[IMP] orm.search: improved support for "order" param: multiple fields, m2o fields, stored function fields, inherited fields

Hopefully this is stable already, otherwise do not hesitate to yell at me ;-)

bzr revid: odo@openerp.com-20100917144807-xvzhdqbk1d6izr9n
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Olivier Dony 2010-09-17 16:48:07 +02:00
parent cd3692125f
commit dcc4e7873e
1 changed files with 78 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -2314,7 +2314,7 @@ class orm(orm_template):
:param tables: list of table._table names enclosed in double quotes as returned
by _where_calc()
:param where_clause: current list of WHERE clause params
:return: (table, where_clause, qualified_field) where ``table`` and ``where_clause`` are the updated
:return: (tables, where_clause, qualified_field) where ``tables`` and ``where_clause`` are the updated
versions of the parameters, and ``qualified_field`` is the qualified name of ``field``
in the form ``table.field``, to be referenced in queries.
@ -3926,7 +3926,7 @@ class orm(orm_template):
def _check_qorder(self, word):
if not regex_order.match(word):
raise except_orm(_('AccessError'), _('Bad query.'))
raise except_orm(_('AccessError'), _('Invalid "order" specified. A valid "order" specification is a comma-separated list of valid field names (optionally followed by asc/desc for the direction)'))
return True
def _apply_ir_rules(self, cr, uid, where_clause, where_clause_params, tables, mode='read', model_name=None, context=None):
@ -3952,6 +3952,79 @@ class orm(orm_template):
return True
return False
def _generate_m2o_order_by(self, order_field, tables, where_clause):
Add possibly missing JOIN and generate the ORDER BY clause for m2o fields,
either native m2o fields or function/related fields that are stored, including
intermediate JOINs for inheritance if required.
if order_field not in self._columns and order_field in self._inherit_fields:
# also add missing joins for reaching the table containing the m2o field
tables, where_clause, qualified_field = self._inherits_join_calc(order_field, tables, where_clause)
order_field_column = self._inherit_fields[order_field][2]
qualified_field = '"%s"."%s"' % (self._table, order_field)
order_field_column = self._columns[order_field]
assert order_field_column._type == 'many2one', 'Invalid field passed to _generate_m2o_order_by()'
assert order_field_column._classic_write or getattr(order_field_column, 'store', False), "Many2one function/related fields must be stored to be used as ordering fields"
# figure out the applicable order_by for the m2o
dest_model = self.pool.get(order_field_column._obj)
m2o_order = dest_model._order
if not regex_order.match(m2o_order):
# _order is complex, can't use it here, so we default to _rec_name
m2o_order = dest_model._rec_name
# extract the first field name, to be able to qualify it and add desc/asc
m2o_order = m2o_order.split(",",1)[0].strip().split(" ",1)[0]
# the perhaps missing join:
quoted_model_table = '"%s"' % dest_model._table
if quoted_model_table not in tables:
where_clause.append('%s = %s.id' % (qualified_field, quoted_model_table))
return ('%s.%s' % (quoted_model_table, m2o_order), tables, where_clause)
def _generate_order_by(self, order_spec, tables, where_clause):
Attempt to consruct an appropriate ORDER BY clause based on order_spec, which must be
a comma-separated list of valid field names, optionally followed by an ASC or DESC direction.
:raise" except_orm in case order_spec is malformed
order_by_clause = self._order
if order_spec:
order_by_elements = []
for order_part in order_spec.split(','):
order_split = order_part.strip().split(' ')
order_field = order_split[0].strip()
order_direction = order_split[1].strip() if len(order_split) == 2 else ''
if order_field in self._columns:
order_column = self._columns[order_field]
if order_column._classic_read:
order_by_clause = '"%s"."%s"' % (self._table, order_field)
elif order_column._type == 'many2one':
order_by_clause, tables, where_clause = self._generate_m2o_order_by(order_field, tables, where_clause)
continue # ignore non-readable or "non-joignable" fields
elif order_field in self._inherit_fields:
parent_obj = self.pool.get(self._inherit_fields[order_field][0])
order_column = parent_obj._columns[order_field]
if order_column._classic_read:
tables, where_clause, order_by_clause = self._inherits_join_calc(order_field, tables, where_clause)
elif order_column._type == 'many2one':
order_by_clause, tables, where_clause = self._generate_m2o_order_by(order_field, tables, where_clause)
continue # ignore non-readable or "non-joignable" fields
order_by_elements.append("%s %s" % (order_by_clause, order_direction))
order_by_clause = ",".join(order_by_elements)
return order_by_clause and (' ORDER BY %s ' % order_by_clause) or ''
def _search(self, cr, user, args, offset=0, limit=None, order=None, context=None, count=False, access_rights_uid=None):
Private implementation of search() method, allowing specifying the uid to use for the access right check.
@ -3982,35 +4055,17 @@ class orm(orm_template):
tables = list(set(tables).union(set(previous_tables)))
where = where_clause
order_by = self._order
if order:
o = order.split(' ')[0]
if (o in self._columns):
# we can only do efficient sort if the fields is stored in database
if getattr(self._columns[o], '_classic_read'):
order_by = order
elif (o in self._inherit_fields):
parent_obj = self.pool.get(self._inherit_fields[o][0])
if getattr(parent_obj._columns[o], '_classic_read'):
# Allowing inherits'ed field for server side sorting, if they can be sorted by the dbms
inherited_tables, inherit_join, order_by = self._inherits_join_calc(o, tables, where_clause)
order_by = self._generate_order_by(order, tables, where_clause)
limit_str = limit and ' limit %d' % limit or ''
offset_str = offset and ' offset %d' % offset or ''
if where:
where_str = " WHERE %s" % " AND ".join(where)
where_str = ""
where_str = where and (" WHERE %s" % " AND ".join(where)) or ''
if count:
cr.execute('select count(%s.id) from ' % self._table +
','.join(tables) + where_str + limit_str + offset_str, where_clause_params)
res = cr.fetchall()
return res[0][0]
cr.execute('select %s.id from ' % self._table + ','.join(tables) + where_str +' order by '+order_by+limit_str+offset_str, where_clause_params)
cr.execute('select %s.id from ' % self._table + ','.join(tables) + where_str + order_by + limit_str+offset_str, where_clause_params)
res = cr.fetchall()
return [x[0] for x in res]