[FIX] procurement_order: moved a chatter message from user to the procurement.order; deleted second message_append_note that was never called, because of a void variable.

bzr revid: tde@openerp.com-20120814191603-u1lsovhurrvuxbm4
This commit is contained in:
Thibault Delavallée 2012-08-14 21:16:03 +02:00
parent a05b3f3a2e
commit 9532bbb033
1 changed files with 1 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class procurement_order(osv.osv):
Exceptions:\n""") % (start_date, end_date, report_total, report_except, report_later)
summary += '\n'.join(report)
self.pool.get('res.users').message_append_note(cr, uid, [uid], body=summary, context=context)
procurement_obj.message_append_note(cr, uid, ids, body=summary, context=context)
if use_new_cursor:
@ -234,7 +234,6 @@ class procurement_order(osv.osv):
location_obj = self.pool.get('stock.location')
procurement_obj = self.pool.get('procurement.order')
wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow")
report = []
offset = 0
ids = [1]
if automatic:
@ -288,9 +287,6 @@ class procurement_order(osv.osv):
offset += len(ids)
if use_new_cursor:
if user_id and report:
# Chatter: old res.request is now a chatter on res.users, id=uid
self.pool.get('res.users').message_append_note(cr, uid, [user_id], body='\n'.join(report), subject=_('Orderpoint report'), context=context)
if use_new_cursor: