[IMP] mail.js: moved a function, added subtype when posting a comment

bzr revid: tde@openerp.com-20120507141358-vau7b9wgillyixg7
This commit is contained in:
Thibault Delavallée 2012-05-07 16:13:58 +02:00
parent 6f3040ff4d
commit 7ce89441f2
1 changed files with 56 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -4,59 +4,6 @@ openerp.mail = function(session) {
var mail = session.mail = {};
* Add records to sorted_comments array
* @param {Array} records records from mail.message sorted by date desc
* @returns {Object} cs comments_structure: dict
* cs.model_to_root_ids = {model: [root_ids], }
* cs.new_root_ids = [new_root_ids]
* cs.root_ids = [root_ids]
* cs.msgs = {record.id: record,}
* cs.tree_struct = {record.id: {
* 'level': record_level in hierarchy, 0 is root,
* 'msg_nbr': number of childs,
* 'direct_childs': [msg_ids],
* 'all_childs': [msg_ids],
* 'for_thread_msgs': [records],
* 'ancestors': [msg_ids], } }
function tools_sort_comments(cs, records, parent_id) {
var cur_iter = 0; var max_iter = 10; var modif = true;
while ( modif && (cur_iter++) < max_iter) {
modif = false;
_(records).each(function (record) {
// root and not yet recorded
if ( (record.parent_id == false || record.parent_id[0] == parent_id) && ! cs['msgs'][record.id]) {
// add to model -> root_list ids
if (! cs['model_to_root_ids'][record.model]) cs['model_to_root_ids'][record.model] = [record.id];
else cs['model_to_root_ids'][record.model].push(record.id);
// add root data
// add record
cs['tree_struct'][record.id] = {'level': 0, 'direct_childs': [], 'all_childs': [], 'for_thread_msgs': [record], 'msg_nbr': -1, 'ancestors': []};
cs['msgs'][record.id] = record;
modif = true;
// not yet recorded, but parent is recorded
else if (! cs['msgs'][record.id] && cs['msgs'][record.parent_id[0]]) {
var parent_level = cs['tree_struct'][record.parent_id[0]]['level'];
// update parent structure
// update ancestors structure
for (ancestor_id in cs['tree_struct'][record.parent_id[0]]['ancestors']) {
// add record
cs['tree_struct'][record.id] = {'level': parent_level+1, 'direct_childs': [], 'all_childs': [], 'for_thread_msgs': [], 'msg_nbr': -1, 'ancestors': []};
cs['msgs'][record.id] = record;
modif = true;
return cs;
/* Add ThreadDisplay widget to registry */
session.web.form.widgets.add( 'Thread', 'openerp.mail.Thread');
// session.web.page.readonly.add( 'Thread', 'openerp.mail.Thread');
@ -399,7 +346,7 @@ openerp.mail = function(session) {
var comment_node = this.$element.find('textarea');
var body_text = comment_node.val();
return this.ds.call('message_append_note', [[this.params.res_id], 'Reply', body_text, this.params.parent_id, 'comment', 'html']).then(
return this.ds.call('message_append_note', [[this.params.res_id], 'Reply', body_text, this.params.parent_id, 'comment', 'html', 'comment']).then(
@ -824,9 +771,63 @@ openerp.mail = function(session) {
var comment_node = this.$element.find('textarea.oe_mail_wall_action_textarea');
var body_text = comment_node.val();
var call_done = this.ds_users.call('message_append_note', [[this.session.uid], 'Tweet', body_text, false, 'comment', 'html']).then(this.proxy('init_and_fetch_comments'));
var call_done = this.ds_users.call('message_append_note', [[this.session.uid], 'Tweet', body_text, false, 'comment', 'html', 'tweet']).then(this.proxy('init_and_fetch_comments'));
* Add records to sorted_comments array
* @param {Array} records records from mail.message sorted by date desc
* @returns {Object} cs comments_structure: dict
* cs.model_to_root_ids = {model: [root_ids], }
* cs.new_root_ids = [new_root_ids]
* cs.root_ids = [root_ids]
* cs.msgs = {record.id: record,}
* cs.tree_struct = {record.id: {
* 'level': record_level in hierarchy, 0 is root,
* 'msg_nbr': number of childs,
* 'direct_childs': [msg_ids],
* 'all_childs': [msg_ids],
* 'for_thread_msgs': [records],
* 'ancestors': [msg_ids], } }
function tools_sort_comments(cs, records, parent_id) {
var cur_iter = 0; var max_iter = 10; var modif = true;
while ( modif && (cur_iter++) < max_iter) {
modif = false;
_(records).each(function (record) {
// root and not yet recorded
if ( (record.parent_id == false || record.parent_id[0] == parent_id) && ! cs['msgs'][record.id]) {
// add to model -> root_list ids
if (! cs['model_to_root_ids'][record.model]) cs['model_to_root_ids'][record.model] = [record.id];
else cs['model_to_root_ids'][record.model].push(record.id);
// add root data
// add record
cs['tree_struct'][record.id] = {'level': 0, 'direct_childs': [], 'all_childs': [], 'for_thread_msgs': [record], 'msg_nbr': -1, 'ancestors': []};
cs['msgs'][record.id] = record;
modif = true;
// not yet recorded, but parent is recorded
else if (! cs['msgs'][record.id] && cs['msgs'][record.parent_id[0]]) {
var parent_level = cs['tree_struct'][record.parent_id[0]]['level'];
// update parent structure
// update ancestors structure
for (ancestor_id in cs['tree_struct'][record.parent_id[0]]['ancestors']) {
// add record
cs['tree_struct'][record.id] = {'level': parent_level+1, 'direct_childs': [], 'all_childs': [], 'for_thread_msgs': [], 'msg_nbr': -1, 'ancestors': []};
cs['msgs'][record.id] = record;
modif = true;
return cs;
// vim:et fdc=0 fdl=0 foldnestmax=3 fdm=syntax: