[REF] First step, use the same vocabulary for the cr, uid, res_type and res_id

=> Session, Record.
* a Session is a container of one cursor and one user 
* a Record is a container for the res_type and res_id, in this object, the right
  names are model and id.


session = Session(cr, uid)
record = Record(res_type, res_id)
record.mode, record.id

A new class named 'WorkflowService' is a wrapper for the instance.* functions.

bzr revid: stw@openerp.com-20131023125343-uo0bq52n86ae0fb0
This commit is contained in:
Stephane Wirtel 2013-10-23 14:53:43 +02:00
parent 5696282656
commit c7afc04be3
6 changed files with 280 additions and 141 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
@ -15,16 +15,17 @@
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import instance
from openerp.workflow.service import WorkflowService
wkf_on_create_cache = {}
# The new API is in openerp.workflow.workflow_service
# OLD API of the Workflow
def clear_cache(cr, uid):
def trg_write(uid, res_type, res_id, cr):
@ -36,10 +37,7 @@ def trg_write(uid, res_type, res_id, cr):
:param res_id: the model instance id the workflow belongs to
:param cr: a database cursor
ident = (uid,res_type,res_id)
cr.execute('select id from wkf_instance where res_id=%s and res_type=%s and state=%s', (res_id or None,res_type or None, 'active'))
for (id,) in cr.fetchall():
instance.update(cr, id, ident)
return WorkflowService.new(cr, uid, res_type, res_id).write()
def trg_trigger(uid, res_type, res_id, cr):
@ -52,12 +50,7 @@ def trg_trigger(uid, res_type, res_id, cr):
:param res_id: the model instance id the workflow belongs to
:param cr: a database cursor
cr.execute('select instance_id from wkf_triggers where res_id=%s and model=%s', (res_id,res_type))
res = cr.fetchall()
for (instance_id,) in res:
cr.execute('select %s,res_type,res_id from wkf_instance where id=%s', (uid, instance_id,))
ident = cr.fetchone()
instance.update(cr, instance_id, ident)
return WorkflowService.new(cr, uid, res_type, res_id).trigger()
def trg_delete(uid, res_type, res_id, cr):
@ -67,8 +60,7 @@ def trg_delete(uid, res_type, res_id, cr):
:param res_id: the model instance id the workflow belongs to
:param cr: a database cursor
ident = (uid,res_type,res_id)
instance.delete(cr, ident)
return WorkflowService.new(cr, uid, res_type, res_id).delete()
def trg_create(uid, res_type, res_id, cr):
@ -78,16 +70,7 @@ def trg_create(uid, res_type, res_id, cr):
:param res_id: the model instance id to own the created worfklow instance
:param cr: a database cursor
ident = (uid,res_type,res_id)
wkf_on_create_cache.setdefault(cr.dbname, {})
if res_type in wkf_on_create_cache[cr.dbname]:
wkf_ids = wkf_on_create_cache[cr.dbname][res_type]
cr.execute('select id from wkf where osv=%s and on_create=True', (res_type,))
wkf_ids = cr.fetchall()
wkf_on_create_cache[cr.dbname][res_type] = wkf_ids
for (wkf_id,) in wkf_ids:
instance.create(cr, ident, wkf_id)
return WorkflowService.new(cr, uid, res_type, res_id).create()
def trg_validate(uid, res_type, res_id, signal, cr):
@ -98,14 +81,8 @@ def trg_validate(uid, res_type, res_id, signal, cr):
:signal: the signal name to be fired
:param cr: a database cursor
result = False
ident = (uid,res_type,res_id)
# ids of all active workflow instances for a corresponding resource (id, model_nam)
cr.execute('select id from wkf_instance where res_id=%s and res_type=%s and state=%s', (res_id, res_type, 'active'))
for (id,) in cr.fetchall():
res2 = instance.validate(cr, id, ident, signal)
result = result or res2
return result
assert isinstance(signal, basestring)
return WorkflowService.new(cr, uid, res_type, res_id).validate(signal)
def trg_redirect(uid, res_type, res_id, new_rid, cr):
@ -120,22 +97,7 @@ def trg_redirect(uid, res_type, res_id, new_rid, cr):
:param new_rid: the model instance id to own the worfklow instance
:param cr: a database cursor
# get ids of wkf instances for the old resource (res_id)
#CHECKME: shouldn't we get only active instances?
cr.execute('select id, wkf_id from wkf_instance where res_id=%s and res_type=%s', (res_id, res_type))
for old_inst_id, wkf_id in cr.fetchall():
# first active instance for new resource (new_rid), using same wkf
'SELECT id '\
'FROM wkf_instance '\
'WHERE res_id=%s AND res_type=%s AND wkf_id=%s AND state=%s',
(new_rid, res_type, wkf_id, 'active'))
new_id = cr.fetchone()
if new_id:
# select all workitems which "wait" for the old instance
cr.execute('select id from wkf_workitem where subflow_id=%s', (old_inst_id,))
for (item_id,) in cr.fetchall():
# redirect all those workitems to the wkf instance of the new resource
cr.execute('update wkf_workitem set subflow_id=%s where id=%s', (new_id[0], item_id))
assert isinstance(new_rid, (long, int))
return WorkflowService.new(cr, uid, res_type, res_id).redirect(new_rid)
# vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import openerp.sql_db
class Session(object):
def __init__(self, cr, uid):
assert isinstance(cr, openerp.sql_db.Cursor)
assert isinstance(uid, (int, long))
self.cr = cr
self.uid = uid
class Record(object):
def __init__(self, model, record_id):
assert isinstance(model, basestring)
assert isinstance(record_id, (int, long))
self.model = model
self.id = record_id

View File

@ -19,57 +19,84 @@
import workitem
from helpers import Session
from helpers import Record
def create(cr, ident, wkf_id):
(uid,res_type,res_id) = ident
cr.execute('insert into wkf_instance (res_type,res_id,uid,wkf_id) values (%s,%s,%s,%s) RETURNING id', (res_type,res_id,uid,wkf_id))
id_new = cr.fetchone()[0]
cr.execute('select * from wkf_activity where flow_start=True and wkf_id=%s', (wkf_id,))
res = cr.dictfetchall()
def create(session, record, workflow_id):
assert isinstance(session, Session)
assert isinstance(record, Record)
assert isinstance(workflow_id, (int, long))
cr = session.cr
cr.execute('insert into wkf_instance (res_type,res_id,uid,wkf_id) values (%s,%s,%s,%s) RETURNING id', (record.model, record.id, session.uid, workflow_id))
instance_id = cr.fetchone()[0]
cr.execute('select * from wkf_activity where flow_start=True and wkf_id=%s', (workflow_id,))
activities = cr.dictfetchall()
stack = []
workitem.create(cr, res, id_new, ident, stack=stack)
update(cr, id_new, ident)
return id_new
workitem.create(session, record, activities, instance_id, stack=stack)
update(session, record, instance_id)
return instance_id
def delete(cr, ident):
(uid,res_type,res_id) = ident
cr.execute('delete from wkf_instance where res_id=%s and res_type=%s', (res_id,res_type))
def delete(session, record):
assert isinstance(session, Session)
assert isinstance(record, Record)
def validate(cr, inst_id, ident, signal, force_running=False):
cr.execute("select * from wkf_workitem where inst_id=%s", (inst_id,))
session.cr.execute('delete from wkf_instance where res_id=%s and res_type=%s', (record.id, record.model))
def validate(session, record, instance_id, signal, force_running=False):
assert isinstance(session, Session)
assert isinstance(record, Record)
assert isinstance(instance_id, (long, int))
assert isinstance(signal, basestring)
assert isinstance(force_running, bool)
cr = session.cr
cr.execute("select * from wkf_workitem where inst_id=%s", (instance_id,))
stack = []
for witem in cr.dictfetchall():
for work_item in cr.dictfetchall():
stack = []
workitem.process(cr, witem, ident, signal, force_running, stack=stack)
workitem.process(session, record, work_item, signal, force_running, stack=stack)
# An action is returned
_update_end(cr, inst_id, ident)
_update_end(session, record, instance_id)
return stack and stack[0] or False
def update(cr, inst_id, ident):
cr.execute("select * from wkf_workitem where inst_id=%s", (inst_id,))
def update(session, record, instance_id):
assert isinstance(session, Session)
assert isinstance(record, Record)
assert isinstance(instance_id, (long, int))
cr = session.cr
cr.execute("select * from wkf_workitem where inst_id=%s", (instance_id,))
for witem in cr.dictfetchall():
stack = []
workitem.process(cr, witem, ident, stack=stack)
return _update_end(cr, inst_id, ident)
workitem.process(session, record, witem, stack=stack)
return _update_end(session, record, instance_id)
def _update_end(cr, inst_id, ident):
cr.execute('select wkf_id from wkf_instance where id=%s', (inst_id,))
def _update_end(session, record, instance_id):
assert isinstance(session, Session)
assert isinstance(record, Record)
assert isinstance(instance_id, (long, int))
cr = session.cr
cr.execute('select wkf_id from wkf_instance where id=%s', (instance_id,))
wkf_id = cr.fetchone()[0]
cr.execute('select state,flow_stop from wkf_workitem w left join wkf_activity a on (a.id=w.act_id) where w.inst_id=%s', (inst_id,))
cr.execute('select state,flow_stop from wkf_workitem w left join wkf_activity a on (a.id=w.act_id) where w.inst_id=%s', (instance_id,))
for r in cr.fetchall():
if (r[0]<>'complete') or not r[1]:
if ok:
cr.execute('select distinct a.name from wkf_activity a left join wkf_workitem w on (a.id=w.act_id) where w.inst_id=%s', (inst_id,))
cr.execute('select distinct a.name from wkf_activity a left join wkf_workitem w on (a.id=w.act_id) where w.inst_id=%s', (instance_id,))
act_names = cr.fetchall()
cr.execute("update wkf_instance set state='complete' where id=%s", (inst_id,))
cr.execute("update wkf_workitem set state='complete' where subflow_id=%s", (inst_id,))
cr.execute("select i.id,w.osv,i.res_id from wkf_instance i left join wkf w on (i.wkf_id=w.id) where i.id IN (select inst_id from wkf_workitem where subflow_id=%s)", (inst_id,))
for i in cr.fetchall():
cr.execute("update wkf_instance set state='complete' where id=%s", (instance_id,))
cr.execute("update wkf_workitem set state='complete' where subflow_id=%s", (instance_id,))
cr.execute("select i.id,w.osv,i.res_id from wkf_instance i left join wkf w on (i.wkf_id=w.id) where i.id IN (select inst_id from wkf_workitem where subflow_id=%s)", (instance_id,))
for cur_instance_id, cur_model_name, cur_record_id in cr.fetchall():
cur_record = Record(cur_model_name, cur_record_id)
for act_name in act_names:
validate(cr, i[0], (ident[0],i[1],i[2]), 'subflow.'+act_name[0])
validate(session, cur_record, cur_instance_id, 'subflow.%s' % act_name[0])
return ok

openerp/workflow/service.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-TODAY OpenERP S.A. (<http://openerp.com>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from helpers import Session
from helpers import Record
import instance
class WorkflowService(object):
CACHE = {}
def clear_cache(cls, dbname):
cls.CACHE[dbname] = {}
def new(cls, cr, uid, model_name, record_id):
return cls(Session(cr, uid), Record(model_name, record_id))
def __init__(self, session, record):
assert isinstance(session, Session)
assert isinstance(record, Record)
self.session = session
self.record = record
self.cr = self.session.cr
def write(self):
self.cr.execute('select id from wkf_instance where res_id=%s and res_type=%s and state=%s',
(self.record.id or None, self.record.model or None, 'active')
for (instance_id,) in self.cr.fetchall():
instance.update(self.session, self.record, instance_id)
def trigger(self):
self.cr.execute('select instance_id from wkf_triggers where res_id=%s and model=%s', (self.record.id, self.record.model))
res = self.cr.fetchall()
for (instance_id,) in res:
self.cr.execute('select %s,res_type,res_id from wkf_instance where id=%s', (self.session.uid, instance_id,))
current_uid, current_model_name, current_record_id = self.cr.fetchone()
current_session = Session(self.session.cr, current_uid)
current_record = Record(current_model_name, current_record_id)
instance.update(current_session, current_record, instance_id)
def delete(self):
instance.delete(self.session, self.record)
def create(self):
WorkflowService.CACHE.setdefault(self.cr.dbname, {})
wkf_ids = WorkflowService.CACHE[self.cr.dbname].get(self.record.model, None)
if not wkf_ids:
self.cr.execute('select id from wkf where osv=%s and on_create=True', (self.record.model,))
wkf_ids = self.cr.fetchall()
WorkflowService.CACHE[self.cr.dbname][self.record.model] = wkf_ids
for (wkf_id, ) in wkf_ids:
instance.create(self.session, self.record, wkf_id)
def validate(self, signal):
result = False
# ids of all active workflow instances for a corresponding resource (id, model_nam)
self.cr.execute('select id from wkf_instance where res_id=%s and res_type=%s and state=%s', (self.record.id, self.record.model, 'active'))
for (instance_id,) in self.cr.fetchall():
res2 = instance.validate(self.session, self.record, instance_id, signal)
result = result or res2
return result
def redirect(self, new_rid):
# get ids of wkf instances for the old resource (res_id)
# CHECKME: shouldn't we get only active instances?
self.cr.execute('select id, wkf_id from wkf_instance where res_id=%s and res_type=%s', (self.record.id, self.record.model))
for old_inst_id, workflow_id in self.cr.fetchall():
# first active instance for new resource (new_rid), using same wkf
'SELECT id '\
'FROM wkf_instance '\
'WHERE res_id=%s AND res_type=%s AND wkf_id=%s AND state=%s',
(new_rid, self.record.model, workflow_id, 'active'))
new_id = self.cr.fetchone()
if new_id:
# select all workitems which "wait" for the old instance
self.cr.execute('select id from wkf_workitem where subflow_id=%s', (old_inst_id,))
for (item_id,) in self.cr.fetchall():
# redirect all those workitems to the wkf instance of the new resource
self.cr.execute('update wkf_workitem set subflow_id=%s where id=%s', (new_id[0], item_id))

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
@ -51,13 +51,12 @@ class Env(dict):
return super(Env, self).__getitem__(key)
def _eval_expr(cr, ident, workitem, lines):
def _eval_expr(session, record, workitem, lines):
Evaluate each line of ``lines`` with the ``Env`` environment, returning
the value of the last line.
assert lines, 'You used a NULL action in a workflow, use dummy node instead.'
uid, model, id = ident
result = False
for line in lines.split('\n'):
line = line.strip()
@ -68,30 +67,29 @@ def _eval_expr(cr, ident, workitem, lines):
elif line == 'False':
result = False
env = Env(cr, uid, model, id)
env = Env(session.cr, session.uid, record.model, record.id)
result = eval(line, env, nocopy=True)
return result
def execute_action(cr, ident, workitem, activity):
def execute_action(session, record, workitem, activity):
Evaluate the ir.actions.server action specified in the activity.
uid, model, id = ident
ir_actions_server = openerp.registry(cr.dbname)['ir.actions.server']
context = { 'active_model': model, 'active_id': id, 'active_ids': [id] }
result = ir_actions_server.run(cr, uid, [activity['action_id']], context)
ir_actions_server = openerp.registry(session.cr.dbname)['ir.actions.server']
context = { 'active_model': record.model, 'active_id': record.id, 'active_ids': [record.id] }
result = ir_actions_server.run(session.cr, session.uid, [activity['action_id']], context)
return result
def execute(cr, ident, workitem, activity):
def execute(session, record, workitem, activity):
Evaluate the action specified in the activity.
return _eval_expr(cr, ident, workitem, activity['action'])
return _eval_expr(session, record, workitem, activity['action'])
def check(cr, workitem, ident, transition, signal):
def check(session, record, workitem, transition, signal):
Test if a transition can be taken. The transition can be taken if:
- the signal name matches,
- the uid is SUPERUSER_ID or the user groups contains the transition's
@ -100,14 +98,13 @@ def check(cr, workitem, ident, transition, signal):
if transition['signal'] and signal != transition['signal']:
return False
uid = ident[0]
if uid != openerp.SUPERUSER_ID and transition['group_id']:
registry = openerp.registry(cr.dbname)
user_groups = registry['res.users'].read(cr, uid, [uid], ['groups_id'])[0]['groups_id']
if session.uid != openerp.SUPERUSER_ID and transition['group_id']:
registry = openerp.registry(session.cr.dbname)
user_groups = registry['res.users'].read(session.cr, session.uid, [session.uid], ['groups_id'])[0]['groups_id']
if transition['group_id'] not in user_groups:
return False
return _eval_expr(cr, ident, workitem, transition['condition'])
return _eval_expr(session, record, workitem, transition['condition'])
# vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
@ -28,41 +28,59 @@ import logging
import instance
import wkf_expr
from helpers import Session
from helpers import Record
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def create(cr, act_datas, inst_id, ident, stack):
for act in act_datas:
def create(session, record, activities, instance_id, stack):
assert isinstance(session, Session)
assert isinstance(record, Record)
assert isinstance(activities, list)
assert isinstance(instance_id, (long, int))
assert isinstance(stack, list)
cr = session.cr
ident = session.uid, record.model, record.id
for activity in activities:
cr.execute("select nextval('wkf_workitem_id_seq')")
id_new = cr.fetchone()[0]
cr.execute("insert into wkf_workitem (id,act_id,inst_id,state) values (%s,%s,%s,'active')", (id_new, act['id'], inst_id))
cr.execute("insert into wkf_workitem (id,act_id,inst_id,state) values (%s,%s,%s,'active')", (id_new, activity['id'], instance_id))
cr.execute('select * from wkf_workitem where id=%s',(id_new,))
res = cr.dictfetchone()
work_item = cr.dictfetchone()
logger.info('Created workflow item in activity %s',
act['id'], extra={'ident': ident})
process(cr, res, ident, stack=stack)
extra={'ident': (session.uid, record.model, record.id)})
process(session, record, work_item, stack=stack)
def process(session, record, workitem, signal=None, force_running=False, stack=None):
assert isinstance(session, Session)
assert isinstance(record, Record)
assert isinstance(force_running, bool)
def process(cr, workitem, ident, signal=None, force_running=False, stack=None):
assert stack is not None
cr = session.cr
cr.execute('select * from wkf_activity where id=%s', (workitem['act_id'],))
activity = cr.dictfetchone()
triggers = False
if workitem['state'] == 'active':
triggers = True
if not _execute(cr, workitem, activity, ident, stack):
if not _execute(session, record, workitem, activity, stack):
return False
if force_running or workitem['state'] == 'complete':
ok = _split_test(cr, workitem, activity['split_mode'], ident, signal, stack)
ok = _split_test(session, record, workitem, activity['split_mode'], signal, stack)
triggers = triggers and not ok
if triggers:
cr.execute('select * from wkf_transition where act_from=%s', (workitem['act_id'],))
for trans in cr.dictfetchall():
if trans['trigger_model']:
ids = wkf_expr._eval_expr(cr,ident,workitem,trans['trigger_expr_id'])
ids = wkf_expr._eval_expr(session, record, workitem, trans['trigger_expr_id'])
for res_id in ids:
cr.execute('select nextval(\'wkf_triggers_id_seq\')')
id =cr.fetchone()[0]
@ -73,26 +91,32 @@ def process(cr, workitem, ident, signal=None, force_running=False, stack=None):
# ---------------------- PRIVATE FUNCS --------------------------------
def _state_set(cr, workitem, activity, state, ident):
cr.execute('update wkf_workitem set state=%s where id=%s', (state,workitem['id']))
workitem['state'] = state
logger.info("Changed state of work item %s to \"%s\" in activity %s",
workitem['id'], state, activity['id'], extra={'ident': ident})
# def new_state_set(session, record, workitem, activity, state):
def _execute(cr, workitem, activity, ident, stack):
def _state_set(session, record, workitem, activity, state):
session.cr.execute('update wkf_workitem set state=%s where id=%s', (state, workitem['id']))
workitem['state'] = state
logger.info('Changed state of work item %s to "%s" in activity %s',
workitem['id'], state, activity['id'],
extra={'ident': (session.uid, record.model, record.id)})
def _execute(session, record, workitem, activity, stack):
result = True
# send a signal to parent workflow (signal: subflow.signal_name)
cr = session.cr
ident = (session.uid, record.model, record.id)
signal_todo = []
if (workitem['state']=='active') and activity['signal_send']:
cr.execute("select i.id,w.osv,i.res_id from wkf_instance i left join wkf w on (i.wkf_id=w.id) where i.id IN (select inst_id from wkf_workitem where subflow_id=%s)", (workitem['inst_id'],))
for i in cr.fetchall():
signal_todo.append((i[0], (ident[0],i[1],i[2]), activity['signal_send']))
for instance_id, model_name, record_id in cr.fetchall():
record = Record(model_name, record_id)
signal_todo.append((instance_id, record, activity['signal_send']))
if activity['kind']=='dummy':
if workitem['state']=='active':
_state_set(cr, workitem, activity, 'complete', ident)
_state_set(session, record, workitem, activity, 'complete')
if activity['action_id']:
res2 = wkf_expr.execute_action(cr, ident, workitem, activity)
if res2:
@ -100,29 +124,29 @@ def _execute(cr, workitem, activity, ident, stack):
elif activity['kind']=='function':
if workitem['state']=='active':
_state_set(cr, workitem, activity, 'running', ident)
returned_action = wkf_expr.execute(cr, ident, workitem, activity)
_state_set(session, record, workitem, activity, 'running')
returned_action = wkf_expr.execute(session, record, workitem, activity)
if type(returned_action) in (dict,):
if activity['action_id']:
res2 = wkf_expr.execute_action(cr, ident, workitem, activity)
res2 = wkf_expr.execute_action(session, record, workitem, activity)
# A client action has been returned
if res2:
_state_set(cr, workitem, activity, 'complete', ident)
_state_set(session, record, workitem, activity, 'complete')
elif activity['kind']=='stopall':
if workitem['state']=='active':
_state_set(cr, workitem, activity, 'running', ident)
_state_set(session, record, workitem, activity, 'running')
cr.execute('delete from wkf_workitem where inst_id=%s and id<>%s', (workitem['inst_id'], workitem['id']))
if activity['action']:
wkf_expr.execute(cr, ident, workitem, activity)
_state_set(cr, workitem, activity, 'complete', ident)
wkf_expr.execute(session, record, workitem, activity)
_state_set(session, record, workitem, activity, 'complete')
elif activity['kind']=='subflow':
if workitem['state']=='active':
_state_set(cr, workitem, activity, 'running', ident)
_state_set(session, record, workitem, activity, 'running')
if activity.get('action', False):
id_new = wkf_expr.execute(cr, ident, workitem, activity)
id_new = wkf_expr.execute(session, record, workitem, activity)
if not id_new:
cr.execute('delete from wkf_workitem where id=%s', (workitem['id'],))
return False
@ -130,27 +154,29 @@ def _execute(cr, workitem, activity, ident, stack):
cr.execute('select id from wkf_instance where res_id=%s and wkf_id=%s', (id_new,activity['subflow_id']))
id_new = cr.fetchone()[0]
id_new = instance.create(cr, ident, activity['subflow_id'])
id_new = instance.create(session, record, activity['subflow_id'])
cr.execute('update wkf_workitem set subflow_id=%s where id=%s', (id_new, workitem['id']))
workitem['subflow_id'] = id_new
if workitem['state']=='running':
cr.execute("select state from wkf_instance where id=%s", (workitem['subflow_id'],))
state= cr.fetchone()[0]
if state=='complete':
_state_set(cr, workitem, activity, 'complete', ident)
for t in signal_todo:
instance.validate(cr, t[0], t[1], t[2], force_running=True)
_state_set(session, record, workitem, activity, 'complete')
for instance_id, record, signal_send in signal_todo:
instance.validate(session, record, signal_send, force_running=True)
return result
def _split_test(cr, workitem, split_mode, ident, signal=None, stack=None):
def _split_test(session, record, workitem, split_mode, signal, stack):
cr = session.cr
cr.execute('select * from wkf_transition where act_from=%s', (workitem['act_id'],))
test = False
transitions = []
alltrans = cr.dictfetchall()
if split_mode=='XOR' or split_mode=='OR':
for transition in alltrans:
if wkf_expr.check(cr, workitem, ident, transition,signal):
if wkf_expr.check(session, record, workitem, transition,signal):
test = True
transitions.append((transition['id'], workitem['inst_id']))
if split_mode=='XOR':
@ -158,7 +184,7 @@ def _split_test(cr, workitem, split_mode, ident, signal=None, stack=None):
test = True
for transition in alltrans:
if not wkf_expr.check(cr, workitem, ident, transition,signal):
if not wkf_expr.check(session, record, workitem, transition,signal):
test = False
cr.execute('select count(*) from wkf_witm_trans where trans_id=%s and inst_id=%s', (transition['id'], workitem['inst_id']))
@ -168,15 +194,17 @@ def _split_test(cr, workitem, split_mode, ident, signal=None, stack=None):
cr.executemany('insert into wkf_witm_trans (trans_id,inst_id) values (%s,%s)', transitions)
cr.execute('delete from wkf_workitem where id=%s', (workitem['id'],))
for t in transitions:
_join_test(cr, t[0], t[1], ident, stack)
_join_test(session, record, t[0], t[1], stack)
return True
return False
def _join_test(cr, trans_id, inst_id, ident, stack):
def _join_test(session, record, trans_id, inst_id, stack):
# cr, trans_id, inst_id, ident, stack):
cr = session.cr
cr.execute('select * from wkf_activity where id=(select act_to from wkf_transition where id=%s)', (trans_id,))
activity = cr.dictfetchone()
if activity['join_mode']=='XOR':
create(cr,[activity], inst_id, ident, stack)
create(session, record, [activity], inst_id, stack)
cr.execute('delete from wkf_witm_trans where inst_id=%s and trans_id=%s', (inst_id,trans_id))
cr.execute('select id from wkf_transition where act_to=%s', (activity['id'],))
@ -191,7 +219,7 @@ def _join_test(cr, trans_id, inst_id, ident, stack):
if ok:
for (id,) in trans_ids:
cr.execute('delete from wkf_witm_trans where trans_id=%s and inst_id=%s', (id,inst_id))
create(cr, [activity], inst_id, ident, stack)
create(session, record, [activity], inst_id, stack)
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