build the view based on classified groups

bzr revid:
This commit is contained in:
Raphael Collet 2011-07-28 16:51:31 +02:00
parent ab63014e15
commit 8004cea65f
1 changed files with 73 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -603,17 +603,42 @@ groups2()
# Naming conventions for reified groups fields:
# - boolean field 'in_group_ID' is True iff
# ID is in 'groups_id'
# - boolean field 'in_groups_ID1_..._IDk' is True iff
# any of ID1, ..., IDk is in 'groups_id'
# - selection field 'sel_groups_ID1_..._IDk' is ID iff
# ID is in 'groups_id' and ID is maximal in the set {ID1, ..., IDk}
def name_boolean_group(id): return 'in_group_' + str(id)
def name_boolean_groups(ids): return 'in_groups_' + '_'.join(map(str, ids))
def name_selection_groups(ids): return 'sel_groups_' + '_'.join(map(str, ids))
def is_boolean_group(name): return name.startswith('in_group_')
def is_boolean_groups(name): return name.startswith('in_groups_')
def is_selection_groups(name): return name.startswith('sel_groups_')
def get_boolean_group(name): return int(name[9:])
def get_boolean_groups(name): return map(int, name[10:].split('_'))
def get_selection_groups(name): return map(int, name[11:].split('_'))
class users2(osv.osv):
_inherit = 'res.users'
def values_to_groups_id(self, cr, uid, values, context=None):
""" transform all fields like 'in_group_ID' into a 'groups_id', adding
""" transform all reified group fields into a 'groups_id', adding
also the implied groups """
add, rem = [], []
for k in values.keys():
if k.startswith('in_group_'):
# remove k from values, and place it in add or rem
(add if values.pop(k) else rem).append(int(k[9:]))
if is_boolean_group(k):
(add if values.pop(k) else rem).append(get_boolean_group(k))
elif is_boolean_groups(k):
if not values.pop(k):
elif is_selection_groups(k):
if add or rem:
# remove groups in 'rem' and add all implied groups in 'add'
add = self.pool.get('res.groups').get_closure(cr, add)
@ -621,21 +646,20 @@ class users2(osv.osv):
return True
def create(self, cr, uid, values, context=None):
# add processing for boolean fields 'in_group_ID'
# add processing for reified group fields
self.values_to_groups_id(cr, uid, values, context)
return super(users2, self).create(cr, uid, values, context)
def write(self, cr, uid, ids, values, context=None):
# add processing for boolean fields 'in_group_ID'
# add processing for reified group fields
self.values_to_groups_id(cr, uid, values, context)
return super(users2, self).write(cr, uid, ids, values, context)
def read(self, cr, uid, ids, fields, context=None, load='_classic_read'):
# add processing for boolean fields 'in_group_ID'
group_fields = []
other_fields = []
# add processing for reified group fields
group_fields, other_fields = [], []
for f in fields:
if f.startswith('in_group_'):
if is_boolean_group(f) or is_boolean_groups(f) or is_selection_groups(f):
@ -644,31 +668,59 @@ class users2(osv.osv):
res = super(users2, self).read(cr, uid, ids, fields, context, load)
for record in res:
# remove the field 'groups_id' and insert the group_fields
groups = record.pop('groups_id')
groups = set(record.pop('groups_id'))
for f in group_fields:
record[f] = int(f[9:]) in groups
if is_boolean_group(f):
record[f] = get_boolean_group(f) in groups
elif is_boolean_groups(f):
record[f] = not groups.isdisjoint(get_boolean_groups(f))
elif is_selection_groups(f):
record[f] = False
for gid in get_selection_groups(f):
if gid in groups:
record[f] = gid
return res
return super(users2, self).read(cr, uid, ids, fields, context, load)
def fields_view_get(self, cr, uid, view_id=None, view_type='form',
context=None, toolbar=False, submenu=False):
# in form views, transform 'groups_id' into boolean fields 'in_group_ID'
# in form views, transform 'groups_id' into reified group fields
res = super(users2, self).fields_view_get(cr, uid, view_id, view_type,
context, toolbar, submenu)
if view_type == 'form':
root = etree.fromstring(res['arch'])
nodes = root.xpath("//field[@name='groups_id']")
if nodes:
# replace node by the boolean fields 'in_group_ID'
# replace node by the reified group fields
fields = res['fields']
del fields['groups_id']
groups = self.pool.get('res.groups')
elems = []
for g in groups.browse(cr, 1,, 1, [])):
name = 'in_group_%d' %
fields[name] = {'type': 'boolean', 'string':, 'views': {}}
apps, others = self.pool.get('res.groups').get_classified(cr, uid, context)
# create section Applications
elems.append('<separator colspan="6" string="%s"/>' % _('Applications'))
for app, selection in apps:
ids = [id for id, name in selection]
app_name = name_boolean_groups(ids)
sel_name = name_selection_groups(ids)
fields[app_name] = {'type': 'boolean', 'string': app}
fields[sel_name] = {'type': 'selection', 'string': '', 'selection': selection}
elems.append('<field name="%s"/>' % app_name)
elems.append('<field name="%s" nolabel="1"/>' % sel_name)
# create other sections
sections = sorted(others.items(), key=lambda pair: pair[0])
if sections and sections[0][0] is None:
sec, selection = sections.pop(0)
sections.append((_('Others'), selection))
for sec, selection in sections:
elems.append('<separator colspan="6" string="%s"/>' % sec)
for id, gname in selection:
name = name_boolean_group(id)
fields[name] = {'type': 'boolean', 'string': gname}
elems.append('<field name="%s"/>' % name)
new_node = etree.fromstring('<group>' + ''.join(elems) + '</group>')
# replace xml node by new arch
new_node = etree.fromstring('<group col="6">' + ''.join(elems) + '</group>')
for node in nodes:
node.getparent().replace(node, new_node)
res['arch'] = etree.tostring(root)