bzr revid: pinky-641dc4bad66d3273fda36e77c07572ce6353d013
This commit is contained in:
pinky 2007-01-07 23:59:27 +00:00
parent 5e48225be2
commit c65dd56c7d
1 changed files with 5 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -254,17 +254,17 @@ class rml_parse(object):
def _add_header(self, node):
rml_head = tools.file_open('custom/corporate_rml_header.rml').read()
head_dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(rml_head)
for frame in head_dom.getElementsByTagName('frame'):
#for frame in head_dom.getElementsByTagName('frame'):
# frame.parentNode.removeChild(frame)
node2 = head_dom.documentElement
for tag in node2.childNodes:
if tag.nodeType==tag.ELEMENT_NODE:
found = self._find_node(node, tag.localName)
rml_frames = found.getElementsByTagName('frame')
# rml_frames = found.getElementsByTagName('frame')
if found:
found.parentNode.replaceChild(tag, found)
for frame in rml_frames:
# for frame in rml_frames:
# tag.appendChild(frame)
return True
def preprocess(self, objects, data, ids):