Merge branch11 into patch18

Branch patch11 had somewhere been lost in bzr hell.


bzr revid:
This commit is contained in:
P. Christeas 2010-12-23 17:54:44 +02:00
commit 98ab6360ed
15 changed files with 504 additions and 345 deletions

View File

@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ class res_partner_bank(osv.osv):
iban_country = self.browse(cr, uid, ids)[0].iban[:2]
if default_iban_check(iban_country):
iban_example = iban_country in _ref_iban and _ref_iban[iban_country] + ' \nWhere A = Account number, B = National bank code, S = Branch code, C = account No, N = branch No, K = National check digits....' or ''
return _('The IBAN does not seems to be correct. You should have entered something like this %s'), (iban_example)
return _('The IBAN does not seem to be correct. You should have entered something like this %s'), (iban_example)
return _('The IBAN is invalid, It should begin with the country code'), ()
def name_get(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):

View File

@ -165,6 +165,15 @@ class document_file(osv.osv):
return False
return True
def check(self, cr, uid, ids, mode, context=None, values=None):
"""Check access wrt. res_model, relax the rule of ir.attachment parent
With 'document' installed, everybody will have access to attachments of
any resources they can *read*.
return super(document_file, self).check(cr, uid, ids, mode='read',
context=context, values=values)
def copy(self, cr, uid, id, default=None, context=None):
if not default:
default = {}

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<>).
@ -15,22 +15,24 @@
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from osv import osv, fields
class document_configuration(osv.osv_memory):
_description = 'Auto Directory Configuration'
_inherit = 'res.config'
_inherit = 'res.config'
_columns = {
'sale_order' : fields.boolean('Sale Order', help="Auto directory configuration for Sale Orders and Quotation with report."),
'product' : fields.boolean('Product', help="Auto directory configuration for Products."),
'project': fields.boolean('Project', help="Auto directory configuration for Projects."),
def execute(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
conf_id = ids and ids[0] or False
@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ class document_configuration(osv.osv_memory):
quta_dir_id = data_pool.browse(cr, uid, dir_data_id, context=context).res_id
quta_dir_id = data_pool.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Sale Quotations'})
dir_pool.write(cr, uid, [quta_dir_id], {
'ressource_type_id': mid[0],
@ -86,7 +88,7 @@ class document_configuration(osv.osv_memory):
'include_name': 1,
'directory_id': quta_dir_id,
if conf.product and self.pool.get('product.product'):
# Product
@ -95,12 +97,12 @@ class document_configuration(osv.osv_memory):
product_dir_id = data_pool.browse(cr, uid, dir_data_id, context=context).res_id
product_dir_id = data_pool.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Products'})
mid =, uid, [('model','=','product.product')])
dir_pool.write(cr, uid, [product_dir_id], {
'ressource_type_id': mid[0],
if conf.project and self.pool.get('account.analytic.account'):
# Project
@ -109,12 +111,12 @@ class document_configuration(osv.osv_memory):
project_dir_id = data_pool.browse(cr, uid, dir_data_id, context=context).res_id
project_dir_id = data_pool.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Projects'})
mid =, uid, [('model','=','account.analytic.account')])
dir_pool.write(cr, uid, [project_dir_id], {
'ressource_type_id': mid[0],
'domain': '[]',
'ressource_tree': 1

View File

@ -45,6 +45,8 @@
<record model="ir.actions.todo" id="config_auto_directory">
<field name="action_id" ref="action_config_auto_directory"/>
<field name="groups_id" eval="[(6,0,[ref('base.group_extended')])]"/>
<field name="state" eval="'skip'" />
<field name="restart" eval="'onskip'" />

View File

@ -43,9 +43,11 @@ class document_ftp_browse(osv.osv_memory):
url = ftp_url.url and ftp_url.url.split('ftp://') or []
if url:
url = url[1]
if url[-1] == '/':
url = url[:-1]
url = '%s:%s' %(ftpserver.HOST, ftpserver.PORT)
res['url'] = 'ftp://%s@%s'%(current_user.login, url)
res['url'] = 'ftp://%s@%s/%s'%(current_user.login, url, cr.dbname)
return res
def browse_ftp(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
"name" : "WebDAV server for Document Management",
"version" : "2.2",
"version" : "2.3",
"author" : "OpenERP SA",
"category" : "Generic Modules/Others",
"website": "",
@ -49,6 +49,9 @@
; since the messages are routed to the python logging, with
; levels "debug" and "debug_rpc" respectively, you can leave
; these options on
Also implements IETF RFC 5785 for services discovery on a http server,
which needs explicit configuration in openerp-server.conf, too.
"depends" : ["base", "document"],
"init_xml" : [],

View File

@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ class openerp_dav_handler(dav_interface):
except Exception:
node = False
objname = uri2[-1]
objname = misc.ustr(uri2[-1])
ret = None
if not node:
@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ class openerp_dav_handler(dav_interface):
etag = str(newchild.get_etag(cr))
except Exception, e:
self.parent.log_error("Cannot get etag for node: %s" % e)
ret = (hurl, etag)
ret = (str(hurl), etag)
self._try_function(node.set_data, (cr, data), "save %s" % objname, cr=cr)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
Well-known URIs
In accordance to IETF RFC 5785 [1], we shall publish a few locations
on the root of our http server, so that clients can discover our
services (CalDAV, eg.).
This module merely installs a special http request handler, that will
redirect the URIs from "http://our-server:port/.well-known/xxx' to
the correct path for each xxx service.
Note that well-known URIs cannot have a database-specific behaviour,
they are server-wide. So, we have to explicitly chose one of our databases
to serve at them. By default, the database of the configuration file
is chosen
Example config:
num_services = 2
db_name = openerp-main ; must define that for path_1 below
service_1 = caldav
path_1 = /webdav/%(db_name)s/Calendars/
service_2 = foo
path_2 = /other_db/static/Foo.html

View File

@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ class node_file(node_acl_mixin, nodes.node_file):
return ''
def get_dav_props(self, cr):
return self._get_dav_props_hlpr(cr, nodes.node_dir,
return self._get_dav_props_hlpr(cr, nodes.node_file,
'', 'file_id', self.file_id)
def dav_lock(self, cr, lock_data):
@ -345,11 +345,11 @@ class node_database(nodes.node_database):
return ('collection', 'DAV:')
def get_dav_props(self, cr):
return self._get_dav_props_hlpr(cr, nodes.node_dir,
return self._get_dav_props_hlpr(cr, nodes.node_database,
'', 'dir_id', False)
def get_dav_eprop(self, cr, ns, prop):
return self._get_dav_eprop_hlpr(cr, nodes.node_dir, ns, prop,
return self._get_dav_eprop_hlpr(cr, nodes.node_database, ns, prop,
'', 'dir_id', False)
class node_res_obj(node_acl_mixin, nodes.node_res_obj):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
<title>OpenERP server</title>
This is an OpenERP server. Nothing to GET here.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2010 OpenERP s.a. (<>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import logging
import urlparse
from service.websrv_lib import FixSendError, HTTPHandler, HttpOptions
from service.http_server import HttpLogHandler
class RedirectHTTPHandler(HttpLogHandler, FixSendError, HttpOptions, HTTPHandler):
_logger = logging.getLogger('httpd.well-known')
redirect_paths = {}
def __init__(self,request, client_address, server):
def send_head(self):
"""Common code for GET and HEAD commands.
It will either send the correct redirect (Location) response
or a 404.
if self.path.endswith('/'):
self.path = self.path[:-1]
if not self.path:
# Return an empty page
self.send_header("Content-Length", 0)
return None
redir_path = self._find_redirect()
if redir_path is False:
self.send_error(404, "File not found")
return None
elif redir_path is None:
return None
server_proto = getattr(self.server, 'proto', 'http').lower()
addr, port = self.server.server_name, self.server.server_port
addr, port = self.request.getsockname()
except Exception, e:
self.log_error("Cannot calculate own address:" , e)
if self.headers.has_key('Host'):
uparts = list(urlparse.urlparse("%s://%s:%d"% (server_proto, addr,port)))
uparts[1] = self.headers['Host']
baseuri = urlparse.urlunparse(uparts)
baseuri = "%s://%s:%d"% (server_proto, addr, port )
location = baseuri + redir_path
# relative uri: location = self.redirect_paths[self.path]
self.send_header("Location", location)
self.send_header("Content-Length", 0)
# Do we need a Cache-content: header here?
self._logger.debug("redirecting %s to %s", self.path, redir_path)
return None
def do_PROPFIND(self):
return self.do_HEAD()
def _find_redirect(self):
""" Locate self.path among the redirects we can handle
@return The new path, False for 404 or None for already sent error
return self.redirect_paths.get(self.path, False)
def _get_ignore_body(self):
if not self.headers.has_key("content-length"):
max_chunk_size = 10*1024*1024
size_remaining = int(self.headers["content-length"])
got = ''
while size_remaining:
chunk_size = min(size_remaining, max_chunk_size)
got =
size_remaining -= len(got)

View File

@ -45,13 +45,103 @@ class Text2(xml.dom.minidom.Text):
data = data.replace(">", "&gt;")
def createText2Node(doc, data):
if not isinstance(data, StringTypes):
raise TypeError, "node contents must be a string"
t = Text2() = data
t.ownerDocument = doc
return t
class Prop2xml(object):
""" A helper class to convert property structs to DAV:XML
Written to generalize the use of _prop_child(), a class is
needed to hold some persistent data accross the recursions
of _prop_elem_child().
def __init__(self, doc, namespaces, nsnum):
""" Init the structure
@param doc the xml doc element
@param namespaces a dict of namespaces
@param nsnum the next namespace number to define
self.doc = doc
self.namespaces = namespaces
self.nsnum = nsnum
def createText2Node(self, data):
if not isinstance(data, StringTypes):
raise TypeError, "node contents must be a string"
t = Text2() = data
t.ownerDocument = self.doc
return t
def _prop_child(self, xnode, ns, prop, value):
"""Append a property xml node to xnode, with <prop>value</prop>
And a little smarter than that, it will consider namespace and
also allow nested properties etc.
:param ns the namespace of the <prop/> node
:param prop the name of the property
:param value the value. Can be:
string: text node
tuple ('elem', 'ns') for empty sub-node <ns:elem />
tuple ('elem', 'ns', sub-elems) for sub-node with elements
tuple ('elem', 'ns', sub-elems, {attrs}) for sub-node with
optional elements and attributes
list, of above tuples
if ns == 'DAV:':
ns_prefix = 'D:'
pe = self.doc.createElement(ns_prefix+str(prop))
if hasattr(value, '__class__') and value.__class__.__name__ == 'Element':
if ns == 'DAV:' and prop=="resourcetype" and isinstance(value, int):
# hack, to go..
if value == 1:
ve = self.doc.createElement("D:collection")
self._prop_elem_child(pe, ns, value, ns_prefix)
def _prop_elem_child(self, pnode, pns, v, pns_prefix):
if isinstance(v, list):
for vit in v:
self._prop_elem_child(pnode, pns, vit, pns_prefix)
elif isinstance(v,tuple):
need_ns = False
if v[1] == pns:
ns_prefix = pns_prefix
elif v[1] == 'DAV:':
ns_prefix = 'D:'
elif v[1] in self.namespaces:
need_ns = True
ve = self.doc.createElement(ns_prefix+v[0])
if need_ns:
ve.setAttribute("xmlns:ns"+str(self.nsnum), v[1])
if len(v) > 2 and v[2] is not None:
if isinstance(v[2], (list, tuple)):
# support nested elements like:
# ( 'elem', 'ns:', [('sub-elem1', 'ns1'), ...]
self._prop_elem_child(ve, v[1], v[2], ns_prefix)
vt = self.createText2Node(tools.ustr(v[2]))
if len(v) > 3 and v[3]:
assert isinstance(v[3], dict)
for ak, av in v[3].items():
ve.setAttribute(ak, av)
ve = self.createText2Node(tools.ustr(v))
super_mk_prop_response = PROPFIND.mk_prop_response
@ -73,78 +163,7 @@ def mk_prop_response(self, uri, good_props, bad_props, doc):
def _prop_child(xnode, ns, prop, value):
"""Append a property xml node to xnode, with <prop>value</prop>
And a little smarter than that, it will consider namespace and
also allow nested properties etc.
:param ns the namespace of the <prop/> node
:param prop the name of the property
:param value the value. Can be:
string: text node
tuple ('elem', 'ns') for empty sub-node <ns:elem />
tuple ('elem', 'ns', sub-elems) for sub-node with elements
tuple ('elem', 'ns', sub-elems, {attrs}) for sub-node with
optional elements and attributes
list, of above tuples
if ns == 'DAV:':
ns_prefix = 'D:'
if hasattr(value, '__class__') and value.__class__.__name__ == 'Element':
if ns == 'DAV:' and prop=="resourcetype" and isinstance(value, int):
# hack, to go..
if value == 1:
_prop_elem_child(pe, ns, value, ns_prefix)
def _prop_elem_child(pnode, pns, v, pns_prefix):
if isinstance(v, list):
for vit in v:
_prop_elem_child(pnode, pns, vit, pns_prefix)
elif isinstance(v,tuple):
need_ns = False
if v[1] == pns:
ns_prefix = pns_prefix
elif v[1] == 'DAV:':
ns_prefix = 'D:'
elif v[1] in namespaces:
need_ns = True
if need_ns:
ve.setAttribute("xmlns:ns"+str(nsnum), v[1])
if len(v) > 2 and v[2] is not None:
if isinstance(v[2], (list, tuple)):
# support nested elements like:
# ( 'elem', 'ns:', [('sub-elem1', 'ns1'), ...]
_prop_elem_child(ve, v[1], v[2], ns_prefix)
if len(v) > 3 and v[3]:
assert isinstance(v[3], dict)
for ak, av in v[3].items():
ve.setAttribute(ak, av)
ve=createText2Node(doc, tools.ustr(v))
propgen = Prop2xml(doc, namespaces, nsnum)
# write href information
@ -180,7 +199,7 @@ def mk_prop_response(self, uri, good_props, bad_props, doc):
for p,v in good_props[ns].items():
if v is None:
_prop_child(gp, ns, p, v)
propgen._prop_child(gp, ns, p, v)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright P. Christeas <> 2008-2010
# Copyright OpenERP SA, 2010 ( )
# Disclaimer: Many of the functions below borrow code from the
# python-webdav library ( ),
@ -19,7 +20,7 @@
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
@ -33,20 +34,26 @@
import logging
import netsvc
from dav_fs import openerp_dav_handler
from tools.config import config
from DAV.WebDAVServer import DAVRequestHandler
from service import http_server
from service.websrv_lib import HTTPDir, FixSendError, HttpOptions
from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler
import urlparse
import urllib
import re
import time
from string import atoi
from DAV.errors import *
import addons
from DAV.utils import IfParser, TagList
from DAV.errors import DAV_Error, DAV_Forbidden, DAV_NotFound
from DAV.propfind import PROPFIND
# from DAV.constants import DAV_VERSION_1, DAV_VERSION_2
from xml.dom import minidom
from redirect import RedirectHTTPHandler
khtml_re = re.compile(r' KHTML/([0-9\.]+) ')
@ -66,6 +73,7 @@ def OpenDAVConfig(**kw):
class DAVHandler(HttpOptions, FixSendError, DAVRequestHandler):
verbose = False
_logger = logging.getLogger('webdav')
protocol_version = 'HTTP/1.1'
_HTTP_OPTIONS= { 'DAV' : ['1', '2'],
'Allow' : [ 'GET', 'HEAD', 'COPY', 'MOVE', 'POST', 'PUT',
@ -75,8 +83,9 @@ class DAVHandler(HttpOptions, FixSendError, DAVRequestHandler):
def get_userinfo(self,user,pw):
return False
def _log(self, message):
def handle(self):
@ -118,10 +127,10 @@ class DAVHandler(HttpOptions, FixSendError, DAVRequestHandler):
return self.davpath
def log_message(self, format, *args):
netsvc.Logger().notifyChannel('webdav', netsvc.LOG_DEBUG_RPC, format % args)
self._logger.log(netsvc.logging.DEBUG_RPC,format % args)
def log_error(self, format, *args):
netsvc.Logger().notifyChannel('xmlrpc', netsvc.LOG_WARNING, format % args)
self._logger.warning(format % args)
