[MERGE] forward port of branch saas-3 up to 8c150c6

This commit is contained in:
Denis Ledoux 2015-01-15 14:43:32 +01:00
commit 87dd06c941
12 changed files with 132 additions and 64 deletions

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
_columns = {
'volume': fields.float('Volume'),
'volume': fields.float('Volume', copy=False),
'weight': fields.function(_cal_weight, type='float', string='Weight', digits_compute= dp.get_precision('Stock Weight'), multi='_cal_weight',
'stock.picking': (lambda self, cr, uid, ids, c={}: ids, ['move_lines'], 40),
@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
'stock.picking': (lambda self, cr, uid, ids, c={}: ids, ['move_lines'], 40),
'stock.move': (_get_picking_line, ['picking_id', 'product_id','product_uom_qty','product_uom'], 40),
'carrier_tracking_ref': fields.char('Carrier Tracking Ref'),
'number_of_packages': fields.integer('Number of Packages'),
'carrier_tracking_ref': fields.char('Carrier Tracking Ref', copy=False),
'number_of_packages': fields.integer('Number of Packages', copy=False),
'weight_uom_id': fields.many2one('product.uom', 'Unit of Measure', required=True,readonly="1",help="Unit of measurement for Weight",),

View File

@ -1442,18 +1442,34 @@ class mail_thread(osv.AbstractModel):
if follower.email == email_address:
partner_id = follower.id
# second try: check in partners that are also users
# Escape special SQL characters in email_address to avoid invalid matches
email_address = (email_address.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('%', '\\%').replace('_', '\\_'))
email_brackets = "<%s>" % email_address
if not partner_id:
ids = partner_obj.search(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [
('email', 'ilike', email_address),
('user_ids', '!=', False)
], limit=1, context=context)
# exact, case-insensitive match
ids = partner_obj.search(cr, SUPERUSER_ID,
[('email', '=ilike', email_address),
('user_ids', '!=', False)],
limit=1, context=context)
if not ids:
# if no match with addr-spec, attempt substring match within name-addr pair
ids = partner_obj.search(cr, SUPERUSER_ID,
[('email', 'ilike', email_brackets),
('user_ids', '!=', False)],
limit=1, context=context)
if ids:
partner_id = ids[0]
# third try: check in partners
if not partner_id:
ids = partner_obj.search(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [
('email', 'ilike', email_address)
], limit=1, context=context)
# exact, case-insensitive match
ids = partner_obj.search(cr, SUPERUSER_ID,
[('email', '=ilike', email_address)],
limit=1, context=context)
if not ids:
# if no match with addr-spec, attempt substring match within name-addr pair
ids = partner_obj.search(cr, SUPERUSER_ID,
[('email', 'ilike', email_brackets)],
limit=1, context=context)
if ids:
partner_id = ids[0]
@ -1473,13 +1489,15 @@ class mail_thread(osv.AbstractModel):
partner_id = partner_ids[idx]
partner_info = {'full_name': email_address, 'partner_id': partner_id}
# link mail with this from mail to the new partner id
if link_mail and partner_info['partner_id']:
# Escape special SQL characters in email_address to avoid invalid matches
email_address = (email_address.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('%', '\\%').replace('_', '\\_'))
email_brackets = "<%s>" % email_address
message_ids = mail_message_obj.search(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [
('email_from', '=', email_address),
('email_from', 'ilike', '<%s>' % email_address),
('email_from', '=ilike', email_address),
('email_from', 'ilike', email_brackets),
('author_id', '=', False)
], context=context)
if message_ids:

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ MAIL_TEMPLATE_PLAINTEXT = """Return-Path: <whatever-2a840@postmaster.twitter.com
To: {to}
Received: by mail1.openerp.com (Postfix, from userid 10002)
id 5DF9ABFB2A; Fri, 10 Aug 2012 16:16:39 +0200 (CEST)
From: Sylvie Lelitre <sylvie.lelitre@agrolait.com>
From: Sylvie Lelitre <test.sylvie.lelitre@agrolait.com>
Subject: {subject}
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
@ -525,6 +525,16 @@ class TestMailgateway(TestMail):
self.assertEqual(frog_group.message_ids[0].author_id.id, extra_partner_id,
'message_process: email_from -> author_id wrong')
# Do: post a new message with a non-existant email that is a substring of a partner email
format_and_process(MAIL_TEMPLATE, email_from='Not really Lombrik Lubrik <oul@email.com>',
subject='Re: news (2)',
extra='In-Reply-To: <1198923581.41972151344608186760.JavaMail@agrolait.com>\n')
frog_groups = self.mail_group.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'Frogs')])
frog_group = self.mail_group.browse(cr, uid, frog_groups[0])
# Test: author must not be set, otherwise the system is confusing different users
self.assertFalse(frog_group.message_ids[0].author_id, 'message_process: email_from -> mismatching author_id')
# Do: post a new message, with a known partner -> duplicate emails -> user
self.res_users.write(cr, uid, self.user_raoul_id, {'email': 'test_raoul@email.com'})

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
import time
import openerp.addons.decimal_precision as dp
from openerp.osv import fields, osv, orm
from openerp.tools import DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT
from openerp.tools import DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT
from openerp.tools import float_compare
from openerp.tools.translate import _
from openerp import tools, SUPERUSER_ID
@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ class mrp_bom(osv.osv):
# neither product nor template, makes no sense to search
return False
domain = domain + [ '|', ('date_start', '=', False), ('date_start', '<=', time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT)),
'|', ('date_stop', '=', False), ('date_stop', '>=', time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT))]
domain = domain + [ '|', ('date_start', '=', False), ('date_start', '<=', time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT)),
'|', ('date_stop', '=', False), ('date_stop', '>=', time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT))]
# order to prioritize bom with product_id over the one without
ids = self.search(cr, uid, domain, order='product_id', context=context)
# Search a BoM which has all properties specified, or if you can not find one, you could
@ -277,8 +277,8 @@ class mrp_bom(osv.osv):
for bom_line_id in bom.bom_line_ids:
if bom_line_id.date_start and bom_line_id.date_start > time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) or \
bom_line_id.date_stop and bom_line_id.date_stop < time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT):
if bom_line_id.date_start and bom_line_id.date_start > time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT) or \
bom_line_id.date_stop and bom_line_id.date_stop < time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT):
# all bom_line_id variant values must be in the product
if bom_line_id.attribute_value_ids:
@ -662,6 +662,28 @@ class mrp_production(osv.osv):
return {'value': result}
def _prepare_lines(self, cr, uid, production, properties=None, context=None):
# search BoM structure and route
bom_obj = self.pool.get('mrp.bom')
uom_obj = self.pool.get('product.uom')
bom_point = production.bom_id
bom_id = production.bom_id.id
if not bom_point:
bom_id = bom_obj._bom_find(cr, uid, product_id=production.product_id.id, properties=properties, context=context)
if bom_id:
bom_point = bom_obj.browse(cr, uid, bom_id)
routing_id = bom_point.routing_id.id or False
self.write(cr, uid, [production.id], {'bom_id': bom_id, 'routing_id': routing_id})
if not bom_id:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Error!'), _("Cannot find a bill of material for this product."))
# get components and workcenter_lines from BoM structure
factor = uom_obj._compute_qty(cr, uid, production.product_uom.id, production.product_qty, bom_point.product_uom.id)
# product_lines, workcenter_lines
return bom_obj._bom_explode(cr, uid, bom_point, production.product_id, factor / bom_point.product_qty, properties, routing_id=production.routing_id.id, context=context)
def _action_compute_lines(self, cr, uid, ids, properties=None, context=None):
""" Compute product_lines and workcenter_lines from BoM structure
@return: product_lines
@ -669,8 +691,6 @@ class mrp_production(osv.osv):
if properties is None:
properties = []
results = []
bom_obj = self.pool.get('mrp.bom')
uom_obj = self.pool.get('product.uom')
prod_line_obj = self.pool.get('mrp.production.product.line')
workcenter_line_obj = self.pool.get('mrp.production.workcenter.line')
for production in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
@ -678,23 +698,10 @@ class mrp_production(osv.osv):
prod_line_obj.unlink(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [line.id for line in production.product_lines], context=context)
#unlink workcenter_lines
workcenter_line_obj.unlink(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [line.id for line in production.workcenter_lines], context=context)
# search BoM structure and route
bom_point = production.bom_id
bom_id = production.bom_id.id
if not bom_point:
bom_id = bom_obj._bom_find(cr, uid, product_id=production.product_id.id, properties=properties, context=context)
if bom_id:
bom_point = bom_obj.browse(cr, uid, bom_id)
routing_id = bom_point.routing_id.id or False
self.write(cr, uid, [production.id], {'bom_id': bom_id, 'routing_id': routing_id})
if not bom_id:
raise osv.except_osv(_('Error!'), _("Cannot find a bill of material for this product."))
# get components and workcenter_lines from BoM structure
factor = uom_obj._compute_qty(cr, uid, production.product_uom.id, production.product_qty, bom_point.product_uom.id)
# product_lines, workcenter_lines
results, results2 = bom_obj._bom_explode(cr, uid, bom_point, production.product_id, factor / bom_point.product_qty, properties, routing_id=production.routing_id.id, context=context)
res = self._prepare_lines(cr, uid, production, properties=properties, context=context)
results = res[0] # product_lines
results2 = res[1] # workcenter_lines
# reset product_lines in production order
for line in results:

View File

@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ class pos_session(osv.osv):
if not pos_config.journal_id:
jid = jobj.default_get(cr, uid, ['journal_id'], context=context)['journal_id']
if jid:
jobj.write(cr, uid, [pos_config.id], {'journal_id': jid}, context=context)
jobj.write(cr, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, [pos_config.id], {'journal_id': jid}, context=context)
raise osv.except_osv( _('error!'),
_("Unable to open the session. You have to assign a sale journal to your point of sale."))
@ -407,8 +407,8 @@ class pos_session(osv.osv):
if not cashids:
cashids = journal_proxy.search(cr, uid, [('journal_user','=',True)], context=context)
journal_proxy.write(cr, uid, cashids, {'journal_user': True})
jobj.write(cr, uid, [pos_config.id], {'journal_ids': [(6,0, cashids)]})
journal_proxy.write(cr, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, cashids, {'journal_user': True})
jobj.write(cr, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, [pos_config.id], {'journal_ids': [(6,0, cashids)]})
pos_config = jobj.browse(cr, uid, config_id, context=context)

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ access_product_template_pos_manager,product.template pos manager,product.model_p
access_account_move_line_manager,account.move.line manager,account.model_account_move_line,group_pos_manager,1,1,1,1
access_account_journal_period_user,account.journal.period user,account.model_account_journal_period,group_pos_user,1,1,1,1
access_account_journal_period_manager,account.journal.period manager,account.model_account_journal_period,group_pos_manager,1,0,0,0
@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ access_res_partner_manager,res.partner manager,base.model_res_partner,group_pos_
access_product_category_manager,product.category manager,product.model_product_category,group_pos_manager,1,1,1,1
access_product_pricelist_manager,product.pricelist manager,product.model_product_pricelist,group_pos_manager,1,0,0,0
access_pos_session_user,pos.session user,model_pos_session,group_pos_user,1,1,1,0
access_pos_config_user,pos.config user,model_pos_config,group_pos_user,1,1,1,0
access_pos_config_user,pos.config user,model_pos_config,group_pos_user,1,0,0,0
access_pos_config_manager,pos.config user,model_pos_config,group_pos_manager,1,1,1,0
access_ir_sequence_manager,ir.sequence manager,base.model_ir_sequence,group_pos_manager,1,1,1,1
access_product_category_pos_manager,pos.category manager,model_pos_category,group_pos_manager,1,1,1,1
access_product_category_pos_user,pos.category user,model_pos_category,group_pos_user,1,0,0,0

1 id name model_id:id group_id:id perm_read perm_write perm_create perm_unlink
37 access_account_move_line account.move.line account.model_account_move_line group_pos_user 1 1 1 0
38 access_account_move_line_manager account.move.line manager account.model_account_move_line group_pos_manager 1 1 1 1
39 access_account_move account.move account.model_account_move group_pos_manager 1 0 0 0
40 access_account_journal account.journal account.model_account_journal group_pos_user group_pos_manager 1 1 1 0
41 access_account_journal_period_user account.journal.period user account.model_account_journal_period group_pos_user 1 1 1 1
42 access_account_journal_period_manager account.journal.period manager account.model_account_journal_period group_pos_manager 1 0 0 0
43 access_account_analytic_line account.analytic.line analytic.model_account_analytic_line group_pos_user 1 1 1 0
55 access_product_category_manager product.category manager product.model_product_category group_pos_manager 1 1 1 1
56 access_product_pricelist_manager product.pricelist manager product.model_product_pricelist group_pos_manager 1 0 0 0
57 access_pos_session_user pos.session user model_pos_session group_pos_user 1 1 1 0
58 access_pos_config_user pos.config user model_pos_config group_pos_user 1 1 0 1 0 0
59 access_pos_config_manager pos.config user model_pos_config group_pos_manager 1 1 1 0
60 access_ir_sequence_manager ir.sequence manager base.model_ir_sequence group_pos_manager 1 1 1 1
61 access_product_category_pos_manager pos.category manager model_pos_category group_pos_manager 1 1 1 1
62 access_product_category_pos_user pos.category user model_pos_category group_pos_user 1 0 0 0

View File

@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ class purchase_requisition_line(osv.osv):
_rec_name = 'product_id'
_columns = {
'product_id': fields.many2one('product.product', 'Product'),
'product_id': fields.many2one('product.product', 'Product', domain=[('purchase_ok', '=', True)]),
'product_uom_id': fields.many2one('product.uom', 'Product Unit of Measure'),
'product_qty': fields.float('Quantity', digits_compute=dp.get_precision('Product Unit of Measure')),
'requisition_id': fields.many2one('purchase.requisition', 'Call for Bids', ondelete='cascade'),

View File

@ -76,7 +76,9 @@ class sale_order(osv.osv):
warning['title'] = title and title +' & '+ result['warning']['title'] or result['warning']['title']
warning['message'] = message and message + ' ' + result['warning']['message'] or result['warning']['message']
return {'value': result.get('value',{}), 'warning':warning}
if warning:
result['warning'] = warning
return result
class purchase_order(osv.osv):
@ -104,7 +106,9 @@ class purchase_order(osv.osv):
warning['title'] = title and title +' & '+ result['warning']['title'] or result['warning']['title']
warning['message'] = message and message + ' ' + result['warning']['message'] or result['warning']['message']
return {'value': result.get('value',{}), 'warning':warning}
if warning:
result['warning'] = warning
return result
@ -143,7 +147,9 @@ class account_invoice(osv.osv):
warning['title'] = title and title +' & '+ result['warning']['title'] or result['warning']['title']
warning['message'] = message and message + ' ' + result['warning']['message'] or result['warning']['message']
return {'value': result.get('value',{}), 'warning':warning}
if warning:
result['warning'] = warning
return result
class stock_picking(osv.osv):
@ -171,8 +177,9 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
warning['title'] = title and title +' & '+ result['warning']['title'] or result['warning']['title']
warning['message'] = message and message + ' ' + result['warning']['message'] or result['warning']['message']
return {'value': result.get('value',{}), 'warning':warning}
if warning:
result['warning'] = warning
return result
class product_product(osv.osv):
_inherit = 'product.template'
@ -221,7 +228,9 @@ class sale_order_line(osv.osv):
warning['title'] = title and title +' & '+result['warning']['title'] or result['warning']['title']
warning['message'] = message and message +'\n\n'+result['warning']['message'] or result['warning']['message']
return {'value': result.get('value',{}), 'warning':warning}
if warning:
result['warning'] = warning
return result
class purchase_order_line(osv.osv):
@ -252,7 +261,9 @@ class purchase_order_line(osv.osv):
warning['title'] = title and title +' & '+result['warning']['title'] or result['warning']['title']
warning['message'] = message and message +'\n\n'+result['warning']['message'] or result['warning']['message']
return {'value': result.get('value',{}), 'warning':warning}
if warning:
result['warning'] = warning
return result

View File

@ -3516,7 +3516,7 @@ instance.web.form.FieldMany2One = instance.web.form.AbstractField.extend(instanc
reinit_value: function(val) {
this.floating = false;
if (this.is_started)
if (this.is_started && !this.no_rerender)
initialize_field: function() {
@ -3767,7 +3767,7 @@ instance.web.form.FieldMany2One = instance.web.form.AbstractField.extend(instanc
if (! no_recurse) {
var dataset = new instance.web.DataSetStatic(this, this.field.relation, self.build_context());
this.alive(dataset.name_get([self.get("value")])).done(function(data) {
var def = this.alive(dataset.name_get([self.get("value")])).done(function(data) {
if (!data[0]) {
self.do_warn(_t("Render"), _t("No value found for the field "+self.field.string+" for value "+self.get("value")));
@ -3780,6 +3780,9 @@ instance.web.form.FieldMany2One = instance.web.form.AbstractField.extend(instanc
self.display_value["" + self.get("value")] = self.display_value_backup["" + self.get("value")];
if (this.view && this.view.render_value_defs){
display_string: function(str) {
@ -4263,7 +4266,7 @@ instance.web.form.FieldOne2Many = instance.web.form.AbstractField.extend({
this.dataset.index = 0;
if (this.is_started) {
if (this.is_started && !this.no_rerender) {
return self.reload_current_view();
} else {
return $.when();
@ -4408,12 +4411,19 @@ instance.web.form.One2ManyListView = instance.web.ListView.extend({
return true;
var r;
return _.every(this.records.records, function(record){
if (_.isEmpty(this.records.records)){
return true;
current_values = {};
_.each(this.editor.form.fields, function(field){
field._inhibit_on_change_flag = true;
field.no_rerender = true;
current_values[field.name] = field.get('value');
var valid = _.every(this.records.records, function(record){
r = record;
_.each(self.editor.form.fields, function(field){
field._inhibit_on_change_flag = true;
field._inhibit_on_change_flag = false;
return _.every(self.editor.form.fields, function(field){
@ -4421,6 +4431,12 @@ instance.web.form.One2ManyListView = instance.web.ListView.extend({
return field.is_valid();
_.each(this.editor.form.fields, function(field){
field.set('value', current_values[field.name]);
field._inhibit_on_change_flag = false;
field.no_rerender = false;
return valid;
do_add_record: function () {
if (this.editable()) {

View File

@ -231,8 +231,9 @@
this.records.add(record, {
at: this.prepends_on_create() ? 0 : null});
return this.ensure_saved().then(function () {
return this.ensure_saved().then(function(){
return $.when.apply(null, self.editor.form.render_value_defs);
}).then(function () {
var $recordRow = self.groups.get_row_for(record);
var cells = self.get_cells_for($recordRow);
var fields = {};

View File

@ -729,6 +729,10 @@ class groups_view(osv.osv):
# and introduces the reified group fields
# we have to try-catch this, because at first init the view does not exist
# but we are already creating some basic groups
if not context or context.get('install_mode'):
# use installation/admin language for translatable names in the view
context = dict(context or {})
context.update(self.pool['res.users'].context_get(cr, uid))
view = self.pool['ir.model.data'].xmlid_to_object(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, 'base.user_groups_view', context=context)
if view and view.exists() and view._name == 'ir.ui.view':
xml1, xml2 = [], []

View File

@ -5927,10 +5927,10 @@ def itemgetter_tuple(items):
def convert_pgerror_23502(model, fields, info, e):
m = re.match(r'^null value in column "(?P<field>\w+)" violates '
r'not-null constraint\n',
field_name = m and m.group('field')
if not m or field_name not in fields:
return {'message': unicode(e)}
return {'message': tools.ustr(e)}
message = _(u"Missing required value for the field '%s'.") % field_name
field = fields.get(field_name)
if field:
@ -5942,10 +5942,10 @@ def convert_pgerror_23502(model, fields, info, e):
def convert_pgerror_23505(model, fields, info, e):
m = re.match(r'^duplicate key (?P<field>\w+) violates unique constraint',
field_name = m and m.group('field')
if not m or field_name not in fields:
return {'message': unicode(e)}
return {'message': tools.ustr(e)}
message = _(u"The value for the field '%s' already exists.") % field_name
field = fields.get(field_name)
if field:
@ -5958,7 +5958,7 @@ def convert_pgerror_23505(model, fields, info, e):
PGERROR_TO_OE = defaultdict(
# shape of mapped converters
lambda: (lambda model, fvg, info, pgerror: {'message': unicode(pgerror)}), {
lambda: (lambda model, fvg, info, pgerror: {'message': tools.ustr(pgerror)}), {
# not_null_violation
'23502': convert_pgerror_23502,
# unique constraint error