[REF] expression: comments, minor changes.

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Vo Minh Thu 2011-08-11 11:31:36 +02:00
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@ -20,10 +20,65 @@
""" Domain expression processing
The main duty of this module is to compile a domain expression into a SQL
query. A lot of things should be documented here, but as a first step in the
right direction, some tests in test_osv_expression.yml might give you some
additional information.
For legacy reasons, a domain uses an inconsistent two-levels abstract syntax
(domains are regular Python data structures). At the first level, a domain
is an expression made of terms (sometimes called leaves) and (domain) operators
used in prefix notation. The available operators at this level are '!', '&',
and '|'. '!' is a unary 'not', '&' is a binary 'and', and '|' is a binary 'or'.
For instance, here is a possible domain. (<term> stands for an arbitrary term,
more on this later.)
['&', '!', <term1>, '|', <term2>, <term3>]
It is equivalent to this pseudo code using infix notation:
(not <term1>) and (<term2> or <term3>)
The second level of syntax deals with the term representation. A term is
a triple of the form (left, operator, right). That is, a term uses an infix
notation, and the available operators, and possible left and right operands
differ with those of the previous level. Here is a possible term:
('company_id.name', '=', 'OpenERP')
The left and right operand don't have the same possible values. The left
operand is field name (related to the model for which the domain applies).
Actually, the field name can use the dot-notation to traverse relationships.
The right operand is a Python value whose type should match the used operator
and field type. In the above example, a string is used because the name field
of a company has type string, and because we use the '=' operator. When
appropriate, a 'in' operator can be used, and thus the right operand should be
a list.
Note: the non-uniform syntax could have been more uniform, but this would hide
an important limitation of the domain syntax. Say that the term representation
was ['=', 'company_id.name', 'OpenERP']. Used in a complete domain, this would
look like:
['!', ['=', 'company_id.name', 'OpenERP']]
and you would be tempted to believe something like this would be possible:
['!', ['=', 'company_id.name', ['&', ..., ...]]]
That is, a domain could be a valid operand. But this is not the case. A domain
is really limited to a two-level nature, and can not takes a recursive form: a
domain is not a valid second-level operand.
import logging
from openerp.tools import flatten, reverse_enumerate
import fields
import openerp.modules
#.apidoc title: Domain Expressions
@ -31,8 +86,19 @@ NOT_OPERATOR = '!'
# This doesn't contain <> as it is simpified to != by normalize_operator().
# List of available term operators. It is also possible to use the '<>'
# operator, which is strictly the same as '!='; the later should be prefered
# for consistency. This list doesn't contain '<>' as it is simpified to '!='
# by the normalize_operator() function (so later part of the code deals with
# only one representation).
# An internal (i.e. not available to the user) 'inselect' operator is also
# used. In this case its right operand has the form (subselect, params).
OPS = ('=', '!=', '<=', '<', '>', '>=', '=?', '=like', '=ilike', 'like', 'not like', 'ilike', 'not ilike', 'in', 'not in', 'child_of')
# A subset of the above operators, with a 'negative' semantic. When the
# expressions 'in NEGATIVE_OPS' or 'not in NEGATIVE_OPS' are used in the code
# below, this doesn't necessarily mean that any of those NEGATIVE_OPS is
# legal in the processed term.
NEGATIVE_OPS = ('!=', 'not like', 'not ilike', 'not in')
TRUE_LEAF = (1, '=', 1)
@ -105,10 +171,17 @@ def OR(domains):
return combine(OR_OPERATOR, FALSE_DOMAIN, TRUE_DOMAIN, domains)
def is_operator(element):
""" Test whether an object is a valid domain operator. """
return isinstance(element, (str, unicode)) and element in [AND_OPERATOR, OR_OPERATOR, NOT_OPERATOR]
# TODO change the share wizard to use this function.
def is_leaf(element, internal=False):
""" Test whether an object is a valid domain term.
:param internal: allow or not the 'inselect' internal operator in the term.
This normally should be always left to False.
INTERNAL_OPS = OPS + ('inselect',)
return (isinstance(element, tuple) or isinstance(element, list)) \
and len(element) == 3 \
@ -116,6 +189,9 @@ def is_leaf(element, internal=False):
or (internal and element[1] in INTERNAL_OPS + ('<>',)))
def normalize_leaf(left, operator, right):
""" Change a term's operator to some canonical form, simplifying later
original = operator
operator = operator.lower()
if operator == '<>':
@ -130,6 +206,17 @@ def normalize_leaf(left, operator, right):
def distribute_not(domain):
""" Distribute the '!' operator on a normalized domain.
