[IMP] all widget: cleaned wall behavior and record sort method

bzr revid: tde@openerp.com-20120404112037-h3rwv6gwyocb0f3n
This commit is contained in:
Thibault Delavallée 2012-04-04 13:20:37 +02:00
parent fafc34195f
commit 8ecf415ee2
1 changed files with 47 additions and 85 deletions

View File

@ -542,17 +542,16 @@ openerp.mail = function(session) {
init: function (parent, params) {
this.params = params || {};
this.params.limit = params.limit || 50;
this.params.limit = 10;
this.params = {};
this.params.limit = params.limit || 25;
this.params.domain = params.domain || [];
this.params.context = params.context || {};
this.params.search = {'domain': [], 'context': {}, 'groupby': {}}
this.params.search_view_id = params.search_view_id || false;
this.params.thread_level = params.thread_level || 1;
this.sorted_comments = {'models': {}};
this.comments_structure = {'root_ids': [], 'new_root_ids': [], 'msgs': {}, 'tree_struct': {}};
this.comments_structure = {'root_ids': [], 'new_root_ids': [], 'msgs': {}, 'tree_struct': {}, 'model_to_root_ids': {}};
this.display_show_more = true;
this.thread_list = [];
// datasets
this.ds_msg = new session.web.DataSet(this, 'mail.message');
this.ds_groups = new session.web.DataSet(this, 'mail.group');
@ -663,24 +662,20 @@ openerp.mail = function(session) {
* @param {Array} records records to show in threads
display_comments: function (records) {
var sorted_comments = this.sort_comments(records);
console.log('debut !');
var self = this;
_(sorted_comments.model_list).each(function (model_name) {
_(sorted_comments.models[model_name].root_ids).each(function (id) {
var records = sorted_comments.models[model_name].msgs[id];
var template = 'WallThreadContainer';
var render_res = session.web.qweb.render(template, {});
$('<div class="oe_mail_wall_thread">').html(render_res).appendTo(self.$element.find('div.oe_mail_wall_threads'));
var thread = new mail.Thread(self, {
'res_model': model_name, 'res_id': records[0]['res_id'], 'uid': self.session.uid, 'records': records,
'parent_id': false, 'thread_level': self.params.thread_level, 'show_hide': true}
var thread_displayed = thread.appendTo(self.$element.find('div.oe_mail_wall_thread:last'));
_(this.comments_structure['new_root_ids']).each(function (root_id) {
var records = self.comments_structure.tree_struct[root_id]['for_thread_msgs'];
var model_name = self.comments_structure.msgs[root_id]['model'];
var res_id = self.comments_structure.msgs[root_id]['res_id'];
var render_res = session.web.qweb.render('WallThreadContainer', {});
$('<div class="oe_mail_wall_thread">').html(render_res).appendTo(self.$element.find('div.oe_mail_wall_threads'));
var thread = new mail.Thread(self, {
'res_model': model_name, 'res_id': res_id, 'uid': self.session.uid, 'records': records,
'parent_id': false, 'thread_level': self.params.thread_level, 'show_hide': true}
var thread_displayed = thread.appendTo(self.$element.find('div.oe_mail_wall_thread:last'));
// update TODO
this.comments_structure['root_ids'] = _.union(this.comments_structure['root_ids'], this.comments_structure['new_root_ids']);
@ -698,74 +693,42 @@ openerp.mail = function(session) {
* 'msgs': {'root_id': [records]}, still sorted by date desc
* }, for each model
sort_comments_new: function(records) {
sort_comments: function(records) {
var cs = this.comments_structure;
var cur_iter = 0; var max_iter = 10; var modif = true;
while ( modif && (cur_iter++) < max_iter) {
modif = false;
_(records).each(function (record) {
// root and not yet recorded
if (record.parent_id == false && (! cs['msgs'][record.id])) {
// add to model -> root_list ids
if (! cs['model_to_root_ids'][record.model]) cs['model_to_root_ids'][record.model] = [record.id];
else cs['model_to_root_ids'][record.model].push(record.id);
// add root data
cs['tree_struct'][record.id] = {'level': 0, 'direct_childs': [], 'all_childs': []};
// add record
cs['tree_struct'][record.id] = {'level': 0, 'direct_childs': [], 'all_childs': [], 'for_thread_msgs': [record], 'msg_nbr': -1, 'ancestors': []};
cs['msgs'][record.id] = record;
modif = true;
// not yet recorded
else if (! cs['msgs'][record.id]) {
if ((cs['msgs'][record.parent_id[0]]) && (! cs['msgs'][record.id])) {
for (ancestor_id in cs['tree_struct'][record.parent_id[0]]['ancestors']) {
cs['msgs'][record.id] = record;
modif = true;
// parent is recorded
if (cs['msgs'][record.parent_id[0]]) {
var parent_level = cs['tree_struct'][record.parent_id[0]]['level']
cs['tree_struct'][record.id] = {'level': parent_level+1, 'direct_childs': [], 'all_childs': [], 'msg_nbr': -1, 'ancestors': []};
for (ancestor_id in cs['tree_struct'][record.parent_id[0]]['ancestors']) {
cs['msgs'][record.id] = record;
modif = true;
sort_comments: function (records) {
var self = this;
var sc = {'model_list': [], 'models': {}}
var cur_iter = 0; var max_iter = 10; var modif = true;
/* step1: get roots */
while ( modif && (cur_iter++) < max_iter) {
modif = false;
_(records).each(function (record) {
if (_.indexOf(sc['model_list'], record.model) == -1) {
sc['models'][record.model] = {'root_ids': [], 'id_to_root': {}, 'msgs': {}};
if (! self.sorted_comments['models'][record.model]) {
self.sorted_comments['models'][record.model] = {'root_ids': []};
var rmod = sc['models'][record.model];
if (record.parent_id == false && (_.indexOf(rmod['root_ids'], record.id) == -1)) {
rmod['msgs'][record.id] = [];
modif = true;
else {
if ((_.indexOf(rmod['root_ids'], record.parent_id[0]) != -1) && (! rmod['id_to_root'][record.id])) {
rmod['id_to_root'][record.id] = record.parent_id[0];
modif = true;
else if ( rmod['id_to_root'][record.parent_id[0]] && (! rmod['id_to_root'][record.id])) {
rmod['id_to_root'][record.id] = rmod['id_to_root'][record.parent_id[0]];
modif = true;
/* step2: add records */
_(records).each(function (record) {
var root_id = sc['models'][record.model]['id_to_root'][record.id];
if (! root_id) root_id = record.id;
return sc;
@ -776,16 +739,15 @@ openerp.mail = function(session) {
* @param {Object} sorted_comments (see sort_comments)
* @returns {Array} fetch_domain (OpenERP domain style)
get_fetch_domain: function (sorted_comments) {
var domain = [];
_(sorted_comments.models).each(function (sc_model, model_name) { //each model
var ids = [];
_(sc_model.root_ids).each(function (id) { // each record
domain.push('|', ['model', '!=', model_name], '!', ['id', 'child_of', ids]);
get_fetch_domain: function () {
var self = this;
var model_to_root = {};
var fetch_domain = [];
_(this.comments_structure['model_to_root_ids']).each(function (sc_model, model_name) {
fetch_domain.push('|', ['model', '!=', model_name], '!', ['id', 'child_of', sc_model]);
return domain;
return fetch_domain;
/** Display update: show more button */
@ -797,7 +759,7 @@ openerp.mail = function(session) {
/** Action: Shows more discussions */
do_more: function () {
var domain = this.get_fetch_domain(this.sorted_comments);
var domain = this.get_fetch_domain();
return this.fetch_comments(this.params.limit, 0, domain);