[FIX] routing_map: correct subclasses detection.

Subclass detection didn't include the class itself if all it's subclasses
were invalid. As we create a new regrouping subclass, that was always the
case after a registry reloading, causing subclassed controllers to not be
taken in account.

[IMP] routing_map: clean code a little bit
This commit is contained in:
Christophe Simonis 2014-06-03 17:48:08 +02:00
parent a07af9e715
commit 70041a5f1b
1 changed files with 15 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -666,13 +666,17 @@ class EndPoint(object):
def routing_map(modules, nodb_only, converters=None):
routing_map = werkzeug.routing.Map(strict_slashes=False, converters=converters)
def get_subclasses(k):
def get_subclasses(klass):
def valid(c):
return c.__module__.startswith('openerp.addons.') and c.__module__.split(".")[2] in modules
s = k.__subclasses__()
if not s:
return [k] if valid(k) else []
return [u for t in s if valid(t) for u in get_subclasses(t)]
subclasses = klass.__subclasses__()
result = []
for subclass in subclasses:
if valid(subclass):
if not result and valid(klass):
result = [klass]
return result
uniq = lambda it: collections.OrderedDict((id(x), x) for x in it).values()
@ -687,22 +691,23 @@ def routing_map(modules, nodb_only, converters=None):
cls = type(name, tuple(reversed(subclasses)), {})
o = cls()
members = inspect.getmembers(o)
for mk, mv in members:
if inspect.ismethod(mv) and hasattr(mv, 'routing'):
members = inspect.getmembers(o, inspect.ismethod)
for _, mv in members:
if hasattr(mv, 'routing'):
routing = dict(type='http', auth='user', methods=None, routes=None)
methods_done = list()
# update routing attributes from subclasses(auth, methods...)
for claz in reversed(mv.im_class.mro()):
fn = getattr(claz, mv.func_name, None)
if fn and hasattr(fn, 'routing') and fn not in methods_done:
if not nodb_only or nodb_only == (routing['auth'] == "none"):
if not nodb_only or routing['auth'] == "none":
assert routing['routes'], "Method %r has not route defined" % mv
endpoint = EndPoint(mv, routing)
for url in routing['routes']:
if routing.get("combine", False):
# deprecated
# deprecated v7 declaration
url = o._cp_path.rstrip('/') + '/' + url.lstrip('/')
if url.endswith("/") and len(url) > 1:
url = url[: -1]