[MERGE]merged with main addons

bzr revid: dka@tinyerp.com-20131030052926-i9c25mf6wpseioh3
This commit is contained in:
Darshan Kalola (OpenERP) 2013-10-30 10:59:26 +05:30
commit 960924195e
5997 changed files with 110012 additions and 65093 deletions

View File

@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ for a particular financial year and for preparation of vouchers there is a modul
'test': [
@ -150,12 +151,11 @@ for a particular financial year and for preparation of vouchers there is a modul
'test/account_fiscalyear_close_state.yml', #last test, as it will definitively close the demo fiscalyear
'test/account_fiscalyear_close.yml', #last test, as it will definitively close the demo fiscalyear
'installable': True,
'auto_install': False,

View File

@ -137,16 +137,27 @@ class account_account_type(osv.osv):
_name = "account.account.type"
_description = "Account Type"
def _get_current_report_type(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context=None):
def _get_financial_report_ref(self, cr, uid, context=None):
obj_data = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')
obj_financial_report = self.pool.get('account.financial.report')
financial_report_ref = {}
for key, financial_report in [
financial_report_ref[key] = obj_financial_report.browse(cr, uid,
obj_data.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account', financial_report)[1],
except ValueError:
return financial_report_ref
def _get_current_report_type(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context=None):
res = {}
financial_report_ref = {
'asset': obj_financial_report.browse(cr, uid, obj_data.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account','account_financial_report_assets0')[1], context=context),
'liability': obj_financial_report.browse(cr, uid, obj_data.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account','account_financial_report_liability0')[1], context=context),
'income': obj_financial_report.browse(cr, uid, obj_data.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account','account_financial_report_income0')[1], context=context),
'expense': obj_financial_report.browse(cr, uid, obj_data.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account','account_financial_report_expense0')[1], context=context),
financial_report_ref = self._get_financial_report_ref(cr, uid, context=context)
for record in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
res[record.id] = 'none'
for key, financial_report in financial_report_ref.items():
@ -157,15 +168,9 @@ class account_account_type(osv.osv):
def _save_report_type(self, cr, uid, account_type_id, field_name, field_value, arg, context=None):
field_value = field_value or 'none'
obj_data = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')
obj_financial_report = self.pool.get('account.financial.report')
#unlink if it exists somewhere in the financial reports related to BS or PL
financial_report_ref = {
'asset': obj_financial_report.browse(cr, uid, obj_data.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account','account_financial_report_assets0')[1], context=context),
'liability': obj_financial_report.browse(cr, uid, obj_data.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account','account_financial_report_liability0')[1], context=context),
'income': obj_financial_report.browse(cr, uid, obj_data.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account','account_financial_report_income0')[1], context=context),
'expense': obj_financial_report.browse(cr, uid, obj_data.get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'account','account_financial_report_expense0')[1], context=context),
financial_report_ref = self._get_financial_report_ref(cr, uid, context=context)
for key, financial_report in financial_report_ref.items():
list_ids = [x.id for x in financial_report.account_type_ids]
if account_type_id in list_ids:
@ -1258,6 +1263,10 @@ class account_move(osv.osv):
return [('id', 'in', tuple(ids))]
return [('id', '=', '0')]
def _get_move_from_lines(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
line_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.line')
return [line.move_id.id for line in line_obj.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context)]
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('Number', size=64, required=True),
'ref': fields.char('Reference', size=64),
@ -1267,7 +1276,10 @@ class account_move(osv.osv):
help='All manually created new journal entries are usually in the status \'Unposted\', but you can set the option to skip that status on the related journal. In that case, they will behave as journal entries automatically created by the system on document validation (invoices, bank statements...) and will be created in \'Posted\' status.'),
'line_id': fields.one2many('account.move.line', 'move_id', 'Entries', states={'posted':[('readonly',True)]}),
'to_check': fields.boolean('To Review', help='Check this box if you are unsure of that journal entry and if you want to note it as \'to be reviewed\' by an accounting expert.'),
'partner_id': fields.related('line_id', 'partner_id', type="many2one", relation="res.partner", string="Partner", store=True),
'partner_id': fields.related('line_id', 'partner_id', type="many2one", relation="res.partner", string="Partner", store={
_name: (lambda self, cr,uid,ids,c: ids, ['line_id'], 10),
'account.move.line': (_get_move_from_lines, ['partner_id'],10)
'amount': fields.function(_amount_compute, string='Amount', digits_compute=dp.get_precision('Account'), type='float', fnct_search=_search_amount),
'date': fields.date('Date', required=True, states={'posted':[('readonly',True)]}, select=True),
'narration':fields.text('Internal Note'),
@ -1404,14 +1416,17 @@ class account_move(osv.osv):
l[2]['period_id'] = default_period
context['period_id'] = default_period
if 'line_id' in vals:
if vals.get('line_id', False):
c = context.copy()
c['novalidate'] = True
c['period_id'] = vals['period_id'] if 'period_id' in vals else self._get_period(cr, uid, context)
c['journal_id'] = vals['journal_id']
if 'date' in vals: c['date'] = vals['date']
result = super(account_move, self).create(cr, uid, vals, c)
self.validate(cr, uid, [result], context)
tmp = self.validate(cr, uid, [result], context)
journal = self.pool.get('account.journal').browse(cr, uid, vals['journal_id'], context)
if journal.entry_posted and tmp:
self.button_validate(cr,uid, [result], context)
result = super(account_move, self).create(cr, uid, vals, context)
return result
@ -1633,9 +1648,11 @@ class account_move(osv.osv):
# We can't validate it (it's unbalanced)
# Setting the lines as draft
obj_move_line.write(cr, uid, line_ids, {
'state': 'draft'
}, context, check=False)
not_draft_line_ids = list(set(line_ids) - set(line_draft_ids))
if not_draft_line_ids:
obj_move_line.write(cr, uid, not_draft_line_ids, {
'state': 'draft'
}, context, check=False)
# Create analytic lines for the valid moves
for record in valid_moves:
obj_move_line.create_analytic_lines(cr, uid, [line.id for line in record.line_id], context)
@ -2774,6 +2791,7 @@ class account_chart_template(osv.osv):
'parent_id': fields.many2one('account.chart.template', 'Parent Chart Template'),
'code_digits': fields.integer('# of Digits', required=True, help="No. of Digits to use for account code"),
