[MERGE] report/preprocess: make sure to remove the quotes of repeatIn third argument.

Also add docstrings to the workflow_service classes.

bzr revid: vmt@openerp.com-20110920120436-txwspf556lolbibv
This commit is contained in:
Vo Minh Thu 2011-09-20 14:04:36 +02:00
commit bbd90612bc
2 changed files with 66 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -65,7 +65,10 @@ class report(object):
if type =='html2html':
match = html_parents
if txt.group(3):
match = [txt.group(3)]
group_3 = txt.group(3)
if group_3.startswith("'") or group_3.startswith('"'):
group_3 = group_3[1:-1]
match = [group_3]
n = node
while n.tag not in match:
n = n.getparent()

View File

@ -27,6 +27,15 @@ import openerp.netsvc as netsvc
import openerp.pooler as pooler
class workflow_service(netsvc.Service):
Sometimes you might want to fire a signal or re-evaluate the current state
of a workflow using the service's API. You can access the workflow services
>>> import netsvc
>>> wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow")
def __init__(self, name='workflow', audience='*'):
netsvc.Service.__init__(self, name, audience)
@ -42,12 +51,31 @@ class workflow_service(netsvc.Service):
def trg_write(self, uid, res_type, res_id, cr):
Reevaluates the specified workflow instance. Thus if any condition for
a transition have been changed in the backend, then running ``trg_write``
will move the workflow over that transition.
:param res_type: the model name
:param res_id: the model instance id the workflow belongs to
:param cr: a database cursor
ident = (uid,res_type,res_id)
cr.execute('select id from wkf_instance where res_id=%s and res_type=%s and state=%s', (res_id or None,res_type or None, 'active'))
for (id,) in cr.fetchall():
instance.update(cr, id, ident)
def trg_trigger(self, uid, res_type, res_id, cr):
Activate a trigger.
If a workflow instance is waiting for a trigger from another model, then this
trigger can be activated if its conditions are met.
:param res_type: the model name
:param res_id: the model instance id the workflow belongs to
:param cr: a database cursor
cr.execute('select instance_id from wkf_triggers where res_id=%s and model=%s', (res_id,res_type))
res = cr.fetchall()
for (instance_id,) in res:
@ -56,10 +84,24 @@ class workflow_service(netsvc.Service):
instance.update(cr, instance_id, ident)
def trg_delete(self, uid, res_type, res_id, cr):
Delete a workflow instance
:param res_type: the model name
:param res_id: the model instance id the workflow belongs to
:param cr: a database cursor
ident = (uid,res_type,res_id)
instance.delete(cr, ident)
def trg_create(self, uid, res_type, res_id, cr):
Create a new workflow instance
:param res_type: the model name
:param res_id: the model instance id to own the created worfklow instance
:param cr: a database cursor
ident = (uid,res_type,res_id)
self.wkf_on_create_cache.setdefault(cr.dbname, {})
if res_type in self.wkf_on_create_cache[cr.dbname]:
@ -72,6 +114,14 @@ class workflow_service(netsvc.Service):
instance.create(cr, ident, wkf_id)
def trg_validate(self, uid, res_type, res_id, signal, cr):
Fire a signal on a given workflow instance
:param res_type: the model name
:param res_id: the model instance id the workflow belongs to
:signal: the signal name to be fired
:param cr: a database cursor
result = False
ident = (uid,res_type,res_id)
# ids of all active workflow instances for a corresponding resource (id, model_nam)
@ -81,10 +131,19 @@ class workflow_service(netsvc.Service):
result = result or res2
return result
# make all workitems which are waiting for a (subflow) workflow instance
# for the old resource point to the (first active) workflow instance for
# the new resource
def trg_redirect(self, uid, res_type, res_id, new_rid, cr):
Re-bind a workflow instance to another instance of the same model.
Make all workitems which are waiting for a (subflow) workflow instance
for the old resource point to the (first active) workflow instance for
the new resource.
:param res_type: the model name
:param res_id: the model instance id the workflow belongs to
:param new_rid: the model instance id to own the worfklow instance
:param cr: a database cursor
# get ids of wkf instances for the old resource (res_id)
#CHECKME: shouldn't we get only active instances?
cr.execute('select id, wkf_id from wkf_instance where res_id=%s and res_type=%s', (res_id, res_type))