[FIX] Load all directories in the addons by the setup

lp bug: https://launchpad.net/bugs/303517 fixed

bzr revid: stephane@tinyerp.com-20081201113848-6hnlkurpq8z30u73
This commit is contained in:
Stephane Wirtel 2008-12-01 12:38:48 +01:00
parent d95275e14a
commit d41f31cbfe
1 changed files with 9 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -77,10 +77,9 @@ def check_modules():
def find_addons():
for (dp, dn, names) in os.walk(opj('bin', 'addons')):
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dp):
if '__init__.py' in filenames:
modname = dirpath.replace(os.path.sep, '.')
yield modname.replace('bin', 'openerp-server', 1)
if '__init__.py' in names:
modname = dp.replace(os.path.sep, '.').replace('bin', 'openerp-server', 1)
yield modname
def data_files():
'''Build list of data files to be installed'''
@ -89,12 +88,10 @@ def data_files():
for (dp,dn,names) in os.walk('addons'):
files.append((dp, map(lambda x: opj('bin', dp, x), names)))
for (dp,dn,names) in os.walk('i18n'):
files.append((dp, map(lambda x: opj('bin', dp, x), names)))
for (dp,dn,names) in os.walk('doc'):
files.append((dp, map(lambda x: opj(dp, x), names)))
files.append(('.', [('bin/import_xml.rng')]))
files.append(('.', [(opj('bin', 'import_xml.rng'))]))
man_directory = opj('share', 'man')
files.append((opj(man_directory, 'man1'), ['man/openerp-server.1']))
@ -107,44 +104,17 @@ def data_files():
openerp_site_packages = opj('lib', 'python%s' % py_short_version, 'site-packages', 'openerp-server')
files.append((opj(openerp_site_packages, 'i18n'), glob.glob('bin/i18n/*')))
files.append((opj(openerp_site_packages, 'addons', 'custom'),
glob.glob('bin/addons/custom/*xml') + glob.glob('bin/addons/custom/*rml') + glob.glob('bin/addons/custom/*xsl')))
files.append((openerp_site_packages, [('bin/import_xml.rng')]))
for addon in find_addons():
add_path = addon.replace('.', os.path.sep).replace('openerp-server', 'bin', 1)
addon_path = opj('lib', 'python%s' % py_short_version, 'site-packages', add_path.replace('bin', 'openerp-server', 1))
pathfiles = [
glob.glob(opj(add_path, '*xml')) +
glob.glob(opj(add_path, '*csv')) +
glob.glob(opj(add_path, '*sql'))
opj(addon_path, 'data'),
glob.glob(opj(add_path, 'data', '*xml'))
opj(addon_path, 'report'),
glob.glob(opj(add_path, 'report', '*xml')) +
glob.glob(opj(add_path, 'report', '*rml')) +
glob.glob(opj(add_path, 'report', '*sxw')) +
glob.glob(opj(add_path, 'report', '*xsl'))
opj(addon_path, 'security'),
glob.glob(opj(add_path, 'security', '*csv')) +
glob.glob(opj(add_path, 'security', '*xml'))
opj(addon_path, 'rng'),
glob.glob(opj(add_path, 'rng', '*rng'))
pathfiles = []
for root, dirs, innerfiles in os.walk(add_path):
innerfiles = filter(lambda file: os.path.splitext(file)[1] not in ('.pyc', '.py', '.pyd', '.pyo'), innerfiles)
if innerfiles:
pathfiles.extend(((opj(addon_path, root.replace('bin/addons/', '')), map(lambda file: opj(root, file), innerfiles)),))
return files
@ -157,15 +127,12 @@ f.close()
class openerp_server_install(install):
def run(self):
from pprint import pprint as pp
# create startup script
start_script = "#!/bin/sh\ncd %s\nexec %s ./openerp-server.py $@\n" % (opj(self.install_libbase, "openerp-server"), sys.executable)
# write script
f = open('openerp-server', 'w')
options = {