[NOTSURE] move __view_look_dom_arch into ir.ui.view

Also alter BaseModel._view_look_dom_arch to proxy to method above.

bzr revid: xmo@openerp.com-20130424135825-grjfgbjuc4ozzdqy
This commit is contained in:
Xavier Morel 2013-04-24 15:58:25 +02:00
parent 66121aaec7
commit c08513763c
2 changed files with 269 additions and 265 deletions

View File

@ -24,9 +24,10 @@ import logging
import itertools
from lxml import etree
import os
import time
from openerp import tools
from openerp.osv import fields,osv
from openerp.osv import fields, osv, orm
from openerp.tools import graph, SKIPPED_ELEMENT_TYPES
from openerp.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval as eval
from openerp.tools.translate import _
@ -539,6 +540,269 @@ class view(osv.osv):
'blank_nodes': blank_nodes,
'node_parent_field': _Model_Field,}
# this really needs to be refixtored
def __view_look_dom(self, cr, user, model, node, view_id, in_tree_view, model_fields, context=None):
"""Return the description of the fields in the node.
In a normal call to this method, node is a complete view architecture
but it is actually possible to give some sub-node (this is used so
that the method can call itself recursively).
Originally, the field descriptions are drawn from the node itself.
But there is now some code calling fields_get() in order to merge some
of those information in the architecture.
if context is None:
context = {}
result = False
fields = {}
children = True
modifiers = {}
Model = self.pool[model]
def encode(s):
if isinstance(s, unicode):
return s.encode('utf8')
return s
def check_group(node):
"""Apply group restrictions, may be set at view level or model level::
* at view level this means the element should be made invisible to
people who are not members
* at model level (exclusively for fields, obviously), this means
the field should be completely removed from the view, as it is
completely unavailable for non-members
:return: True if field should be included in the result of fields_view_get
if node.tag == 'field' and node.get('name') in Model._all_columns:
column = Model._all_columns[node.get('name')].column
if column.groups and not self.user_has_groups(cr, user,
fields.pop(node.get('name'), None)
# no point processing view-level ``groups`` anymore, return
return False
if node.get('groups'):
can_see = self.user_has_groups(cr, user,
if not can_see:
node.set('invisible', '1')
modifiers['invisible'] = True
if 'attrs' in node.attrib:
del(node.attrib['attrs']) #avoid making field visible later
return True
if node.tag in ('field', 'node', 'arrow'):
if node.get('object'):
attrs = {}
views = {}
xml = "<form>"
for f in node:
if f.tag == 'field':
xml += etree.tostring(f, encoding="utf-8")
xml += "</form>"
new_xml = etree.fromstring(encode(xml))
ctx = context.copy()
ctx['base_model_name'] = model
xarch, xfields = self.__view_look_dom_arch(cr, user, node.get('object'), new_xml, view_id, ctx)
views['form'] = {
'arch': xarch,
'fields': xfields
attrs = {'views': views}
fields = xfields
if node.get('name'):
attrs = {}
if node.get('name') in Model._columns:
column = Model._columns[node.get('name')]
column = Model._inherit_fields[node.get('name')][2]
except Exception:
column = False
if column:
relation = self.pool[column._obj] if column._obj else None
children = False
views = {}
for f in node:
if f.tag in ('form', 'tree', 'graph', 'kanban'):
ctx = context.copy()
ctx['base_model_name'] = Model
xarch, xfields = self.__view_look_dom_arch(cr, user, column._obj or None, f, view_id, ctx)
views[str(f.tag)] = {
'arch': xarch,
'fields': xfields
attrs = {'views': views}
if node.get('widget') and node.get('widget') == 'selection':
# Prepare the cached selection list for the client. This needs to be
# done even when the field is invisible to the current user, because
# other events could need to change its value to any of the selectable ones
# (such as on_change events, refreshes, etc.)
# If domain and context are strings, we keep them for client-side, otherwise
# we evaluate them server-side to consider them when generating the list of
# possible values
# TODO: find a way to remove this hack, by allow dynamic domains
dom = []
if column._domain and not isinstance(column._domain, basestring):
dom = list(column._domain)
dom += eval(node.get('domain', '[]'), {'uid': user, 'time': time})
search_context = dict(context)
if column._context and not isinstance(column._context, basestring):
attrs['selection'] = relation._name_search(cr, user, '', dom, context=search_context, limit=None, name_get_uid=1)
if (node.get('required') and not int(node.get('required'))) or not column.required:
attrs['selection'].append((False, ''))
fields[node.get('name')] = attrs
field = model_fields.get(node.get('name'))
if field:
orm.transfer_field_to_modifiers(field, modifiers)
elif node.tag in ('form', 'tree'):
result = Model.view_header_get(cr, user, False, node.tag, context)
if result:
node.set('string', result)
in_tree_view = node.tag == 'tree'
elif node.tag == 'calendar':
for additional_field in ('date_start', 'date_delay', 'date_stop', 'color'):
if node.get(additional_field):
fields[node.get(additional_field)] = {}
if not check_group(node):
# node must be removed, no need to proceed further with its children
return fields
# The view architeture overrides the python model.
# Get the attrs before they are (possibly) deleted by check_group below
orm.transfer_node_to_modifiers(node, modifiers, context, in_tree_view)
# TODO remove attrs couterpart in modifiers when invisible is true ?
# translate view
if 'lang' in context:
Translations = self.pool['ir.translation']
if node.text and node.text.strip():
trans = Translations._get_source(cr, user, model, 'view', context['lang'], node.text.strip())
if trans:
node.text = node.text.replace(node.text.strip(), trans)
if node.tail and node.tail.strip():
trans = Translations._get_source(cr, user, model, 'view', context['lang'], node.tail.strip())
if trans:
node.tail = node.tail.replace(node.tail.strip(), trans)
if node.get('string') and not result:
trans = Translations._get_source(cr, user, model, 'view', context['lang'], node.get('string'))
if trans == node.get('string') and ('base_model_name' in context):
# If translation is same as source, perhaps we'd have more luck with the alternative model name
# (in case we are in a mixed situation, such as an inherited view where parent_view.model != model
trans = Translations._get_source(cr, user, context['base_model_name'], 'view', context['lang'], node.get('string'))
if trans:
node.set('string', trans)
for attr_name in ('confirm', 'sum', 'avg', 'help', 'placeholder'):
attr_value = node.get(attr_name)
if attr_value:
trans = Translations._get_source(cr, user, model, 'view', context['lang'], attr_value)
if trans:
node.set(attr_name, trans)
for f in node:
if children or (node.tag == 'field' and f.tag in ('filter','separator')):
fields.update(self.__view_look_dom(cr, user, model, f, view_id, in_tree_view, model_fields, context))
orm.transfer_modifiers_to_node(modifiers, node)
return fields
def _disable_workflow_buttons(self, cr, user, model, node):
""" Set the buttons in node to readonly if the user can't activate them. """
if user == 1:
# admin user can always activate workflow buttons
return node
# TODO handle the case of more than one workflow for a model or multiple
# transitions with different groups and same signal
usersobj = self.pool.get('res.users')
buttons = (n for n in node.getiterator('button') if n.get('type') != 'object')
for button in buttons:
user_groups = usersobj.read(cr, user, [user], ['groups_id'])[0]['groups_id']
cr.execute("""SELECT DISTINCT t.group_id
FROM wkf
INNER JOIN wkf_activity a ON a.wkf_id = wkf.id
INNER JOIN wkf_transition t ON (t.act_to = a.id)
WHERE wkf.osv = %s
AND t.signal = %s
AND t.group_id is NOT NULL
""", (model, button.get('name')))
group_ids = [x[0] for x in cr.fetchall() if x[0]]
can_click = not group_ids or bool(set(user_groups).intersection(group_ids))
button.set('readonly', str(int(not can_click)))
return node
def __view_look_dom_arch(self, cr, user, model, node, view_id, context=None):
""" Return an architecture and a description of all the fields.
The field description combines the result of fields_get() and
:param node: the architecture as as an etree
:return: a tuple (arch, fields) where arch is the given node as a
string and fields is the description of all the fields.
fields = {}
Model = self.pool[model]
if node.tag == 'diagram':
if node.getchildren()[0].tag == 'node':
node_model = self.pool[node.getchildren()[0].get('object')]
node_fields = node_model.fields_get(cr, user, None, context)
if not node.get("create") and not node_model.check_access_rights(cr, user, 'create', raise_exception=False):
node.set("create", 'false')
if node.getchildren()[1].tag == 'arrow':
arrow_fields = self.pool[node.getchildren()[1].get('object')].fields_get(cr, user, None, context)
fields = Model.fields_get(cr, user, None, context)
fields_def = self.__view_look_dom(cr, user, model, node, view_id, False, fields, context=context)
node = self._disable_workflow_buttons(cr, user, model, node)
if node.tag in ('kanban', 'tree', 'form', 'gantt'):
for action, operation in (('create', 'create'), ('delete', 'unlink'), ('edit', 'write')):
if not node.get(action) and not Model.check_access_rights(cr, user, operation, raise_exception=False):
node.set(action, 'false')
arch = etree.tostring(node, encoding="utf-8").replace('\t', '')
for k in fields.keys():
if k not in fields_def:
del fields[k]
for field in fields_def:
if field == 'id':
# sometime, the view may contain the (invisible) field 'id' needed for a domain (when 2 objects have cross references)
fields['id'] = {'readonly': True, 'type': 'integer', 'string': 'ID'}
elif field in fields:
cr.execute('select name, model from ir_ui_view where (id=%s or inherit_id=%s) and arch like %s', (view_id, view_id, '%%%s%%' % field))
res = cr.fetchall()[:]
model = res[0][1]
res.insert(0, ("Can't find field '%s' in the following view parts composing the view of object model '%s':" % (field, model), None))
msg = "\n * ".join([r[0] for r in res])
msg += "\n\nEither you wrongly customized this view, or some modules bringing those views are not compatible with your current data model"
raise orm.except_orm('View error', msg)
return arch, fields
class view_sc(osv.osv):
_name = 'ir.ui.view_sc'
_columns = {

View File

@ -1697,268 +1697,6 @@ class BaseModel(object):
return any([self.pool.get('res.users').has_group(cr, uid, group_ext_id)
for group_ext_id in groups.split(',')])
def __view_look_dom(self, cr, user, model, node, view_id, in_tree_view, model_fields, context=None):
"""Return the description of the fields in the node.
In a normal call to this method, node is a complete view architecture
but it is actually possible to give some sub-node (this is used so
that the method can call itself recursively).
Originally, the field descriptions are drawn from the node itself.
But there is now some code calling fields_get() in order to merge some
of those information in the architecture.
if context is None:
context = {}
result = False
fields = {}
children = True
modifiers = {}
Model = self.pool[model]
def encode(s):
if isinstance(s, unicode):
return s.encode('utf8')
return s
def check_group(node):
"""Apply group restrictions, may be set at view level or model level::
* at view level this means the element should be made invisible to
people who are not members
* at model level (exclusively for fields, obviously), this means
the field should be completely removed from the view, as it is
completely unavailable for non-members
:return: True if field should be included in the result of fields_view_get
if node.tag == 'field' and node.get('name') in Model._all_columns:
column = Model._all_columns[node.get('name')].column
if column.groups and not self.user_has_groups(cr, user,
fields.pop(node.get('name'), None)
# no point processing view-level ``groups`` anymore, return
return False
if node.get('groups'):
can_see = self.user_has_groups(cr, user,
if not can_see:
node.set('invisible', '1')
modifiers['invisible'] = True
if 'attrs' in node.attrib:
del(node.attrib['attrs']) #avoid making field visible later
return True
if node.tag in ('field', 'node', 'arrow'):
if node.get('object'):
attrs = {}
views = {}
xml = "<form>"
for f in node:
if f.tag == 'field':
xml += etree.tostring(f, encoding="utf-8")
xml += "</form>"
new_xml = etree.fromstring(encode(xml))
ctx = context.copy()
ctx['base_model_name'] = model
xarch, xfields = self.__view_look_dom_arch(cr, user, node.get('object'), new_xml, view_id, ctx)
views['form'] = {
'arch': xarch,
'fields': xfields
attrs = {'views': views}
fields = xfields
if node.get('name'):
attrs = {}
if node.get('name') in Model._columns:
column = Model._columns[node.get('name')]
column = Model._inherit_fields[node.get('name')][2]
except Exception:
column = False
if column:
relation = self.pool[column._obj] if column._obj else None
children = False
views = {}
for f in node:
if f.tag in ('form', 'tree', 'graph', 'kanban'):
ctx = context.copy()
ctx['base_model_name'] = Model
xarch, xfields = self.__view_look_dom_arch(cr, user, column._obj or None, f, view_id, ctx)
views[str(f.tag)] = {
'arch': xarch,
'fields': xfields
attrs = {'views': views}
if node.get('widget') and node.get('widget') == 'selection':
# Prepare the cached selection list for the client. This needs to be
# done even when the field is invisible to the current user, because
# other events could need to change its value to any of the selectable ones
# (such as on_change events, refreshes, etc.)
# If domain and context are strings, we keep them for client-side, otherwise
# we evaluate them server-side to consider them when generating the list of
# possible values
# TODO: find a way to remove this hack, by allow dynamic domains
dom = []
if column._domain and not isinstance(column._domain, basestring):
dom = list(column._domain)
dom += eval(node.get('domain', '[]'), {'uid': user, 'time': time})
search_context = dict(context)
if column._context and not isinstance(column._context, basestring):
attrs['selection'] = relation._name_search(cr, user, '', dom, context=search_context, limit=None, name_get_uid=1)
if (node.get('required') and not int(node.get('required'))) or not column.required:
attrs['selection'].append((False, ''))
fields[node.get('name')] = attrs
field = model_fields.get(node.get('name'))
if field:
transfer_field_to_modifiers(field, modifiers)
elif node.tag in ('form', 'tree'):
result = Model.view_header_get(cr, user, False, node.tag, context)
if result:
node.set('string', result)
in_tree_view = node.tag == 'tree'
elif node.tag == 'calendar':
for additional_field in ('date_start', 'date_delay', 'date_stop', 'color'):
if node.get(additional_field):
fields[node.get(additional_field)] = {}
if not check_group(node):
# node must be removed, no need to proceed further with its children
return fields
# The view architeture overrides the python model.
# Get the attrs before they are (possibly) deleted by check_group below
transfer_node_to_modifiers(node, modifiers, context, in_tree_view)
# TODO remove attrs couterpart in modifiers when invisible is true ?
# translate view
if 'lang' in context:
Translations = self.pool['ir.translation']
if node.text and node.text.strip():
trans = Translations._get_source(cr, user, model, 'view', context['lang'], node.text.strip())
if trans:
node.text = node.text.replace(node.text.strip(), trans)
if node.tail and node.tail.strip():
trans = Translations._get_source(cr, user, model, 'view', context['lang'], node.tail.strip())
if trans:
node.tail = node.tail.replace(node.tail.strip(), trans)
if node.get('string') and not result:
trans = Translations._get_source(cr, user, model, 'view', context['lang'], node.get('string'))
if trans == node.get('string') and ('base_model_name' in context):
# If translation is same as source, perhaps we'd have more luck with the alternative model name
# (in case we are in a mixed situation, such as an inherited view where parent_view.model != model
trans = Translations._get_source(cr, user, context['base_model_name'], 'view', context['lang'], node.get('string'))
if trans:
node.set('string', trans)
for attr_name in ('confirm', 'sum', 'avg', 'help', 'placeholder'):
attr_value = node.get(attr_name)
if attr_value:
trans = Translations._get_source(cr, user, model, 'view', context['lang'], attr_value)
if trans:
node.set(attr_name, trans)
for f in node:
if children or (node.tag == 'field' and f.tag in ('filter','separator')):
fields.update(self.__view_look_dom(cr, user, model, f, view_id, in_tree_view, model_fields, context))
transfer_modifiers_to_node(modifiers, node)
return fields
def _disable_workflow_buttons(self, cr, user, model, node):
""" Set the buttons in node to readonly if the user can't activate them. """
if user == 1:
# admin user can always activate workflow buttons
return node
# TODO handle the case of more than one workflow for a model or multiple
# transitions with different groups and same signal
usersobj = self.pool.get('res.users')
buttons = (n for n in node.getiterator('button') if n.get('type') != 'object')
for button in buttons:
user_groups = usersobj.read(cr, user, [user], ['groups_id'])[0]['groups_id']
cr.execute("""SELECT DISTINCT t.group_id
FROM wkf
INNER JOIN wkf_activity a ON a.wkf_id = wkf.id
INNER JOIN wkf_transition t ON (t.act_to = a.id)
WHERE wkf.osv = %s
AND t.signal = %s
AND t.group_id is NOT NULL
""", (model, button.get('name')))
group_ids = [x[0] for x in cr.fetchall() if x[0]]
can_click = not group_ids or bool(set(user_groups).intersection(group_ids))
button.set('readonly', str(int(not can_click)))
return node
def __view_look_dom_arch(self, cr, user, model, node, view_id, context=None):
""" Return an architecture and a description of all the fields.
The field description combines the result of fields_get() and
:param node: the architecture as as an etree
:return: a tuple (arch, fields) where arch is the given node as a
string and fields is the description of all the fields.
fields = {}
Model = self.pool[model]
if node.tag == 'diagram':
if node.getchildren()[0].tag == 'node':
node_model = self.pool[node.getchildren()[0].get('object')]
node_fields = node_model.fields_get(cr, user, None, context)
if not node.get("create") and not node_model.check_access_rights(cr, user, 'create', raise_exception=False):
node.set("create", 'false')
if node.getchildren()[1].tag == 'arrow':
arrow_fields = self.pool[node.getchildren()[1].get('object')].fields_get(cr, user, None, context)
fields = Model.fields_get(cr, user, None, context)
fields_def = self.__view_look_dom(cr, user, model, node, view_id, False, fields, context=context)
node = self._disable_workflow_buttons(cr, user, model, node)
if node.tag in ('kanban', 'tree', 'form', 'gantt'):
for action, operation in (('create', 'create'), ('delete', 'unlink'), ('edit', 'write')):
if not node.get(action) and not Model.check_access_rights(cr, user, operation, raise_exception=False):
node.set(action, 'false')
arch = etree.tostring(node, encoding="utf-8").replace('\t', '')
for k in fields.keys():
if k not in fields_def:
del fields[k]
for field in fields_def:
if field == 'id':
# sometime, the view may contain the (invisible) field 'id' needed for a domain (when 2 objects have cross references)
fields['id'] = {'readonly': True, 'type': 'integer', 'string': 'ID'}
elif field in fields:
cr.execute('select name, model from ir_ui_view where (id=%s or inherit_id=%s) and arch like %s', (view_id, view_id, '%%%s%%' % field))
res = cr.fetchall()[:]
model = res[0][1]
res.insert(0, ("Can't find field '%s' in the following view parts composing the view of object model '%s':" % (field, model), None))
msg = "\n * ".join([r[0] for r in res])
msg += "\n\nEither you wrongly customized this view, or some modules bringing those views are not compatible with your current data model"
raise except_orm('View error', msg)
return arch, fields
def _get_default_form_view(self, cr, user, context=None):
""" Generates a default single-line form view using all fields
of the current model except the m2m and o2m ones.
@ -2105,7 +1843,7 @@ class BaseModel(object):
ctx = context
if root_view.get('model') != self._name:
ctx = dict(context, base_model_name=root_view.get('model'))
xarch, xfields = self.__view_look_dom_arch(
xarch, xfields = View._view__view_look_dom_arch(
cr, user, self._name, etree.fromstring(result['arch']),
result['view_id'], context=ctx)
result['arch'] = xarch
@ -2149,7 +1887,9 @@ class BaseModel(object):
return result
_view_look_dom_arch = __view_look_dom_arch
def _view_look_dom_arch(self, cr, uid, node, view_id, context=None):
return self['ir.ui.view']._view__view_look_dom_arch(
cr, uid, self._name, node, view_id, context=context)
def search_count(self, cr, user, args, context=None):
if not context: