[ADD] fields fetching and filtering method for import

bzr revid: xmo@openerp.com-20120810073513-zidmkuw6yjhtuwpj
This commit is contained in:
Xavier Morel 2012-08-10 09:35:13 +02:00
parent e970ecd62c
commit b34767381b
6 changed files with 327 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
import models
import tests.models

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
'name': 'Base import',
'description': """
New extensible file import for OpenERP
Re-implement openerp's file import system:
* Server side, the previous system forces most of the logic into the
client which duplicates the effort (between clients), makes the
import system much harder to use without a client (direct RPC or
other forms of automation) and makes knowledge about the
import/export system much harder to gather as it is spread over
3+ different projects.
* In a more extensible manner, so users and partners can build their
own front-end to import from other file formats (e.g. OpenDocument
files) which may be simpler to handle in their work flow or from
their data production sources.
* In a module, so that administrators and users of OpenERP who do not
need or want an online import can avoid it being available to users.
'category': 'Uncategorized',
'website': 'http://www.openerp.com',
'author': 'OpenERP SA',
'depends': ['base'],
'installable': True,
'auto_install': False, # set to true and allow uninstall?

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@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
import csv
import itertools
from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from StringIO import StringIO
from openerp.osv import orm, fields
from openerp.tools.translate import _
class ir_import(orm.TransientModel):
_name = 'base_import.import'
_columns = {
'res_model': fields.char('Model', size=64),
'file': fields.binary('File'),
'file_name': fields.char('File Name', size=None),
def get_fields(self, cr, uid, model, context=None,
""" Recursively get fields for the provided model (through
fields_get) and filter them according to importability
The output format is a list of ``Field``, with ``Field``
defined as:
.. class:: Field
.. attribute:: id (str)
A non-unique identifier for the field, used to compute
the span of the ``required`` attribute: if multiple
``required`` fields have the same id, only one of them
is necessary.
.. attribute:: name (str)
The field's logical (OpenERP) name within the scope of
its parent.
.. attribute:: string (str)
The field's human-readable name (``@string``)
.. attribute:: required (bool)
Whether the field is marked as required in the
model. Clients must provide non-empty import values
for all required fields or the import will error out.
.. attribute:: fields (list(Field))
The current field's subfields. The database and
external identifiers for m2o and m2m fields; a
filtered and transformed fields_get for o2m fields (to
a variable depth defined by ``depth``).
Fields with no sub-fields will have an empty list of
:param str model: name of the model to get fields form
:param int landing: depth of recursion into o2m fields
fields = [{
'id': 'id',
'name': 'id',
'string': _("External ID"),
'required': False,
'fields': [],
fields_got = self.pool[model].fields_get(cr, uid, context=context)
for name, field in fields_got.iteritems():
if field.get('readonly'):
states = field.get('states')
if not states:
# states = {state: [(attr, value), (attr2, value2)], state2:...}
if not any(attr == 'readonly' and value is False
for attr, value in itertools.chain.from_iterable(
f = {
'id': name,
'name': name,
'string': field['string'],
'required': bool(field.get('required')),
'fields': [],
if field['type'] in ('many2many', 'many2one'):
f['fields'] = [
dict(f, name='id', string=_("External ID")),
dict(f, name='.id', string=_("Database ID")),
elif field['type'] == 'one2many' and depth:
f['fields'] = self.get_fields(
cr, uid, field['relation'], context=context, depth=depth-1)
return fields
def parse_preview(self, cr, uid, id, options, count=10, context=None):
""" Generates a preview of the uploaded files, and performs
fields-matching between the import's file data and the model's
:param id: identifier of the import
:param int count: number of preview lines to generate
:param dict options: format-specific options
:returns: (fields, matches, preview)
:rtype: (dict(str: dict(...)), dict(str, str), list(list(str)))
record = self.browse(cr, uid, id, context=context)
# recursive fields_get (cache based on res_model?)
fields = record.get_fields(record.res_model)
import pprint
# extract title row?
# match title row to fields_ge
# Extract first $count rows
# return triplet

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
from . import test_cases
checks = [test_cases]

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@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
from openerp.osv import orm, fields
def name(n): return 'base_import.tests.models.%s' % n
class char(orm.Model):
_name = name('char')
_columns = {
'value': fields.char('unknown', size=None)
class char_required(orm.Model):
_name = name('char.required')
_columns = {
'value': fields.char('unknown', size=None, required=True)
class char_readonly(orm.Model):
_name = name('char.readonly')
_columns = {
'value': fields.char('unknown', size=None, readonly=True)
class char_states(orm.Model):
_name = name('char.states')
_columns = {
'value': fields.char('unknown', size=None, readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]})
class char_noreadonly(orm.Model):
_name = name('char.noreadonly')
_columns = {
'value': fields.char('unknown', size=None, readonly=True, states={'draft': [('invisible', True)]})
class char_stillreadonly(orm.Model):
_name = name('char.stillreadonly')
_columns = {
'value': fields.char('unknown', size=None, readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', True)]})
# TODO: complex field (m2m, o2m, m2o)
class m2o(orm.Model):
_name = name('m2o')
_columns = {
'value': fields.many2one(name('m2o.related'))
class m2o_related(orm.Model):
_name = name('m2o.related')
_columns = {
'value': fields.integer()
_defaults = {
'value': 42
class m2o_required(orm.Model):
_name = name('m2o.required')
_columns = {
'value': fields.many2one(name('m2o.required.related'), required=True)
class m2o_required_related(orm.Model):
_name = name('m2o.required.related')
_columns = {
'value': fields.integer()
_defaults = {
'value': 42
class o2m(orm.Model):
_name = name('o2m')
_columns = {
'value': fields.one2many(name('o2m.child'), 'parent_id')
class o2m_child(orm.Model):
_name = name('o2m.child')
_columns = {
'parent_id': fields.many2one(name('o2m')),
'value': fields.integer()

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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
from openerp.tests.common import TransactionCase
ID_FIELD = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'id', 'string': "External ID", 'required': False, 'fields': []}
def make_field(name='value', string='unknown', required=False, fields=[]):
return [
{'id': name, 'name': name, 'string': string, 'required': required, 'fields': fields},
class test_basic_fields(TransactionCase):
def get_fields(self, field):
return self.registry('base_import.import')\
.get_fields(self.cr, self.uid, 'base_import.tests.models.' + field)
def test_base(self):
""" A basic field is not required """
self.assertEqual(self.get_fields('char'), make_field())
def test_required(self):
""" Required fields should be flagged (so they can be fill-required) """
self.assertEqual(self.get_fields('char.required'), make_field(required=True))
def test_readonly(self):
""" Readonly fields should be filtered out"""
self.assertEqual(self.get_fields('char.readonly'), [ID_FIELD])
def test_readonly_states(self):
""" Readonly fields with states should not be filtered out"""
self.assertEqual(self.get_fields('char.states'), make_field())
def test_readonly_states_noreadonly(self):
""" Readonly fields with states having nothing to do with
readonly should still be filtered out"""
self.assertEqual(self.get_fields('char.noreadonly'), [ID_FIELD])
def test_readonly_states_stillreadonly(self):
""" Readonly fields with readonly states leaving them readonly
always... filtered out"""
self.assertEqual(self.get_fields('char.stillreadonly'), [ID_FIELD])
def test_m2o(self):
""" M2O fields should allow import of themselves (name_get),
their id and their xid"""
self.assertEqual(self.get_fields('m2o'), make_field(fields=[
{'id': 'value', 'name': 'id', 'string': 'External ID', 'required': False, 'fields': []},
{'id': 'value', 'name': '.id', 'string': 'Database ID', 'required': False, 'fields': []},
def test_m2o_required(self):
""" If an m2o field is required, its three sub-fields are
required as well (the client has to handle that: requiredness
is id-based)
self.assertEqual(self.get_fields('m2o.required'), make_field(required=True, fields=[
{'id': 'value', 'name': 'id', 'string': 'External ID', 'required': True, 'fields': []},
{'id': 'value', 'name': '.id', 'string': 'Database ID', 'required': True, 'fields': []},
class test_o2m(TransactionCase):
def get_fields(self, field):
return self.registry('base_import.import')\
.get_fields(self.cr, self.uid, 'base_import.tests.models.' + field)
def test_shallow(self):
self.assertEqual(self.get_fields('o2m'), make_field(fields=[
{'id': 'id', 'name': 'id', 'string': 'External ID', 'required': False, 'fields': []},
# FIXME: should reverse field be ignored?
{'id': 'parent_id', 'name': 'parent_id', 'string': 'unknown', 'required': False, 'fields': [
{'id': 'parent_id', 'name': 'id', 'string': 'External ID', 'required': False, 'fields': []},
{'id': 'parent_id', 'name': '.id', 'string': 'Database ID', 'required': False, 'fields': []},
{'id': 'value', 'name': 'value', 'string': 'unknown', 'required': False, 'fields': []},