def _prep_OPTIONS(self, opts):
ret = opts
@ -415,6 +424,140 @@ class DAVAuthProvider(OpenERPAuthProvider):
return True
return OpenERPAuthProvider.authenticate(self, db, user, passwd, client_address)
class dummy_dav_interface(object):
""" Dummy dav interface """
verbose = True
PROPS={"DAV:" : ('creationdate',
M_NS={"DAV:" : "_get_dav", }
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
def get_propnames(self,uri):
return self.PROPS
def get_prop(self,uri,ns,propname):
if self.M_NS.has_key(ns):
raise DAV_NotFound
mname=prefix+"_"+propname.replace('-', '_')
return r
except AttributeError:
raise DAV_NotFound
def get_data(self, uri, range=None):
raise DAV_NotFound
def _get_dav_creationdate(self,uri):
return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime())
def _get_dav_getlastmodified(self,uri):
return time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", time.gmtime())
def _get_dav_displayname(self, uri):
return uri
def _get_dav_resourcetype(self, uri):
return ('collection', 'DAV:')
def exists(self, uri):
""" return 1 or None depending on if a resource exists """
uri2 = uri.split('/')
if len(uri2) < 3:
return True
logging.getLogger('webdav').debug("Requested uri: %s", uri)
return None # no
def is_collection(self, uri):
""" return 1 or None depending on if a resource is a collection """
return None # no
class DAVStaticHandler(http_server.StaticHTTPHandler):
""" A variant of the Static handler, which will serve dummy DAV requests
verbose = False
protocol_version = 'HTTP/1.1'
_HTTP_OPTIONS= { 'DAV' : ['1', '2'],
'Allow' : [ 'GET', 'HEAD',
def send_body(self, content, code, message='OK', content_type='text/xml'):
self.send_response(int(code), message)
self.send_header("Content-Type", content_type)
# self.send_header('Connection', 'close')
self.send_header('Content-Length', len(content) or 0)
if hasattr(self, '_flush'):
if self.command != 'HEAD':
def do_PROPFIND(self):
"""Answer to PROPFIND with generic data.
A rough copy of python-webdav's do_PROPFIND, but hacked to work
dc = dummy_dav_interface(self)
# read the body containing the xml request
# iff there is no body then this is an ALLPROP request
body = None
if self.headers.has_key('Content-Length'):
l = self.headers['Content-Length']
body =
path = self.path.rstrip('/')
uri = urllib.unquote(path)
pf = PROPFIND(uri, dc, self.headers.get('Depth', 'infinity'), body)
DATA = '%s\n' % pf.createResponse()
except DAV_Error, (ec,dd):
return self.send_error(ec,dd)
except Exception:
self.log_exception("Cannot PROPFIND")
# work around MSIE DAV bug for creation and modified date
# taken from @ Zope webdav
if (self.headers.get('User-Agent') ==
'Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider DAV 1.1'):
DATA = DATA.replace('<ns0:getlastmodified xmlns:ns0="DAV:">',
'<ns0:getlastmodified xmlns:n="DAV:" xmlns:b="urn:uuid:c2f41010-65b3-11d1-a29f-00aa00c14882/" b:dt="dateTime.rfc1123">')
DATA = DATA.replace('<ns0:creationdate xmlns:ns0="DAV:">',
'<ns0:creationdate xmlns:n="DAV:" xmlns:b="urn:uuid:c2f41010-65b3-11d1-a29f-00aa00c14882/" b:dt="">')
self.send_body(DATA, '207','Multi-Status','Multiple responses')
def not_get_baseuri(self):
baseuri = '/'
if self.headers.has_key('Host'):
uparts = list(urlparse.urlparse('/'))
uparts[1] = self.headers['Host']
baseuri = urlparse.urlunparse(uparts)
return baseuri
def get_davpath(self):
return ''
if (config.get_misc('webdav','enable',True)):
@ -430,10 +573,80 @@ try:
conf = OpenDAVConfig(**_dc)
handler._config = conf
netsvc.Logger().notifyChannel('webdav', netsvc.LOG_INFO, "WebDAV service registered at path: %s/ "% directory)
logging.getLogger('webdav').info("WebDAV service registered at path: %s/ "% directory)
if not (config.get_misc('webdav', 'no_root_hack', False)):
# Now, replace the static http handler with the dav-enabled one.
# If a static-http service has been specified for our server, then
# read its configuration and use that dir_path.
# NOTE: this will _break_ any other service that would be registered
# at the root path in future.
base_path = False
if config.get_misc('static-http','enable', False):
base_path = config.get_misc('static-http', 'base_path', '/')
if base_path and base_path == '/':
dir_path = config.get_misc('static-http', 'dir_path', False)
dir_path = addons.get_module_resource('document_webdav','public_html')
# an _ugly_ hack: we put that dir back in tools.config.misc, so that
# the StaticHttpHandler can find its dir_path.
config.misc.setdefault('static-http',{})['dir_path'] = dir_path
if reg_http_service(HTTPDir('/', DAVStaticHandler)):
logging.getLogger("web-services").info("WebDAV registered HTTP dir %s for /" % \
except Exception, e:
logger = netsvc.Logger()
logger.notifyChannel('webdav', netsvc.LOG_ERROR, 'Cannot launch webdav: %s' % e)
logging.getLogger('webdav').error('Cannot launch webdav: %s' % e)
def init_well_known():
reps = RedirectHTTPHandler.redirect_paths
num_svcs = config.get_misc('http-well-known', 'num_services', '0')
for nsv in range(1, int(num_svcs)+1):
uri = config.get_misc('http-well-known', 'service_%d' % nsv, False)
path = config.get_misc('http-well-known', 'path_%d' % nsv, False)
if not (uri and path):
reps['/'+uri] = path
if int(num_svcs):
if http_server.reg_http_service(HTTPDir('/.well-known', RedirectHTTPHandler)):
logging.getLogger("web-services").info("Registered HTTP redirect handler at /.well-known" )
class PrincipalsRedirect(RedirectHTTPHandler):
redirect_paths = {}
def _find_redirect(self):
for b, r in self.redirect_paths.items():
if self.path.startswith(b):
return r + self.path[len(b):]
return False
def init_principals_redirect():
""" Some devices like the iPhone will look under /principals/users/xxx for
the user's properties. In OpenERP we _cannot_ have a stray /principals/...
working path, since we have a database path and the /webdav/ component. So,
the best solution is to redirect the url with 301. Luckily, it does work in
the device. The trick is that we need to hard-code the database to use, either
the one centrally defined in the config, or a "forced" one in the webdav
dbname = config.get_misc('webdav', 'principal_dbname', False)
if (not dbname) and not config.get_misc('webdav', 'no_principals_redirect', False):
dbname = config.get('db_name', False)
if dbname:
PrincipalsRedirect.redirect_paths[''] = '/webdav/%s/principals' % dbname
reg_http_service(HTTPDir('/principals', PrincipalsRedirect))
"Registered HTTP redirect handler for /principals to the %s db.",

View File

@ -20,5 +20,6 @@
import event_project
import wizard
# vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

View File

@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<record model="workflow" id="wkf_pos">
<field name="name">Pos workflow</field>
<field name="osv">pos.order</field>
<field name="on_create">True</field>
<!-- Roles definition -->
<record model="res.roles" id="role_pos">
<field name="name">POS - Confirmation</field>
<record model="workflow.activity" id="act_draft">
<field name="wkf_id" ref="wkf_pos"/>
<field name="flow_start">True</field>
<field name="name">draft</field>
<record model="workflow.activity" id="act_payment">
<field name="wkf_id" ref="wkf_pos" />
<field name="name">payment</field>
<field name="kind">function</field>
<field name="action">write({'state': 'payment'})</field>
<record model="workflow.activity" id="act_rebate">
<field name="wkf_id" ref="wkf_pos" />
<field name="name">rebate</field>
<field name="kind">function</field>
<field name="action">write({'state': 'rebate'})</field>
<record model="workflow.activity" id="act_unbalanced">
<field name="wkf_id" ref="wkf_pos" />
<field name="name">unbalanced</field>
<field name="kind">function</field>
<field name="action">write({'state': 'unbalanced'})</field>
<record model="workflow.activity" id="act_cofinoga">
<field name="wkf_id" ref="wkf_pos" />
<field name="name">cofinoga</field>
<field name="kind">function</field>
<field name="action">write({'state': 'cofinoga'})</field>
<record model="workflow.activity" id="act_collectivites">
<field name="wkf_id" ref="wkf_pos" />
<field name="name">collectivites</field>
<field name="kind">function</field>
<field name="action">write({'state': 'collectivites'})</field>
<record model="workflow.activity" id="act_cadeaux">
<field name="wkf_id" ref="wkf_pos" />
<field name="name">cadeaux</field>
<field name="kind">function</field>
<field name="action">write({'state': 'cadeaux'})</field>
<record model="workflow.activity" id="act_collectivites">
<field name="wkf_id" ref="wkf_pos" />
<field name="name">collectivites</field>
<field name="kind">function</field>
<field name="action">write({'state': 'collectivites', 'invoice_wanted': True})</field>
<record model="workflow.activity" id="act_cadeaux">
<field name="wkf_id" ref="wkf_pos" />
<field name="name">cadeaux</field>
<field name="kind">function</field>
<field name="action">write({'state': 'cadeaux'})</field>
<record model="workflow.activity" id="act_paid">
<field name="wkf_id" ref="wkf_pos"/>
<field name="name">paid</field>
<field name="action">action_paid()</field>
<field name="kind">function</field>
<record model="workflow.activity" id="act_done">
<field name="wkf_id" ref="wkf_pos"/>
<field name="name">done</field>
<field name="flow_stop">True</field>
<field name="action">action_done()</field>
<field name="kind">function</field>
<record model="workflow.activity" id="act_invoiced">
<field name="wkf_id" ref="wkf_pos"/>
<field name="name">invoiced</field>
<field name="flow_stop">True</field>
<field name="action">action_invoice()</field>
<field name="kind">function</field>
<record model="workflow.activity" id="act_cancel">
<field name="wkf_id" ref="wkf_pos"/>
<field name="name">cancel</field>
<field name="flow_stop">True</field>
<field name="action">action_cancel()</field>
<field name="kind">function</field>
<record model="workflow.transition" id="trans_draft_payment">
<field name="act_from" ref="act_draft" />
<field name="act_to" ref="act_payment" />
<field name="signal">start_payment</field>
<record model="workflow.transition" id="trans_payment_paid">
<field name="act_from" ref="act_payment"/>
<field name="act_to" ref="act_paid"/>
<field name="condition">test_paid() and not(test_rebate() or test_cofinoga() or test_cadeaux() or test_collectivites())</field>
<field name="signal">payment</field>
<record model="workflow.transition" id="trans_payment_rebate">
<field name="act_from" ref="act_payment" />
<field name="act_to" ref="act_rebate" />
<field name="condition">test_rebate()</field>
<field name="signal">payment</field>
<record model="workflow.transition" id="trans_rebate_paid">
<field name="act_from" ref="act_rebate" />
<field name="act_to" ref="act_paid" />
<field name="signal">ok_rebate</field>
<record model="workflow.transition" id="trans_payment_unbalanced">
<field name="act_from" ref="act_payment" />
<field name="act_to" ref="act_unbalanced" />
<field name="condition">not test_paid()</field>
<field name="signal">payment</field>
<record model="workflow.transition" id="trans_unbalanced">
<field name="act_from" ref="act_unbalanced" />
<field name="act_to" ref="act_paid" />
<field name="condition">test_paid()</field>
<record model="workflow.transition" id="trans_payment_cofinoga">
<field name="act_from" ref="act_payment" />
<field name="act_to" ref="act_cofinoga" />
<field name="condition">test_cofinoga()</field>
<field name="signal">payment</field>
<record model="workflow.transition" id="trans_cofinoga_paid">
<field name="act_from" ref="act_cofinoga" />
<field name="act_to" ref="act_paid" />
<field name="signal">ok_cofinoga</field>
<record model="workflow.transition" id="trans_payment_collectivites">
<field name="act_from" ref="act_payment" />
<field name="act_to" ref="act_collectivites" />
<field name="condition">test_collectivites()</field>
<field name="signal">payment</field>
<record model="workflow.transition" id="trans_collectivites_paid">
<field name="act_from" ref="act_collectivites" />
<field name="act_to" ref="act_paid" />
<field name="signal">ok_collectivites</field>
<record model="workflow.transition" id="trans_payment_cadeaux">
<field name="act_from" ref="act_payment" />
<field name="act_to" ref="act_cadeaux" />
<field name="condition">test_cadeaux()</field>
<field name="signal">payment</field>
<record model="workflow.transition" id="trans_cadeaux_paid">
<field name="act_from" ref="act_cadeaux" />
<field name="act_to" ref="act_paid" />
<field name="signal">ok_cadeaux</field>
<record model="workflow.transition" id="trans_payment_collectivites">
<field name="act_from" ref="act_payment" />
<field name="act_to" ref="act_collectivites" />
<field name="condition">test_collectivites()</field>
<field name="signal">payment</field>
<record model="workflow.transition" id="trans_collectivites_paid">
<field name="act_from" ref="act_collectivites" />
<field name="act_to" ref="act_invoiced" />
<field name="signal">ok_collectivites</field>
<record model="workflow.transition" id="trans_payment_cadeaux">
<field name="act_from" ref="act_payment" />
<field name="act_to" ref="act_cadeaux" />
<field name="condition">test_cadeaux()</field>
<field name="signal">payment</field>
<record model="workflow.transition" id="trans_cadeaux_paid">
<field name="act_from" ref="act_cadeaux" />
<field name="act_to" ref="act_paid" />
<field name="signal">ok_cadeaux</field>
<record model="workflow.transition" id="trans_paid_done">
<field name="act_from" ref="act_paid"/>
<field name="act_to" ref="act_done"/>
<field name="signal">done</field>
<record model="workflow.transition" id="trans_paid_invoice">
<field name="act_from" ref="act_paid"/>
<field name="act_to" ref="act_invoiced"/>
<field name="signal">invoice</field>
<record model="workflow.transition" id="trans_paid_cancel">
<field name="act_from" ref="act_paid"/>
<field name="act_to" ref="act_cancel"/>
<field name="signal">cancel</field>