[FIX] orm,expression: sanity checks for domain terms, cleanup, tests

bzr revid: odo@openerp.com-20110924020303-2amkx95ij1yp8ofk
This commit is contained in:
Olivier Dony 2011-09-24 04:03:03 +02:00
parent e85f246469
commit 67dcd97ea6
3 changed files with 83 additions and 45 deletions

View File

@ -471,4 +471,33 @@
!python {model: res.country }: |
ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('create_date', '<', '2001-01-01 12:00:00')])
Verify that invalid expressions are refused, even for magic fields
!python {model: res.country }: |
self.search(cr, uid, [('does_not_exist', '=', 'foo')])
raise AssertionError('Invalid fields should not be accepted')
except ValueError:
self.search(cr, uid, [('create_date', '>>', 'foo')])
raise AssertionError('Invalid operators should not be accepted')
except ValueError:
import psycopg2
cr._default_log_exceptions = False
cr.execute('SAVEPOINT expression_failure_test')
self.search(cr, uid, [('create_date', '=', "1970-01-01'); --")])
# if the above search gives no error, the operand was not escaped!
cr.execute('RELEASE SAVEPOINT expression_failure_test')
raise AssertionError('Operands should always be SQL escaped')
except psycopg2.DataError:
# Should give: 'DataError: invalid input syntax for type timestamp' or similar
cr.execute('ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT expression_failure_test')

View File

@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ import logging
from openerp.tools import flatten, reverse_enumerate
import fields
import openerp.modules
from openerp.osv.orm import MAGIC_COLUMNS
#.apidoc title: Domain Expressions
@ -413,7 +414,7 @@ class expression(object):
# check if the expression is valid
if not is_leaf(e):
raise ValueError('Bad domain expression: %r, %r is not a valid term.' % (exp, e))
raise ValueError("Invalid term %r in domain expression %r" % (e, exp))
# normalize the leaf's operator
e = normalize_leaf(*e)
@ -421,41 +422,47 @@ class expression(object):
left, operator, right = e
working_table = table # The table containing the field (the name provided in the left operand)
fargs = left.split('.', 1)
field_path = left.split('.', 1)
# If the field is _inherits'd, search for the working_table,
# and extract the field.
if fargs[0] in table._inherit_fields:
if field_path[0] in table._inherit_fields:
while True:
field = working_table._columns.get(fargs[0])
field = working_table._columns.get(field_path[0])
if field:
self.__field_tables[i] = working_table
next_table = working_table.pool.get(working_table._inherit_fields[fargs[0]][0])
next_table = working_table.pool.get(working_table._inherit_fields[field_path[0]][0])
if next_table not in self.__all_tables:
self.__joins.append('%s."%s"=%s."%s"' % (next_table._table, 'id', working_table._table, working_table._inherits[next_table._name]))
working_table = next_table
# Or (try to) directly extract the field.
field = working_table._columns.get(fargs[0])
field = working_table._columns.get(field_path[0])
if not field:
if left == 'id' and operator == 'child_of':
ids2 = to_ids(right, table)
dom = child_of_domain(left, ids2, working_table)
self.__exp = self.__exp[:i] + dom + self.__exp[i+1:]
# field could not be found in model columns, it's probably invalid, unless
# it's one of the _log_access special fields
# TODO: make these fields explicitly available in self.columns instead!
if field_path[0] not in MAGIC_COLUMNS:
raise ValueError("Invalid field %r in domain expression %r" % (left, exp))
field_obj = table.pool.get(field._obj)
if len(fargs) > 1:
if len(field_path) > 1:
if field._type == 'many2one':
right = field_obj.search(cr, uid, [(fargs[1], operator, right)], context=context)
self.__exp[i] = (fargs[0], 'in', right)
right = field_obj.search(cr, uid, [(field_path[1], operator, right)], context=context)
self.__exp[i] = (field_path[0], 'in', right)
# Making search easier when there is a left operand as field.o2m or field.m2m
if field._type in ['many2many', 'one2many']:
right = field_obj.search(cr, uid, [(fargs[1], operator, right)], context=context)
right1 = table.search(cr, uid, [(fargs[0], 'in', right)], context=context)
right = field_obj.search(cr, uid, [(field_path[1], operator, right)], context=context)
right1 = table.search(cr, uid, [(field_path[0], 'in', right)], context=context)
self.__exp[i] = ('id', 'in', right1)
if not isinstance(field, fields.property):
@ -657,6 +664,12 @@ class expression(object):
def __leaf_to_sql(self, leaf, table):
left, operator, right = leaf
# final sanity checks - should never fail
assert operator in (TERM_OPERATORS + ('inselect',)), \
"Invalid operator %r in domain term %r" % (operator, leaf)
assert leaf in (TRUE_LEAF, FALSE_LEAF) or left in table._all_columns \
or left in MAGIC_COLUMNS, "Invalid field %r in domain term %r" % (left, leaf)
if leaf == TRUE_LEAF:
query = 'TRUE'
params = []
@ -704,8 +717,8 @@ class expression(object):
query = '(%s OR %s."%s" IS NULL)' % (query, table._table, left)
elif check_nulls and operator == 'not in':
query = '(%s AND %s."%s" IS NOT NULL)' % (query, table._table, left) # needed only for TRUE.
else: # Must not happen.
else: # Must not happen
raise ValueError("Invalid domain term %r" % (leaf,))
elif right == False and (left in table._columns) and table._columns[left]._type=="boolean" and (operator == '='):
query = '(%s."%s" IS NULL or %s."%s" = false )' % (table._table, left, table._table, left)
@ -725,15 +738,12 @@ class expression(object):
elif (operator == '=?'):
if (right is False or right is None):
# '=?' is a short-circuit that makes the term TRUE if right is None or False
query = 'TRUE'
params = []
elif left in table._columns:
format = table._columns[left]._symbol_set[0]
query = '(%s."%s" = %s)' % (table._table, left, format)
params = table._columns[left]._symbol_set[1](right)
query = "(%s.\"%s\" = '%%s')" % (table._table, left)
params = right
# '=?' behaves like '=' in other cases
query, params = self.__leaf_to_sql((left, '=', right), table)
elif left == 'id':
query = '%s.id %s %%s' % (table._table, operator)
@ -749,15 +759,11 @@ class expression(object):
query = '(unaccent(%s."%s") %s unaccent(%s))' % (table._table, left, sql_operator, format)
query = '(%s."%s" %s %s)' % (table._table, left, sql_operator, format)
# Ugly case to support columns present in database but not in
# _columns. This will probably be removed in the future, but
# we have to keep it for now.
_logger.warning("The domain term '%s' specify a column not declared in _columns." % ((left, operator, right),))
if self.has_unaccent and sql_operator in ('ilike', 'not ilike'):
query = "(unaccent(%s.\"%s\") %s unaccent('%s'))" % (table._table, left, sql_operator, right)
query = "(%s.\"%s\" %s '%s')" % (table._table, left, sql_operator, right)
elif left in MAGIC_COLUMNS:
query = "(%s.\"%s\" %s %%s)" % (table._table, left, sql_operator)
params = right
else: # Must not happen
raise ValueError("Invalid field %r in domain term %r" % (left, leaf))
add_null = False
if need_wildcard:
@ -771,10 +777,6 @@ class expression(object):
add_null = not str_utf8
elif left in table._columns:
params = table._columns[left]._symbol_set[1](right)
# Matching else clause for the above else clause, where the
# params are actually already in the query.
params = []
if add_null:
query = '(%s OR %s."%s" IS NULL)' % (query, table._table, left)