'visible': fields.boolean('Can be Visible?', help="Set this to False if you don't want this template to be used actively in the wizard that generate Chart of Accounts from templates, this is useful when you want to generate accounts of this template only when loading its child template."),
'currency_id': fields.many2one('res.currency', 'Currency'),
'complete_tax_set': fields.boolean('Complete Set of Taxes', help='This boolean helps you to choose if you want to propose to the user to encode the sale and purchase rates or choose from list of taxes. This last choice assumes that the set of tax defined on this template is complete'),
'account_root_id': fields.many2one('account.account.template', 'Root Account', domain=[('parent_id','=',False)]),
'tax_code_root_id': fields.many2one('account.tax.code.template', 'Root Tax Code', domain=[('parent_id','=',False)]),
@ -3029,11 +3047,19 @@ class wizard_multi_charts_accounts(osv.osv_memory):
'complete_tax_set': fields.boolean('Complete Set of Taxes', help='This boolean helps you to choose if you want to propose to the user to encode the sales and purchase rates or use the usual m2o fields. This last choice assumes that the set of tax defined for the chosen template is complete'),
def onchange_company_id(self, cr, uid, ids, company_id, context=None):
currency_id = False
if company_id:
currency_id = self.pool.get('res.company').browse(cr, uid, company_id, context=context).currency_id.id
return {'value': {'currency_id': currency_id}}
def _get_chart_parent_ids(self, cr, uid, chart_template, context=None):
""" Returns the IDs of all ancestor charts, including the chart itself.
(inverse of child_of operator)
:param browse_record chart_template: the account.chart.template record
:return: the IDS of all ancestor charts, including the chart itself.
result = [chart_template.id]
while chart_template.parent_id:
chart_template = chart_template.parent_id
return result
def onchange_tax_rate(self, cr, uid, ids, rate=False, context=None):
return {'value': {'purchase_tax_rate': rate or False}}
@ -3044,15 +3070,21 @@ class wizard_multi_charts_accounts(osv.osv_memory):
res['value'] = {'complete_tax_set': False, 'sale_tax': False, 'purchase_tax': False}
if chart_template_id:
data = self.pool.get('account.chart.template').browse(cr, uid, chart_template_id, context=context)
res['value'].update({'complete_tax_set': data.complete_tax_set})
currency_id = data.currency_id and data.currency_id.id or self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context).company_id.currency_id.id
res['value'].update({'complete_tax_set': data.complete_tax_set, 'currency_id': currency_id})
if data.complete_tax_set:
# default tax is given by the lowest sequence. For same sequence we will take the latest created as it will be the case for tax created while isntalling the generic chart of account
sale_tax_ids = tax_templ_obj.search(cr, uid, [("chart_template_id"
, "=", chart_template_id), ('type_tax_use', 'in', ('sale','all'))], order="sequence, id desc")
purchase_tax_ids = tax_templ_obj.search(cr, uid, [("chart_template_id"
, "=", chart_template_id), ('type_tax_use', 'in', ('purchase','all'))], order="sequence, id desc")
res['value'].update({'sale_tax': sale_tax_ids and sale_tax_ids[0] or False, 'purchase_tax': purchase_tax_ids and purchase_tax_ids[0] or False})
chart_ids = self._get_chart_parent_ids(cr, uid, data, context=context)
base_tax_domain = [("chart_template_id", "in", chart_ids), ('parent_id', '=', False)]
sale_tax_domain = base_tax_domain + [('type_tax_use', 'in', ('sale','all'))]
purchase_tax_domain = base_tax_domain + [('type_tax_use', 'in', ('purchase','all'))]
sale_tax_ids = tax_templ_obj.search(cr, uid, sale_tax_domain, order="sequence, id desc")
purchase_tax_ids = tax_templ_obj.search(cr, uid, purchase_tax_domain, order="sequence, id desc")
res['value'].update({'sale_tax': sale_tax_ids and sale_tax_ids[0] or False,
'purchase_tax': purchase_tax_ids and purchase_tax_ids[0] or False})
res.setdefault('domain', {})
res['domain']['sale_tax'] = repr(sale_tax_domain)
res['domain']['purchase_tax'] = repr(purchase_tax_domain)
if data.code_digits:
res['value'].update({'code_digits': data.code_digits})
return res
@ -3060,6 +3092,7 @@ class wizard_multi_charts_accounts(osv.osv_memory):
def default_get(self, cr, uid, fields, context=None):
res = super(wizard_multi_charts_accounts, self).default_get(cr, uid, fields, context=context)
tax_templ_obj = self.pool.get('account.tax.template')
account_chart_template = self.pool['account.chart.template']
if 'bank_accounts_id' in fields:
res.update({'bank_accounts_id': [{'acc_name': _('Cash'), 'account_type': 'cash'},{'acc_name': _('Bank'), 'account_type': 'bank'}]})
@ -3073,17 +3106,28 @@ class wizard_multi_charts_accounts(osv.osv_memory):
currency_id = company_obj.on_change_country(cr, uid, company_id, country_id, context=context)['value']['currency_id']
res.update({'currency_id': currency_id})
ids = self.pool.get('account.chart.template').search(cr, uid, [('visible', '=', True)], context=context)
ids = account_chart_template.search(cr, uid, [('visible', '=', True)], context=context)
if ids:
#in order to set default chart which was last created set max of ids.
chart_id = max(ids)
if context.get("default_charts"):
model_data = self.pool.get('ir.model.data').search_read(cr, uid, [('model','=','account.chart.template'),('module','=',context.get("default_charts"))], ['res_id'], context=context)
if model_data:
chart_id = model_data[0]['res_id']
chart = account_chart_template.browse(cr, uid, chart_id, context=context)
chart_hierarchy_ids = self._get_chart_parent_ids(cr, uid, chart, context=context)
if 'chart_template_id' in fields:
res.update({'only_one_chart_template': len(ids) == 1, 'chart_template_id': ids[0]})
res.update({'only_one_chart_template': len(ids) == 1,
'chart_template_id': chart_id})
if 'sale_tax' in fields:
sale_tax_ids = tax_templ_obj.search(cr, uid, [("chart_template_id"
, "=", ids[0]), ('type_tax_use', 'in', ('sale','all'))], order="sequence")
sale_tax_ids = tax_templ_obj.search(cr, uid, [("chart_template_id", "in", chart_hierarchy_ids),
('type_tax_use', 'in', ('sale','all'))],
res.update({'sale_tax': sale_tax_ids and sale_tax_ids[0] or False})
if 'purchase_tax' in fields:
purchase_tax_ids = tax_templ_obj.search(cr, uid, [("chart_template_id"
, "=", ids[0]), ('type_tax_use', 'in', ('purchase','all'))], order="sequence")
purchase_tax_ids = tax_templ_obj.search(cr, uid, [("chart_template_id", "in", chart_hierarchy_ids),
('type_tax_use', 'in', ('purchase','all'))],
res.update({'purchase_tax': purchase_tax_ids and purchase_tax_ids[0] or False})
'purchase_tax_rate': 15.0,
@ -3351,12 +3395,7 @@ class wizard_multi_charts_accounts(osv.osv_memory):
obj_tax_temp = self.pool.get('account.tax.template')
chart_template = obj_wizard.chart_template_id
vals = {}
# get the ids of all the parents of the selected account chart template
current_chart_template = chart_template
all_parents = [current_chart_template.id]
while current_chart_template.parent_id:
current_chart_template = current_chart_template.parent_id
all_parents = self._get_chart_parent_ids(cr, uid, chart_template, context=context)
# create tax templates and tax code templates from purchase_tax_rate and sale_tax_rate fields
if not chart_template.complete_tax_set:
value = obj_wizard.sale_tax_rate

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<footer position="replace">
<button name="action_next" type="object" string="Continue" class="oe_highlight"/>
<button name="action_next" context="{'default_charts':charts}" type="object" string="Continue" class="oe_highlight"/>
<separator string="title" position="replace">

View File

@ -1431,6 +1431,7 @@ class account_invoice_line(osv.osv):
_name = "account.invoice.line"
_description = "Invoice Line"
_order = "invoice_id,sequence,id"
_columns = {
'name': fields.text('Description', required=True),
'origin': fields.char('Source Document', size=256, help="Reference of the document that produced this invoice."),
@ -1467,6 +1468,7 @@ class account_invoice_line(osv.osv):
'discount': 0.0,
'price_unit': _price_unit_default,
'account_id': _default_account_id,
'sequence': 10,
def fields_view_get(self, cr, uid, view_id=None, view_type='form', context=None, toolbar=False, submenu=False):

View File

@ -192,6 +192,7 @@
<page string="Invoice">
<field context="{'partner_id': partner_id, 'price_type': context.get('price_type') or False, 'type': type}" name="invoice_line">
<tree string="Invoice lines" editable="bottom">
<field name="sequence" widget="handle" />
<field name="product_id"
on_change="product_id_change(product_id, uos_id, quantity, name, parent.type, parent.partner_id, parent.fiscal_position, price_unit, parent.currency_id, context, parent.company_id)"/>
<field name="name"/>
@ -250,7 +251,7 @@
<field domain="[('partner_id', '=', partner_id)]" name="partner_bank_id" on_change="onchange_partner_bank(partner_bank_id)"/>
<field name="user_id"/>
<field name="user_id" context="{'default_groups_ref': ['base.group_user', 'base.group_partner_manager', 'account.group_account_invoice']}"/>
<field name="name" invisible="1"/>
<field name="payment_term" widget="selection"/>
@ -348,6 +349,7 @@
<page string="Invoice Lines">
<field name="invoice_line" nolabel="1" widget="one2many_list" context="{'type': type}">
<tree string="Invoice Lines" editable="bottom">
<field name="sequence" widget="handle"/>
<field name="product_id"
on_change="product_id_change(product_id, uos_id, quantity, name, parent.type, parent.partner_id, parent.fiscal_position, price_unit, parent.currency_id, context, parent.company_id)"/>
<field name="name"/>
@ -392,7 +394,7 @@
<group col="4">
<field name="company_id" on_change="onchange_company_id(company_id,partner_id,type,invoice_line,currency_id,context)" widget="selection" groups="base.group_multi_company"/>
<field name="user_id" groups="base.group_user"/>
<field name="user_id" groups="base.group_user" context="{'default_groups_ref': ['base.group_user', 'base.group_partner_manager', 'account.group_account_invoice']}"/>
<field domain="[('partner_id.ref_companies', 'in', [company_id])]" name="partner_bank_id"/>
<field name="period_id" domain="[('state', '=', 'draft'), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]"
@ -461,14 +463,14 @@
<filter domain="[('user_id','=',uid)]" help="My Invoices"/>
<group expand="0" string="Group By...">
<filter name="partner_id" string="Partner" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'partner_id'}"/>
<filter name="group_by_partner_id" string="Partner" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'partner_id'}"/>
<filter name="commercial_partner_id" string="Commercial Partner" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'commercial_partner_id'}"/>
<filter string="Responsible" icon="terp-personal" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'user_id'}"/>
<filter string="Journal" icon="terp-folder-orange" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'journal_id'}"/>
<filter string="Status" icon="terp-stock_effects-object-colorize" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'state'}"/>
<filter string="Period" icon="terp-go-month" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'period_id'}"/>
<filter string="Invoice Date" icon="terp-go-month" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'date_invoice'}"/>
<filter string="Due Date" icon="terp-go-month" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'date_due'}"/>
<filter string="Invoice Month" icon="terp-go-month" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'date_invoice'}"/>
<filter string="Due Month" icon="terp-go-month" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'date_due'}"/>

View File

@ -1283,7 +1283,7 @@ class account_move_line(osv.osv):
self.create(cr, uid, data, context)
del vals['account_tax_id']
if check and ((not context.get('no_store_function')) or journal.entry_posted):
if check and not context.get('novalidate') and ((not context.get('no_store_function')) or journal.entry_posted):
tmp = move_obj.validate(cr, uid, [vals['move_id']], context)
if journal.entry_posted and tmp:
move_obj.button_validate(cr,uid, [vals['move_id']], context)

View File

@ -413,7 +413,7 @@
<page string="Advanced Settings">
<field name="user_id"/>
<field name="user_id" context="{'default_groups_ref': ['base.group_user', 'base.group_partner_manager', 'account.group_account_user']}"/>
<field name="sequence_id" required="0"/>
@ -1406,7 +1406,7 @@
<filter string="Journal" icon="terp-folder-orange" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'journal_id'}"/>
<filter string="States" icon="terp-stock_effects-object-colorize" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'state'}"/>
<filter string="Period" icon="terp-go-month" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'period_id'}"/>
<filter string="Date" icon="terp-go-month" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'date'}"/>
<filter string="Entries Month" icon="terp-go-month" domain="[]" context="{'group_by':'date'}" help="Journal Entries by Month"/>
@ -2120,7 +2120,7 @@
<field name="chart_template_id" widget="selection" on_change="onchange_chart_template_id(chart_template_id)" domain="[('visible','=', True)]"/>
<field name="company_id" widget="selection" on_change="onchange_company_id(company_id)"/> <!-- we assume that this wizard will be run only by administrators and as this field may cause problem if hidden (because of the default company of the user removed from the selection because already configured), we simply choosed to remove the group "multi company" of it -->
<field name="company_id" widget="selection"/> <!-- we assume that this wizard will be run only by administrators and as this field may cause problem if hidden (because of the default company of the user removed from the selection because already configured), we simply choosed to remove the group "multi company" of it -->
<field name="currency_id" class="oe_inline"/>
<field name="sale_tax" attrs="{'invisible': [('complete_tax_set', '!=', True)]}" domain="[('chart_template_id', '=', chart_template_id),('parent_id','=',False),('type_tax_use','in',('sale','all'))]"/>
<label for="sale_tax_rate" string="Sale Tax" attrs="{'invisible': [('complete_tax_set', '=', True)]}"/>

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2013-07-11 05:17+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 16696)\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2013-09-12 05:27+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 16761)\n"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_supplierreconcilepaid0

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2013-06-30 05:55+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 16692)\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2013-09-12 05:35+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 16761)\n"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_supplierreconcilepaid0

View File

@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ msgstr ""
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: support@openerp.com\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-12-21 17:04+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-06-07 09:22+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: 盈通 ccdos <ccdos@163.com>\n"
"Last-Translator: 盈通 ccdos <ccdos@intoerp.com>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2013-06-08 05:52+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 16667)\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2013-09-12 05:38+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 16761)\n"
#. module: account
#: model:process.transition,name:account.process_transition_supplierreconcilepaid0
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ msgstr "系统支付"
#: sql_constraint:account.fiscal.position.account:0
msgid ""
"An account fiscal position could be defined only once time on same accounts."
msgstr "在一个科目上只能设置一个应税设定"
msgstr "在一个科目上只能设置一个替换规则。"
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax.code,sequence:0
@ -130,10 +130,10 @@ msgstr "如果设置为false该付款条款将会被隐藏。"
#: code:addons/account/account.py:686
#: code:addons/account/account.py:781
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1058
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:817
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:820
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:823
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1542
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:826
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1545
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:98
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:771
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:824
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ msgid "Allow multi currencies"
msgstr "允许多种货币"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:74
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:77
#, python-format
msgid "You must define an analytic journal of type '%s'!"
msgstr "你必须定义一个类型为 '%s'的成本凭证簿!"
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ msgstr "你必须定义一个类型为 '%s'的成本凭证簿!"
#: selection:report.account.sales,month:0
#: selection:report.account_type.sales,month:0
msgid "June"
msgstr "6"
msgstr "6"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_automatic_reconcile.py:148
@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: help:account.bank.statement.line,name:0
msgid "Originator to Beneficiary Information"
msgstr ""
msgstr "发起人到受益人的信息"
#. module: account
#. openerp-web
@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ msgstr "科目一览表模板"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.invoice.refund,filter_refund:0
msgid "Modify: create refund, reconcile and create a new draft invoice"
msgstr ""
msgstr "修改:创建退款,核销并创建一个新的发票草稿"
#. module: account
#: help:account.config.settings,tax_calculation_rounding_method:0
@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ msgstr "允许比较"
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_journal
#: field:validate.account.move,journal_id:0
msgid "Journal"
msgstr "账簿"
msgstr "凭证"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_invoice_confirm
@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ msgstr "显示发票的时候给出明细编号。"
#. module: account
#: field:account.bank.statement,account_id:0
msgid "Account used in this journal"
msgstr "这账簿上的科目"
msgstr "凭证上的科目"
#. module: account
#: help:account.aged.trial.balance,chart_account_id:0
@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ msgstr "没有什么被核销"
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,decimal_precision:0
msgid "Decimal precision on journal entries"
msgstr "日记帐分录小数精度"
msgstr "凭证分录小数精度"
#. module: account
#: selection:account.config.settings,period:0
@ -745,7 +745,9 @@ msgstr "设置辅助核算项,用于退款时发票上默认税科目。如果
#: selection:account.common.partner.report,result_selection:0
#: selection:account.partner.balance,result_selection:0
#: selection:account.partner.ledger,result_selection:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_balance.py:297
#: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_ledger.py:272
#, python-format
msgid "Receivable Accounts"
msgstr "应收款科目"
@ -783,7 +785,7 @@ msgid "Are you sure you want to create entries?"
msgstr "你确定创建分录?"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1358
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1361
#, python-format
msgid "Invoice partially paid: %s%s of %s%s (%s%s remaining)."
msgstr "发票已经支付:%s%s ,总额: %s%s (剩余:%s%s )。"
@ -852,7 +854,7 @@ msgid "Type"
msgstr "类型"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:823
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:826
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Taxes are missing!\n"
@ -1035,7 +1037,7 @@ msgid "Liability"
msgstr "负债"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:896
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:899
#, python-format
msgid "Please define sequence on the journal related to this invoice."
msgstr "请为这张发票对应的凭证簿选择编号规则"
@ -1108,8 +1110,8 @@ msgstr "特性"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:2346
#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:424
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:74
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:772
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:77
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:775
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:195
#, python-format
msgid "No Analytic Journal !"
@ -1547,8 +1549,10 @@ msgid "%s (copy)"
msgstr "%s (副本)"
#. module: account
#: report:account.account.balance:0
#: selection:account.balance.report,display_account:0
#: selection:account.common.account.report,display_account:0
#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: selection:account.partner.balance,display_partner:0
#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,display_account:0
msgid "With balance is not equal to 0"
@ -1642,7 +1646,7 @@ msgstr "# 分录 "
msgid ""
"By unchecking the active field, you may hide a fiscal position without "
"deleting it."
msgstr "如不勾选该项,可以隐藏而不删除此应税条件"
msgstr "如不勾选该项,可以隐藏而不删除此替换规则。"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_temp_range
@ -1685,7 +1689,7 @@ msgstr "定期分录"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position_template
msgid "Template for Fiscal Position"
msgstr "财务结构模板"
msgstr "替换规则模板"
#. module: account
#: view:account.subscription:0
@ -1780,7 +1784,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: view:account.invoice:0
#: view:account.invoice.report:0
#: field:account.move.line,invoice:0
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1154
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1157
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_invoice
#: model:res.request.link,name:account.req_link_invoice
#, python-format
@ -2033,9 +2037,9 @@ msgstr ""
#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:419
#: code:addons/account/account_cash_statement.py:256
#: code:addons/account/account_cash_statement.py:300
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:896
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:930
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1121
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:899
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:933
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1124
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:579
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:828
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:851
@ -2232,7 +2236,7 @@ msgstr "流水帐"
#. module: account
#: sql_constraint:account.fiscal.position.tax:0
msgid "A tax fiscal position could be defined only once time on same taxes."
msgstr "同样的税 上面一次只能定义一个财务结构。"
msgstr "同样的税上面一次只能定义一个税务替换规则。"
#. module: account
#: view:account.tax:0
@ -2277,7 +2281,9 @@ msgstr "固定资产管理"
#: selection:account.common.partner.report,result_selection:0
#: selection:account.partner.balance,result_selection:0
#: selection:account.partner.ledger,result_selection:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_balance.py:299
#: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_ledger.py:274
#, python-format
msgid "Payable Accounts"
msgstr "应付款科目"
@ -2582,7 +2588,7 @@ msgid "Create an Account Based on this Template"
msgstr "基于此模板创建科目"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:930
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:933
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Cannot create the invoice.\n"
@ -2624,7 +2630,7 @@ msgstr "付款条款"
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_fiscal_position_form
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_fiscal_position_form
msgid "Fiscal Positions"
msgstr "财务结构"
msgstr "替换规则"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:579
@ -2851,11 +2857,11 @@ msgstr "科目"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:3541
#: code:addons/account/account_bank_statement.py:405
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:504
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:606
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:621
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:629
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:654
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:507
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:609
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:624
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:632
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:657
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:536
#, python-format
msgid "Configuration Error!"
@ -3088,7 +3094,7 @@ msgstr "销售分类帐"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:2346
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:772
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:775
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:195
#, python-format
msgid "You have to define an analytic journal on the '%s' journal!"
@ -3244,10 +3250,10 @@ msgstr "盈利或亏损"
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position
#: field:res.partner,property_account_position:0
msgid "Fiscal Position"
msgstr "财务结构"
msgstr "替换规则"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:820
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:823
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Tax base different!\n"
@ -3407,7 +3413,7 @@ msgstr "视图"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account.py:3460
#: code:addons/account/account_bank.py:95
#: code:addons/account/account_bank.py:94
#, python-format
msgid "BNK"
msgstr "BNK"
@ -3668,7 +3674,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "如果您指定其它名称,它创建的凭证或分录将用报表名相同的名称。这使得报表它自己关联相似的分录。"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1013
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1016
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You cannot create an invoice on a centralized journal. Uncheck the "
@ -3683,7 +3689,7 @@ msgid "Starting Balance"
msgstr "期初余额"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1462
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1465
#, python-format
msgid "No Partner Defined !"
msgstr "未定义业务伙伴!"
@ -3952,9 +3958,13 @@ msgid "VAT :"
msgstr "增值税 :"
#. module: account
#: report:account.account.balance:0
#: report:account.central.journal:0
#: view:account.config.settings:0
#: report:account.general.journal:0
#: report:account.general.ledger:0
#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
#: report:account.partner.balance:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger_other:0
@ -4054,8 +4064,10 @@ msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: report:account.account.balance:0
#: selection:account.balance.report,display_account:0
#: selection:account.common.account.report,display_account:0
#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,display_account:0
#: selection:account.tax,type_tax_use:0
#: selection:account.tax.template,type_tax_use:0
@ -4310,7 +4322,7 @@ msgid "Consolidated Children"
msgstr "合并子科目"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:570
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:573
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_invoice_refund.py:146
#, python-format
msgid "Insufficient Data!"
@ -4363,7 +4375,7 @@ msgstr "显示业务伙伴"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
msgid "Validate"
msgstr "使其生效"
msgstr "确认生效"
#. module: account
#: model:account.financial.report,name:account.account_financial_report_assets0
@ -4579,8 +4591,8 @@ msgid "Supplier invoice sequence"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:607
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:622
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:610
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:625
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Cannot find a chart of account, you should create one from Settings\\"
@ -4853,7 +4865,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:655
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:658
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Cannot find any account journal of %s type for this company.\n"
@ -5177,7 +5189,7 @@ msgid "Tax Application"
msgstr "税适用"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:919
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:922
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Please verify the price of the invoice !\n"
@ -5502,7 +5514,7 @@ msgid "Compute Code (if type=code)"
msgstr "计算代码(如果类型=代码)"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:505
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:508
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Cannot find a chart of accounts for this company, you should create one."
@ -5902,7 +5914,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: view:account.fiscal.position.template:0
#: field:account.fiscal.position.template,name:0
msgid "Fiscal Position Template"
msgstr "财务结构模板"
msgstr "替换规则模版"
#. module: account
#: view:account.invoice:0
@ -6037,7 +6049,7 @@ msgstr "收入"
#: view:account.config.settings:0
#: view:account.invoice:0
#: view:account.invoice.report:0
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:387
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:390
#, python-format
msgid "Supplier"
msgstr "供应商"
@ -6057,7 +6069,7 @@ msgid "Account n°"
msgstr "科目编码"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:92
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:95
#, python-format
msgid "Free Reference"
msgstr "无限制的单号"
@ -6067,7 +6079,9 @@ msgstr "无限制的单号"
#: selection:account.common.partner.report,result_selection:0
#: selection:account.partner.balance,result_selection:0
#: selection:account.partner.ledger,result_selection:0
#: report:account.third_party_ledger:0
#: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_balance.py:301
#: code:addons/account/report/account_partner_ledger.py:276
#, python-format
msgid "Receivable and Payable Accounts"
msgstr "应收款与应付款科目"
@ -6234,7 +6248,7 @@ msgstr "报表"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position_tax_template
msgid "Template Tax Fiscal Position"
msgstr "税务的模板"
msgstr "税务替换规则的模板"
#. module: account
#: help:account.tax,name:0
@ -6293,7 +6307,7 @@ msgstr "生成循环分录"
#. module: account
#: report:account.invoice:0
msgid "Fiscal Position Remark :"
msgstr "财务状况备注:"
msgstr "替换规则备注:"
#. module: account
#: view:analytic.entries.report:0
@ -6365,7 +6379,7 @@ msgid "Models"
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1121
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1124
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You cannot cancel an invoice which is partially paid. You need to "
@ -6537,7 +6551,7 @@ msgid "You cannot create journal items on closed account."
msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:630
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:633
#, python-format
msgid "Invoice line account's company and invoice's compnay does not match."
msgstr ""
@ -6686,7 +6700,7 @@ msgstr "序列字段用于税从低到高排序, 如果税中有子税这排序
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1453
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1482
#: code:addons/account/account.py:1489
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1012
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1015
#: code:addons/account/account_move_line.py:1005
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_automatic_reconcile.py:148
#: code:addons/account/wizard/account_fiscalyear_close.py:88
@ -6765,7 +6779,7 @@ msgstr "你不能修改已经存在凭证的公司帐户。"
#: report:account.invoice:0
#: selection:account.invoice,type:0
#: selection:account.invoice.report,type:0
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1157
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1160
#: selection:report.invoice.created,type:0
#, python-format
msgid "Supplier Refund"
@ -7174,7 +7188,7 @@ msgstr "科目核销"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position_tax
msgid "Taxes Fiscal Position"
msgstr "税负"
msgstr "税负替换规则"
#. module: account
#: report:account.general.ledger:0
@ -7269,7 +7283,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: field:account.config.settings,module_account_voucher:0
msgid "Manage customer payments"
msgstr ""
msgstr "管理客户付款"
#. module: account
#: help:report.invoice.created,origin:0
@ -7896,7 +7910,7 @@ msgid "May"
msgstr "5"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:817
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:820
#, python-format
msgid "Global taxes defined, but they are not in invoice lines !"
msgstr "定义了全局税,但发票行中没有!"
@ -7937,7 +7951,7 @@ msgstr "登账"
#: view:account.config.settings:0
#: view:account.invoice:0
#: view:account.invoice.report:0
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:385
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:388
#, python-format
msgid "Customer"
msgstr "客户"
@ -8185,7 +8199,7 @@ msgid "Select a currency to apply on the invoice"
msgstr "在发票上选择合适的币别"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:898
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:901
#, python-format
msgid "No Invoice Lines !"
msgstr "没有发票明细"
@ -8262,7 +8276,7 @@ msgid "Associated Partner"
msgstr "相关业务伙伴"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1462
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1465
#, python-format
msgid "You must first select a partner !"
msgstr "你必须首先选择一个业务伙伴!"
@ -8452,7 +8466,7 @@ msgstr "已调整的余额"
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account.action_account_fiscal_position_template_form
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_action_account_fiscal_position_form_template
msgid "Fiscal Position Templates"
msgstr "财务结构模板"
msgstr "替换规则模板"
#. module: account
#: view:account.entries.report:0
@ -8744,7 +8758,7 @@ msgstr "到期日期"
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_account_supplier
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:account.menu_finance_payables
msgid "Suppliers"
msgstr "供应商列表"
msgstr "供应商"
#. module: account
#: view:account.journal:0
@ -9208,7 +9222,7 @@ msgid "Purchase Tax(%)"
msgstr "进项税(%)"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:898
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:901
#, python-format
msgid "Please create some invoice lines."
msgstr "请创建发票明细。"
@ -9764,7 +9778,7 @@ msgid "Unreconciled"
msgstr "反核销"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:919
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:922
#, python-format
msgid "Bad total !"
msgstr "坏的合计!"
@ -10237,6 +10251,7 @@ msgstr "开始银行对账"
#. module: account
#: field:account.account,company_id:0
#: report:account.account.balance:0
#: field:account.aged.trial.balance,company_id:0
#: field:account.analytic.journal,company_id:0
#: field:account.balance.report,company_id:0
@ -10252,7 +10267,9 @@ msgstr "开始银行对账"
#: field:account.entries.report,company_id:0
#: field:account.fiscal.position,company_id:0
#: field:account.fiscalyear,company_id:0
#: report:account.general.journal:0
#: field:account.general.journal,company_id:0
#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: field:account.installer,company_id:0
#: field:account.invoice,company_id:0
#: field:account.invoice.line,company_id:0
@ -10261,6 +10278,7 @@ msgstr "开始银行对账"
#: field:account.invoice.tax,company_id:0
#: field:account.journal,company_id:0
#: field:account.journal.period,company_id:0
#: report:account.journal.period.print:0
#: field:account.model,company_id:0
#: field:account.move,company_id:0
#: field:account.move.line,company_id:0
@ -10414,14 +10432,14 @@ msgstr "销售科目的报表"
#. module: account
#: model:ir.model,name:account.model_account_fiscal_position_account
msgid "Accounts Fiscal Position"
msgstr "财务结构"
msgstr "替换规则"
#. module: account
#: report:account.invoice:0
#: view:account.invoice:0
#: selection:account.invoice,type:0
#: selection:account.invoice.report,type:0
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1155
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1158
#: model:process.process,name:account.process_process_supplierinvoiceprocess0
#: selection:report.invoice.created,type:0
#, python-format
@ -10511,8 +10529,10 @@ msgstr ""
#. module: account
#: report:account.account.balance:0
#: selection:account.balance.report,display_account:0
#: selection:account.common.account.report,display_account:0
#: report:account.general.ledger_landscape:0
#: selection:account.report.general.ledger,display_account:0
msgid "With movements"
msgstr "进展"
@ -10607,7 +10627,7 @@ msgid "Entries Sorted by"
msgstr "排序依据:"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1543
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1546
#, python-format
msgid ""
"The selected unit of measure is not compatible with the unit of measure of "
@ -10688,7 +10708,7 @@ msgstr "搜索发票"
#: report:account.invoice:0
#: view:account.invoice:0
#: view:account.invoice.report:0
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1156
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:1159
#, python-format
msgid "Refund"
msgstr "红字发票"
@ -10731,7 +10751,7 @@ msgstr "使凭证行生效"
#: help:res.partner,property_account_position:0
msgid ""
"The fiscal position will determine taxes and accounts used for the partner."
msgstr ""
msgstr "替换规则将决定合作伙伴说使用的税和科目"
#. module: account
#: model:process.node,note:account.process_node_supplierpaidinvoice0
@ -10760,7 +10780,7 @@ msgid "Manual Invoice Taxes"
msgstr "手动的发票税(非主营业务纳税)"
#. module: account
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:570
#: code:addons/account/account_invoice.py:573
#, python-format
msgid "The payment term of supplier does not have a payment term line."
msgstr "供应商付款条件没有包含付款条件行"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -113,7 +113,8 @@ class res_partner(osv.osv):
LEFT JOIN account_account a ON (l.account_id=a.id)
WHERE a.type IN ('receivable','payable')
AND l.partner_id IN %s
AND l.reconcile_id IS NULL
AND (l.reconcile_id IS NULL OR
reconcile_id in (SELECT id FROM account_move_reconcile WHERE opening_reconciliation is TRUE))
AND """ + query + """
GROUP BY l.partner_id, a.type

