[FIX] ir_model: Fixed XML data recreation when inherited part are not deleted

Description: When updating the product module, if the "Service"
product.product has been deleted, but not the corresponding
"product.template" part, the update will crash on a "duplicate xml id"

This commit fixes the bug by :
- Adding the link to existing inherited model xml id in values
- Avoid creating the duplicated XML ID

If the XML ID is found, but orphan, it's simply deleted.

Closes #8966
This commit is contained in:
Sylvain GARANCHER 2015-10-08 16:34:16 +02:00 committed by Denis Ledoux
parent 63414bef54
commit 80b373f1e5
1 changed files with 21 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1043,10 +1043,31 @@ class ir_model_data(osv.osv):
if mode=='init' or (mode=='update' and xml_id):
inherit_xml_ids = []
for table, field_name in model_obj._inherits.items():
xml_ids = self.pool['ir.model.data'].search(cr, uid, [
('module', '=', module),
('name', '=', xml_id + '_' + table.replace('.', '_')),
], context=context)
# XML ID found in the database, try to recover an existing record
if xml_ids:
found_xml_id = self.pool['ir.model.data'].browse(cr, uid, xml_ids[0], context=context)
record = self.pool[found_xml_id.model].browse(cr, uid, [found_xml_id.res_id], context=context)[0]
# The record exists, store the id and don't recreate the XML ID
if record.exists():
values[field_name] = found_xml_id.res_id
# Orphan XML ID, delete it
res_id = model_obj.create(cr, uid, values, context=context)
if xml_id:
if model_obj._inherits:
for table in model_obj._inherits:
if table in inherit_xml_ids:
inherit_id = model_obj.browse(cr, uid,
self.create(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {