server.
Yet another alternative is to use a WSGI-compatible HTTP server and let it call
into one of the WSGI entry points of the server.

doc/index.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
OpenERP Server Developers Documentation
OpenERP Server
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
OpenERP Server API
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:maxdepth: 1

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OpenERP Server
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:maxdepth: 1
Changed in 7.0
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