View File

@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
<field name="name"/>
<field name="account_id"/>
<field name="journal_id"/>
<field name="user_id"/>
<field name="user_id" context="{'default_groups_ref': ['base.group_user', 'base.group_partner_manager', 'account.group_account_invoice']}"/>
<field name="date"/>
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
<filter string="Product" context="{'group_by':'product_id'}"/>
<filter string="User" context="{'group_by':'user_id'}"/>
<filter string="Date" context="{'group_by':'date'}" name="group_date"/>
<filter string="Tasks Month" context="{'group_by':'date'}" name="group_date" help="Invoice Tasks by Month"/>

View File

@ -7,16 +7,16 @@
<field name="model">account.analytic.chart</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Analytic Account Charts" version="7.0">
<button name="analytic_account_chart_open_window" string="Open Charts" type="object" class="oe_highlight"/>
<button string="Cancel" class="oe_link" special="cancel"/>
<group string="Select the Period for Analysis" col="4">
<field name="from_date"/>
<field name="to_date"/>
<label string="(Keep empty to open the current situation)" colspan="4"/>
<button name="analytic_account_chart_open_window" string="Open Charts" type="object" class="oe_highlight"/>
<button string="Cancel" class="oe_link" special="cancel"/>

View File

@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
<filter string="Acc.Type" icon="terp-stock_symbol-selection" context="{'group_by':'user_type'}" name="usertype"/>
<filter string="Int.Type" icon="terp-stock_symbol-selection" context="{'group_by':'type'}"/>
<filter string="Company" icon="terp-go-home" context="{'group_by':'company_id'}" groups="base.group_multi_company"/>
<filter string="Date" icon="terp-go-today" context="{'group_by':'date'}"/>
<filter string="Entries Month" icon="terp-go-today" context="{'group_by':'date'}" help="Entries Date by Month"/>
<filter string="Period" icon="terp-go-month" name="group_period" context="{'group_by':'period_id'}"/>
<filter string="Fiscal Year" icon="terp-go-year" context="{'group_by':'fiscalyear_id'}"/>

View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ class report_account_common(report_sxw.rml_parse, common_report_header):
'get_filter': self._get_filter,
'get_target_move': self._get_target_move,
self.context = context

View File

@ -166,11 +166,12 @@
<para style="Standard">
<font color="white"> </font>
<blockTable colWidths="163.0,163.0,163.0" style="Table2_header">
<blockTable colWidths="122.0,122.0,122.0,122.0" style="Table2_header">
<td><para style="terp_tblheader_General_Centre">Chart of Accounts</para></td>
<td><para style="terp_tblheader_General_Centre">Fiscal Year</para></td>
<td><para style="terp_tblheader_General_Centre">Filter By [[ get_filter(data)!='No Filters' and get_filter(data) ]]</para></td>
<td><para style="terp_tblheader_General_Centre">Target Moves</para></td>
<td><para style="terp_default_Centre_8">[[ get_account(data) or removeParentNode('para') ]]</para></td>
@ -197,6 +198,10 @@
<para style="terp_default_Centre_8">[[ get_target_move(data) ]]</para>
<para style="Standard">

View File

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
<filter string="Commercial Partner" name="commercial_partner_id" context="{'group_by':'commercial_partner_id','residual_visible':True}"/>
<filter string="Commercial Partner's Country" name="country_id" context="{'group_by':'country_id'}"/>
<filter string="Salesperson" name='user' icon="terp-personal" context="{'group_by':'user_id'}"/>
<filter string="Due Date" icon="terp-go-today" context="{'group_by':'date_due'}"/>
<filter string="Due Month" icon="terp-go-today" context="{'group_by':'date_due'}"/>
<filter string="Period" icon="terp-go-month" context="{'group_by':'period_id'}" name="period"/>
<filter string="Product" icon="terp-accessories-archiver" context="{'group_by':'product_id','set_visible':True,'residual_invisible':True}"/>
<filter string="Category of Product" name="category_product" icon="terp-stock_symbol-selection" context="{'group_by':'categ_id','residual_invisible':True}"/>

View File

@ -81,31 +81,31 @@ class account_config_settings(osv.osv_memory):
'purchase_refund_sequence_next': fields.related('purchase_refund_journal_id', 'sequence_id', 'number_next', type='integer', string='Next supplier credit note number'),
'module_account_check_writing': fields.boolean('Pay your suppliers by check',
help="""This allows you to check writing and printing.
This installs the module account_check_writing."""),
help='This allows you to check writing and printing.\n'
'-This installs the module account_check_writing.'),
'module_account_accountant': fields.boolean('Full accounting features: journals, legal statements, chart of accounts, etc.',
help="""If you do not check this box, you will be able to do invoicing & payments, but not accounting (Journal Items, Chart of Accounts, ...)"""),
'module_account_asset': fields.boolean('Assets management',
help="""This allows you to manage the assets owned by a company or a person.
It keeps track of the depreciation occurred on those assets, and creates account move for those depreciation lines.
This installs the module account_asset. If you do not check this box, you will be able to do invoicing & payments,
but not accounting (Journal Items, Chart of Accounts, ...)"""),
help='This allows you to manage the assets owned by a company or a person.\n'
'It keeps track of the depreciation occurred on those assets, and creates account move for those depreciation lines.\n'
'-This installs the module account_asset. If you do not check this box, you will be able to do invoicing & payments, '
'but not accounting (Journal Items, Chart of Accounts, ...)'),
'module_account_budget': fields.boolean('Budget management',
help="""This allows accountants to manage analytic and crossovered budgets.
Once the master budgets and the budgets are defined,
the project managers can set the planned amount on each analytic account.
This installs the module account_budget."""),
help='This allows accountants to manage analytic and crossovered budgets. '
'Once the master budgets and the budgets are defined, '
'the project managers can set the planned amount on each analytic account.\n'
'-This installs the module account_budget.'),
'module_account_payment': fields.boolean('Manage payment orders',
help="""This allows you to create and manage your payment orders, with purposes to
* serve as base for an easy plug-in of various automated payment mechanisms, and
* provide a more efficient way to manage invoice payments.
This installs the module account_payment."""),
help='This allows you to create and manage your payment orders, with purposes to \n'
'* serve as base for an easy plug-in of various automated payment mechanisms, and \n'
'* provide a more efficient way to manage invoice payments.\n'
'-This installs the module account_payment.' ),
'module_account_voucher': fields.boolean('Manage customer payments',
help="""This includes all the basic requirements of voucher entries for bank, cash, sales, purchase, expense, contra, etc.
This installs the module account_voucher."""),
help='This includes all the basic requirements of voucher entries for bank, cash, sales, purchase, expense, contra, etc.\n'
'-This installs the module account_voucher.'),
'module_account_followup': fields.boolean('Manage customer payment follow-ups',
help="""This allows to automate letters for unpaid invoices, with multi-level recalls.
This installs the module account_followup."""),
help='This allows to automate letters for unpaid invoices, with multi-level recalls.\n'
'-This installs the module account_followup.'),
'group_proforma_invoices': fields.boolean('Allow pro-forma invoices',
help="Allows you to put invoices in pro-forma state."),

View File

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ openerp.account.quickadd = function (instance) {
search_by_journal_period: function() {
var self = this;
var domain = ['|',['debit', '!=', 0], ['credit', '!=', 0]];
var domain = [];
if (self.current_journal !== null) domain.push(["journal_id", "=", self.current_journal]);
if (self.current_period !== null) domain.push(["period_id", "=", self.current_period]);
self.last_context["journal_id"] = self.current_journal === null ? false : self.current_journal;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
In order to test account invoice I create a new customer invoice
I will create bank detail
I will create bank detail with using manager access rights because account manager can only create bank details.
uid: 'res_users_account_manager'
!record {model: res.partner.bank, id: res_partner_bank_0}:
state: bank
@ -11,6 +14,11 @@
footer: True
bank: base.res_bank_1
bank_name: Reserve
Test with that user which have rights to make Invoicing and payment and who is accountant.
uid: 'res_users_account_user'
I create a customer invoice

View File

@ -4,20 +4,29 @@
!record {model: account.fiscalyear, id: account_fiscalyear_fiscalyear0}:
code: !eval "'FY%s'% (datetime.now().year+1)"
company_id: base.main_company
date_start: !eval "'%s-01-01' %(datetime.now().year+1)"
date_stop: !eval "'%s-12-31' %(datetime.now().year+1)"
name: !eval "'Fiscal Year %s' %(datetime.now().year+1)"
date_start: !eval "'%s-01-01' %(datetime.now().year-1)"
date_stop: !eval "'%s-12-31' %(datetime.now().year-1)"
name: !eval "'Fiscal Year %s' %(datetime.now().year-1)"
I create a period for the opening entries for the new fiscalyear
I generate periods for the new fiscalyear
!record {model: account.period, id: account_period_jan11}:
company_id: base.main_company
date_start: !eval "'%s-01-01'% (datetime.now().year+1)"
date_stop: !eval "'%s-01-01'% (datetime.now().year+1)"
fiscalyear_id: account_fiscalyear_fiscalyear0
name: !eval "'OP %s' %(datetime.now().year+1)"
special: 1
!python {model: account.fiscalyear}: |
self.create_period(cr, uid, [ref("account_fiscalyear_fiscalyear0")])
I create a new account invoice in the created fiscalyear
!record {model: account.invoice, id: account_invoice_current1}:
partner_id: base.res_partner_2
date_invoice: !eval "'%s-01-02' %(datetime.now().year-1)"
- partner_id: base.res_partner_2
quantity: 1.0
price_unit: 15.00
name: Bying stuff
I validate the invoice
!workflow {model: account.invoice, action: invoice_open, ref: account.account_invoice_current1}
I made modification in journal so it can move entries
@ -31,19 +40,40 @@
company_id: base.main_company
centralisation: 1
I called the Generate Fiscalyear Opening Entries wizard
I call the Generate Fiscalyear Opening Entries wizard
!record {model: account.fiscalyear.close, id: account_fiscalyear_close_0}:
fy2_id: account_fiscalyear_fiscalyear0
fy_id: account.data_fiscalyear
fy2_id: account.data_fiscalyear
fy_id: account_fiscalyear_fiscalyear0
journal_id: account.close_journal
period_id: account_period_jan11
period_id: account.period_1
report_name: End of Fiscal Year Entry
I clicked on create Button
!python {model: account.fiscalyear.close}: |
self.data_save(cr, uid, [ref("account_fiscalyear_close_0")], {"lang": 'en_US',
"active_model": "ir.ui.menu", "active_ids": [ref("account.menu_wizard_fy_close")],
"tz": False, "active_id": ref("account.menu_wizard_fy_close"), })
"tz": False, "active_id": ref("account.menu_wizard_fy_close"), })
I close the previous fiscalyear
!record {model: account.fiscalyear.close.state, id: account_fiscalyear_close_state_0}:
fy_id: account_fiscalyear_fiscalyear0
I clicked on Close States Button to close fiscalyear
!python {model: account.fiscalyear.close.state}: |
self.data_save(cr, uid, [ref("account_fiscalyear_close_state_0")], {"lang": 'en_US',
"active_model": "ir.ui.menu", "active_ids": [ref("account.menu_wizard_fy_close_state")],
"tz": False, "active_id": ref("account.menu_wizard_fy_close_state"), })
I check that the fiscalyear state is now "Done"
!assert {model: account.fiscalyear, id: account_fiscalyear_fiscalyear0, string: Fiscal Year is in Done state}:
- state == 'done'
I check that the past accounts are taken into account in partner credit
!assert {model: res.partner, id: base.res_partner_2, string: Total Receivable does not takes unreconciled moves of previous years}:
- credit == 15.0

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
I run the Close a Fiscalyear wizard to close the demo fiscalyear
!record {model: account.fiscalyear.close.state, id: account_fiscalyear_close_state_0}:
fy_id: data_fiscalyear
I clicked on Close States Button to close fiscalyear
!python {model: account.fiscalyear.close.state}: |
self.data_save(cr, uid, [ref("account_fiscalyear_close_state_0")], {"lang": 'en_US',
"active_model": "ir.ui.menu", "active_ids": [ref("account.menu_wizard_fy_close_state")],
"tz": False, "active_id": ref("account.menu_wizard_fy_close_state"), })
I check that the fiscalyear state is now "Done"
!assert {model: account.fiscalyear, id: data_fiscalyear, string: Fiscal Year is in Done state}:
- state == 'done'

View File

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
Test with that user which have rights to make Invoicing.
uid: 'res_users_account_user'
In order to test Confirm Draft Invoice wizard I create an invoice and confirm it with this wizard

View File

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
Test with that Finance manager who can only create supplier invoice.
uid: 'res_users_account_manager'
In order to test account invoice I create a new supplier invoice

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
Create a user as 'Accountant'
!record {model: res.users, id: res_users_account_user, view: False}:
company_id: base.main_company
name: Accountant
login: acc
password: acc
email: accountuser@yourcompany.com
I added groups for Accountant.
!record {model: res.users, id: res_users_account_user}:
- account.group_account_user
- base.group_partner_manager
Create a user as 'Financial Manager'
!record {model: res.users, id: res_users_account_manager, view: False}:
company_id: base.main_company
name: Financial Manager
login: fm
password: fm
email: accountmanager@yourcompany.com
I added groups for Financial Manager.
!record {model: res.users, id: res_users_account_manager}:
- account.group_account_manager
- base.group_partner_manager

View File

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
Test validate account move with user who is accountant which have its rights.'
uid: 'res_users_account_user'
In order to test the account move lines in OpenERP, I create account move

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class accounting_report(osv.osv_memory):
'target_move': 'posted',
'account_report_id': _get_account_report,
def _build_comparison_context(self, cr, uid, ids, data, context=None):
if context is None:
context = {}
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ class accounting_report(osv.osv_memory):
result['fiscalyear'] = 'fiscalyear_id_cmp' in data['form'] and data['form']['fiscalyear_id_cmp'] or False
result['journal_ids'] = 'journal_ids' in data['form'] and data['form']['journal_ids'] or False
result['chart_account_id'] = 'chart_account_id' in data['form'] and data['form']['chart_account_id'] or False
result['state'] = 'target_move' in data['form'] and data['form']['target_move'] or ''
if data['form']['filter_cmp'] == 'filter_date':
result['date_from'] = data['form']['date_from_cmp']
result['date_to'] = data['form']['date_to_cmp']
@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ class accounting_report(osv.osv_memory):
return res
def _print_report(self, cr, uid, ids, data, context=None):
data['form'].update(self.read(cr, uid, ids, ['date_from_cmp', 'debit_credit', 'date_to_cmp', 'fiscalyear_id_cmp', 'period_from_cmp', 'period_to_cmp', 'filter_cmp', 'account_report_id', 'enable_filter', 'label_filter'], context=context)[0])
data['form'].update(self.read(cr, uid, ids, ['date_from_cmp', 'debit_credit', 'date_to_cmp', 'fiscalyear_id_cmp', 'period_from_cmp', 'period_to_cmp', 'filter_cmp', 'account_report_id', 'enable_filter', 'label_filter','target_move'], context=context)[0])
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.report.xml',
'report_name': 'account.financial.report',

View File

@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ class account_invoice_refund(osv.osv_memory):
for line in movelines:
if line.account_id.id == inv.account_id.id:
to_reconcile_ids[line.account_id.id] = [line.id]
if type(line.reconcile_id) != osv.orm.browse_null:
reconcile_obj.unlink(cr, uid, line.reconcile_id.id)
if line.reconcile_id:
inv_obj.signal_invoice_open(cr, uid, [refund.id])
refund = inv_obj.browse(cr, uid, refund_id[0], context=context)
for tmpline in refund.move_id.line_id:

View File

@ -154,6 +154,7 @@ class account_common_report(osv.osv_memory):
result['fiscalyear'] = 'fiscalyear_id' in data['form'] and data['form']['fiscalyear_id'] or False
result['journal_ids'] = 'journal_ids' in data['form'] and data['form']['journal_ids'] or False
result['chart_account_id'] = 'chart_account_id' in data['form'] and data['form']['chart_account_id'] or False
result['state'] = 'target_move' in data['form'] and data['form']['target_move'] or ''
if data['form']['filter'] == 'filter_date':
result['date_from'] = data['form']['date_from']
result['date_to'] = data['form']['date_to']

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More