[FIX] correctly handle group_by_no_leaf when no grouping applied

If there are no grouping field specified *but* group_by_no_leaf is
specified, should call read_group with no grouping fields: will
generate a single group (which can not be opened) for all of the

Necessary for analysis views since individual "records" make no sense.

bzr revid: xmo@openerp.com-20130416092344-2pqog8f7xprn6hsh
This commit is contained in:
Xavier Morel 2013-04-16 11:23:44 +02:00
parent d7b63202f3
commit a455d6c2b2
3 changed files with 89 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ This module provides the core of the OpenERP Web Client.

View File

@ -112,24 +112,27 @@ instance.web.Query = instance.web.Class.extend({
* @returns {jQuery.Deferred<Array<openerp.web.QueryGroup>> | null}
group_by: function (grouping) {
if (grouping === undefined) {
return null;
var ctx = instance.web.pyeval.eval(
'context', this._model.context(this._context));
// undefined passed in explicitly (!)
if (_.isUndefined(grouping)) {
grouping = [];
if (!(grouping instanceof Array)) {
grouping = _.toArray(arguments);
if (_.isEmpty(grouping)) { return null; }
if (_.isEmpty(grouping) && !ctx['group_by_no_leaf']) {
return null;
var self = this;
var ctx = instance.web.pyeval.eval(
'context', this._model.context(this._context));
return this._model.call('read_group', {
groupby: grouping,
fields: _.uniq(grouping.concat(this._fields || [])),
domain: this._model.domain(this._filter),
context: this._model.context(this._context),
context: ctx,
offset: this._offset,
limit: this._limit,
orderby: instance.web.serialize_sort(this._order_by) || false
@ -325,7 +328,7 @@ instance.web.Model = instance.web.Class.extend({
* Fetches the model's domain, combined with the provided domain if any
* @param {Array} [domain] to combine with the model's internal domain
* @returns The model's internal domain, or the AND-ed union of the model's internal domain and the provided domain
* @returns {instance.web.CompoundDomain} The model's internal domain, or the AND-ed union of the model's internal domain and the provided domain
domain: function (domain) {
if (!domain) { return this._domain; }
@ -337,7 +340,7 @@ instance.web.Model = instance.web.Class.extend({
* combined with the provided context if any
* @param {Object} [context] to combine with the model's internal context
* @returns The union of the user's context and the model's internal context, as well as the provided context if any. In that order.
* @returns {instance.web.CompoundContext} The union of the user's context and the model's internal context, as well as the provided context if any. In that order.
context: function (context) {
return new instance.web.CompoundContext(

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
openerp.testing.section('data.model.group_by', {
rpc: 'mock',
dependencies: ['web.data'],
}, function (test) {
var group_result = [{
bar: 3, bar_count: 5, __context: {}, __domain: [['bar', '=', 3]],
}, {
bar: 5, bar_count: 3, __context: {}, __domain: [['bar', '=', 5]],
}, {
bar: 8, bar_count: 0, __context: {}, __domain: [['bar', '=', 8]],
test('basic', {asserts: 7}, function (instance, $fix, mock) {
var m = new instance.web.Model('foo');
mock('foo:read_group', function (args, kwargs) {
deepEqual(kwargs.fields, ['bar'],
"should read grouping field");
deepEqual(kwargs.groupby, ['bar'],
"should have single grouping field");
return group_result;
mock('/web/dataset/search_read', function (args) {
deepEqual(args.params.domain, [['bar', '=', 3]],
"should have domain matching that of group_by result");
return {records: [
{bar: 3, id: 1},
{bar: 3, id: 2},
{bar: 3, id: 4},
{bar: 3, id: 8},
{bar: 3, id: 16}
], length: 5};
return m.query().group_by('bar')
.then(function (groups) {
ok(groups, "should have data");
equal(groups.length, 3, "should have three results");
var first = groups[0];
ok(first.attributes.has_children, "should have children");
return first.query().all();
}).done(function (first) {
equal(first.length, 5, "should have 5 records")
test('noleaf', {asserts: 5}, function (instance, $fix, mock) {
var m = new instance.web.Model('foo', {group_by_no_leaf: true});
mock('foo:read_group', function (args, kwargs) {
deepEqual(kwargs.fields, ['bar'],
"should read grouping field");
deepEqual(kwargs.groupby, ['bar'],
"should have single grouping field");
return group_result;
return m.query().group_by('bar')
.then(function (groups) {
ok(groups, "should have data");
equal(groups.length, 3, "should have three results");
"should not have children because no_leaf");
test('nogroup', {rpc: false}, function (instance, $f, mock) {
var m = new instance.web.Model('foo');
strictEqual(m.query().group_by(), null, "should not group");
test('empty.noleaf', {asserts: 1}, function (instance, $f, mock) {
var m = new instance.web.Model('foo', {group_by_no_leaf: true});
mock('foo:read_group', function (args, kwargs) {
return [{__context: [], __domain: []}];
return m.query().group_by().done(function (groups) {
strictEqual(groups.length, 1,
"should generate a single fake-ish group");