[IMP] support caldav recurrency

bzr revid: tfr@openerp.com-20110712100312-lj0uib1rnx90dbhc
This commit is contained in:
tfr@openerp.com 2011-07-12 12:03:12 +02:00
parent 0a58356491
commit 842b67f5b0
1 changed files with 92 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -1006,66 +1006,9 @@ class calendar_event(osv.osv):
result[event] = ""
return result
def _parse_rrule(self, rule, data):
day_list = ['mo', 'tu', 'we', 'th', 'fr', 'sa', 'su']
r = rrule.rrulestr(rule)
data['count'] = r._count
data['interval'] = r._interval
data['end_date'] = r._until and r._until.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
#repeat weekly
if r._byweekday:
for i in xrange(0,7):
if i in r._byweekday:
data[day_list[i]] = True
data['rrule_type'] = 'weekly'
#repeat monthly bynweekday ((weekday, weeknumber), )
if r._bynweekday:
data['week_list'] = day_list[r._bynweekday[0][0]].upper()
data['byday'] = r._bynweekday[0][1]
data['rrule_type'] = 'monthly'
#end of recurrence
#in case of repeat for ever that we do not support right now
if not (data.get('count') or data.get('end_date')):
data['count'] = 100
if data.get('count'):
data['end_type'] = 'count'
data['end_type'] = 'end_date'
return data
def _write_rrule(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, field_value, arg, context):
print field_name, field_value
data = {
'byday' : False,
'recurrency' : False,
'month_list' : False,
'end_date' : False,
'rrule_type' : False,
'select1' : False,
'interval' : 0,
'count' : False,
'end_type' : False,
'mo' : False,
'tu' : False,
'we' : False,
'th' : False,
'fr' : False,
'sa' : False,
'su' : False,
'exrule' : False,
'day' : False,
'week_list' : False
if field_value:
update_data = self._parse_rrule(field_value, dict(data))
print update_data
self.write(cr, uid, ids, data, context=context)
print "rrule", self._get_rulestring(cr, uid, ids, None, arg, context)
_columns = {
'id': fields.integer('ID'),
'sequence': fields.integer('Sequence'),
@ -1088,7 +1031,7 @@ class calendar_event(osv.osv):
defines the list of date/time exceptions for a recurring calendar component."),
'exrule': fields.char('Exception Rule', size=352, help="Defines a \
rule or repeating pattern of time to exclude from the recurring rule."),
'rrule': fields.function(_get_rulestring, fnct_inv=_write_rrule, type='char', size=124, \
'rrule': fields.function(_get_rulestring, type='char', size=124, \
store=True, string='Recurrent Rule'),
'rrule_type': fields.selection([('none', ''), ('daily', 'Daily'), \
('weekly', 'Weekly'), ('monthly', 'Monthly'), \
@ -1239,7 +1182,6 @@ rule or repeating pattern of time to exclude from the recurring rule."),
@param self: the object pointer
@param datas: dictionary of freq and interval value.
print "compute rule string"
def get_week_string(freq, datas):
weekdays = ['mo', 'tu', 'we', 'th', 'fr', 'sa', 'su']
if freq == 'weekly':
@ -1271,7 +1213,85 @@ rule or repeating pattern of time to exclude from the recurring rule."),
return ''
interval_srting = datas.get('interval') and (';INTERVAL=' + str(datas.get('interval'))) or ''
return 'FREQ=' + freq.upper() + get_week_string(freq, datas) + interval_srting + get_end_date(datas) + get_month_string(freq, datas)
def _get_empty_rrule_data(self):
return {
'byday' : False,
'recurrency' : False,
'end_date' : False,
'rrule_type' : False,
'select1' : False,
'interval' : 0,
'count' : False,
'end_type' : False,
'mo' : False,
'tu' : False,
'we' : False,
'th' : False,
'fr' : False,
'sa' : False,
'su' : False,
'exrule' : False,
'day' : False,
'week_list' : False
def _write_rrule(self, cr, uid, ids, field_value, rule_date=False, context=None):
data = self._get_empty_rrule_data()
if field_value:
data['recurrency'] = True
for event in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
rdate = rule_date or event.date
update_data = self._parse_rrule(field_value, dict(data), rdate)
self.write(cr, uid, event.id, data, context=context)
def _parse_rrule(self, rule, data, date_start):
day_list = ['mo', 'tu', 'we', 'th', 'fr', 'sa', 'su']
rrule_type = ['yearly', 'monthly', 'weekly', 'daily']
r = rrule.rrulestr(rule, dtstart=datetime.strptime(date_start, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
if r._freq > 0 and r._freq < 4:
data['rrule_type'] = rrule_type[r._freq]
data['count'] = r._count
data['interval'] = r._interval
data['end_date'] = r._until and r._until.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
#repeat weekly
if r._byweekday:
for i in xrange(0,7):
if i in r._byweekday:
data[day_list[i]] = True
data['rrule_type'] = 'weekly'
#repeat monthly bynweekday ((weekday, weeknumber), )
if r._bynweekday:
data['week_list'] = day_list[r._bynweekday[0][0]].upper()
data['byday'] = r._bynweekday[0][1]
data['select1'] = 'day'
data['rrule_type'] = 'monthly'
if r._bymonthday:
data['day'] = r._bymonthday[0]
data['select1'] = 'date'
data['rrule_type'] = 'monthly'
#yearly but for openerp it's monthly, take same information as monthly but interval is 12 times
if r._bymonth:
data['interval'] = data['interval'] * 12
#FIXEME handle forever case
#end of recurrence
#in case of repeat for ever that we do not support right now
if not (data.get('count') or data.get('end_date')):
data['count'] = 100
if data.get('count'):
data['end_type'] = 'count'
data['end_type'] = 'end_date'
return data
def remove_virtual_id(self, ids):
if isinstance(ids, (str, int, long)):
@ -1407,8 +1427,12 @@ rule or repeating pattern of time to exclude from the recurring rule."),
vals.update(updated_vals.get('value', {}))
if new_ids:
if 'rrule' in vals.keys():
print "write, rrule"
print "write ", vals
if 'date' in vals.keys():
date_to_write = vals['date']
date_to_write = False
self._write_rrule(cr, uid, new_ids, vals['rrule'], date_to_write, context)
res = super(calendar_event, self).write(cr, uid, new_ids, vals, context=context)
if ('alarm_id' in vals or 'base_calendar_alarm_id' in vals)\
@ -1535,6 +1559,11 @@ rule or repeating pattern of time to exclude from the recurring rule."),
if vals.get('vtimezone', '') and vals.get('vtimezone', '').startswith('/freeassociation.sourceforge.net/tzfile/'):
vals['vtimezone'] = vals['vtimezone'][40:]
if 'date' in vals and 'rrule' in vals and vals['rrule']:
update_datas = self._parse_rrule(vals['rrule'], self._get_empty_rrule_data(), vals['date'])
update_datas['recurrency'] = True
updated_vals = self.onchange_dates(cr, uid, [],
vals.get('date', False),