Hack setup.py to include additional addons.

Since most addons will be located in another repo, try to find that repo
and include a list of addons specified in 'server_modules.list' in the
repo. This way, the basic server package will include a range of common

bzr revid: p_christ@hol.gr-20090610193335-mnby3puowcm6pv02
This commit is contained in:
P. Christeas 2009-06-10 22:33:35 +03:00
parent 9537f7b61b
commit 9c584b3f0f
1 changed files with 44 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -72,11 +72,35 @@ def check_modules():
if not ok:
def find_addons():
def _find_addons():
for (dp, dn, names) in os.walk(opj('bin', 'addons')):
if '__terp__.py' in names:
modname = dp.replace(os.path.sep, '.').replace('bin', 'openerp-server', 1)
yield modname
modname = os.path.basename(dp)
yield (modname, dp)
#look for extra modules
empath = os.getenv('EXTRA_MODULES_PATH','../addons/')
f = open(opj(empath,'server_modules.list'),'r')
# print 'Getting modules from:' , opj(empath,'server_modules.list')
mods = f.readlines()
for mname in mods:
mname = mname.strip()
if not mname:
if os.path.exists(opj(empath,mname,'__terp__.py')):
yield ( mname, opj(empath,mname) )
print "Module %s specified, but no valid path." % mname
__found_addons = None
# Cache the results of _find_addons() and return them
def find_addons(found_addons = None):
if not found_addons:
found_addons = _find_addons()
return found_addons
def data_files():
'''Build list of data files to be installed'''
@ -107,18 +131,18 @@ def data_files():
opj('bin', 'server.pkey'),
opj('bin', 'server.cert')]))
for addon in find_addons():
addonname = addon.split('.')[-1]
add_path = addon.replace('.', os.path.sep).replace('openerp-server', 'bin', 1)
addon_path = opj('lib', 'python%s' % py_short_version, 'site-packages', add_path.replace('bin', 'openerp-server', 1))
for (addonname, add_path) in find_addons():
addon_path = opj('lib', 'python%s' % py_short_version, 'site-packages', 'openerp-server','addons', addonname)
pathfiles = []
for root, dirs, innerfiles in os.walk(add_path):
innerfiles = filter(lambda file: os.path.splitext(file)[1] not in ('.pyc', '.pyd', '.pyo'), innerfiles)
innerfiles = filter(lambda fil: os.path.splitext(fil)[1] not in ('.pyc', '.pyd', '.pyo'), innerfiles)
if innerfiles:
res = os.path.normpath(opj(addon_path, root.replace(opj('bin','addons', addonname), '.')))
pathfiles.extend(((res, map(lambda file: opj(root, file), innerfiles)),))
res = os.path.normpath(opj(addon_path, root.replace(opj(add_path), '.')))
pathfiles.extend(((res, map(lambda fil: opj(root, fil), innerfiles)),))
# for tup in files:
# print "Files:", tup[0], tup[1]
return files
if not os.getenv('NO_CHECK_MODULES',False) :
@ -129,6 +153,13 @@ start_script = """#!/bin/sh\necho "OpenERP Setup - The content of this file is g
def find_package_dirs():
res = {}
for (mod, path) in find_addons():
res ['openerp-server.addons.'+ mod ] = path
res ['openerp-server'] = 'bin'
return res
class openerp_server_install(install):
def run(self):
# create startup script
@ -183,12 +214,13 @@ setup(name = name,
'openerp-server.workflow'] + \
package_dir = {'openerp-server': 'bin'},
list(map( lambda (a, p): 'openerp-server.addons.'+ a ,find_addons())),
package_dir = find_package_dirs(),
console = [ { "script" : "bin\\openerp-server.py", "icon_resources" : [ (1,"pixmaps\\openerp-icon.ico") ] } ],
options = options,
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