View File

@ -638,6 +638,7 @@ class orm_template(object):
_log_create = False
def log(self, cr, uid, id, message, secondary=False, context=None):
if context and context.get('disable_log'):
return True
@ -2546,12 +2547,24 @@ class orm_memory(orm_template):
for id in ids:
self._check_access(uid, id, operation)
# Definition of log access columns, automatically added to models if
# self._log_access is True
'create_uid': 'INTEGER REFERENCES res_users ON DELETE SET NULL',
'create_date': 'TIMESTAMP',
'write_date': 'TIMESTAMP'
# special columns automatically created by the ORM
class orm(orm_template):
_sql_constraints = []
_table = None
_protected = ['read', 'write', 'create', 'default_get', 'perm_read', 'unlink', 'fields_get', 'fields_view_get', 'search', 'name_get', 'distinct_field_get', 'name_search', 'copy', 'import_data', 'search_count', 'exists']
__logger = logging.getLogger('orm')
__schema = logging.getLogger('orm.schema')
def read_group(self, cr, uid, domain, fields, groupby, offset=0, limit=None, context=None, orderby=False):
Get the list of records in list view grouped by the given ``groupby`` fields
@ -2780,7 +2793,7 @@ class orm(orm_template):
# iterate on the database columns to drop the NOT NULL constraints
# of fields which were required but have been removed (or will be added by another module)
columns = [c for c in self._columns if not (isinstance(self._columns[c], fields.function) and not self._columns[c].store)]
columns += ('id', 'write_uid', 'write_date', 'create_uid', 'create_date') # openerp access columns
columns += MAGIC_COLUMNS
cr.execute("SELECT a.attname, a.attnotnull"
" FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a"
" WHERE c.relname=%s"
@ -2847,7 +2860,7 @@ class orm(orm_template):
column_data = self._select_column_data(cr)
for k, f in self._columns.iteritems():
if k in ('id', 'write_uid', 'write_date', 'create_uid', 'create_date'):
# Don't update custom (also called manual) fields
if f.manual and not update_custom_fields:
@ -3149,23 +3162,17 @@ class orm(orm_template):
def _add_log_columns(self, cr):
logs = {
'create_uid': 'INTEGER REFERENCES res_users ON DELETE SET NULL',
'create_date': 'TIMESTAMP',
'write_date': 'TIMESTAMP'
for k in logs:
for field, field_def in LOG_ACCESS_COLUMNS.iteritems():
SELECT c.relname
FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a
WHERE c.relname=%s AND a.attname=%s AND c.oid=a.attrelid
""", (self._table, k))
""", (self._table, field))
if not cr.rowcount:
cr.execute('ALTER TABLE "%s" ADD COLUMN "%s" %s' % (self._table, k, logs[k]))
cr.execute('ALTER TABLE "%s" ADD COLUMN "%s" %s' % (self._table, field, field_def))
self.__schema.debug("Table '%s': added column '%s' with definition=%s",
self._table, k, logs[k])
self._table, field, field_def)
def _select_column_data(self, cr):
@ -4641,7 +4648,7 @@ class orm(orm_template):
for f in fields:
ftype = fields[f]['type']
if self._log_access and f in ('create_date', 'create_uid', 'write_date', 'write_uid'):
if self._log_access and f in LOG_ACCESS_COLUMNS:
del data[f]
if f in default: