[IMP] fields.m2m: support implicit generation of m2m SQL names

This allows for transparent inheritance of m2m columns via _inherit,
as long as the m2m relationship table is not explicitly named in 
the declaration.

bzr revid: odo@openerp.com-20110926171451-n2jg8pbl5mq715vk
This commit is contained in:
Olivier Dony 2011-09-26 19:14:51 +02:00
parent f81fe2dc6e
commit ad4a216e7d
2 changed files with 71 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -493,14 +493,34 @@ class one2many(_column):
# (6, ?, ids) set a list of links
class many2many(_column):
"""Encapsulates the logic of a many-to-many bidirectional relationship, handling the
low-level details of the intermediary relationship table transparently.
:param str obj: destination model
:param str rel: optional name of the intermediary relationship table. If not specified,
a canonical name will be derived based on the alphabetically-ordered
model names of the source and destination (in the form: ``amodel_bmodel_rel``).
Automatic naming is not possible when the source and destination are
the same, for obvious ambiguity reasons.
:param str id1: optional name for the column holding the foreign key to the current
model in the relationship table. If not specified, a canonical name
will be derived based on the model name (in the form: `src_model_id`).
:param str id2: optional name for the column holding the foreign key to the destination
model in the relationship table. If not specified, a canonical name
will be derived based on the model name (in the form: `dest_model_id`)
:param str string: field label
_classic_read = False
_classic_write = False
_prefetch = False
_type = 'many2many'
def __init__(self, obj, rel, id1, id2, string='unknown', limit=None, **args):
def __init__(self, obj, rel=None, id1=None, id2=None, string='unknown', limit=None, **args):
_column.__init__(self, string=string, **args)
self._obj = obj
if '.' in rel:
if rel and '.' in rel:
raise Exception(_('The second argument of the many2many field %s must be a SQL table !'\
'You used %s, which is not a valid SQL table name.')% (string,rel))
self._rel = rel
@ -508,7 +528,30 @@ class many2many(_column):
self._id2 = id2
self._limit = limit
def get(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, offset=0, context=None, values=None):
def _sql_names(self, source_model):
"""Return the SQL names defining the structure of the m2m relationship table
:return: (m2m_table, local_col, dest_col) where m2m_table is the table name,
local_col is the name of the column holding the current model's FK, and
dest_col is the name of the column holding the destination model's FK, and
tbl, col1, col2 = self._rel, self._id1, self._id2
if not all((tbl, col1, col2)):
# the default table name is based on the stable alphabetical order of tables
dest_model = source_model.pool.get(self._obj)
tables = tuple(sorted([source_model._table, dest_model._table]))
if not tbl:
assert tables[0] != tables[1], 'Implicit/Canonical naming of m2m relationship table '\
'is not possible when source and destination models are '\
'the same'
tbl = '%s_%s_rel' % tables
if not col1:
col1 = '%s_id' % source_model._table
if not col2:
col2 = '%s_id' % dest_model._table
return (tbl, col1, col2)
def get(self, cr, model, ids, name, user=None, offset=0, context=None, values=None):
if not context:
context = {}
if not values:
@ -521,7 +564,8 @@ class many2many(_column):
if offset:
warnings.warn("Specifying offset at a many2many.get() may produce unpredictable results.",
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
obj = obj.pool.get(self._obj)
obj = model.pool.get(self._obj)
rel, id1, id2 = self._sql_names(model)
# static domains are lists, and are evaluated both here and on client-side, while string
# domains supposed by dynamic and evaluated on client-side only (thus ignored here)
@ -551,11 +595,11 @@ class many2many(_column):
%(order_by)s \
%(limit)s \
OFFSET %(offset)d' \
% {'rel': self._rel,
% {'rel': rel,
'from_c': from_c,
'tbl': obj._table,
'id1': self._id1,
'id2': self._id2,
'id1': id1,
'id2': id2,
'where_c': where_c,
'limit': limit_str,
'order_by': order_by,
@ -566,31 +610,32 @@ class many2many(_column):
return res
def set(self, cr, obj, id, name, values, user=None, context=None):
def set(self, cr, model, id, name, values, user=None, context=None):
if not context:
context = {}
if not values:
obj = obj.pool.get(self._obj)
rel, id1, id2 = self._sql_names(model)
obj = model.pool.get(self._obj)
for act in values:
if not (isinstance(act, list) or isinstance(act, tuple)) or not act:
if act[0] == 0:
idnew = obj.create(cr, user, act[2], context=context)
cr.execute('insert into '+self._rel+' ('+self._id1+','+self._id2+') values (%s,%s)', (id, idnew))
cr.execute('insert into '+rel+' ('+id1+','+id2+') values (%s,%s)', (id, idnew))
elif act[0] == 1:
obj.write(cr, user, [act[1]], act[2], context=context)
elif act[0] == 2:
obj.unlink(cr, user, [act[1]], context=context)
elif act[0] == 3:
cr.execute('delete from '+self._rel+' where ' + self._id1 + '=%s and '+ self._id2 + '=%s', (id, act[1]))
cr.execute('delete from '+rel+' where ' + id1 + '=%s and '+ id2 + '=%s', (id, act[1]))
elif act[0] == 4:
# following queries are in the same transaction - so should be relatively safe
cr.execute('SELECT 1 FROM '+self._rel+' WHERE '+self._id1+' = %s and '+self._id2+' = %s', (id, act[1]))
cr.execute('SELECT 1 FROM '+rel+' WHERE '+id1+' = %s and '+id2+' = %s', (id, act[1]))
if not cr.fetchone():
cr.execute('insert into '+self._rel+' ('+self._id1+','+self._id2+') values (%s,%s)', (id, act[1]))
cr.execute('insert into '+rel+' ('+id1+','+id2+') values (%s,%s)', (id, act[1]))
elif act[0] == 5:
cr.execute('delete from '+self._rel+' where ' + self._id1 + ' = %s', (id,))
cr.execute('delete from '+rel+' where ' + id1 + ' = %s', (id,))
elif act[0] == 6:
d1, d2,tables = obj.pool.get('ir.rule').domain_get(cr, user, obj._name, context=context)
@ -598,10 +643,10 @@ class many2many(_column):
d1 = ' and ' + ' and '.join(d1)
d1 = ''
cr.execute('delete from '+self._rel+' where '+self._id1+'=%s AND '+self._id2+' IN (SELECT '+self._rel+'.'+self._id2+' FROM '+self._rel+', '+','.join(tables)+' WHERE '+self._rel+'.'+self._id1+'=%s AND '+self._rel+'.'+self._id2+' = '+obj._table+'.id '+ d1 +')', [id, id]+d2)
cr.execute('delete from '+rel+' where '+id1+'=%s AND '+id2+' IN (SELECT '+rel+'.'+id2+' FROM '+rel+', '+','.join(tables)+' WHERE '+rel+'.'+id1+'=%s AND '+rel+'.'+id2+' = '+obj._table+'.id '+ d1 +')', [id, id]+d2)
for act_nbr in act[2]:
cr.execute('insert into '+self._rel+' ('+self._id1+','+self._id2+') values (%s, %s)', (id, act_nbr))
cr.execute('insert into '+rel+' ('+id1+','+id2+') values (%s, %s)', (id, act_nbr))
# TODO: use a name_search

View File

@ -2921,28 +2921,28 @@ class BaseModel(object):
def _m2m_raise_or_create_relation(self, cr, f):
cr.execute("SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relkind IN ('r','v') AND relname=%s", (f._rel,))
m2m_tbl, col1, col2 = f._sql_names(self)
cr.execute("SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relkind IN ('r','v') AND relname=%s", (m2m_tbl,))
if not cr.dictfetchall():
if not self.pool.get(f._obj):
raise except_orm('Programming Error', ('There is no reference available for %s') % (f._obj,))
raise except_orm('Programming Error', ('Many2Many destination model does not exist: `%s`') % (f._obj,))
dest_model = self.pool.get(f._obj)
ref = dest_model._table
cr.execute('CREATE TABLE "%s" ("%s" INTEGER NOT NULL, "%s" INTEGER NOT NULL, UNIQUE("%s","%s")) WITH OIDS' % (f._rel, f._id1, f._id2, f._id1, f._id2))
cr.execute('CREATE TABLE "%s" ("%s" INTEGER NOT NULL, "%s" INTEGER NOT NULL, UNIQUE("%s","%s")) WITH OIDS' % (m2m_tbl, col1, col2, col1, col2))
# create foreign key references with ondelete=cascade, unless the targets are SQL views
cr.execute("SELECT relkind FROM pg_class WHERE relkind IN ('v') AND relname=%s", (ref,))
if not cr.fetchall():
self._m2o_add_foreign_key_unchecked(f._rel, f._id2, dest_model, 'cascade')
self._m2o_add_foreign_key_unchecked(m2m_tbl, col2, dest_model, 'cascade')
cr.execute("SELECT relkind FROM pg_class WHERE relkind IN ('v') AND relname=%s", (self._table,))
if not cr.fetchall():
self._m2o_add_foreign_key_unchecked(f._rel, f._id1, self, 'cascade')
self._m2o_add_foreign_key_unchecked(m2m_tbl, col1, self, 'cascade')
cr.execute('CREATE INDEX "%s_%s_index" ON "%s" ("%s")' % (f._rel, f._id1, f._rel, f._id1))
cr.execute('CREATE INDEX "%s_%s_index" ON "%s" ("%s")' % (f._rel, f._id2, f._rel, f._id2))
cr.execute("COMMENT ON TABLE \"%s\" IS 'RELATION BETWEEN %s AND %s'" % (f._rel, self._table, ref))
cr.execute('CREATE INDEX "%s_%s_index" ON "%s" ("%s")' % (m2m_tbl, col1, m2m_tbl, col1))
cr.execute('CREATE INDEX "%s_%s_index" ON "%s" ("%s")' % (m2m_tbl, col2, m2m_tbl, col2))
cr.execute("COMMENT ON TABLE \"%s\" IS 'RELATION BETWEEN %s AND %s'" % (m2m_tbl, self._table, ref))
self.__schema.debug("Create table '%s': relation between '%s' and '%s'",
f._rel, self._table, ref)
self.__schema.debug("Create table '%s': m2m relation between '%s' and '%s'", m2m_tbl, self._table, ref)
def _add_sql_constraints(self, cr):