doc webdav: more tests in lib, yaml

bzr revid:
This commit is contained in:
P. Christeas 2010-11-03 13:25:34 +02:00
parent 23103d89cf
commit 872f6be340
2 changed files with 206 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -11,3 +11,29 @@
dc.get_creds(self, cr, uid)
dc.gd_options(path=cr.dbname, expect={'DAV': ['1',]})
I will test the propnames at the document root
!python {model: ir.attachment}: |
from document_webdav import test_davclient as te
dc = te.DAVClient()
dc.get_creds(self, cr, uid)
I will test the ETags of the document root
!python {model: ir.attachment}: |
from document_webdav import test_davclient as te
dc = te.DAVClient()
dc.get_creds(self, cr, uid)
I will now ls -l the document root.
!python {model: ir.attachment}: |
from document_webdav import test_davclient as te
dc = te.DAVClient()
dc.get_creds(self, cr, uid)
res = dc.gd_lsl(path=cr.dbname+'/Documents/')
for lin in res:
print "%(type)s\t%(uid)s\t%(gid)s\t%(size)s\t%(mtime)s\t%(name)s" % lin

View File

@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ class DAVClient(object):
"""An instance of a WebDAV client, connected to the OpenERP server
def __init__(self, user=None, passwd=None, dbg=0, use_ssl=False):
def __init__(self, user=None, passwd=None, dbg=0, use_ssl=False, useragent=False):
if use_ssl: = config.get_misc('httpsd', 'interface', False)
self.port = config.get_misc('httpsd', 'port', 8071)
@ -345,6 +345,9 @@ class DAVClient(object):
self.user = user
self.passwd = passwd
self.dbg = dbg
self.hdrs = {}
if useragent:
def get_creds(self, obj, cr, uid):
"""Read back the user credentials from cr, uid
@ -362,11 +365,25 @@ class DAVClient(object):
self.passwd = res[0]['password']
return True
def set_useragent(self, uastr):
""" Set the user-agent header to something meaningful.
Some shorthand names will be replaced by stock strings.
if uastr in ('KDE4', 'Korganizer'):
self.hdrs['User-Agent'] = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/4.4; Linux) KHTML/4.4.3 (like Gecko)"
elif uastr == 'iPhone3':
self.hdrs['User-Agent'] = "DAVKit/5.0 (765); iCalendar/5.0 (79); iPhone/4.1 8B117"
elif uastr == "MacOS":
self.hdrs['User-Agent'] = "WebDAVFS/1.8 (01808000) Darwin/9.8.0 (i386)"
self.hdrs['User-Agent'] = uastr
def _http_request(self, path, method='GET', hdrs=None, body=None):
if not hdrs:
hdrs = {}
import base64
dbg = self.dbg
log.debug("Getting %s http://%s:%d/%s", method,, self.port, path)
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(, port=self.port)
@ -454,7 +471,169 @@ class DAVClient(object):
if expect:
self._assert_headers(expect, m)
def _parse_prop_response(self, data):
""" Parse a propfind/propname response
def getText(node):
rc = []
for node in node.childNodes:
if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
return ''.join(rc)
def getElements(node, namespaces=None, strict=False):
for cnod in node.childNodes:
if cnod.nodeType != node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if strict:
log.debug("Found %r inside <%s>", cnod, node.tagName)
if namespaces and (cnod.namespaceURI not in namespaces):
log.debug("Ignoring <%s> in <%s>", cnod.tagName, node.localName)
yield cnod
nod = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(data)
nod_r = nod.documentElement
res = {}
assert nod_r.localName == 'multistatus', nod_r.tagName
for resp in nod_r.getElementsByTagNameNS('DAV:', 'response'):
href = None
status = 200
res_nss = {}
for cno in getElements(resp, namespaces=['DAV:',]):
if cno.localName == 'href':
assert href is None, "Second href in same response"
href = getText(cno)
elif cno.localName == 'propstat':
for pno in getElements(cno, namespaces=['DAV:',]):
rstatus = None
if pno.localName == 'prop':
for prop in getElements(pno):
key = prop.localName
tval = getText(prop).strip()
val = tval or (True, rstatus or status)
if prop.namespaceURI == 'DAV:' and prop.localName == 'resourcetype':
val = 'plain'
for rte in getElements(prop, namespaces=['DAV:',]):
# Note: we only look at DAV:... elements, we
# actually expect only one DAV:collection child
val = rte.localName
res_nss.setdefault(prop.namespaceURI,{})[key] = val
elif pno.localName == 'status':
rstr = getText(pno)
htver, sta, msg = rstr.split(' ', 3)
assert htver == 'HTTP/1.1'
rstatus = int(sta)
log.debug("What is <%s> inside a <propstat>?", pno.tagName)
log.debug("Unknown node: %s", cno.tagName)
res.setdefault(href,[]).append((status, res_nss))
return res
def gd_propfind(self, path, props=None, depth=0):
if not props:
propstr = '<allprop/>'
propstr = '<prop>'
nscount = 0
for p in props:
ns = None
if isinstance(p, tuple):
p, ns = p
if ns is None or ns == 'DAV:':
propstr += '<%s/>' % p
propstr += '<ns%d:%s xmlns:ns%d="%s" />' %(nscount, p, nscount, ns)
nscount += 1
propstr += '</prop>'
body="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<propfind xmlns="DAV:">%s</propfind>""" % propstr
hdrs = { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8',
'Accept': 'text/xml',
'Depth': depth,
s, m, d = self._http_request(self.davpath + path, method='PROPFIND',
hdrs=hdrs, body=body)
assert s == 207, "Bad status: %s" % s
ctype = m.getheader('Content-Type').split(';',1)[0]
assert ctype == 'text/xml', m.getheader('Content-Type')
res = self._parse_prop_response(d)
if depth == 0:
assert len(res) == 1
res = res.values()[0]
assert len(res) >= 1
return res
def gd_propname(self, path, depth=0):
body="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<propfind xmlns="DAV:"><propname/></propfind>"""
hdrs = { 'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8',
'Accept': 'text/xml',
'Depth': depth
s, m, d = self._http_request(self.davpath + path, method='PROPFIND',
hdrs=hdrs, body=body)
assert s == 207, "Bad status: %s" % s
ctype = m.getheader('Content-Type').split(';',1)[0]
assert ctype == 'text/xml', m.getheader('Content-Type')
res = self._parse_prop_response(d)
if depth == 0:
assert len(res) == 1
res = res.values()[0]
assert len(res) >= 1
return res
def gd_getetag(self, path, depth=0):
return self.gd_propfind(path, props=['getetag',], depth=depth)
def gd_lsl(self, path):
""" Return a list of 'ls -l' kind of data for a folder
This is based on propfind.
lspairs = [ ('name', 'displayname', 'n/a'), ('size', 'getcontentlength', '0'),
('type', 'resourcetype', '----------'), ('uid', 'owner', 'nobody'),
('gid', 'group', 'nogroup'), ('mtime', 'getlastmodified', 'n/a'),
('mime', 'getcontenttype', 'application/data'), ]
propnames = [ l[1] for l in lspairs]
propres = self.gd_propfind(path, props=propnames, depth=1)
res = []
for href, pr in propres.items():
lsline = {}
for st, nsdic in pr:
davprops = nsdic['DAV:']
if st == 200:
for lsp in lspairs:
if lsp[1] in davprops:
if lsp[1] == 'resourcetype':
if davprops[lsp[1]] == 'collection':
lsline[lsp[0]] = 'dr-xr-x---'
lsline[lsp[0]] = '-r-xr-x---'
lsline[lsp[0]] = davprops[lsp[1]]
elif st in (404, 403):
for lsp in lspairs:
if lsp[1] in davprops:
lsline[lsp[0]] = lsp[2]
log.debug("Strange status: %s", st)
return res