Because we don't use SQL semantic for processing a 'left not in right'
query (i.e. our 'not in' is not simply translated to a SQL 'not in'),
it means that a '! left in right' can not be simply processed
by __leaf_to_sql by first emitting code for 'left in right' then wrapping
the result with 'not (...)', as it would result in a 'not in' at the SQL
This function is thus responsible for pushing the '!' operator inside the
def negate(leaf):
left, operator, right = leaf
@ -199,6 +286,7 @@ class expression(object):
def __init__(self, cr, uid, exp, table, context):
self.has_unaccent = openerp.modules.registry.RegistryManager.get(cr.dbname).has_unaccent
self.__field_tables = {} # used to store the table to use for the sql generation. key = index of the leaf
self.__all_tables = set()
self.__joins = []
@ -214,6 +302,8 @@ class expression(object):
def parse(self, cr, uid, exp, table, context):
""" transform the leafs of the expression """
self.__exp = exp
self.__main_table = table
def child_of_domain(left, right, table, parent=None, prefix=''):
ids = right
@ -237,19 +327,16 @@ class expression(object):
return [(left, 'in', rg(ids, table, parent or table._parent_name))]
# TODO rename this function as it is not strictly for 'child_of', but also for 'in'...
def child_of_right_to_ids(value, operator, field_obj):
def child_of_right_to_ids(value, field_obj):
""" Normalize a single id, or a string, or a list of ids to a list of ids.
if isinstance(value, basestring):
return [x[0] for x in field_obj.name_search(cr, uid, value, [], operator, context=context, limit=None)]
return [x[0] for x in field_obj.name_search(cr, uid, value, [], 'ilike', context=context, limit=None)]
elif isinstance(value, (int, long)):
return [value]
return list(value)
self.__main_table = table
i = -1
while i + 1<len(self.__exp):
i += 1
@ -288,7 +375,7 @@ class expression(object):
if not field:
if left == 'id' and operator == 'child_of':
ids2 = child_of_right_to_ids(right, 'ilike', table)
ids2 = child_of_right_to_ids(right, table)
dom = child_of_domain(left, ids2, working_table)
self.__exp = self.__exp[:i] + dom + self.__exp[i+1:]
@ -330,10 +417,10 @@ class expression(object):
# Applying recursivity on field(one2many)
if operator == 'child_of':
if field._obj != working_table._name:
ids2 = child_of_right_to_ids(right, 'ilike', field_obj)
ids2 = child_of_right_to_ids(right, field_obj)
dom = child_of_domain(left, ids2, field_obj, prefix=field._obj)
ids2 = child_of_right_to_ids(right, 'ilike', field_obj)
ids2 = child_of_right_to_ids(right, field_obj)
dom = child_of_domain('id', ids2, working_table, parent=left)
self.__exp = self.__exp[:i] + dom + self.__exp[i+1:]
@ -372,7 +459,7 @@ class expression(object):
return ids
return select_from_where(cr, field._id1, field._rel, field._id2, ids, operator)
ids2 = child_of_right_to_ids(right, 'ilike', field_obj)
ids2 = child_of_right_to_ids(right, field_obj)
dom = child_of_domain('id', ids2, field_obj)
ids2 = field_obj.search(cr, uid, dom, context=context)
self.__exp[i] = ('id', 'in', _rec_convert(ids2))
@ -406,7 +493,7 @@ class expression(object):
elif field._type == 'many2one':
if operator == 'child_of':
ids2 = child_of_right_to_ids(right, 'ilike', field_obj)
ids2 = child_of_right_to_ids(right, field_obj)
if field._obj != working_table._name:
dom = child_of_domain(left, ids2, field_obj, prefix=field._obj)
@ -470,7 +557,7 @@ class expression(object):
operator = operator == '=like' and 'like' or operator
query1 = '( SELECT res_id' \
subselect = '( SELECT res_id' \
' FROM ir_translation' \
' WHERE name = %s' \
' AND lang = %s' \
@ -479,26 +566,26 @@ class expression(object):
#Covering in,not in operators with operands (%s,%s) ,etc.
if operator in ['in','not in']:
instr = ','.join(['%s'] * len(right))
query1 += ' AND value ' + operator + ' ' +" (" + instr + ")" \
subselect += ' AND value ' + operator + ' ' +" (" + instr + ")" \
') UNION (' \
' SELECT id' \
' FROM "' + working_table._table + '"' \
' WHERE "' + left + '" ' + operator + ' ' +" (" + instr + "))"
query1 += ' AND value ' + operator + instr + \
subselect += ' AND value ' + operator + instr + \
') UNION (' \
' SELECT id' \
' FROM "' + working_table._table + '"' \
' WHERE "' + left + '" ' + operator + instr + ")"
query2 = [working_table._name + ',' + left,
params = [working_table._name + ',' + left,
context.get('lang', False) or 'en_US',
self.__exp[i] = ('id', 'inselect', (query1, query2))
self.__exp[i] = ('id', 'inselect', (subselect, params))
def __leaf_to_sql(self, leaf, table):
left, operator, right = leaf
@ -626,14 +713,13 @@ class expression(object):
q, p = self.__leaf_to_sql(e, table)
params.insert(0, p)
elif e == NOT_OPERATOR:
stack.append('(NOT (%s))' % (stack.pop(),))
stack.append('(NOT (%s))' % (stack.pop(),))
q1 = stack.pop()
q2 = stack.pop()
stack.append('(%s %s %s)' % (q1, ops[e], q2,))
q1 = stack.pop()
q2 = stack.pop()
stack.append('(%s %s %s)' % (q1, ops[e], q2,))
assert len(stack) == 1
query = stack[0]